Just One Time (Ziall) - BoyxB...

By LamPayning

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Niall's father in rich... very rich, but Niall isn't happy. He hides everything with a smile or a laugh. He... More

Just One Time (Ziall) - BoyxBoy
Chapter 1 - I'll take care of it
Chapter 2 - How i met the boys (Past)
Chapter 3 - We've got Niall!
Chapter 4 - We want to help you (Past)
Chapter 6 - Much Better (Past)
Chapter 7 - You Start
Chapter 8 - On a second thought... maybe we should leave (Past)
Chapter 9 - Make up your mind already
Chapter 10 - So, what do you say? (Past)
Chapter 11 - Beautiful
Chapter 12 - I'm kind of lost *Final Chapter*

Chapter 5 - I didn't do it intentionaly

7.2K 210 25
By LamPayning

Recap from last events

Zayn stood up as well, walking behind Niall, just in case, even though he knew Niall wouldn’t do anything. He checked Niall’s back, licking his lips. Niall had a slim frame, but his body was absolutely incredible. He wanted to just put his hands on his waist and pull him close…


Niall felt steps right behind him, and he felt a bit uncomfortable. He stopped on his spot and turned around, to tell the boy to stop, and assure him once more that he wouldn’t do anything, but just when he was about to talk, he felt something hit the front side of his body…

He couldn’t keep his balance and with the difficulty he had to see with the cloth over his eyes, he couldn’t even understand what happened until he felt his back collide with the concrete.

Zayn who was busy admiring the blonde’s backside, didn’t notice the sudden halt until he felt pressure on his chest, pushing the other boy backwards. Niall who looked utterly confused , desperately reached for something to hold on and seeing as Zayn was the only object/person around, he grabbed Zayn by the shirt pulling him down as well.

Zayn had a soft landing, but Niall on the other hand felt a sting of pain shot down his spine and he couldn’t keep his groans back when a weight landed on him.

Zayn lifted his head and found himself face-to-face with the boy he and his friends had kidnapped. He could feel the boys warm breath against his face and Zayn’s eyes fluttered closed for a moment hoping the younger couldn’t feel his rapid heartbeat.

“I’m sorry” Zayn’s voice rung a bit to close to Niall’s ear but he unconsciously felt his lips stretch into a smile. He could feel the new warmth spread in his body that the unknown boy’s body gave him and he felt himself liking it. He didn’t know why, but he knew he didn’t mind staying like that for longer… if the boy hadn’t moved.

Zayn awkwardly stood up and then bent down again grabbing the other boy’s arms so he could pull him up. What he didn’t expect was the boy pushing himself of the ground, and with the more-forceful-than-intended pull Zayn gave him, Niall found himself loosing his balance again. He crashed into the older’s chest, which of course sent them down again, but this time it was Niall who had a soft landing

Niall chuckled in the material of Zayn’s t-shirt in which his face got buried when they fell. Zayn joined as soon as he felt Niall’s chest vibrate over him. They had turned intop a tangled mess on the floor, and it took Niall a while to roll over so he was resting on his back and Zayn could stand up.

This time Zayn didn’t risk and went with the simple choice of grabbing Niall bridal-style and setting him down on his feet. Niall could feel his cheeks get tinted red, but he made no movement to hide them.

“I think that was enough?” Niall asked Zayn hoping he wasn’t annoyed or angry because as mentioned the pale skinned boy liked Zayn’s company more than the others.

“If you say so!” Zayn said with a smile. He could still feel his fast-beating heart and the blood rushing through from the contact. He couldn’t tear his gaze from the perfection in front of him and he was grateful for once that Niall couldn’t see him.

Niall could feel the eyes boring into him and blushed even more. He didn’t know why he had liked the fall, and wasn’t even annoyed at the other boy for crashing into him. He didn’t know if it was the right moment, but he asked anyway

“Can i… umm… use the toilet?”

