Furroko: Land of Division

By bloodshotangel

261 56 0

Synopsis: It was a new school year in Silver Leaf University and for this year, they have decided to open the... More

1: An Unexpected Meeting
2: Something's Not Right
3: Where it Came From
4: Welcome Back...
5: The Other Side
6: The Old Days
7: 'A Trip through Memory Lane' as they say
8: A Visit to the Unknown
9: The Wilders
10: The Life of the Successors
11: A Grand Confession
12: The Masquerade
13: The Beginning of Improvement
14: Furroko's Abandoned
15: The Health Department
16: 'Ghost Town'
17: Loyalty to the Mistress
18: Yes Sir!
19: Long Time No See Brother...
20: Let Me In
21: Need to be Prepared
22: They're Gone...
23: How we became who we are
24: Survive and Escape
25: Within A Monster Hides A Poor Soul
26: "Time to Play"
27: Return to a Wasteland
28: -.-- --- ..- || .- .-. .
29: ... .- || ..- .--.
30: .. -. || .-
31: --. --- --- ... . || -.-. .... .- ... .
32: It's Over
33: Still Standing
34: A Special Celebration
35: Almost There!
Thanks to the Reader
Furroko EXTRAS

36: Recognition Day!

4 1 0
By bloodshotangel

"Are you okay...?" Alistair asked, feeling Adrion's hand grip onto his tighter.

"Not really to be honest..." Adrion responded, looking up.

Alistair looked at him, the stars illuminating his face. His eyes shimmering as he looked out to the night sky. Alistair wanted to come closer until Adrion looked at him, startling him.

"Oh, Sorry about that..." Adrion apologized.

"I-It's alright..." Alistair said.

"Can you tell me...What's going in your mind...?" Alistair asked.

"Guess I can't really hide it now that you've mentioned it..." Adrion said, taking a deep breath.

"Since we'll be ruling a land by then, Don't you feel pressured with all the work that would be put on you once you're left to start...I know we have been trained even if it's a little while, but it just feels...too quick." Adrion explained, Alistair having to relate.

"I do agree with you...I wonder how Alice and Francis feel about it too." Alistair said, agreeing with Adrion.

"But look at the bright side...Just like what Alice always tries to do...Ummm..." Alistair continued, trying to think of a way to make things better.

"You are right on that. Alice always makes things seem more tolerable than what is really is." Adrion said.

"Yeah...She would say that at least we're all doing this together...Or maybe that we'll be...Uhh...Oh! We'll get used to it eventually." Alistair said, trying to be optimistic.

"My sister will always try to think of ways to make things seem better...Damn, I wish I have her optimism..." Adrion said, looking back up to the stars.

"Let me try...Hmmm...How about we just look up and see the stars together?" Adrion said, looking at Alistair.

Alistair nodded and they held hands, coming closer to each other and looked up at the stars above them. Seeing the shimmering lights in the sky along with the breeze from the open window coming in gave them a sense that everything's going to be alright.

"Let's go to bed." Adrion said, standing up.

"A-Alright then..." Alistair responded.

They both went to bed and Adrion pulled Alistair near him, laying his head on his chest. Alistair was a bit surprised and looked at him from above, seeing a smiling Adrion.

"Y-You don-t...Mind...If I...S-Sleep like this?" Alistair asked.

"Of course not, As long as you're comfortable, I'm happy." Adrion responded.

"I...I love you, Adrion..." Alistair said softly, yet loud enough for Adrion to here. Falling asleep after.

"Love you too..." Adrion thought to himself as he closed his eyes.

Meanwhile, Alice and Francis were also up and thinking about the same thing. They were both on the bed and watching something from Francis phone. After a while, Francis was feeling embarrassed and worried.

"This is relaxing, isn't it?" Alice asked.

"Y-Yeah..." Francis responded.

"Hey Alice...I wanna ask you some things." Francis said, Alice curious about it.

"Hm? What is it?" Alice asked.

"For starters...How do you feel...Now that we're going to be leaders? Since you've been very positive about everything, you don't seem pressured at all." Francis asked, making Alice look away.

"Well...I may look like I'm not pressured at all, but I guess I'll be honest...Since no one else is around, and I trust you......I am pressured, I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I don't know the first thing about being a leader or trying to be a ruler or-" Alice started panicking a bit, Francis trying to calm her down.

"Hey, Hey...Take a breather, it's gonna be alright, really. I- Uhhh..." Francis said, trying to find a way to calm her down.

Francis pulled Alice closer to him to help her calm down. After a while, Alice did calm down and she looked up at him. They slowly let go of each other while blushing, Francis becoming all red. Alice looked at him and giggled at him, making her feel better. Alice poked his cheek to make Francis more flustered.

"You know how to make me feel better. Thanks for that." Alice thanked Francis.

"N-No problem! Glad to see you're feeling better!" Francis said, getting very red.

"Hmmm..." Alice said, trying to think of something.

Without Francis noticing what's happening, Alice cuddled next to him in bed, making him freeze. Alice looked up and smiled. Francis being frozen still, he soon took deep breaths and after a while looked down at Alice. She put her head back up and looked at Francis.

"You really like teasing me...Don't you...?" Francis asked.

"You sound like you don't like it. I'm sorry, Francis." Alice said, feeling bad.

"No! No! It's alright! It's just...Uhhh...Unexpected, y'know?" Francis said.

"I'm just upset that you're treating me like all the other boys who like you..." Francis thought to himself.

"Oh, alright then...Anyway...How about you? How do you feel now that you'll be a Leader now in a few days?" Alice asked.

"I am nervous, so I'm not really sure if I'm ready...To take the responsibility and my experience...Is not really that high." Francis said, looking up to the ceiling.

"Guess we're not that different..." Alice said, looking at him.

"Y-Yeah...I guess..." Francis said, looking back at her.

The sounds of the outside started to get louder. The breeze outside and the trees dancing around it. They looked at each other's eyes in the night of a full moon, lighting up the atmosphere in the room. Francis unconsciously got closer to Alice and before they knew it, they're about the gap between them. Alice slowly closed her eyes, Francis about to hold her cheek to bring her closer. The gap is getting smaller and smaller as both their eyes were closed.

"Are you guys- Am I....Interrupting something?" A voice was heard as the door opened.

"N-Nothing! Nothing at all!" Francis exclaimed, Alice looking away.

"Are you sure?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah dad..." Alice responded.

"...Alright then, have you both released some steam?" Ethan asked both of them.

