Project: Alternative

Por Cennonn

4.8K 383 482

Worlds were designed to make traveling between them impossible. While there might be occasional accidents whe... Más

Prologue: Project Proposal
Chapter 1: Daily life of a Moderator (Jun)
Chapter 2: Daily life of an agent (Eru)
Chapter 4: In an unknown place while wearing my pajamas (Eru)
Chapter 5: An agent in another world is still an agent (Eru)
Chapter 6: It's out of my jurisdiction, but oh well (Jun)
Chapter 7: It's hero time (Jun)
Chapter 8: A good Coder is a fair Coder (Jun)
Chapter 9: I'm a servant now. Great, right? (Eru)
Chapter 10: An unfamiliar familiar enemy (Eru)
Chapter 11: The cyan-colored Coder (Eru).
Chapter 12: On our way to Rizuru Village (Jun)
Chapter 13: Reuniting with a friend is always nice (Jun)
Chapter 14: Waking up at dawn will sometimes lead to trouble (Jun)
Chapter 15: Warning (Jun)
Chapter 16: The one who commands Reality (Eru)
Chapter 17: Confronting for answers (Eru)
Chapter 18: Training to prepare (Eru)
Chapter 19: Time to plan (Eru)
Chapter 20: The occupied city, Krusmond (Eru)
Chapter 21: Time for a riot (Jun)
Chapter 22: My first solo infiltration (Eru)
Chapter 23: The difference between me and them (Jun)
Year-End Special Announcement!!!
Year-End Special: A Project of Generations from Unnatural Worlds
Chapter 24: What am I? (Eru)
Epilogue: Resolution of the occupied city.

Chapter 3: Emergency (Jun)

242 16 34
Por Cennonn

It was a weird night. Eru found out about my secret and I learned that he wasn't a regular guy. He was a dork in class who liked reading nerdy books so I never thought of him being an agent of GUILD.

I checked the System Records and looked at information about GUILD. The System Records was the collection of all knowledge of the Server. It was like a huge search system like Google that contained all information about the world. I could search about anything. It could be an organization, a person, a concept, or whatever. The only tough part was that I couldn't use it for trivial things like school since well, I couldn't write down "System Records of the Server" as my reference in a report.

GUILD or Global Union of Intelligence and Location Defenders was a secret organization founded around 120 years ago. Its roots could be traced to the Secret Intelligence Service of the United Kingdom. However, their mission was to protect the interests of the entire world instead of just one country.

I hated doing this but I tried to search Eru's name in the System Records. Like what I said, the System Records contain all information about the world. If I wanted to learn something about someone, I could just input their names in the search bar and then read on.

Reika Eru was born into a family of GUILD agents. From a young age, he was trained to protect the interests of the whole world. Although he had a bit of confidence issues and had low self-esteem, he was still a great agent. His record was really impressive although most of his missions were spent behind a computer while his partner, a beastwoman named Shishiro Botan, would take out the bad guys. He also has a slight crush on Rosenthal-san....


I didn't want to know that. God... I was a horrible friend for using the System Records to find out about his crush. This was the disadvantage of using the System Records. It had everything so I would be totally violating a person's privacy if I use it. The floating violet screen disappeared as I exited the records.

Now then, what should I do? I could go work on my assignments... Who was I kidding? I was going to watch random videos on the internet instead of wasting time on that.

"Ah. Sui-chan has a stream", I muttered when I saw the notification.

A video about a blue-haired girl appeared on my computer's screen. Her name was Hoshimachi Suisei, an idol... Yeah yeah. An existence that was almost like a god likes watching idols... Go ahead and laugh all you want.

I was a long time fan of hers even before she went and became popular. It was pure coincidence that I discovered her and I immediately became a fan. I was even a member of her official fan club and I was not even a bit ashamed of it.

"It's your shooting star, your diamond in the rough, idol YouTuber, Hoshimachi Suisei!" she introduced herself with a cute smile, "Sui-chan is..."

"Cute today too!!" I finished her sentence.

It was sort of like a call-and-response.... Yeah yeah... I do her call-and-response even if she can't hear me. It's a formality that common people couldn't hope to understand. I was not a creepy idol fan or anything.

She then went on to have a karaoke stream... That's great. I could work on my assignments while Sui-chan would sing. It was going to be a great night.


