Dramione - Fire and Ice

Autorstwa EmilieJane29

40.5K 915 306

Though the trauma of the war is ever so present, Hermione Granger is ready for a normal year without the worr... Więcej

Chapter 1 (Hermione)
Chapter 2 (Draco)
Chapter 3 (Hermione)
Chapter 5 (Draco)
Chapter 6 (Hermione)
Chapter 7 (Draco/Hermione)
Chapter 8 (Draco)
Chapter 9 (Hermione)
Chapter 10 (Hermione)
Chapter 11 (Draco)
Chapter 12 (Hermione)
Chapter 13 (Hermione/Draco)
Chapter 14 (Draco)
Chapter 15 (Hermione/Draco)
Chapter 16 (Draco/Hermione)
Chapter 17 (Hermione)
Chapter 18 (Draco)
Chapter 19 (Hermione)
Chapter 20

Chapter 4 (Draco/Hermione)

2.2K 54 26
Autorstwa EmilieJane29

"Granger, we're running late," drawled Draco, his hands stuffed deep into his pockets, waiting impatiently by the exit to their shared common room. 

He glanced down at his attire. Granger had the bloody idea no one would be allowed to wear their house colors to the ball. He sported all black aside from the red silk handkerchief in his breast pocket. His mask was black with a red accent. He heard her door open and close upstairs, her footsteps approaching. 

"Finally," said Draco, with an eyeroll. "You'd have thought -" but whatever snide comment Draco was about to say was lost on his lips when he saw her.

In front of him stood Hermione Granger; however she looked very different than the know-it-all Muggleborn he knew. Her brown hair had been tamed, and curled down to her bare shoulders. Her emerald green dress hung off her shoulders and accentuated her waist before flowing to the floor. A large slit in her dress going up to her thigh drew attention to her long legs and she wore black heels which was held by a ribboning pattern up to her calf. 

He finally looked into her eyes behind the matching green mask and noticed how bright her warm brown eyes contrasted with the green. Granger was chewing on her deep red lips, obviously nervous about her appearance and his reaction.

Draco cleared his throat and glanced once more at her long slender leg peeking out from the dress. "You look stunning, Granger."

A subtle blush could be seen on the edges of her mask. His thoughts had begun to venture into questionable territory as he raked over her slender shoulders and the visible top of her breasts. If his father knew what he was thinking...

"Thank you," she said quietly, walking closer. 

"Quite sexy in green," he said with a wink, attempting to put her at ease as well as distract himself from her figure. 

She laughed and shook her head, the blush deepening. "The flattery is unnecessary."

"I was talking about myself," he smirked, holding his arm out. 

Her laugh was more genuine this time when she looped her arm into his, the temperature of their proximity causing a thin sheen of sweat on the back of his neck. 

They exited their common room into the empty corridor. 

"Has it hurt your ego that I haven't said anything over your appearance?" teased Granger, the portraits eyes' following them as they made their way to the Great Hall. 

This fact seemed irrelevant considering how she looked tonight. "Of course," Draco said, placing his free hand on his chest, feigning hurt. "It's practically in shambles."

She smiled in amusement, the sound of their footsteps echoing down the corridor as they neared the faint source of music. 

"You're not wearing much red, but it does look rather dashing," she said with a smile, looking over to him warmly. 

He had the sudden urge to pull her aside and ravish her lips with his until they were swollen, but he resisted the blasphemy of such a thought.

They finally reached the outskirts to the Great Hall and were mere feet from view. 

"Ready?" Draco said, his grin genuine at being given the honor to escort the gorgeous witch beside him. He was determined to keep any thoughts of blood purity from his mind. What damage could be done by putting aside his upbringing for one night?


Hermione had to admit she was impressed with what they managed to create in the Great Hall. It was elegant to the likes of the Yule Ball, but with a splash of color from all four houses on tapestries. They even created miniature animated creatures of their House mascots who were chasing each other on tables. 

Immediately upon entering the Great Hall on Malfoy's arm, all eyes turned toward them. She was slightly uncomfortable with how revealing her dress was, but Ginny convinced her to go "outside her comfort zone" for one night. Malfoy seemed unfazed by the staring and held his head high, leading her towards the table with punch and appetizers. 

There was a familiar scent wafting towards her from the punch that made her frown. She eyed Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas suspiciously who were quietly talking nearby, stuffing an object back into their dress robes.