Alice and Francis nodded, Ethan smiled and told them to have a nice rest, closing the door after. Moments of silence were heard and the two laid done, looking away from each other. They both started to try and sleep, having that moment in the back of their mind. The windows were slightly open, letting the cold breeze enter the room. Francis felt the cold breeze on his skin and not long after, Alice hugged him from behind.

"Is it okay...?" Alice asked, Francis blushing and taking a deep breathe.

"This would better." Francis said, moving to look at her.

Both smiled as they slowly fell into deep slumber. The night was calm and went on to the next day. The rest of the days onward were visits to all territories and discovering many new things that they haven't learned about. A few days passed by and Recognition Day is around the corner. The Successors still feel the pressure but were getting pieces of advices and comfort from their parents and Crystals. Some afternoons, they spend their time with Acheros in the patio to teach them how to play different instruments and play his own original pieces.

"Acheros? Are you here?" Adrion said, all of them going up.

"I'm right here! I'm glad we get to play again together. All of you are getting really good." Achero said.

"You can even be able to perform for your recognition day!" Acheros suggested, The Successors feeling uncomfortable.

"Hm? Still pressured?" Acheros asked, The Successors agreeing.

"Sit down, I wanna share a little bit of advice for you." Acheros called them.

The Successors nodded and sat down near Acheros, holding their instruments with them. Acheros put down the music box he was making and looked at them. He smiled at them and gave one of the most common advice he has heard from Zion when he was starting out as a Leader.

"Hey...Coming from someone who did become a Leader for a good amount of time, feeling pressured is always a first for anyone who'll be embarking on a new adventure...The best advice I can give you is to slowly give yourself some time to get into it, eventually you'll understand why you're chosen." Acheros said.

"Easier said than done really...But we have to prove that we can do it and not just stick to words." Acheros continued.

"Thanks for the advice, Acheros." Francis thanked him.

"I do believe you're going to do great, even if you don't believe now." Acheros said to all of the Successors.

"How about we continue with our little band practice? To give out some stress." Acheros said.

The Successors followed what Acheros said and they wanted to play a fun song that Acheros wrote. They played until the sunset, forgetting about the pressure the Successors felt. This made Acheros happy as he wanted the best for them and not go through the same path he did. They had their audience when the Crystals and parents came up, hearing the happy music from the highest floor.After their mini performance, they were given applauses from their audience.

"That was very lovely!" Lily said.

"Mhm! You guys are getting good!" Leon exclaimed.

"Did you guys have fun?" Acheros asked the Successors.

The Successors nodded, thanking Acheros for comforting them and playing music as a way to pass time, relax and spend time with each other. They all got their instruments down and decided to relax for a while before dinner. The Successors decided to hang out in the master bedroom while Acheros and the others be together downstairs. In the master bedroom, the Successors were playing various games. Eventually they played Dare or Share, a game where the player who was chosen from a random draw will either share a certain topic suggested by  the other player or do a dare. They wrote their names on pieces of stone and put it in a box. After shaking it, they opened it and the draw had Francis' name on it.

"Francis!" Alice said, showing the stone with his name.

"Alright! Francis, Share or Dare?" Adrion asked.

"Share." Francis responded, Adrion thinking of something he can share.

"Share your feelings towards all of us, the good and bad ones. Honestly." Adrion said.

"Oh, well..." Francis said.

"For Adrion, you're a really good fighter, I feel safe when you're there...But...You're anger issues are a bit ummm...too much?" Francis said.

"Alright then." Adrion said, smiling.

"Y-You're not mad...right?" Francis asked, Adrion shaking his head.

"How about me?" Alistair asked.

"Oh, you're really clever and calm even though you may be very quiet, so sometimes I won't know what you're thinking." Francis said, Alistair in awe.

"Well, that leaves Alice." Adrion said, Alice being excited.

"What do you think of her, Francis?" Alistair asked, Francis becoming nervous.

"So, what do you think about me?" Alice asked, looking at him happily.

"W-Well..." Francis stuttered, blushing.

Francis was a bright red. He doesn't want to run away because it can offend her and the others but he's too embarrassed to say anything, thinking that he'll say something unusual. He covered his face for a while, making Alice a bit upset. Alice knows Francis like her, but she wants to hear him say it. This is because most boys tell her immediately and she doesn't feel comfortable with it. After a few minutes, Francis decided to take a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"Alice is someone I've always wanted to impress but sometimes I can't because her teasing makes me more embarrassed than I already am...T-That's it..." Francis said, opening his eyes after.

Alice was silent for a while until she hugged him. Adrion chuckled at Francis' words and told Alistair to let Alice do her thing. Francis is becoming a tomato and Alice let go.

"How are you doing there, Francis?" Adrion asked, Alistair chuckling.

"G-Good..." Francis said.

"Let's continue playing the game, want to draw a name for us Francis?" Alice said, showing him the bag.

"S-Sure thing..." Francis responded, putting his hand in the bag.

Francis drew Alistair's name and asked him Share or Dare. Alistair decided to pick a Dare and Francis wanted to get Adrion to blush too out of curiosity.

"I dare you to...Make Adrion blush." Francis said, Alistair staring at him.

"Hmmm..." Alistair said, looking at Adrion and slapping him hard.

"What was that fo-" Adrion said before getting cut off by a kiss.

"It's very rare to see you blush, Adrion." Alice said.

"I don't want to talk about it..." Adrion said, looking away.

"You can choose the next one." Alice said, giving the bag to Alistair.

"So it's either you or Adrion right?" Alistair asked, Alice nodding.

"We'll put all of them back after each turn after we finish all of us." Alice said.

"I got...Adrion." Alistair said, showing his name on the stone.

"Adrion...Share...Or Dare...?" Alistair asked.

"Dare." Adrion said proudly.

"Hmmm...I dare you to...Copy your sister's every move until the end of our game." Alistair said.

"Fine..." Adrion said, his pride disappearing.

Adrion started to imitate Alice's sitting position, making her giggle. This also could Adrion to fake giggle. Adrion continued to copy Alice's every move until Alistair told him to give a dare to his sister.

"Share of Dare sis?" Adrion asked.

"Hmm...How about a dare. I'm feeling confident." Alice responded.

"I'm the only one who picked Share." Francis said, feeling a bit out of place.

"It's alright Francis. No need to feel bad about it." Alice said patting Francis' head. Adrion doing the same to Alistair.

"So, what's my dare?" Alice asked Adrion.

"I dare you to show us how you tease Francis." Adrion said, smirking at Francis.

