Kirby Right Back At Ya! Seaso...

By FluffyChocolate777

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Kirby's new adventure in Cappy Town with a new enemy, Haltmann! King Dedede signs a contract with Haltmann so... More

Author's Note
To my readers, followers, and passers
Episode 1: Haltmann Works Company
Episode 2: Smart Secretary Susie's Sly Steal - Part 1
Episode 3: Smart Secretary Susie's Sly Steal - Part 2
Episode 4: Dyna Chick's Mini Adventure
Episode 5: Golf Course You Can!
Episode 6: Knightclub
Episode 7: A Cat Named Pooch
Episode 8: Star Warriors, Same Worries
Episode 9: It's All In The (Cook) Book!
Episode 10: Take A Chill Pill
Episode 11: Galacta Knight: Galaxy's Villain - Part 1
Episode 12: Galacta Knight: Galaxy's Villain - Part 2
Episode 13: Outfought Robobot
Episode 14: Seventopia
Episode 15: Warp Star Upgrade!
Episode 16: Robobot Armor
Episode 17: Dark Shadow
Episode 18: E-scar-goat
Episode 19: Varie-Tee of Waddle Dee
Episode 20: Crown for Clown
Episode 21: Yamikage's Revenge
Episode 22: Bulls-eye: Part 1
Episode 23: Bulls-eye: Part 2
Episode 24: Armor vs. Armor
Episode 25: Flashback's Payback
Episode 26: Dedede-stroying Dedede-pression
Episode 27: Channel vs. Channel
Episode 28: Sleep With Fishies~
Chapter 29: Leaders-whip
Episode 30: Spook Camp
Episode 31: Naturing Mature
Episode 32: Tech-NOT-logical
Episode 33: Royal Battle
Episode 34: Star-warrior-bucks
Episode 35: Happy D-Day!
Episode 36: Alien-nation (Part 1)
Episode 37: Alien-nation (Part 2)
Episode 38: Weather Controller
Episode 39: 39 Crepes
Episode 40: This Robot's on Fire~
Episode 41: Race Ace - Part 1
Episode 42: Race Ace - Part 2
Episode 43: Mic Drop Bamm!
Episode 44: Gone With The Wind
Episode 45: Evilizer
Episode 46: Morpho Knight Has Emerged!
Episode 47: Susie's Major Strike With Mecha Knight (The Second Movie: Part 1)
Episode 48: Susie's Major Strike With Mecha Knight (The Second Movie: Part 2)
Episode 49: Susie's Major Strike With Mecha Knight (The Second Movie: Part 3)
Episode 50: Susie's Major Strike With Mecha Knight (The Second Movie: Part 4)
Episode 51: Ultrasword Unleash!
Episode 52: Darkness Illusion Unleash!
Episode 53: Dedede-cibels
Episode 54: Dream High!
Episode 55: Amazing Glaze, How Sweet the Taste
Episode 56: Mukbang to its Max
Episode 57: Hail to the Queen
Episode 58: Long Live the Queen
Episode 59: Cappy Lunar New Year!
Episode 60: 0K Weather
Episode 61: Dedede-isease Breakout
Episode 62: Prankster Alert!!
Episode 63: Beach Mess Madness
Episode 64: Daroach's Devilish Deeds with Dudes Part 1
Episode 65: Daroach's Devilish Deeds with Dudes Part 2
Episode 66: Daroach's Devilish Deeds with Dudes Part 3
Episode 67: Waddle Doo vs King Doo
Episode 69: Invader Armor Part 2
Episode 70: Invader Armor Part 3
Episode 71: Two Girls, One Ring
Episode 72: Octopus Game Part 1
Episode 73: Octopus Game Part 2
Episode 74: Magolor's Return to Dreamland Part 1
Episode 75: Magolor's Return to Dreamland Part 2
Episode 76: Magolor's Return to Dreamland Part 3
Episode 77: (Un)Peaceful Day in Cappy Town
Episode 78: Research Schmesearch
Episode 79: Hater Hater Alligator
Episode 80: Fight the Heat!! ... With Heat...??
Episode 81: Flawed Fraud
Episode 82: Super Duper Ultra Nova Part 1
Episode 83: Super Duper Ultra Nova Part 2
Episode 84: Super Duper Ultra Nova Part 3
Episode 85: I QUIT!!!!!! I QUIT!!!!!!!
Episode 86: Pilot Episode
Episode 87: Smash to Victory! Part 1
Episode 88: Smash to Victory! Part 2
Episode 89: Smash to Victory! Part 3
Episode 90: Protect Against the Sun