Zayn’s eyes rose for a moment, before bursting into chuckles. Niall was just to adorable when he played with the hem of his t-shirt, bitting his lip.

“Sure, I’ll bring you there” Zayn said grabbing the younger’s hand, and tugging it lightly.

Niall grabbed Zayn’s hand with both of his, scared that he might fall again. Just when Niall’s other hand touched Zayn’s, Zayn tightened his grip on the hand he was holding. Zayn turned to look at Niall’s face again and with slow steps led  him to the only connected door

To Zayn’s surprise the only person there was Liam, looking bored as hell. Liam’s eyes sat on him, before drifting to the boy behind him!

“Why is he here?” Liam asked surprised

 “I thought he would want to stay a bit in a cozier place” Zayn joked pulling Niall fully in the room.

Niall felt a wave of warmth captivate his body even though he liked the other kind of warmth he got earlier. He let out a content sigh at the better air filling his nose, and it was obvious that this place had more light than the previous one.

“But…” Liam started uneasy, but Zayn interrupted

“He’s only using the bathroom” Zayn rolled his eyes “Where are… the other two?”

“They went out! They’ll be back though, we have to make the call in two hours” Liam pointed out keeping an eye on Niall, who looked like he was perfectly fine and content, even with his eyes closed.

Zayn just nodded and dragged Niall over to the other door connected to this room. They were on a special floor which was underground. It was kind of secret, but they spent a considerable time there seeing as it was comfortable, had a big-ass TV, Xbox, pool table, and a lot of other things to keep themselves entertained with. The other part where they kept Niall was originally an underground garage.

“I’m going out as well, if you don’t mind” Liam said , kind of asking for permission

“Yeah sure you can go, but be back in two hours” Zayn turned his head to smile at the chocolate-eyed boy, who waved and ran up the stairs.

Zayn opened the door, pushing Niall in the bathroom and letting go of his hand. He felt himself wanting that warm hand in his again, but it he knew he couldn’t. He considered going in the bathroom with Niall, but he figured it would be a bit uncomfortable for the Irish lad and he knew that Niall wouldn’t do anything he wasn’t supposed to.

“Can you do it on your own?” Zayn asked making Niall burst out laughing while shaking his head.

“Yes thank you! Been doing that since I was 3 or 4 years old. I can also take the blindfold off when I’m in!”

That made Zayn start laughing, noticing his stupidity. It wasn’t anything that funny but Niall’s face expressions are always the best.

Niall smiled, searching blindly for the door handle and closed the door behind him. As soon as he did so, he removed the blindfold taking the surroundings in.

It was much more different that he expected it to be. He thought it would be dirty, and everything would be broken, but it was really clean. It looked like the bathroom he had connected to his own room, except there was no window here.

It’s not like he would have attempted to escape if there was, but he liked to think that he would try if he had a chance. He finished his business and went to the door, putting the blindfold over his eyes just before he opened it.

What would happen if he didn’t?

He would most probably see Z! That’s how he called the boy when he had inner conversations with himself. He was sure Za was part of his name of his nickname, even though he didn’t know the rest of it.

He decided against removing the blindfold knowing that even though Z wouldn’t immediately kill him, it was not a good idea. He felt affection towards the boy, and knew that the authorities would somehow drag it from him even if he didn’t want to tell them, so if he didn’t see them, they would be safe.

“You finished?” Zayn asked when he came out of the bathroom, making Niall facepalm

“You always ask questions that have obvious answers”

Zayn reached for Niall’s wet hand and pushed him a few steps, before sitting down and pulling Niall with him on the couch.

“Ummm…” Niall started but Zayn’s voice interrupted him

“It’s just us two, so no one will complain about you being here” Zayn smiled, patting Niall’s shoulder and then stood up

“Where are you going?” Niall panicked

“You…” Zayn was interrupted by the loud grumble Niall’s stomach made, which surprised Zayn but made him chuckle none the less, while Niall blushed again. After Zayn calmed his chuckles he continued “As I was saying, you’re probably hungry, turns out I was right, so I’ll bring you something to eat”

Niall gave a thankful smile in the direction he heard the voice was coming from as he sunk deeper in the couch relaxing his muscles.