I woke up around 1 AM when a loud beeping noise echoed in my head. That beeping noise meant only one thing: it was an emergency summon. The Administrator of this Server probably had something important to tell me and judging from how he called in this unholy hour, it was an emergency.

A violet screen appeared and the words [Connecting to Administrator] were on it. I didn't bother dressing up since it was an emergency.

The words disappeared and a man in a suit appeared on the screen. He had a really friendly face and he was smiling most of the times I met him. However, his trademark smile was gone.

"Thank you for receiving this transmission, Moderator Jun", he said.

"It's no problem. What is happening, Mithra?" I asked.

His name was Mithra, the Administrator of this Server. He was the creator of everything that existed in this world. From natural laws to every sentient being, he made it all by himself and he did a very good job of it. From what I learned at the Academy, Servers would often have Bugs and Dump Files thanks to the faulty codes in the Reality. Mithra's Server rarely had Bugs or Dump Files so my job as a Moderator was actually easy.

"To bring you up to date, I am running an experiment with a fellow Administrator. However, I made a huge blunder", he said.

"What kind of experiment are you running?" I asked.

"Have you played one of those online games in your world?"

"Yeah. My friend dragged me into them."

"In those games, there are servers, right? And you could hop from one server to another."

"Don't tell me that you're planning on allowing people to travel between Servers?"

"As expected of Moderator 1412, you catch up really fast. Another Administrator and I are working to have our Servers become connected. We call it Project: Alternative."

While there was no hard rule, Servers are often isolated from one another. It was because each Server was different from one another so inhabitants who get sent to another Server would cause Bugs and the like. The difference may even be huge like having different physical laws and stuff.

"So while I was placing the codes to allow traveling between the Servers possible, I made a slight mistake and transported some people to the other Server", Mithra said.

"Isn't that supposed to be the problem of that Server's Moderator? Why are you bringing that up with me?" I asked.

"That Server is still new so there's no Moderator assigned to it. The Administrator has his hands full preparing that Server for the project so he couldn't find the people who got transported."

"I see... So you want me to bring them back to this world?"

"Yes, please. I know this is beyond your jurisdiction but I'm hoping that you would take the job."

"You're my boss. I don't really have a choice. So? Do you have a list of people who got transported?"

"I'm still doing a Server-wide scan for any disappearances. I only have one name so far but I think there are more people."

A violet screen appeared and there was a name of a person there. Hey hey. Are you serious?

[Confirmed transported individual:

Eru Reika]

Eru sure had tough luck. I think he should be able to survive in the other Server until I could rescue him. The problem was for the other individuals who got transported away.

"Uumm... Mithra? Am I allowed to deploy an NPC? We need damage control", I asked.

"Yes. I already placed an NPC of Reika Eru. If you leave this Server, an NPC will take your place", he answered.

NPCs were exact copies of an individual. They were often used in these kinds of situations where the Coders have to cover up someone's disappearance.

"Do I still have my Moderator privileges if I go to that Server?" I asked.

"Yes. Sera is already making arrangements. You will be sent there in a few moments so you have to prepare yourself. Be warned though, your body will undergo modifications to adapt to that Server and so that you wouldn't cause any Bugs. Here are all the details you need to know about the Server."

A violet screen appeared and there were tons of words. I began reading it as I waited for the signal to go to that Server. It seems it was more or less the same with my Server except for some things. Science wasn't too advanced there and there was Magic too... Oh man... Magic?? This mission was going to be fun and if you didn't notice, that was sarcasm.

"Your transfer is now ready. Please log-in to that Server", Mithra said.

[Moderator ID: 1412-5563-4689

Password: ***********]


[Choose Server:

Mithra Server

Sera Server


I pressed the Sera Server.

[Logging in to Sera Server]

My body began to glow as the scene around me changed.

I was no longer in my room but instead, I was in a field with carrots. Now then, the first order of business was to find Eru. But where in this Server could he be? Should I ask for a Server-wide Scan from the Administrator?

"Let's go, peko!!" a voice said.

When I looked at the distance, a beastwoman with rabbit ears was pulling a cart with over-sized carrots.

She struggled as she tried to pull the cart in vain. Seriously? Was she expecting to move that cart with her physical strength? This Server might be more fun than I thought.

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