Episode 68: Invader Armor Part 1

540 10 8
By FluffyChocolate777

A/N: I know I have not been publishing often. I have not given up. I'm still fighting writer's block every day so that I can make the story interesting. I understand there are a lot of people who are curious of how this story goes, but please be patient.

I'm not really bothered by rude/mean comments anymore, I guess I got used to it, but I still get annoyed when people spam the comment section when I don't upload (which makes it harder for me to read other notifications), and when I do, they insult the storyline or the way I planned my fanfic. I don't go to your stories and annoy and insult you, and I can't and won't stop you for doing it to me, but stop acting like you're paying to read my fanfics. Also, I don't take suggestions either. Maybe I used to, but not anymore.

I love all of you who appreciate my work and are being very patient with me <3 Words cannot describe how much I am thankful of you to read my story! I'm trying to work hard for you guys, and I really appreciate your patience <3 <3 <3 

Haltmann welded the pieces together of the new machine that he was building. "Hopefully, this is sturdy enough," he said to himself as he pushed against the parts of the machine. It did not budge no matter how hard he pushed, pulled, or tried to compress it with his palms. "It seems sturdy right now, but I don't know if that is really going to be true until I test it out." 

He headed to the lab with all the equipment he needed. He activated the pressure and force tester that Susie created. Susie once mentioned to him that the pressure can be above the pressure level that can be experienced 11,000 meters below the ocean and the force level that can be created by a large truck falling from 12,000 meters above the sky. He placed his machine in the pressure and force tester, and it was surely able to withstand a large pressure. When the metal started to bend a little bit, he stopped the machine, and took the record of how much pressure it can handle. Then he tested the force and did the same thing with the force. When the metal started to bend a little bit, he stopped the machine, and took the record of how much force it can handle. Haltmann chuckled and said, "Surely, this is going to be able to steal my Robobot Armor back from Kirby and Meta Knight!"

"Have you created a much more powerful weapon, Mr. President?" Susie asked as she entered the lab.

"Ah, Susie, dear, when did you sneak in here?" Haltmann asked. 

"Just now, Mr. President," Susie answered. "I was about to inform you the progress this month. We're performing well compared to the past months."

"And how has Dedede been paying for all the other products he did not pay for yet?" Haltmann asked.

"He still hasn't paid in full, sir," Susie said. "Even though we are still making a ton of money, it's still annoying to see him not paying for the products he needs to pay for."

"Well, don't you worry too much about something that we shouldn't worry about too much," Haltmann encouraged her. 

"Very well, can you explain me more about your new weapon for me?" Susie asked.

"I made another version of Robobot Armor, only it cannot copy any abilities," Haltmann said. "This will help me get the Robobot Armor back from them!"

"Oh~" Susie was very interested in what Haltmann had to say about his plans. 

Haltmann continued as he caressed the new weapon. "Now with this weapon, hopefully we can hurt Kirby and Meta Knight. If not, then it won't affect us negatively so much. Consider this as a test trial, or maybe a lab rat, but soon, we will figure out their weaknesses. If we know the stats of their strengths, then we'll be able to figure out ways to defeat them."

"Sounds like a great plan, Mr. President," Susie said as she smiled. "So, what would you like to name the powerful weapon?"

"I think I might call it..." Haltmann wondered for a moment. "...Invader Armor..."

"What do you plan to do with it, Mr. President?" Susie asked.

"Here is the plan," Haltmann said, and he continued to tell Susie the plan as he whispered them into her ear. Susie nodded after each steps Haltmann suggested. 

"That seems like it will work, Mr. President," Susie said. 

"You are an intelligent young lady," Haltmann said. "Now, let's get prepared for this."

