Why me/How me?

By mckenzie242424

1.4K 57 6

(Matthew Espinosa Imagine) More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 15

43 2 1
By mckenzie242424


I decided to talk to Matt. i needed to deicde what to do. If ill only be here for another 2 weeks then i want to have fun and be with the people i love. "Matt, can you come to the lunch room with me?" i asked. He nodded and stood up following me out of the room. He grabbed my hand as we walked down the hall. It doesnt matter how many times he does it, everytime he reaches for my hand, it still makes me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. "Can we talk" i asked. "You're not gonna brake up with me, right?" he asked. "of course not" i said. "I just want to talk to you about the future and everything thats happening" i told him. "Okay what is it?" he asked, "So, you are my boyfriend, and i absoultley love you. whenever im with you i feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Your not the jelous type to get angry or anything, but i need to tell you, Shawn told me that he has feelings for me" i said, awaiting what he'd say, "i know" he said. "What, what do you mean, you know?" i asked. "Shawn is to nice to keep something like that from his best friend, he told me the day before he told you" he finished. "Why did you have him tell me?" i asked. "beacause you deserved to know and Shawn is a great guy, he would never try to brake us up or anything, so it was safe for you to know." Matt said. "Matt, i want to talk to you about what is going to happen soon. You already know that the Doctors are predicting 3 weeks at the most for me. And even being #2 on the transplant list, that wont change the fact that i probuably wont make it. So, i want to spend the time i have left with the people i love. I want us to all go out and do fun things together that you guys can all remember forever even when im gone. I will see you guys again, it will just be a while so i want to use all the time i have." i told him. I know that it makes him sad to talk or even think about it but its the truth and they all need to face it, "Look Matt, i need to tell you something just to get it out of the way and not have to say it again, i need to know that you know that when i die, you will still date and marry a beautiful, sweet, funny girl who loves you as much as i do. Because all i want is for you to be happy. But dont forget about me ever, you always have to remember so that when i see you again, you remember me. Do you promise?" i asked. "I dont want to marry another girl, i want to marry you" he said, now crying. I hugged him. "Matt please just promise for me? Please?" i asked. "Okay, but only if it comes down to it, which it wont because one day we'll both be together forever and it will be perfect, but for now just dont worry becasue i wont let you die. We will be together in the end and i wont let you die" He said as he hugged me and we walked back to the room.

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