"I'm dead." Francis thought.

"Are you sure? That means you're going to copy me." Alice said.

"I don't mind, I wanna try it out on Alistair to see if it works." Adrion said.

"Oh~ Is that so? Okay then!" Alice exclaimed, knowing what they're going to do.

"Why do they have to be like this?" Francis thought to himself.

Alice started to get near Francis, cornering him to the wall. She then went closer to him, smiling and booped his nose. She continued to poke his cheeks until she cuddled on him, making him turn into a tomato. Alice continued to cuddle under his chin and after that, she went near Francis face, their lips almost touching. Before their lips touch, Alice made their nose touch and backed away. Adrion imitated all of what she did and the 1st round was over. They continued to play until it was dinnertime. They were called down and they had their dinner served. After dinner they got ready for bed. Adrion and Alistair went t sleep immediately while Francis and Alice were laying on the bed together.

"Hey, Francis...I want to ask you something." Alice said, Francis facing her.

"What is it?" Francis asked.

"Are you mad or upset with me when I tease you? Because you seem like you're a bit annoyed by it." Alice asked, Francis looking at the ceiling.

"N-Not really...It's just a bit embarrassing to be teased in front of other people...Don't think that I hate you for it." Francis responded, looking back at her.

"Really? Then...Maybe I can do more than that?" Alice asked, Francis being confused.

Alice moved closer and gave Francis a kiss on the cheek. Francis went red and faced the other side. He eventually looked back, seeing Alice asleep. Francis smiled and went closer to her.

"Time to do your move this time..." Francis thought as he pulled her in closer to her.

"Is it cold?" Alice asked, scaring Francis.

"I-I thought you're asleep!?" Francis exclaimed.

"Sorry...I just wanna see what you'd do." Alice said, looking up at him.

The two looked at each other until Francis pulled her in for a kiss. Francis being happy to feel Alice's soft lips. Alice smiled as she went closer to Francis. They pulled each other closer to make their kiss last longer. After a while, they released their kiss and looked at each other. Alice cuddled up to him and they went to sleep in each other's arms.

Going forward, it was the second to the last day of the 2-week long celebration and is yet again a new morning. The Successors we're woken up by Adrion and Alice's parents. Ethan went to the Master bedroom while Elizabeth went to the guest bedroom.

"It's time to wake up!" Ethan said, opening the door.

Ethan went near the bed and saw that Francis and Alice were hugging each other. He smiled and decided to wake Alice up first. He went to the left side of the bed and woke her up.

"Mmm..." Alice said, waking up and sitting down, stretching her arms.

"Good morning Sweetheart." Ethan greeted.

"D-Dad?" Alice asked, rubbing her eyes.

"Yes, it's time for breakfast. Do you want to wake up Francis?" Ethan responded.

"Yeah...We'll be right down." Alice said.

"We'll see you downstairs." Ethan said before leaving the room.

"Francis...wake up." Alice said, moving Francis to wake him up.

"Hmmm...5 more minutes..." Francis said, facing the other side.

Alice took that time to get changed and get her energy. After she was done changing, she saw Francis getting out of bed with messy hair. She went up behind him and gave hima hug.

"Morning!" Alice exclaimed.

"N-Morning Alice! You startled me there." Francis said, hugging her back.

"You should get ready, breakfast should be there now." Alice said, letting go.

"You can go on ahead, I'll meet you there." Francis said, Alice nodding and going to the door.

"I'll see you downstairs!" Alice exclaimed, closing the door.

Alice made her way downstairs and saw that Adrion and Alistair weren't there, until they came in the dining room. She asked where they went and Adrion replied that they went to the Library. All they waited for was Francis and when he arrived, they all had breakfast.

"So, what do you all plan on doing today, young ones?" Zion asked.

"I wanna stay here for a while. Been tiring going out for the past few days." Adrion responded, eating a bit after.

"I think I wanna stay here too, maybe we can do something fun here!" Alice said, agreeing.

"How about you, Alistair? Francis?" Aiden asked, looking at the two.

"We'll be staying here." Francis responded, Alistair nodding.

"Alright then, we'll be informing the butlers and maids about it later." Owen said.

They all continued with their breakfast and after they're done, the Crystals left for some business while their parents informed the butlers and servants before going out to check how things are going. The Successors were left at the Mansion with all the servants. They went to the living room and decided to watch for a while and while they were watching, a butler entered and informed them of a visitor.

"Young Mistress, Sir Oliver is here to visit you." The butler said, Alice standing up.

"Where is he?" Alice asked, the butler leading her out of the room.

"Wonder who this 'Oliver' person is? Maybe a friend of hers." Adrion said, laying back to watch.

"You're not going to check?" Francis asked.

"We made a deal, plus she's right. I've been overprotective, so I just want to give her the freedom that she deserved for a long time." Adrion explained.

"Hey guys! I brought someone to be with us today! Meet Oliver!" Alice exclaimed, she and Oliver going inside.

"My greetings..." Oliver greeted, bowing in front of them.

"No need to be formal, you're Alice's friend." Adrion said, looking at him.

"Oh, alright...You're her brother...Right?" Oliver asked, Adrion nodding.

"Nice to meet you again, Oliver." Adrion said standing up and going in front of him.

"They're both...Really tall..." Alistair commented, Francis nodding.

"Are you free to join us today?" Alice asked.

"Well...Yeah, I just need to drop off the flowers for this week." Oliver said showing the flowers in his basket.

"Oh, they're lovely! I'll show you where they are, the butlers and maids are busy right now." Alice said.

"I'll let you guys do that then." Adrion said, going back to the couch.

"We'll see you later, sis." Adrion said, Alice and Oliver leaving.

"...You look a bit upset there, Francis." Adrion said.

"I'm just tired..." Francis responded.

"You're jealous, I can see it." Adrion pointed out.

"Just admit it Francis. You're jealous." Adrion said.

"Fine...I am." Francis admitted, Adrion smiling.

"We all know Alice likes you...Why jealous?" Alistair asked.

"Sometimes, I just can't really see the difference of how she treats me and other guys." Francis responded.

"Is that so..." Adrion said.

"I just need to get some fresh air for a while." Adrion said, standing up and leaving the room.

Adrion went up to see Alice and Oliver talking to each other. He saw how happy Alice is whenever she's with Oliver and he overheard their conversation.

"And I think that's all of them." Oliver said.

"The flowers are really beautiful..." Alice said.

"As beautiful as you, Mistress." Oliver said.