"Right away, Mr. President" Susie said. They both evilly snickered as Susie rubbed her hands together and Haltmann evilly grinned. 


That night, when everyone was fast asleep in Cappy Town, Susie and Haltmann got ready for the special mission. "Ready, Susie?" Haltmann asked.

"Ready, Mr. President," Susie answered. 

They both entered the transporting device and headed in Dedede's castle. "Got the location?" Haltmann asked in a whispering voice.

"Got it," Susie answered in a whispering voice. 

They both sneaked around the castle, and slowly carried on with their plans while no one noticed. Neither Dedede. Neither Kirby. Neither Meta Knight......


When the next morning came, it started with a large Dedede's bellowing voice. "ES-CAAAAAAR-GOOOOOOOOON!!!!!!!!"

"Oh, I hate my life," Escargoon said under his breath before going to Dedede. "Yes, your majesty, how can I help you?" Escargoon asked as he faked his smile. 

"Get meh some breakfast, ya fool!" Dedede demanded. 

"Sure, what would you like for breakfast, your majesty?" Escargoon asked. 

"Some French toast! Some French fries! Some French omelets!" Dedede demanded.

"Hey, you heard his majesty!" Escargoon said to the Waddle Dees. "Get his majesty some French breakfast!" Waddle Dees hurried and entered the dining room with plates of French toasts, French fries, and French omelets.

"Slowpokes," Dedede said to the Waddle Dees without thanking them for making breakfast for him. "Now, scram, all of ya! I wanna enjoy mah breakfast in peace! Don't ya come back until I'm done with them!" 

"Sure thing, your majesty," Escargoon said as he exited out of the room. 

He grumbled as he walked around the castle. "Can't he be have some basic ethical decency once in a while? I don't know why I'm not trying to find another job when this place is already toxic enough!" He thought for a moment. "I wonder if I can change myself into Waddle Dees. They seem to not have much feelings. Maybe if I turned into them, my mental health would be much better! Or maybe a Waddle Doo? Nah, he's still smart enough to feel depressed." 

While he was lost in his thoughts he noticed something carrying away a large bag. "Wait a sec- isn't that the money bag? Hey!" As the object that was carrying away the bag noticed Escargoon, it ran away from Escargoon's sight. "HEY!" Escargoon screamed as he chased after it. He was not able to see much, but he did notice the color. "Pink...?" It was definitely pink. It was also a size of Waddle Dees. "KIRBY!! GET BACK HERE!!" Escargoon screamed as he chased after a creature that looked like Kirby. 

The Kirby-looking creature hopped into the transporting device and transported itself and the large bag to Susie's room. "Did he just go through the transportation device? But that leads to Susie. Since when did Kirby work under Susie?" He asked himself and noticed something on the floor. When he picked it up, it was definitely a coin. "A coin...?" After Escargoon organized his thoughts, he gasped loudly. "Hey!! You're stealing money for Susie!" He screamed angrily, but then he had second thoughts. "How much debt is his majesty in if Susie needs Kirby to steal money from him... oh well, I guess it's time for his majesty to learn his lesson and pay his payments on time instead of having the company to steal the money from him. I swear, he never learns from his mistakes." After talking so much behind Dedede's back, Escargoon looked around, alerted. When he realized Dedede wasn't still around, he wiped his sweat and said, "Whew! I'm glad his majesty wasn't here to hear this!"


"That is one step taken care of," Susie said as she received the money bag that was enough for Dedede to repay his debt. 

"Now, the next step..." Haltmann said as he evilly chuckled. Susie evilly snickered after him. 


While Kirby was napping in his house, there was a sudden angry knocking in his house. "Poyo..." Kirby groaned as he woke up, rubbed his eyes, and opened the door. In front of the door, there were angry Cappies standing around. 

"Kirby!" Chief Bookem yelled in anger. "How dare you let Doron free!"

"You destroyed my toy store!" Gengu said.

"You destroyed my convenience store!" Tuggle said. 

"You destroyed my crystal orb!" Mabel said.

"You broke almost a fortune worth of my expensive drinks!" Samo said. 

"All of my studies! They're all broken into pieces!" Professor Curio said. 

"How are you going to get the books back from my library?" Biblio asked. 

