Before The Electric Shock | C...

By Roseberry2000

571K 9.9K 3.1K

"Turn your face towards the sun, Let the shadows fall behind you, Don't look back, Just carry on, An... More

Season 1
Crush, Chop & Burn, Part 1
Commando App
Leo's Jam
Rats On A Train
Exoskeleton vs. Grandma
Smart And Smarter
Moments At The Lake
Bionic Birthday Fail
Death Spiral Smackdown
Can I Borrow The Helicopter?
Back From The Future
Chip Switch
Drone Alone
Chore Wars
Dude, Where's My Lab?
Air Leo
Night Of The Living Virus
Mission Invisible
Concert In A Can
Mission: Space
Season 2
Speed Trapped
Spy Fly
Missin' The Mission
Robot Fight Club
Bro Down
The Rats Strike Back
Parallel Universe
Spike's Got Talent
Leo vs. Evil
Hole In One
Trucked Out
The Bionic 500
Bionic Showdown
Memory Wipe
Adam Up
Llama Drama
The Haunting Of Mission Creek High
Perry 2.0
My Little Brother
Prank You Very Much
Twas The Mission Before Christmas
Trent Gets Schooled
No Going Back
Season 3
Sink Or Swim
The Jet-Wing
Mission: Mission Creek High
Zip It
Not So Smart Phone
Scramble The Orbs
Principal From Another Planet
Three Minus Bree
Which Father Knows Best?
Cyborg Shark Attack
You Posted What?!?
Armed And Dangerous
Kiss The Girl
Alien Gladiators
Brother Battle
Face Off
Merry Glitchmas
Rise Of The Secret Soilders
Bionic Houseparty
First Day Of Bionic Academy
Adam Steps Up
Admiring Him
Unauthorized Mission
Season 4
Bionic Rebellion Part 1
Bionic Rebellion Part 2
Left Behind
Under Siege
Bionic Dog
It's All Falling Into Place
Mission Mania
Simulation Manipulation
Forbidden Hero
Spider Island
Welcome To The World
Spike vs Spikette
Lab Rats vs. Mighty Med
Space Elevator
Bionic Action Hero
One Of Us
Bob Zombie
Human Eddy
The Curse Of The Screaming Skull
Lab Rats: On The Edge Part 1
Lab Rats: On The Edge Part 2
Ultimate Tailgate Challenge
And Then There Were Four
Space Colony
The Vanishing

Crush, Chop & Burn, Part 2

14K 258 127
By Roseberry2000

A/N: I did some edits on this entire chapter sorry if your comments got deleted in the place you put them...



The next morning I went to my room and changed for the school day before heading back downstairs and sitting next to Leo on the counter, "What're you doing?" Leo asks Chase who was busy packing random things up.

"If Davenport is gonna ship us off to some remote facility, then the office supplies are coming with us." Chase then continues to through supplies into a bin.

"Oooh, that will surely show Davenport," hopping down from the counter I walk over and decide to help Chase take the supplies.

Bree groans "We just got our first taste of normal life. I was this close to getting a curfew which I was totally gonna break."

Adam perks up and tries to lighten everyone's mood "Oooh! But maybe when we get to wherever we're going, we'll meet a sassy lab chimp named Bobo who will take us on adventures and teach us how to love."

By now and Chase was done and motioned for me to sit next to him. Once I sit down Chase turns over to Adam and responds sarcastically "Or maybe you'll make him angry and he'll maul you and snack on your fingers"

Adam didn't seem to catch on since his reply was "Hey. I create the monkey fantasies around here."

Eddy then pops up on the screen "Well, kids, I hope you've enjoyed your stay at casa Davenport. I know I haven't. Sayonara!"

"Eddy, I know we've never been the best of friends, but we're gonna miss you," Bree says

"Aw, really?" Eddy cooed


"We hate you!"

"You're evil!"

Leo then turns over to us "Where is this training facility anyway?"