"You don't need to call me that, remember?" Alice said, Oliver apologizing.

"Before we go back, I would like to express my feelings for you...Whether or not you'll accept me or not, I just want to know how you feel, Alice." Oliver said, going closer to her.

"I love you, Alice..." Oliver said and holding her hands, Alice blushing.

"I'm sorry...I love someone else already...But I..." Alice said, having conflicting feelings.

"It's alright, you can be with them. I really needed to get that out of my chest." Oliver said, smiling.

"Oh..." Alice said, speechless.

"Well...As long as I can be your personal assistant around the territory, I'll be more than happy. Is that okay Mi-Alice?" Oliver asked, Alice smiling.

"Of course Oliver, I'dbe hapy to have someone guide me." Alice said.

"Hey, sorry to disturb your conversation." Adrion said coming in.

Adrion talked to both of them, telling them about Francis and Alice feels really conflicted. Adrion told her to talk about it with the rest of the family later and they went back downstairs. Adrion told Francis about his conversation with Oliver and Alice, making Francis understand the situation. Oliver and Francis talked about how they both felt for Alice and they agreed to still be friends, whoever Alice chooses. They all spent their time together, until Oliver needed to go for now, telling Alice he'll see her tomorrow night.

"I'll see you tomorrow night, Alice." Oliver said.

"I'll see you around, Oliver!" Alice said, waving at each other.

"Oliver left now, what do you guys want to do next?" Alice asked.

"Well, Adrion and Alistair are cuddling each other here." Francis responded.

"Hmmm...I wanna make something..." Alistair said.

"What is it?" Adrion asked, looking down.

"It's been a while since I made some small cakes for my relatives...We used to sell them before I moved to Silver Leaf...I want to make some to see if I remember." Alistair said.

"Let's ask the chefs If we can borrow the kitchen for a while." Adrion said.

Adrion and Alistair both stood up and went to the kitchen to ask if they can use the kitchen for a while. The chefs allowed them and they let them enter. Alistair called Alice and Francis to help and it was only four of them and the kitchen. They wore their aprons, put their hair up and they're ready to bake.

"So, what are we going to make?" Alice asked.

"We'll be making a mini ice cream cake platter. A large one." Alistair said.

"Hmmm...We need to get the ingredients ready." Alistair said, searching around the cupboards.

"What do we need to get?" Adrion asked.

Alistair listed down the flavors they'll be making. One large platter will have 4 flavors of Ice cream cakes: ChocoChip Cookie, S'mores, Banana Split, and Tiramisu. Each cake flavor will be done by each Successors following Alistair's instructions that will be written in different pieces of paper. Before they can start, they have to make the base and the ice cream. Alistair has his homemade ice cream recipe base. All it needs is some AP's Cream, Condensed milk, Fresh Milk, Sugar, and Vanilla extract. Alistair did the basic ice cream and separated them in 4 big bowls.

"We just need to get the ingredients for each flavor and we can start making them." Alistair said.

"The Mansion's kitchen should have what we need in the pantry here." Alice said, going to the small pantry.

"I don't think it's all there in a small pantry." Adrion said, doubting the size.

"Well, that's why there's a portal extension for more storage." Alice said.

"I stand corrected." Adrion said.

"H-How!? Where is this if it's not in the Mansion!?" Francis exclaimed, as they all entered the portal.

"It's like a grocery store!!" Francis exclaimed again.

"I mean...Carts and aisles...It's basically a personal grocery store. About where this is, I think we're in a different land, where this pantry is always stocked for Furroko." Alice said, smiling.

"So...Each territory has their own?" Adrion asked, Alice nodding.

"For everyne's use!" Alice exclaimed.

"No wonder the chefs here never lose food easily." Alistair said.

"Alright then! Alistair, what do we need to get?" Alice asked, getting a big cart.

Alistar gave the list and they started picking up the ingredients for each flavors. An hour later, they got all that they needed, put them in bags and went back to the portal. They put their ingredients in the counters and arranged them according to each flavor. Alice will be making the Tiramisu, Alistair will do the ChocoChip Cookie, Adrion will do the S'mores and Francis will do the Banana Split. Each of them had their own counter and followed the recipe Alistair has written out. After a while, the parents have arrived back to a home that's very silent. They looked through the different rooms and Leon found them in the kitchen making something.

"What are you guys doing?" Leon asked.

"Hi dad, we're making a mini ice cream cake platter." Alistair said.

"Ahhh, alright. Do you need any help?" Leon asked, Alistair shaking his head.

"Alright then, I'll tell the other where you were. Tell us when you're done, alright?" Leon said before leaving, Alistair nodding.

Leon told the others and after a while, the Successors came out of the kitchen to get the chefs to bring out lunch. They were served lunch and while they were eating, the Crystals and parents asked what they did for today. After lunch, the Crystals left to go to the Main Gate while the parents and Successors stayed in the Mansion. They all decided to have a bit of a movie marathon. Watching comedy, horror, action and more, they had fun until some of them begin to take a nap. The ones who are still awake are the Crystallios. So they decided to play some board and card games to pass the time.

"Get ready to die Mom!" Adrion exclaimed, putting in an infection card on her last organ card.

"Not for long boy!" Elizabeth said, putting down and immunization card.

"Dang it! I was about to win!" Adrion exclaimed.

"Do they have to shout?" Alice whispered to her father.

"Like Mother, like son dear." Ethan said.

"It's my turn." Ethan said, trying to pick who to attack.

"Alice Sweetheart? You don't mind if I kill your brain? It's almost dead anyway." Ethan asked his daughter.

"Awww...But it'd be a shame to do that..." Alice said, acting sad.

Ethan and Alice smiled at each other in an annoyed way. Ethan put in a deadly card, making Alice annoyed on the inside. Since her father only has 2 more organ cards left, she killed his kidney and he has one more card left.

"Good job Dear, you killed my kidney...Just wait till I kill everything you have left." Ethan said, smiling at her.

"No need to intimidate me like that...Because I'll make sure you die first." Alice responded, smiling back.

"They're terrifying when they're like this..." Adrion said, moving near his mother.

"It's alright, Adrion dear." Elizabeth said, comforting him.

Soon after, the Crystallios family kept playing until the Floria woke up and saw the other family, having many games lying around.

"How long have you guys been playing?" Leon asked, looking around.

"About 30 minutes." Ethan said.

"Wanna join us?" Elizabeth asked.

"Sure, while we wait for Finn and his family to wake up." Leon said, all of them on the floor.