"My restaurant is ruined because of your rampage!" Kawasaki cried.

"Po-poyo...?" Kirby was confused. He had no idea what was going on. He does not remember destroying anything, but everyone was angry at Kirby for destroying their properties. 

"Kirby!" Tiff approached to him angrily. 

"Poyo!" Kirby was excited to see Tiff as he knew that Tiff always had his back, but he was so wrong. Tiff was also angry at Kirby.

"How can you cause a whole rampage in Cappy Town?!" Tiff scolded him angrily. "Not only you destroyed their properties, but you also destroyed my years' works of writing and destroyed Tuff's cameras and video games he needs for his streaming channel!"

"Yeah, do you know how much that will cost to replace them?" Tuff asked in fury.

"Po, poyo," Kirby tried to say it wasn't his fault.

"Don't pretend that you don't know!" Mayor said as he pulled out  the camera. "We got you all on camera!" 

In the footage, it showed Kirby, or something that looked like Kirby, it was pink and round, was destroying the whole town with his Robobot Armor. 

"Poyo, poyo!" Kirby tried to say he had no memory of that incident. 

"We are so disappointed in you this time, Kirby!" Tiff said. "You are not allowed in Cappy Town until you have learned your lesson!" 

"Po, poyo!" Kirby said.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Tuff asked. 

Kirby sadly walked away from all the angry Cappies. He couldn't even look back. Although he was not directly looking back at the Cappies, he was able to feel the stinging sensation of all the Cappies glaring at him, including Tiff and Tuff. 

Kirby hurried to go see Meta Knight, since he would know what to do more than Tiff. Also, he would understand that Kirby would have done no such things. But when he arrived. It was not the way he expected. 

"Kirby, you are not going to like hearing this," Meta Knight said. "But I have no choice but to punish you for your actions. You will not step a foot inside Cappy Town until further notice. Do you understand?"

"Poyo-poyo," Kirby said sadly. 

"The evidence of you doing it is overwhelming, Kirby," Meta Knight said. "Now, be a good boy and leave this place. I will get back to you when your punishment is over."

"Poyo," Kirby's heart shattered into pieces. He sadly stepped away from Meta Knight.

"I am sorry Kirby," Meta Knight spoke to himself as Kirby was no longer in his sight. "I know you did not do it, but I cannot have you be involved in this battle. Something is wrong with the Robobot Armor, and I cannot let you use that until I figure out what is going on with it."


"So, how are things going on in Cappy Town?" Haltmann asked as he reentered Susie's office.

"Very smoothly, just like you expected, Mr. President," Susie said.

Here is what really happened:

Haltmann and Susie replaced the real Robobot Armor with Invader Armor. In order to do that, Susie placed a device on the Robobot Armor that overrides every codes in the Robobot Armor so that Susie can have the full control of it. After that, the Robobot Armor's place is replaced with Invader Armor. 

The next morning, Susie sent a pink creature that looks like Kirby, get it on the Invader Armor, and start destroying everything in sight. (But before that, she ordered the creature to bring back how much money that Dedede owes her.) They made the Invader Armor look like Robobot Armor so that Cappies can be fooled by the Invader Armor. 

And now, everyone in Cappy Town, including Tiff and Tuff, excluding Meta Knight, now believes that Kirby did the whole damage and would antagonize him. 

"Once they lose their hero, they will have no protection," Susie said, unaware that Meta Knight had something else in his sleeves. "And the best way to get rid of their hero now is not to destroy their hero, but instead, but them abandon their hero by themselves. They are going to be in so much trouble now! And soon, planet Popstar, and then the whole galaxy, and then the whole universer, will be ours!!!! Muahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!"

Meanwhile, while everyone in Cappy Town were trying to recover the damage that the Invader Armor caused, Meta Knight carefully examined the Invader Armor which he thought was a Robobot Armor at first. "Hmm..." Meta Knight said as he examined it carefully. Don't worry, Kirby, I will definitely prove your innocence... something is really not right with the Robobot Armor here... what could it be...? Meta Knight laid his hand on the hands of the armor. He noticed something different. Wait a second... this is NOT the material built for Robobot Armor! What is this...? 

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