"Facility X? Oh, it's all the rage." Eddy then shows a nice photo showing a tropical place.

"That's pretty nice." Chase shakes his head clearly thinking things won't be as bad.

"Oops! Sorry! That's my screen saver. You're going here." Eddy then shows us a place that seems like Antarctica.

Chase sighs and turns to Adam and Bree "Forget about office supplies. We should be gathering wood."

Leo then hops down from the counter and starts to pace around "Man. I wish we hadn't thrown that party. I can't help but think this is all our fault." I nod in agreement

Adam walks over and places a hand on both mine and Leo's shoulder "Oh, that's because it is all your guy's fault."

"Adam, they were only trying to help us," Bree says trying to make me and Leo feel a little bit better.

"Well, yeah, but he did the opposite, which is not help us. The not makes it the opposite. I'm just so bummed. It's the only place we've ever known." Adam sighs

"Yeah. Just think about all the memories we've shared here." Chase stated while the three started to appear as if they were sharing the same memory.

"I can't let Davenport send you guys away. Let me talk to him. No one can say no to this million-dollar smile." Leo smiles and walks away.

I cross my arm and turn over to Adam, Bree, and Chase "Don't get your hopes up, everybody says no to him" They all nod their heads.

A little while later Leo comes back into the lab "Well, Im pretty sure he's going to think about it" I slap myself in the face while the siblings start to get happy.

Leo and I decided to go upstairs and rest while thinking of a way to keep Adam, Bree, and Chase here. Tasha noticed us and walked over "Leo, Y/n, there you guys are. I know you're sad about your friends leaving. But think of all the time you guys will get to spend with me. Oooh! We can play your little video game. You know, the one where you hold the thingy and you move the other thingy."

"Mom, with all due respect, it is way too late in life for you to learn video games," Leo says while getting up.

"Yeah Tasha, I think I rather just read and do homework than play video games with you" I pouted and got up.

We entered the living room only to be spotted by Davenport "Good morning, happy family."

"What is that?" Tasha asked pointing over to the sheet covering something.

"Whatever it is, don't get too attached," Leo tells me sarcastically

I gasp and hold my chest "Oh no, I'm afraid I already am" I turn over and glare at Davenport "Might as well ship it off now"

Davenport looked between Leo and me "Look, Leo, Y/n, I know you're gonna miss Adam, Bree, and Chase. So, I laser scanned their features onto these biosynthetic robots and I programmed them with their core personality traits." Davenport then reveals three robots that look like Adam, Bree and Chase "Is this great or what? It'll be like they never left."

Leo then knocks on Robot Adam and we start to hear clanking noises, Robot Adam then turns towards Leo and flicks him on the head "Ah!"

"What do you think?" Davenport questions

"I think the excitement of having a billionaire dad just wore off," Leo said before grabbing my arm and walking over to the kitchen.

"Donald, I don't know about this. I kind of prefer Leo and Y/n to have friends who can't malfunction and tear him limb from limb." Tasha tell Davenport while looking at the robots

Adam, Bree, and Chase walk into the room to see the robots "What are those?"

Leo turns towards them "Oh, Dr. Franken's brain here is trying to replace you with creepy robots"

"Welcome to crazy town," I added

We then start to hear weird noises and robot Adam starts to speak "Good morning. The time is 11:22 and the temperature is currently 68 degrees."

"You made a robot of me that just stands around telling people the time and the temperature?... That's the coolest thing I've ever seen!" Adam cheers while trying to get a half-five.

Bree walks up to her robot self "Does my nose really look like that?"

robot Bree starts to make weird noises then replies "No. Yours has a faint mustache underneath."

we all start to laugh before we started to hear robot Chase speak. "Hey, everyone. I'm Chase. Let's do ma... ma... ma... math." Davenport had to hit the robot to get it to stop glitching. Everyone but me and Chase starts to laugh.

"That is not funny!" Chase squeals

"No, you're right. It's fuh... fuh... fuh..." Bree hits Adam's shoulder "funny." Chase crosses his arms and starts to pout.