They all continued to play until the Estra family woke up. When they woke up, there was yelling. Leon and Ethan were fighting because one of them cheated on a board game, while the mothers were trying to stop the fight. Alistair, Alice and Adrion playing another game until the fight stopped.

"What happened here!?" Finn asked.

"Our dad and Alistair's are fighting on who cheated." Adrion responded.

"...Okay..." Finn said, speechless.

"Wanna join the chaos?" Alistair asked them.

"S-Sure..." Finn responded.

All of them were on the floor now and played the Game of the Gods. After playing a long while, dinner was made and they were all called to the dining table. They fixed their mess and their selves before going to the dining room. A while later, the Crystals arrived at the dining table and their dinner was served. After dinner, they all got ready for bed and they let slumber bring them to the final day and the most awaited day. Recognition Day.

It's a new day and it has been the most waited out of the entre 2 weeks, Recognition Day. The Successors were woken up by the Crystals this time to call them for breakfast. When the Successors went to the table, they noticed that their mini ice cream cake platter was brought out and ready to be served.

"Good morning young ones, today is the day." Zion greeted.

"Your ice cream cake platter is done and ready to serve, young masters. Pease take a seat and enjoy." The butler said, bowing and leaving the room.

They all enjoyed their breakfast and there was still mini ice cream cakes left on the platter. They all decided to give them to the servants, chefs and guards around the Mansion, all of them being grateful for being given something. After that, the Crystals said they'll return shortly because they'll be bringing something for the Successors and the parents are excited for their reactions. The Crystals and parents planned this gift for a long time after the Successors first visited Furroko. They wanted to make their Recognition Day special and memorable, so they created gifts for them to treasure alongside training them. While the Crystals were gone getting the gifts, Acheros was left behind to play for them. He played one of his original pieces that has lyrics. He named it "Let's Meet Again in Spring", a song about being positive in a long distance relationship. Throughout the whole song, they all sang together during the chorus:

In the midst of the winter season

I wish we'll meet again soon

Even through our screens

We have many memories

But I promise we will meet once more

I say it to my very core...

For me, the most important thing

Is for us to meet again in spring.

The melody filled the rooms of the Mansion as everyone started joining. After the song, Acheros was praised for his work and was embarrassed with all the attention he was getting. After that, the Crystals came inside with 4 boxes that were wrapped beautifully with the tags having the name of each Successors written on it.

"It seems we arrived in time...Maybe too early even." Aiden said, carrying one of the boxes.

"Are these for us?" Francis asked.

"Precisely! Each one, just for you!" Florence exclaimed.

"Should we let them see what's inside now?" Owen asked the parents.

"Not yet, but after lunch time has passed, we can let them open the boxes." Ethan said, the other parents agreeing

"Of course, we'll leave these boxes in them in the living room table." Zion said as he and the rest of the Crystals dropped off the boxes in the living room.

"We'll be going out for a while to patrol around, we'll be back by lunch time, alright?" Elizabeth said to the Successors.

The parents and Crystals all left for a while to patrol around the territory, leaving Acheros and the Successors in the Mansion. They decided to play their instruments and be a little band for a while. Acheros has been exploring the world of music ever since the Wilder War has ended and with the help of Zion, he was able to create his own songs and go back to his childhood world of music. Now, he has his own students and is more than happy to have entered his life. Though the side effect that impacted the rest of life when Anwir disappeared was him getting exhausted easily, so playing music helps him be productive. As afternoon strikes, lunchtime also arrives. The parents and Crystals returned to the Mansion and they all settled once again in the dinner table. After lunch, they all gathered around the living room as the Successors will be opening their gift.

"Are you ready?" Finn asked, the Successors very eager to know what's inside.

"The Crystals will be giving you each your boxes, following a new tradition." Isabel said, smiling.

The Crystals gave them the boxes and the Successors opened them together. Inside the box, the first thing they saw was a card written by each Crystal to the Successor. They all had different designs that compliments the Successor's future ruling land. The Successors took each of the cards and read them one by one to be heard by everyone in the living room.

The mood of the room was very sincere and emotional as the Successors are going to be embarking on a new unexpected milestone in their lives. Removing the 1st layer of tissue paper, there was foam and a single ring. All polished and displayed beautifully in the middle. Each ring was crafted to fit them perfectly, with real gems being wrapped in precisely handcrafted gold. They all wore the rings and removed the last layer, revealing their clothing. For Alice, she had a blood red tight-fitting backless dress that reaches above her knee, a rhinestone like belt with a blue gray tulle overlay starting on the lower back of the dress until it almost reached the floor. The entire dress was embellished with small crystals and gemstone beads, making a design of vine like patterns and flora. Her shoes were blood red with light blue, and white highlights. All of the boys had different variations of suits. For Adrion, a gray long sleeve undershirt with a dark brown tight fitting vest and trousers. He also had a dark brown open trench coat with light grey tulle at the bottom, the designs on the left side of his vest resemble the notion of being burnt using beads and crystals. His shoes were black with light maroon accents. For Francis, a light tan short sleeve undershirt with a dark olive green blazer, trousers and black tie. The designs start from the cuffs and bottom of his blazer going up, with light green and white beads and crystals it makes it look like mist. His shoes were a darker brown with silver highlight. Lastly for Alistair, he doesn't a blazer but instead a light maroon long cape with gold lining to match his light baby blue long sleeve undershirt, grey vest and blue gray trousers The designs all went to his cape, beads and crystals making wind patterns going up from the bottom of the cape. His shoes were black with cream highlights.

"Did you like the gifts, young ones?" Zion asked, the Successors very excited for their gift.

"These are amazing! Look at this!" Adrion exclaimed, showing off his trench coat.

"We're happy you all liked your gifts because..." Aiden said, getting ready for the next surprise.

"You'll be wearing them to the ball tonight! Isn't that fitting?" Aiden said.

"A...Ball?" Alistair asked, curious.

"Mhm! We'll be having a ball and there will be platforms above the rivers so everyone can be able to go anywhere. This is your big day kids!" Ethan said.

"How about we get ready for the ball now, since we will be having to wait for everyone to start entering the Mansion." Elizabeth said.

The Crystals brought Acheros with them to get ready while the Successors are told to change in the Master bedroom and the parents will be changing in the guest rooms. They all took their time getting ready, the Successors helping each other change and get ready.

"Huh...How do you put this vest on!?" Adrion asked himself.

"Let me do it for you Co-" The butler said before being cut off by the Successors scream.