"It's not poison," whispered Draco, his lips lightly touching her ear. "Most here are of age."

She pursed her lips, still considering on vanishing the punch altogether. 

"Hermione, you look gorgeous!" yelled Ginny, dragging Harry in tow towards them. 

Ginny was wearing a blue sequined mermaid gown, her hair pinned back intricately. Harry wore black dress robes and a blue mask.

Harry blinked several times at her, his mouth slightly agape. "Hermione?"

"I helped pick her dress," explained Ginny with a smile. "Didn't I say it would look lovely?"

"You did," Hermione agreed, trying to not fidget under their scrutiny. 

"Here I am, expecting a bookworm on my arm, and instead found a Veela," teased Malfoy, causing Hermione to blush and Harry to stare as if Malfoy had sprouted two heads. 

Ginny was unfazed and grinned at Malfoy. "I do have an eye for fashion." 

"The blue does suit you, Weaselette," said Malfoy politely, looking over her gown. 

"Thanks!" said Ginny warmly with a smile. "Let's go dance, Harry."

"Er - okay," said Harry, who looked extremely uncomfortable with the polite small talk. "See you later, Hermione... Malfoy..."

Hermione nibbled on a biscuit nervously as she caught many students staring at her, but it seemed like everyone was having a good time. Malfoy was talking to Blaise a few feet away in whispers.  

"Hermione, blimey, is that you?"

She turned around and saw Ron in his black dress robes sporting a yellow mask with Lavender Brown on his arm. She was wearing a large yellow ball gown and reminded Hermione of the Muggle princess, Belle.

"You look wonderful, Lavender," she said politely.

Lavender pursed her lips, glancing at Ron's slacked jaw with it being confirmed the witch in the green dress was indeed Hermione Granger.

"Thank you," she said stiffly. "And you look..." she trailed off, her lips pursed again.

"Gorgeous, yes?" Malfoy appeared at her side just then with an arm around her waist.

Ron's face turned tomato red as he realized who Hermione's date for the ball was.

"You came with Malfoy?" asked Ron quietly.

"I'm right here you know," Malfoy drawled, suddenly pulling Hermione even closer to his side causing her to also be blushing. "Any complaints can be forwarded to the Headmistress, Weasley."

Malfoy turned to her, ignoring the two Gryffindors. "Would you like to dance, Granger?"  

Hermione looked at him confused when he led her to the dance floor before she could even reply. "Only if you want... we don't have to if you're trying to salvage a Mudblood-free reputation."

He didn't reply and pulled her around to be in front of him, keeping his arm around her waist, and gently placed one of her hands on his shoulder and the other into his hand. 

"Done this before, have you?"

He looked amused as he slowly twirled her around. "A bit."

They didn't talk much as they danced in the Great Hall. Brown eyes connected with silvery grey often, a faint smile on both of their faces. By the fourth song, Hermione was pleading for a break on her feet. 

"Women and their shoes," muttered Malfoy with a shake of his head.

Hermione lightly hit his chest while they walked from the dance floor to a nearby table. "In my defense, I did not pick this outfit."

"True," agreed Malfoy, pulling out a chair for her. "Who knew you were hiding such fantastic legs."

Hermione scowled at his teasing. "There's more to a person than their legs."

"They are rather helpful though," Malfoy said with a grin, sitting next to her and lightly touching her knee to emphasize his point. "Getting you from one place to another."

"I believe magic can help with that too," she argued, feeling her face flush from his touch. Did her nerve receptors all exist in this exact area of her knee?

"It can," he conceded, drawing a small circle on her knee with his thumb. Despite magic being used to keep the Great Hall at a comfortable temperature, it seemed much too warm where they sat. 

"Would you mind fetching a glass of water?" she asked quickly, her voice sounding winded.

She watched a small smirk form on his face as if he knew what he was doing to her. "Of course."

He finally relinquished her knee and Hermione found herself exhaling deeply as if she had been holding her breath. 

"Mind if we had a dance?"

Hermione jumped in her chair and whirled around to see Blaise Zabini holding a hand out to her with a handsome grin. He too held himself with confidence, and she wondered if this was simply a Slytherin trait. 

"I'm actually waiting for a glass of water from Malfoy," said Hermione apologetically. 

"We made a bet of five galleons to ask you to the ball," he said with a smirk, sitting himself in Malfoy's chair. 

"I know." She was pleased to see the cocky grin vanish from his face.