"This isn't far, that robot isn't cute at all!" I huff, forgetting I said that out loud. I start to hear Adam whistle. "WHAT!" I shouted while charging up my fist, he stops and turns around, I look at Chase and take notice of a deep blush while he is scratching the back of his neck. I was about to question him when the doorbell chimes.

Davenport walks over and opens the door to some guy in a suit "Hey, Fitz. How's it going? How's life? How're tricks? Alrighty then. You guys should've seen him at the Christmas party. He's a karaoke master."

"Well, I guess this is it. Thanks for everything, Leo and Y/n" Bree says

"Yeah, you're the best friends we've ever had," Chase adds

"No, they're the only friends we've ever had," Adam says

"Well, don't forget to bundle up on your deadly missions," Tasha says coming over to them and giving them a big hug.

Before walking out I hug Adam then Bree and stop at Cha he pulls me into a hug. "Don't go electrocuting people okay" Chase sigh "I think I'm going to miss you the most"

"I don't want you to go" I whisper knowing I have to let all of them leave. It's not fair me and Leo just wanted to help them.

"Y/n, you have to let go," Chase says with a sigh

I shake my head "I don't want to, If I do then you leave" but still my words didn't matter cause I let go. We've only just met and it sucks I feel like we could of been something I don't know what that something is but I wish I got to find out.

The siblings start to walk out the door "Hey, remember, this is a good thing. Without any distractions, you might finish your training early." Davenport says, they head out the door and turn around to wave goodbye.

Once they leave Eddy pops up on the screen "Whoo-hoo! They're gone!"

"Eddy!" Davenport and I yell

"I mean, have a safe trip. I love you" Eddy says before popping off the screen

Davenport looked at all of us but we just shook our heads and walked off. I quickly turn back with a tear still falling down my face "I hope you're happy" Davenport goes to speak but I runoff.

Leo and I walked into the lab where the robots were and as we passed the robot Adam began to speak "Hello, insert your names here. Would you like to engage in silly, happy, fun times?"

"Get lost!" I shouted walking away from them

"You can't replace our real friends! we really loved those guys." Leo added

robot Chase started to follow us "Don't be sad, Mr. Leo and Miss. Y/n, Friends come and go. But robots are forever. Dibbly. Dibbly. That is my version of a laugh. Dibbly. Dibbly."

"Will you tin heads get out of here?" Leo walked off

"Don't make me shock you" I threatened

"Sensing human hostility."

"Must exterminate!"

"Robots attack!"

Eddy pops up on the screen "Yeah, go robots! Get him! Crush him! Go for the brain!"

Robot Adam, Bree and Chase start to corner us "Destroy Leo. Destroy Y/n."

Leo screams in terror while I jump in front of him and charge my entire body until (f/c) sparks start to fly out. Shocking robot Bree  "OW! Leo, Y/N. We're not robots. It's really us."

"Huh?" Leo and I said in confusion while I uncharged my body

"We told the driver we forgot something, and then we swapped the robots in our place," Chase tells us.

"You said you loved us. You said you loved us." Adam starts to make kissing noises until Leo slaps him "Ow!"

"It is you guys!" Leo shouts while pulling everyone into a hug.

"Wait, what about Davenport?" I asked as well all pulled away from the hug

"We'll just have to act like dumb robots every single time he's around," Adam says

Bree starts to nod "It'll be easier for some of us than others." she says referring to Adam

"Hey, Leo, Hey Y/N" we hear Davenport say as he walked into the room, me and Chase quickly separate so he can start to act like a robot.

"Big D, Donny, the man of the house!" Leo say

"Uh?" I couldn't even form words

Davenport gave us a weird look "What're you doing, buddies?"

"What am I doing? I am hanging with my Robo-fake people friends." Leo says

Me and him start to sing and dance "Ain't no party like a robot party 'cause a robot party don't stop!"