"I apologize for the sudden reaction." The butler apologized, going to Adrion and putting the vest on.

"Uhh...Thank you!" Adrion thanked the butler, smiling awkwardly, the butler bowing and leaving the room.

"Okay, only Alistair and Alice are left to change." Francis said, Alice and Alistair going behind the changing screens.

"I didn't really...Expect to have a ball for this occasion..." Alistair said while changing.

"It's out first ball here, so I hope everything will be alright." Alice said.

"I feel this cape is too big for me..." Alistair said as he and Alice came out.

"Awww..." Alice said looking at Alistair and fixing his cape for him.

"You guys look good, right Francis?" Adrion said.

"Y-Yup!" Francis responded.

After everyone was done changing, they all met in the ballroom to see the decorations hung up and ready. The tables are also placed and filled with food. The stage at the other side was also all set with 4 pedestals on the middle. The Successor decided to go up to the patio and as they arrived the view was beautiful. The night sky was filled with stars shining brightly. The festivity lights lighting up the entire land as everyone gathers for the ball.

"Would you guys like to go the dance floor? The ball's already started." Owen said from behind, the Successors looking back.

"Oh, we'll be there!" Adrion responding on behalf of everyone.

"We'll meet you downstairs then, have a fun night!" Owen said, leaving the patio.

The Successors went downstairs to see many people dancing in the ballroom. Adrion and Alistair went ahead to dance together, leaving the two alone. Alice suggested to get some fresh air again in the balcony, Francis nodding in agreement. They both went out for a while, looking at the stars but soon after, they went back inside and Francis mustered up the courage to dance and Alice agreed. They joined in on everyone dancing and eventually found Adrion and Alistair dancing together.

"There you guys are! I was wondering when you'll guys get here." Adrion said, Alistair getting closer to him.

"You two seem to have fun, huh?" Francis said, pulling Alice closer.

"Of course, how about you two?" Adrion asked, Francis and Alice looking at each other and smiling.

"We'd take that as a yes..." Alistair said.

They enjoyed their dance and tasted the small finger foods and drinks made by all chefs of the four territories. From small sandwiches filled with juicy meatballs, veggies and assorted condiments to professionally made cookies with detailed designs fit for the occasion. Pairing them with freshly squeezed fruity drinks and handmade wine can make it an experience of flavors. The ball continued onto midnight and it was still lively. The parents and Crystals went to the library to talk about the Successors' recognition. Since it's already midnight, they will have their recognition at the dawn of the next day. They will need to bring the Successors to the Main Gate before dawn to begin the recognition, they decided to bring them after a few more hours and went back to join everyone except for the parents.

"So, for many years of leading together, we're going to give our power to our kids." Finn said, starting the conversation.

"It's been a journey really...But it's our time to step down now." Ethan said, everyone agreeing.

"This will be our last conversation as Leaders, after dawn, we'll just be the parents of the new Leaders." Elizabeth continued.

"Indeed it is...But I do have to say, I will miss being a Leader. After years of ruling, it'll take a while to go back to the normal life." Lily said, everyone not realizing it.

"Now that you mention it, you're right...It's been so long..." Leon said.

"Look on the bright side, we get to be Leaders and it was an experience, and now we can experience something much more different from a just a normal life." Isabel said.

They all agreed to Isabel's words and they all went back to everyone, enjoying the ball together while waiting for the most awaited event that every creature has waited for. Everyone had their fun and danced the night away until dawn was almost at its arrival. It was around 2 hours before dawn, and the ball was still going on, so the Crystals took this as an opportunity to bring the Successors to the Main Gate along with the Leaders.

"It's time for us to go to the Main Gate, young ones. We have to prepare for your recognition ceremony." Zion said, finding the Successors in the balcony talking to each other.

"Oh..." The Successors said to themselves, looking visibly nervous.

"Let's go to the Main Gate, we'll have something important to talk about with the rest of the Crystals." Zion said in a caring manner.

"I assure you you'll be great Leaders for our land." Zion said as they all started to make their way to the Main Gate.

"Ever since we have had our first Successors, they were determined to be the next Leaders...Some of our next Successors refused being a Leader because of anxiety, even though they have prepared themselves...It's a shame to have the potential of a person be wasted on the personal anxiety and fear of one's strength...That's why I want to make sure that you are ready and committed to be the next Leaders...Your parents have raised you all separately but they never expected all of you to meet on your own, and from that they had the hope that your longing friendship can make you all support each other on your journey." Zion continued, opening the gate to go upstairs.

"Let's consult the other Crystals while you parents set everything that is needed for your ceremony...Take this as...Spare time to give yourselves a break and be ready emotionally." Zion said, opening the bedroom of the Crystals.

As the door opened, the rest of the Crystals were present. Zion told the other Crystals about what's happening and they were nodding. Zion told them the Successors to seat on the bed and the Crystals let Zion give them the pieces of advice for all of them.

"I would like to ask you all something...How do you really feel now? I would all of you to tell us how you feel, so we can understand." Zion asked.

"I guess I'll start...*ahem* I never really expected to have this kind of thing happen to me and I always expected to have just a normal life. Now that I'm going to be a Leader...I feel like I'm just too inexperienced for this." Francis started after the few minutes of silence.

"Well...All of this was a strange experience...I'm a bit more nervous because I can't really start a conversation...So I feel like they won't trust me..." Alistair continued.

"As for me, I don't really know much about leading a military army. Yeah this is a nice experience but I don't think I can be able to guide people or know anything about ruling a place even with the training we went through." Adrion continued.

"I'm not much used to a lot of attention, I am getting used to it but it's overwhelming to have so many eyes on you. I have made a friend from all the attention though it's still unusual for me to have all eyes on me." Alice said, finishing all of their thoughts.

The Crystals took each of the Successors and separated them to have a private talk with each of them. The Leaders just went out to patrol so it was only them. Adrion is with Zion in the Watch tower. Francis is with Florence in the Bedroom. Alice is with Aiden in the Meeting room and Alistair is by the gates with Owen.

"Have some refreshments, Adrion." Zion said, showing the table of drinks.

"You...called me by my first name." Adrion said, surprised.

"I would like to start addressing you with your first name since you're going to be a Leader...Just like your father." Zion said, smiling

"You are really like your father, Adrion. Someone who will give their wellbeing to protect someone they love." Zion said.

"Has your father shared anything from his childhood here in Furroko?" Zion asked, Adrion shaking his head.