Malfoy had brought this up the same day he had asked her, but it didn't really bother her. She was still being treated cordially and Malfoy had told her the truth. She was also confident "dancing" hadn't been part of the agreement. They were friends, sort of.

Malfoy quickly returned with a glass of water, giving his friend Blaise a calculated look. "Will you be alright, Granger, if Luna and I had a dance?"

She blinked in surprise and saw Luna next to him with a serene smile wearing a yellow sundress, the same dress she wore to Bill and Fleur's wedding. "Oh! Hello, Luna! Of course, go ahead."

Malfoy gave her a nod and shot a dark look at Blaise before leading Luna to the dance floor. She watched them as Luna did her own intricate moves and Malfoy stood next to her with a wide grin.

What an odd friendship, she couldn't help but muse. 

"Looney Lovegood is an interesting creature," said Blaise casually, taking a drink of her water much to her annoyance. "I don't know what Draco sees in her."

"She's unique and doesn't care what others think," she said, defending her friend. 

"I supposed," he sighed and suddenly looked her up and down with a smirk. "I can see what he sees in you."

Hermione's lips went into a straight line as she took a long drink of her water. "Is there something you wanted, Zabini?"

"Nah," he said, standing up with a grin. "Enjoy your night, Granger."

Hermione watched him walk away and start talking to a group of Ravenclaw girls in short green dresses, giggling being the immediate response to something he said. 

She finished her glass of water and made her way to the fountain, but a small crash outside the Great Hall drew her attention.

"What's going on?" she asked, incredulous at the scene that greeted her. 

Padma Patil was holding back an angry Lavender Brown, while a red-faced Ron was half hidden behind an embarrassed Harry. Lavender looked quite deranged and her dress now torn. Something didn't sit right with Hermione.

"You!" screeched Lavender pointing at her. "Looking like a slag and stealing my Won-Won!"

Hermione frowned, ignoring the jab. "Padma, what's going on?"

"She was attacked by a werewolf during the Battle of Hogwarts," said Padma with a grimace, struggling with her friend. "I've noticed she is much more emotional the closer we get to the full moon."

"Perhaps if Ron could keep his eyes off of skanks, my temper would be much better!" Lavender yelled. "Let go of me, Padma!" 

Hermione suddenly swayed on her feet, and placed her hand on a wall to steady herself.

She didn't know why, but she had a feeling something more was going on with Lavender Brown than a bad temper.

"Padma and Ron, could you help Lavender to the Hospital Wing? Madame Pomfrey might be able to help with a calming potion.

Ron grimaced at his name being included, but with another glance at her and Harry, followed behind Padma and Lavender as they headed in the direction towards the Hospital Wing. 

"Are you okay, Hermione?" Harry asked her with a frown, stepping closer. 

"I - I'm fine, Harry," said Hermione, who then giggled at Harry's expression. "Your eyebrows are funny when you look concerned."

His eyebrows furrowed even more much to her amusement. "I'm... going to find Ginny. Don't move, okay?"

Hermione hiccupped and shrugged. Her entire body felt warm and energized.

Five seconds passed when Harry disappeared from view before she started roaming the corridors. The astronomy tower seemed to be calling to her and she eventually made it up the steps with her unsteady footing.  The cool night air felt good against her skin and she sat down on a bench to unwrap the ribbons from her heels. 

After a few minutes of struggling, she now balanced barefoot on top of the banister, feeling the wind fly through her hair and dress. She had the sudden thought in her head on how it would feel to jump... to fly...


After Draco interrogated Potter of Granger's odd behavior and bickered with Pansy, he went searching for her. To his surprise and worry, she wasn't in their dormitory. He searched the library and had asked someone to search the Gryffindor common room. 

He passed by the steps to the astronomy tower when Draco heard soft humming. It was so quiet he thought he may have imagined it, but as he went further up the steps, the humming became clearer. 

When he reached the landing, he was shocked to find Hermione standing on the banister, humming casually to herself. A light drizzle was starting to pick up pace in the night.

"Bloody hell, Granger... get off the damn banister!"

She said nothing and continued to hum. He realized yelling was stupid of him and could have made her slip, but she gave no indication she had even heard him.


Draco walked closer and couldn't help but think how beautiful she looked with her hair and dress flowing behind her in the wind. Her blank expression however was cause for alarm.

"I'm going to fly," she told him simply, before proceeding to jump off the banister. 

Thank you for reading! :)

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