"See, I told you guy that you would like them." Davenport smiles

"Like 'em? we love 'em." Adam starts to make a kissy-face again before going back to acting like a robot whenever he heard Davenport's voice.

"Oh, you know the greatest thing about having robots is?"

"What?" I questioned

"They are virtually indestructible."

"Huh?" Leo questioned

"Watch this." Davenport then shocks Adam

"Quit it!" Leo whines

"No, it's okay. He can't feel a thing. He's a robot." He then shocks Chase, casing me to zap Davenport in the arm.

"Stop that!" I shouted

"Haha!" Davenport rubs his arm "They are so incredibly lifelike." He then shocks Chase once again.

Davenport then walks over to Bree "Don't even try it"

"Oooh, you're a feisty robot, you. You wanna give it a try?" Davenport says turning over to me and Leo


"I'm good"

"Come on, do it."

"I'm fine."

"I rather not"

"Just do it once. It's a lot of fun."

"Fine!" Leo grabs the device and electrocutes Davenport while I use my hands and zap him. Davenport screams and falls to the ground.

"You're right," Leo says

"It is fun," I added

"All right, let's make this quick so we can get out of here. Adam, for breakfast you get wheat bread and a side of sugar packets." Leo said handing them to Adam

"My favorite!"

"Bree, you get two old wings and a drumstick from the Chicken Shack." Leo handed her the chicken while I made a bowl of cereal.

"Oooh!" Bree cheered

"And Chase, you can have the peel to my banana." Leo handed him the peel while I raised an eyebrow

"I'm not eating a banana peel."

"You don't eat it. You just chew it till all the flavor's gone." Leo explained

"Hun, don't worry you can have my cereal I'll just make another bowl," I said while passing Chase my bowl and throwing away the peel.

Tasha walks into the kitchen without us noticing "Leo! Y/n! What's going on?" she questions, throwing looks over at what she thinks is robots Adam, Bree and Chase

"Mom! Look at you. In the kitchen. We are just having a healthy breakfast." Leo says

"Honey, they're robots, they don't eat," Tasha said looking at us concerned

"All right, anyway, I was thinking, today might be a good day to take them to school with me." Bree starts to cheer cause us to look at her

"Yes! I mean, bee-dee-beep. Dee-dee-beep-beep. Beep."

"Guys, you're not taking robots to school." Tasha then turned to Leo "Your teachers already think you're a little weird."

"What makes you say that?" Leo ask

"Because on your last progress report, it said, We think Leo's a little weird" Tasha tells us causing me to laugh.


"Go to school." Tasha then pushed us towards the door.

"Fine!" Leo and I sighed before turning over to the siblings

"You guys stay out of trouble until I get back home. Hug it out." Leo said pulling everyone into a hug. Before leaving I placed a kiss on Chase's cheek and ran out before he saw how red my face was.

As soon as the bell rang to go how Leo ran straight home while I used my Electro-Kinetic Flight to get there quicker. We met at the front door then burst right through and ran over to Tasha and Davenport "Where are the robots?" we asked excitedly

"I ran all the way home, and I wasn't even being chased!" Leo said bouncing up and down

"I flew over as quick as I could, not even worrying if someone saw me!" I shouted while joining Leo.

"Leo, Y/n, the robots are gone. We just dropped them off at the recycling facility." Davenport tells us.

Leo and I looked at each other before shouting "You what?!"

"Yep. They're being melted down as we speak. Don't tell anybody. They're probably toxic." Davenport said walking past us

"No, We have to go get them! They're not robots, they're real!" Leo shouts

"Okay, see, this is why I didn't want those things around. They're delusional." Tasha says to Davenport with worry in her eyes.

"No. It's really Adam, Bree, and Chase. You have to believe us. There isn't much time!" I try to explain.

"Leo, Y/n stop," Tasha said shaking her head at us.

"Guys, when I was your age, I had to say goodbye to a lot of my friends. There was Lava Man and Stretch Legstrong and Jo Jo Biggs and all of his friends in the space cantina" Davenport was not helping.

