
By Wolfdevilrose

52.9K 1.6K 201

Hi, My name is Rainbow, given to me by my new friends and i'm a Neko. i love cuddles and when people are happ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Epilogue 2

chapter 35

812 30 3
By Wolfdevilrose

i stare at them. i stare at them with so much faulse hate. "Master Wrath!" he wines at me. he's also in tears because he was woke up and now he's covered in poo because he tried to change their nappies for the first time and tried to do it all at once, desperate to go back to sleep until the plants threw the fucking SHIT AT HIM. "please help me-" he cries, "Wraaaaath." he sobs...................i....HATE......mornings

i turn around and go to walk out when vines strap around me and drag me back into the room, "UUUUGGGH!" i growl before turning around. i pick Rain up and set him to the side. i then as quick as the plants threw shit over Rain, i put the nappies on clean and creamed bums, "there you go-" i cute sweetly to them, pinching there socked soes. "now, get those pretty fucking heads back to fucking sleep or i'm going to wipe your faces in your own SHIT!" i say in the same tone and they all are silent, staring up at me, "night night, mummy and daddy loves you." i smile and walk out. i put the dirty dipers in the bin and wipe my hands before going into the bedroom...........only to find Rain.....still covered in shit passed out on the fucking bed, "RAIN!" i shout. he jolt up with a yelp. 

"i-i-i don't know what i've done." he panics, stumbling over an apology before it goes out the window, dragged out by his tiredness. i glare.

"your covered in SHIT!" i snarl and pick him up. i push him into the shower like many times before. blood is way better to clean off. one. it's thinner and easy to get off. two it doesn't stink. three, it's not disgusting. he cries some more, "don't worry, because they won't be waking us up like that anymore now, i'm about to change their whole fucking sleeping routine." i snarl. 

"AAAAAAAAH!" i shout when i see one of them try to nod off. "no-no-" i pick him up and begin to bounce around with him. Rain is staring at me like i'm insane, "join in, Rain, because if they sleep now, their not sleeping through the night." i warn him. he pouts but joins in. 

"your a genius, Master Wrath." he yawns, walking into the bathroom while i'm trying to shave. "i slept all the way through the night-" he stop when the baby monitors goes off. one after the other, "i don't want to do this no more." he whimpers before walking out. i follow on a few minutes later, needing to finish off. but when i walk in he's now covered in pee, looking up at me while crying, "i don't think i can do this." he sobs. i sigh and continue the job. 

"it's okay, Rain, you'll learn." i say and go to kiss him but he wines and moves away. "Rain-"

"i'm covered Master Wrath, i'm Covered." he snaps at me making me sigh. i nod. 

"go get a shower." i nod and finish off, "did you enjoy your nights?" i ask, cooing. "because so did i, now if we can keep this up, that would be great." i smile before starting there feed. you still need to- i know, but your leaving it to last minute- i know, it could be painful to our ma- i know and that's MY mate, not our, i don't share, not even with my inner voice. 

i open my mouth and eat the tiny foot making him errupt in adorable laughs. giggling while trying to kick his foot. i then eat his hand, "WRATH!" i sit up and look at my brothers and sisters who are obsessing, "MASTER WRATH!" they look to me and i give them pleading looks when he just gives a shout. i get up and walk through to him. he's sat in the babies room in complete and utter tears. sloppily sat on the floor with a drentched face. 


"WE DON'T HAVE NAMES!" he pounces up at me, causing me to stumble. he sobs, "WE-we don't have names for our babies!" he wails, "What will we do? what will we name them? theirs four of them!" he cries. i grab his shoulders and give him a shake. 

"Stop!" i snap, "Stop Wining!" his lip quivers, looking up at me, "this is not a crying matter, they are three days old!" i say clearly to him. he sniffles.

"but what do we call them, Master Wrath?" he whimpers, looking so devistated by the fact he didn't think to name them. 

"well why don't we write loads of names down and then pick what names match?" i pick him up, which he wraps his arms and legs around me and puts his head on my shoulder. i sit him down in the studie and grab a pen and paper. "alright, names." i say and begin writing a bunch down while he thinks. 

i look up to him when he gasps, "RAINBOW!" he shouts, "my name." he smiles making me sigh. 

"can't be your name or my name, they have to have their own." sometimes i feel like i'm talking to a cartoon child show

"alright-" he hums and thinks. "what names have you got?" he asks and i sigh.......we could just...use the name book......fine, you can have this point. 

i walk over to the shelf and give the thing a look. then a sigh. "what are you looking for?" he whispers to me. 

"the name book." i hum looking across all the book. i take in a breath before the fact it's so fucking quite starts to bother me. "Ra-" i am cut off when theirs a big crash and a squeak. i turn to find Rain has fallen from the book shelf, "Rain, don't climb the shelves!" i scold him, going over and pulling books off of him. he's burried himself with paper! 

"sorry-" he whimpers. i pick him up but he's holding a book. 

"what's this?" i sigh, taking the book. 

"a pretty book, it's so cute, i just needed to go get it, Master Wrath, it was pulling me!" he laughs. i look up to him. now how the fuck did he do that? 

"it's the book." i sigh then sit down. "come over here, Rain." i flip open the book and begin looking over.....he's not in here. i snap my head up to find he's left the fucking room....i am not running after him. he's got his own mind and his own person, he doesn't need-

"MASTER WRATH!" i clench my jaws, and my fists, "MASTER WRATH-"

"ALRIGHT!" i roar, standing up and slamming my fists on the table. THESE FUCKING KIDS. i walk out the door only to hear the quads start to cry, then Rain follows suit. "your the fucking mother, damn it-" i mutter while storming down the stairs only to find my niece and nephew trying to take the babies from Rain. 

