
By icey_a

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A group of friends go to a cabin for the night so they can party and there are 2 special guest Eminem and Dr... More

Chapter 1: PARTY TIME
Chapter 2: RUN!!!
Chapter 3: Sex for the first time
Chapter 5: Alive
Chapter 6: Some more sexy time
Chapter 7: Shit!!
Chapter 8: Saved..... i thinked
Chapter 9: Thank god
Chapter 10: Police time
Chapter 11: Can life be back to normal?
Chapter 12: Finally we can relax
Chapter 13: Lots and lots of explaining
Chapter 14: My new home
Chapter 15: Funny swimming
Chapter 16: Oh my fucking god!!!
Chapter 17: Shopping with a bit of sadness
Chapter 18: Really nigga
Chapter 19: Shit man
Chapter 20: Fuck yes.... party time
Chapter 21: Really hard sex
Chapter 22: Here comes the fun
Chapter 23: Friends
Chapter 24: Weirdness
Chapter 25: Sunday, already?!?
Chapter 26: Bye bye friends, hello baby
Chapter 28: That weird date
Chapter 29: A night to remember
Chapter 30: My surpise
Chapter 31: Finally the weekend
Chapter 32: Hotel weirdness
Chapter 33: Family
Chapter 34: Trouble
Chapter 35: Seeing old friends
Chapter 36: Hanging out
Chapter 37: Dinner
Chapter 38: The last chapter
Author's note:

Chapter 27: Alone with Marshall

369 7 1
By icey_a

My friends last night. I'm kinda sad but I'm finally alone with Marshall! Yes!


I woke up on a long chair, naked. Why the fuck- oh ya remember last night. Marshall was above me. He was wearing red baggy pants, with his white boxers showing at the top, no shirt, a white bandana with a white Nike hat and white Nike shoes. (It shows it in the picture.) "Morning sexy" he said picking me up bridal style. I kissed him. He walked me up to the bedroom. "Put some clothes on" he said putting me down. I put on light gray baggy pants on, a white tank-top, a white bandana, and white Nike shoes on. I put my gold chain on, same with my gold chain bracelet and small gold hoop earnings. "Damn" he said. I laughed. "Well I was in a gang." He kissed me. "So what we doin' today" he asked following me into the bathroom. "Well I gotta call my family, but I don't know" I said putting mascara on. "Well... Um..... If you wanna...... we can go out for dinner...... tonight." I laughed. "What" he asked looking down. "You seem nervous." I laughed harder. "I don't want to screw shit up, y'know?" "You won't, like really." He kissed me again. "The band wants to come over sometime this week... They said something about a surprise for you." "Really?!?" I said with jumping onto him. "Ya... I guess." He said scratching his head. "So what were you planning for dinner?" I asked him. "I don't know, just somewhere fancy." He smiled. "If your looking to get layed again tonight, its not happening, we have sex like everyday." I said. He blushed. I walked out of the room laughing. "Keep laughing" he yelled. I laughed harder. I went to get my phone, I sat on the couch. I had to call my parents but I am so fucking scared because they will kill me. I just sat there thinking till the home phone rang. I picked it up.

"Yo its Proof."

"Yo nigga, its Arabelle. What's happening."

"Nothing much, is Shady there?"

"Ya ya, hold on."

"Marshall the phone" I yelled upstairs. "OK" he yelled back down.

"So hows you and Shadys lone time doing?"

I heard laughing in the background.

"Fuck off."

I heard Marshall say on the phone.

"Later biggie."

I hung up the phone and picked up my phone. I dialed my house. I called 3 times, my brother answered the 3rd time.


"Hey Gavin, its Arabelle."

"Arabelle?!? Are you OK."

"Yes bro, I am. How are you?"

"I'm good, what about you?"

"I'm fine, I'm Eminem's girlfriend."

"Your lying."

"I'm not, I can prove in."

I put the phone on speaker. "Marshall, get yo ass downstairs." "Hold on babe."

"No way."
"Ya way."

He came downstairs. "You OK" he asked. "Ya... Its my bro on the phone, he didn't believe I was dating you." He laughed. "Well you are."

"Congregation's Arabelle! Your dream came true.... You better talk to Mom. She has been so worried."

"OK Gavin, love you."

"Love you too."

I looked at Marshall. "Sorry." "For what" he asked with a confused face. "For telling." "You half to.... They need to know your safe and with a safe man." "And a sexy one too." I kissed him.

"Arabelle, its really you."

She started crying, it made me cry.

"Are you ok?"
"Sort of."

"Baby, are you hurt?"

"I have been."

Marshall hugged me tight. I was crying so hard. I told her everything. She was crying so much.
"Baby, I need to tell you something too."

"What is it?"

"Your father left me."

I froze.

"Are you OK?!"

"Yes I'm fine, I don't care about him right him right now, I care that your fine."

I smiled.

"I am with Eminem."

"Are you kidding me?!? I'm so happy for you!"

"Thank you, and he was there when all this shit happened."

"Well I'm glad you guys are together."
"Thanks and we need to tell you something."

"Anything honey."

Well we were trapped in the bus and.... Uh... We were alone.... And stuff happened. Then when I went to the hospital I found out...... i was pregnant."

"But... Didn't you get shot in the stomach?"

"Ya and the baby died."

"Oh my god I'm so sorry."

I stared tearing up.

"Mom, I got to go but this weekend I will come up there with Marshall if he's not busy."

"Who's Marshall?"

"Oh sorry, that's Eminem's real name."


We both laughed.

"Ya you both should come up, I'm not doing anything."

"OK mom, love you."

"Love you too."

I hung up. "Is that fine?" I asked Marshall. "Ya." I smiled and kissed him. I sat on his lap, we made out.

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