Why me/How me?

By mckenzie242424

1.4K 57 6

(Matthew Espinosa Imagine) More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 13

49 4 0
By mckenzie242424

When I woke up, I looked to see who was awake. Matt, Shawn, and Conner were all on there phones. I got up and whispered to them "hey guys, I'm gonna go get breakfast if you wanna come". They all decided to come with me. I ran into Doctor Baily in the hallway, she said that at 11:30 she needed to talk to me. It was 11 so we went and got breakfast. Once we were done eating, we went back to the room and everyone was awake. I told them that Doctor Baily was coming at 11:30 to talk to me. Cameron and the Jacks went down to get breakfast since they had been asleep when we went. When doctor Baily came Matt, Shawn, and Conner were all still there. I didn't really care that they were all there, I just didn't want them to get upset if she talked about death or anything. She came in and stood beside me bed looking at her clipboard. She began talking,
"Y/N, we put you on the transplant list. Unfortunately we haven't gotten you to the #1 spot yet because there are 6 children in front of you who all have worst conditions and less time." Shes said.
I could tell that Conner was trying not to listen so he wouldn't get upset. Matt and Shawn were listening though, they wanted to know what would happen.
" If we can get a set of healthy lungs, then we can do the transplant surgery and you will be fine. Don't give up yet, we still have a couple more weeks to move you up the list. We live in a big city and since you are in the top 10, if anyone who is a donor in the city donates, it will go to you." She said. And then she left. I guess I was expecting bad news but I considered that pretty good. I mean, I'm supposed to die in a couple weeks but there's a small chance that I could live. I right then promised myself that I would not get my hopes up because I was still probably going to die in a couple weeks. The chances of me getting a pair of lungs in that amount of time were very small. Matt and Shawn were smiling at me. "What?" I said laughing.
"What do you mean, what?"Matt said. "We're just really really really happy" Shawn said.
"Just please don't get your hopes up"I said. We all decided to walk down to Ryann's room and see if her and Trevor were awake. When we walked in they were both standing up hugging "Hello, Love Birds" Conner said laughing. We all laughed. We talked about what we were gonna do today. We all decided to go shopping. We all got ready and hopped in Conners car, driving to the mall. Matt, Shawn, Cameron, and The Jacks went to Pacsun with me while Conner went to starbucks with Ryann and Trevor. I loved giving my opinion on clothes for the guys. Matt would joke about how clothes looked on him but I think that the others guys actually cared. They would ask me how it looked and i would say "Fine" then they would think I hated it so I decided to start saying "great" and that got us out of the store pretty quickly. We ate at the food court and got starbucks. After starbucks we went to Aeropostale then we all went back to the hospital. Once we got back to the hospital we all came in my room and sat together watching movies all day. I went to go get a water bottle and Shawn followed me,
"Y/n, I need to talk to you" he said
"Yeah, what is it". I said as I walked beside him. "Y/n..........you at my best friend and I know that your dating Matt and I respect that and everything I just have to tell you that I have feelings for you......and I just love everything about you.....I don't want anything to change I just had to tell you" he said. I was shocked. I had not seen that coming at all. "Shawn..." I said. "It's fine, we don't have to talk about it or anything. I just wanted to tell you" he said. "Okay"I replied and we walked to the vending machine then back to the room. I sat by Matt. I brought him a drink. When I sat down beside him and he said "thanks babe" that's when I realized I loved him and he loved me. Then It hit me. If I die in a couple weeks then I'll be leaving Matt. And Shawn, Ryann, Gilinsky, Johnson, Cameron, trevor, and Conner. Plus Hayes and Ricky and taylor and Aaron and EVERYONE who left. I started crying and ran out of the room. Matt chased after me and I stopped and sat down against the wall, crying. "Babe, what's wrong" he asked. "I just.....I love you...I'm in love with you.....and all of those people...all of my friends....even the ones who aren't here.........I don't want to leave them...or you.. I want to be with you......I just don't want to leave any of you" I said crying. "Aw, babe we all love you and I love you more than anything. You can't give up yet. Because I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I can't do that if your not here" he said crying to. Be both hugged and kissed and walked back to the room once we were okay. Everyone looked so confused.

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