"GET OFF!" he snarls furiously. i snarl. i grab them and throw them out of the room. they hit the wall and start crying. 

"GO!" I point. 

"but we wanna play with babie-"

"NO, you must NEVER pick up a baby without your parents there and the parent's concent!" i snarl at them. 

"Well can we?"



"WHAT?" i snarl. my brother and father stood there staring at me. they continue to stare and i sigh. i drag my hands down my face and lean against the wall.

"Master Wrath?" i let out a breath and look down to Rain. he walks to my arm and hugs me, "you can pick the names, it's too difficult for me." he sighs, shaking his head. i sigh and walk back into the room. i pick up two babies, hearing them slowly stop crying once they feel my familiar warmth and smell my familiar scent. this is how they know i'm their father. they don't just hear my voice, they smell my fatherly scent, as they do with their mother and feel my warmth that comforting to them. i'll probably be very comfortable to my brothers baby too now. it's a father thing

"here." he says and takes the two from me. only for the youngest to start crying. the second just stares at him like he wants to light every hair on his body on fire. "oh, don't think he likes me." he laughs and hands him back. 

"it's okay, it's your uncle and trust me, he's the most tolorable out of them all." i nod to him. he slowly stops crying. we take them through and lay them down, collecting the other two who are already laughing at eachothers ugliness. how bout that. their three days old and are already learning to hate each others guts. i walk out with Neron next to me and he gives a smile. "i hate kids." i huff. he laughs at me. 

"your there dad and they've just been born, you can't already hate them." he rolls his eyes.....

"I hate my kids." i correct. he gives me a flat look. 

"well at least NAME them before you start hating them." he scolds me. 

"too late, haven't named them and i already hate them." i shrug, you don't hate your kids, you hate the fact you don't understand how to care for them yet, dickhead. how about you grow some balls and stop being a pussy, my balls are the reason they exsist, so no, i'd rather not, thank you very much. 

"fine, if you won't name them, I will!" he snaps at me, bursting into the study and pulling out a marker, "your oldest, wants a good strong name, Ethan, Firm, Enduring, strong and Long lived!" he writes in big bold letters, "Second oldest, wants something strong, but wise being the second, the top guy needs twice the brains, so you get another brain, a brain that matches, goes together, a friend, a companion, Kaden, the name means companion-" he writes Kaden under, "now your daughter, she's gonna be battling with boys. strong, leader, but also smart, smarter then the boys, quick thinker, she's going to be more feminine, yet Furious, the Name London means fast flowing river, it's strong, dangerous, yet apart of nature, nature is femenin, it also links to her mother, who, is so close to nature it's funny." he Writes London and even puts a crown on the 'n'. "now for your little boy. he's your youngest, so he's going to want attention. we're not going to ignore the lack of ear and leg and the carrier part, he wants LUCK, he is LUCKY, he is beautiful and strong and is going to be the biggest fighter of them all. although he finds it difficult to be on the same page as the others, he's the one who's got the most fight out of them all, he's adorable, he's strong, he's a Tiger, Boom!" he Writes Tiger. 

"Ethan, Kaden, London and Tiger." i mutter, looking at the board, "okay." i shrug and walk out. i go to the room where Rain is currently growling at them. laughter filling the room as he makes angry faces at them while showing them his canines and claws. so i slowly walk up behind him before grabbing him and growling over him making him scream. we all laugh together as i, now holding Rain upside down, "okay, meet, Ethan-" i say, holding him over the oldest, "Kaden-" i move along, "London-" he's silent, "and Tiger." i say before setting him down. 

"Ethan, Kaden, London and Tiger." he repeats. he looks up at me with glossy eyes, "there perfect!" he jumps up to me, wrapping his arms and legs around me in happiness. 

"well thank Neron, he named them." i whisper, he pulls back, looking up at me, "their very well thought about." i nod to him. he hums and smiles. 

"i like the name Tiger." i smile, of course he would. 

"I knew you would." i chuckle, hugging him close. he snuggles into me further. i sigh. i just need to calm down a bit....yeah....deffinatly need to calm down. just relax a bit. i'm a new parent. we are new to this, we're going to be okay. and remember, Rain is trying too. he's not got one bit of leadership in him, be patient with him, yes, MOTHER, i understand this. 

i turn to him with a smile and kiss his nose, "i love you, baby boy." i whisper to him. he smiles up at me with glistening eyes. 

"i love you too, Master Wrath."  he hums, reaching up and kissing my lips, "i'm sorry that i'm not that good at taking care of my babies, but i'll try harder to be like you-"

"Rain, i already confessed my hate for these four, i think you've won already." i roll my eyes only for him to laugh. 

"no, silly, you don't hate them, your just finding it hard, but that's okay, Master Wrath, because i'm struggling too, this isn't a competition, this is a test, a test that will last till our babies are all big and strong, and when we see them all big and strong, that will be our test results." he explains. and i'm completely shocked, "so i think it's good to make mistakes and struggle this early, i think it's supposed to happen. and your doing an amazing job, i don't think i've gone one nappy change without getting pee or poop on me, but it's okay, because your there to help. and i'm here to help you, i'm there mummy and your there daddy, we're a pair." he starts to play with my fingers absentmindedly. 

"that is one of the wisest things you've ever said." i sigh to him, "i just love you so much." i whisper again, pulling him tighter against me. 

"i love you too." he giggles and kisses me sweetly. 

your gonna be fine. 

i know asshole.

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