Leo shook his head "Those are all action figures."

"More like fully poseable pieces of my heart." Again Davenport was not helping

Leo and I snuck onto a recycling truck and of course, ended up being thrown down the recycling center. "Leo?" Adam spots Leo then spots me "Y/n?"

"No. It's Spongebob and Patrick. Get us out of here!" Leo screams just as Davenport opens the door.

"Mr. Davenport!" Bree shouts

Adam starts to act like a robot "Hello, we are robots."

"Dude, I think he knows," Chase says

"Well, now he does" Adam say as I and Leo start to scream

"Leo!, Y/n" Tasha shouts

"I'll find somebody to shut it off," Davenport says

"There isn't enough time!" Bree states

"Guys, I have an idea," Chase says

Adam, Bree, and Chase come falling with screams. Adam is the first to stand up "Ah, it never gets old."

"Guys. What're you doing here?" Chase says as he pulls me into a hug

"We came to save you guys," I said

"Oh, thanks. We're good. Ha. Sweet kids." Adam cooed

"Come on, let's do this." Chase held me tighter while instructing Leo "Okay, Leo, hold on to Adam. We're gonna surround you and then we'll all go through it together, okay? Three, two—"

"Hey, what's that?" Leo walks over and presses a big red button causing the recycler to stop.

Chase let out a frustrated sigh "That would be the off button."

Adam starts to chuckle "Yeah. Oh, you guys didn't see that?"

"Oh, thank heavens! You all made it home safe and sound and..." Eddy pops up on the screen as we all walk into the house

"I don't know what you kids were thinking pulling a stunt like that. You could've seriously hurt yourselves." Davenport looked at us in disappointment

Adam starts laughing and acting like a robot "Yeah, but you gotta admit, my robot accent was dead on."

"Can we please take him back to the recycling center?" Chase sigh as I walk over and sit next to him.

"And, Leo, Y/n, why didn't you tell us that Adam, Bree, and Chase were still here?" Tasha asked

"Because I was trying to protect my friends. And I'm still gonna protect my friends. That's right. You wanna send them away, you have to go through me first. It's going time, little man. It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog. There's a lot of fight in this little doggie. Come on! Uh-huh!" Leo starts circling Davenport

"Leo, calm down. They're not going anywhere."

"Oh, don't you— Wait, what?" Leo stops

Davenport sighs "Watching you guys risk your lives for each other made me realize something. Maybe I've been focusing too much on training the superhuman side of you, and I forgot all about the human part."

"Awww. I don't get it." Adam looks at us

Davenport looks over at the siblings "You're teenagers. And bionic or not, you deserve to experience teenage things. Like school and classes and cell phones."

Bree jumps up "Yes! A cell phone! I'm living the dream. Whoo."

Davenport shakes his head "Yeah, you're not getting a cell phone. But what I can give you is another chance. Maybe there's a way that you can live here, go to school, and go on missions."

"Are you serious?" Chase cheered

"So they can stay?" I question

Davenport nods his head and holds up a finger "On one condition. No one can ever find out about your abilities. And you have to control your emotions so you don't glitch."




"All right, then, welcome home."

"Whoo-hoo! Yeah!" Adam starts to shoot plasma grenades "...whoops!"

"He has plasma grenades? My life just got a whole lot better." Leo cheered

We were all downstairs watching Tasha talk to robot Donald "You know, I'm just not sure about the throw pillows. They're a little plain. So, I got these. Are they too busy?"


"So you like them?" Tasha ask

"I do if you do." Robot Davenport answered

Tasha walks over and sits on the couch "You are so sweet."

we all start laughing at the screen "That robot maybe my greatest invention ever," Davenport stated, and right after he finished his sentence we heard electricity crackling from the robot.

"What the...? Donald!" Tasha shouted

We all turned to Davenport "Uh-oh, busted!" Davenport starts running off

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