"Well...When he was chosen, he was excited until the training became harder. He started to doubt himself like all of you, until he saw your mother alongside him. He promised himself to grow stronger to protect the people he loves, and you are doing the same." Zion said, making Adrion feel a bit enlightened by his words.

"You've been through so much ever since you first came here, and I have already seen that you're someone who will take the risk to save someone you hold dear. I know you will be a great Leader, being a commander doesn't mean being strict and intimidating. A commander is a leader to help guide their soldiers and that's it. Their personality is endless." Zion said, holding Adrions shoulder while looking at him.

"Thanks Zion...It's good to have someone for enlightenment." Adrion said.

Meanwhile, Francis and Florence were looking around the books in the bedroom. Florence took this as an opportunity to talk to him about his so called 'inexperienced' self. Francis was reading a book until Florence tapped his shoulder.

"What'cha got there Francis?" Florence asked, Francis looking back at him.

"Just a novel. It's really interesting..." Francis said, reading through the pages.

"How was the first chapter? It seems you're into it." Florence asked.

"It's really good so far, the protagonist reminds me of myself in a way." Francis said, making Florence find it as a coincidence?

"What's his character?" Florence asked, Francis describing him as someone who is still new to everything as he grew up.

"Sounds a bit familiar to you, don't you think?" Florence said, Francis realizing it.

"It is alright for me to tell you about the book as a whole? There's something I want to address with you, while we still have a few hours before dawn." Florence said, Francis and him sitting down on his bed side.

"That's the story of a boy, who's almost the same as you. He just graduated and lives on his own, but he's in a bit of rough struggle to try and get things together. Even though he knows what to do, the amount of things he thought would only be a few turned out to be so much. Long story short, he slowly learned that everyone will need to start somewhere and not every path will be smooth, meaning one has to go through the obstacles you face until you reach what you desire." Florence said, summing up the entire book.

"Oooooh I see...I can guess you're going to relate it to my experience, right?" Francis said, reassuring his hunch.

"Precisely, the best for you is to remember that everyone will see themselves as inexperienced in any certain skill. Not all of us may remember that life is really going to be a rough ride, all we need is the motivation to go on forward. With the support of our loved ones and our determination to achieve our desires, it will make that said road to be less intimidating than we thought." Florence said, looking at Francis then looking out the windows.

"That's the beauty of life. The path of rocky roads and obstacles that become tests to make us stronger, don't you think so?" Florence said, Francis understanding what he said.

"...Yeah, it's really beautiful now that I look at it." Francis said, looking out the windows.

"The path is much less hard to look at right?" Florence asked one last time.

"Mhm...It is..." Francis said as they look out to see the sky.

They looked up and looked at the sky as they wait for dawn. With Alistair, Owen was looking around the things around the gates and saw Alistair sitting by the Apparition gate. Owen sat beside him and put his arm around him.

"How about we talk about something? To let time pass." Owen said, letting Alistair start the conversation.

"Ummm...Well..." Alistair said, slowly hiding his face and thinking of a topic.

"I....Oh! Ummm...About Recognition Day, have there been any chances that the Successors refused the position on the actual ceremony?" Alistair asked, Owen smiling.

"There has been very few cases of Successors refusing the position in the ceremony. It would be because of last minute change of minds, which is fine. But after the ceremony, it'll be harder for the new Successor replacement to fit in because of the lack of training." Owen explained, Alistair nodding.

"Anything else?" Owen asked, curious to what Alistair will ask.

"Well...Are there any things I can do to...Be able to communicate with other people..." Alistair asked.

"Ah...Hmm...I can't give a specific answer but the closest for you is to start with the basic questions, such as how they were or what they've done today. Talking to people is like experiments, Trail and error I'd say...Since people have different interests, it's unpredictable to know what a person wants to hear...It'll take a while to get to know people but everything takes time...That includes yourself." Owen said, Alistair convinced.

"Is it alright if I...Practice on you?" Alistair asked, Owen nodding.

"Okay then...How was your day?" Alistair asked.

"It was okay, I overslept but I did manage to catch up before breakfast." Owen responded.

"It's alright, I oversleep sometimes too...I almost forgot that I have to do something one time...What...Else do you do in your spare time." Alistair continued.

"I go to the library and try to find some new novels and stories...Some days I walk around for fresh air or accompany the other Crystals." Owen responded

Alistair and Owen talked about other topics, Alistair being able to practice his communication skills. Lastly, Alice and Aiden were in the meeting room and Aiden was showing one of his puzzle boxes he puts in the room. After a while, the room was silent until Aiden decides to compliment Alice.

"Your dress is very beautiful, Alice." Aiden said, Alice smiling.

"Thank you, you look very good yourself." Alice complimented back.

"Hmm...About what you told us a while ago, you said that it makes it uncomfortable for you to have all eyes on you?" Aiden said, Alice nodding.

"Yes, I'm not that used to it even though I have been experiencing this for years." Alice said, Aiden surprised.

"And why is it that you're still uncomfortable by it?" Aiden asked.

"It's because...It makes me feel like I need to act perfect, even Adrion but he got used to it eventually. As for me, it's still not a normal thing for me...And I feel like I won't be able to get used to it like my brother." Alice explained.

"Oh Alice...It's alright. You don't need to force yourself from getting used to all the attention. I have heard you had an event in your life that made you less excited to meet others." Aiden said.

"Yes...I'm recovering, but it really impacted my life. My school counselor and therapist before told me that it'll take time but it's more than that, isn't it?" Alice said.

"That's true, it's more than just the time but also you going forward to respond to the said attention you receive." Aiden said.

"How can I do that?" Alice asked.

"Start with the people you are comfortable with, to have people around you that you know you're safe with is a start. As you go on, you can be open to others." Aiden said.

"I can do that, Thank you for the advice." Alice said.

"You're really like your mother, Alice." Aiden thought to himself, smiling.

After a while, they all went to the watch tower for the ceremony. Dawn was approaching and all creatures gathered around for the ceremony. Their parents came back in time and brought the Crystallites that the Successors were wearing the entire time but this time, they were put into much more detailed pin designs just for the occasion. The Crystallites are in small boxes to store them safely. The Successors were given time together to get ready.

"So, are you guys ready? This is our last day of being just Successors." Adrion asked.

"...Mhm! I'm ready!" Alice said after taking a deep breathe.

"Yeah...I'm ready too..." Alistair followed. All looking at Francis.

"I'm ready!" Francis said confidently.

"It's dawn...Are you all ready to go up?" Ethan said after knocking and opening the door.

The Successors nodded and stood up to follow Ethan up to the watch tower. The sound of cheers and music grows louder and louder as they go up the stone steps that lead to the watch tower, where their destinies will finally be set in stone. They arise from the dark and the light shines them all. Magic going around and confetti being popped to mark a new milestone in Furroko's history. As the Successors sat at the 4 chairs prepared for them, the Crystals initiated the ceremony.

"Welcome once again to everyone! Today, we will be marking once again another generation of Furroko's long line of Successors! Our ceremony of Pledge and Succession will now begin!" Zion exclaimed and the message spread all around, the crowd cheering.

"As generations of Leaders come and go, each have contributed to Furroko's land and its people. Now that we will be introducing our next line of Leaders, this will not only mar a new generation yet a bright future for everyone in Furroko!" Aiden started.

"To begin our ceremony, we will now introduce our Successors!" Owen continued.

"To all fellow Humans! As the Primordial Crystal of your tribe, I am proud to introduce the son of Dr. Finn and Dr. Lily Estra, Francis Estra. A knowledgeable and proper young man who has taken the challenges and overcame them. Being a part of the heroes in the Wilder war, let's us give a round of applause to welcome our new Doctor!" Florence introduced, the Humans calling Francis' name as he got up and looked down at them.

"For our Apparitions! I am proud to introduce our next Leader as the Primordial Crystal of the Apparitions! A gentleman and clever fella who was contributed to save our land from the Wilders...The son of Leon and Isabel Floria...Let us welcome Alistair Floria, our new Prince of the Apparition Tribe!" Owen went next, Alistair standing up and going beside him. Hearing the cheers and Alistair's name from the children.

"To all Monsters! Be ready to salute to your new commander! The son of the Crystallios family, I am proud to introduce to you as your Primordial Crystal of the Monsters, Adrion Crystallios. A strong-willed and disciplined warrior, who has fought alongside all of us here to lead our land to victory! Attention and salute to our new Leader!" Zion followed next, Adrion standing up and going near him. The crowd saluting and welcoming Adrion.

"Lastly! For all our Hybrids...I, your Primordial Crystal of the Hybrids are happy to introduce our new Mistress! The daughter of the Crystallios family, an energetic and kind young woman who has joined the other Successors and all of us here to defeat the Wilders. Let us all welcome our New Mistress, Alice Crystallios!" Aiden finished the introduction, Alice standing and going to him. The crowd bowing to Alice as they welcome her.

"Now that you know who our Successors will be, they will now take the pledge of leadership! As a final step to mark our next generation of Successors and new milestone for Furroko's history!" Ethan explained.

"May our Successors face their people and put their right hand on their chest." Elizabeth said, the Successors doing what they're told.

The Successors put their hands on their chest while facing their people. The Crystals getting the boxes and getting ready to give it to them. Finn and Leon prepared the pledge while Isabel and Lily raise the flag of Furroko. Finn and Leon say the pledge's lines first, the Successors following after them.

"I, a Successor to Furroko's Land...."

"I, a Successor to Furroko's Land...."

"A divided land with united people..."

"A divided land with united people..."

"I pledge to help everyone in need..."

"I pledge to help everyone in need..."

"To defend our land from any danger that come near...."

"To defend our land from any danger that come near...."

"To treat my people with utmost care and respect..."

"To treat my people with utmost care and respect..."

"And finally..."

"And finally..."

"To work with my fellow Leaders to bring Furroko to a bright future to come."

"To work with my fellow Leaders to bring Furroko to a bright future to come."

After the Pledge was been said, the Successors put down their hands and faced the Crystals behind them, each went to their Successor and opened the box containing their Crystallite. The Crystals expressed how proud they were of the Successors as they put in their Crystallite pin. After the pinning, Zion went to the high middle platform and took a deep breathe.

"Furroko! Our new generation of Leaders!" Zion exclaimed, all of Furroko cheering in joy and excitement.

Recognition Day. The most special day for every creature in Furroko, as it marks a new generation of Leaders. Leaders who have pledged to make their land great and have a bright future for everyone. The crowd of cheers and congratulations from their parents and Crystals, the Successors are confident to take on this commitment, to rule together in a divided land.

"Francis~ You still there?" Alice said, poking Francis' cheek.

"Huh? Oh, hi Dear." Francis said, waking up from his nap.

"You gotta stop pulling all-nighters." Adrion said, Alistair beside him.

"Sorry about that, I really needed to send the report to my dad by today." Francis responded.

"That'll wait for a while, let's visit them instead!" Alice exclaimed.

"We'll wait for you two outside the Hybrid's gate...." Alistair said as he and Adrion left.

"Now that they're gone..." Alice said, Francis got a surprised kiss as soon as he stood up.

Francis held her closer to him as they share the kiss. When they let go, they looked at each other and smiled. They let go of each other and held hands as they went down to the gates. Meanwhile, Alistair and Adrion are giving each other small kisses and cuddles while waiting.

"There you guys are." Adrion said, looking behind to see Alice and Francis together.

"Let's go!" Francis said as they walked out to the Hybrid gate.

"When are you guys going to be engaged? It's been years already..." Alistair asked Francis.

"I'm going to alright! Just not now...I have a surprise." Francis said, Alice giggling.

They arrived at the Mansion, being greeted by their parents and Crystals. They sat on the table just in time for lunch. The meal was as luxurious as they can remember. While eating their meal, a wide range of conversations start rising up to fill the room.

"I can't believe how long we haven't been in the other world. People thought we moved out and just do online classes from time to time." Adrion said.

"We do go back there to visit our relatives and finish our studies." Francis said.

"How was your day today, young ones?" Zion asked, the Successors talking about their day and asking them back.

"We'll be going back to the other world by next week, alright kids?" Ethan said, the Successors nodding.

After lunch, the Successors started their patrol around their own territories. They all went back to the gates and greeted each other goodbye, going their separate ways to do what they need to do. They were all greeted by their people, helped anyone that needed assistance and had to submit reports to the Crystals until sunset. It was now night time and they all rested in the Mansion. After dinner, they all got ready for bed and decided to sleep in the Master bedroom all together.

"Goodnight everyone, we have another busy day tomorrow." Alice said.

"Goodnight..." The rest of the boys greeted back.

And with that, everyone in the Mansion along with the rest of Furroko slept throughout the starry night. With all of their programs being initiated and applied to their era of leadership, the supportive people of Furroko being happy to once again have new Leaders that are always ready, the mark of the new generation being a big bang. The bright future has begun in Furroko, the Land of Division.


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