Zayn ran upstairs as fast as he could and then to the kitchen. He quickly made Niall two sandwiches and ran back downstairs to Niall. He placed the plate on Niall’s lap, and he slowly sat up straight to eat them.

Since Niall couldn’t see, most of it’s contents were dropping on the plate or Niall’s jeans, which made Zayn smile and sit down next to him.

“Let me feed you, or all you’re gonna to be eating will be bread”

Niall sighed in defeat, placing his sandwich on the plate again. Zayn grabbed it, and started parting the bread in pieces big enough to fit in his mouth, putting pieces of cheese and ham over it, then taking it close to Niall’s mouth, and telling him to open up.

Niall quite liked this way of eating, and he had a feeling that it wouldn’t be this enjoyable if it was someone else. He just wished that he met Z somewhere else and became friends, not here. He already new that Z wasn’t a bad person!

“Why are you doing this Z?” Niall asked after swallowing one piece of the sandwich.

“How did you call me?” Zayn asked surprised, his eyes wide

“Umm... Z?” Niall said ending it with a sheepish smile. Just then Zayn remembered that Louis had almost said his name earlier, and Niall had heard.

“I like that nickname!” Zayn said offering another piece of food to Niall, who gladly opened his mouth and chewed on it.

“You didn’t answer my question” Niall pointed out

“Doing what?” Zayn asked again teasingly. Niall rolled his eyes under the cloth

“Being so nice. You’re making it impossible for me to hate you! You’re even feeding me”

Zayn bit his lip looking at a slightly frustrated Niall who just admitted that couldn’t hate him. He knew the feelings he was having weren’t good, but there was no way he could be rude to the dreamy leprechaun. He looked so innocent, and he just wanted to hug the crap out of him.

“I don’t really know” he finally answered “It wasn’t part of the plan to start talking to you, or even being nice but I can’t help it. You’re to cute to ignore or offend” Niall didn’t know him, and they would never meet each other again, so Zayn decided to be honest with the blonde.

Niall hated the fact that he was to pale! He could feel the heat creep to his cheeks and knew that his face had turned completely red. He didn’t know what was about the other boy that made him less intimidating than the others and why Niall felt comfortable in his presence but he liked it.

“Thank you” Niall managed to finally say.

“You’re even cuter when you blush!” Zayn teased, lifting his hand to touch Niall’s soft cheek, and Niall couldn’t help but lean in the touch, before a yawn made him lean back and Zayn’s hand drop.

Niall gave a tired smile resting back on the couch seeing as he had finished one of the sandwiches and didn’t feel like eating more. He wondered how Z looked like, but he had no idea how to imagine him.

“You can sleep on this couch, and I’ll sit on the other one” Zayn said standing up and then pushed Niall’s shoulder to make him lie down. Niall was to tired to protest so he just rested his head on the pillow as he felt sleep taking over him. “Sweet dreams Nialler” Zayn said in a low voice, subconsciously bending to give Niall a kiss on the cheek.

What surprised him, were a pair of strong arms wrap around his waist pulling him down, so he was lying almost on top of Niall with his lips just over Niall’s.

His breath hitched for a moment, as their chests pressed against each other, and his legs were captured under one of Niall’s. Zayn was frozen but it was quite amusing as well. The blue eyed boy was already asleep, and snoring slightly though his slightly parted lips.

If Zayn thought Niall was cute when he blushed, now he didn’t know what to think. It was beyond adorableness and he just wanted to aww and squeal at his face.



“Zayn… Zayn… Zaaayn… WAKE UP” Zayn jumped at the sudden noise, which lead to him landing with a loud thump on the floor. He groaned as he found himself lying on the ground with his face buried on the carpet.

“What?” he mumbled raising his head slightly, only to be met with two pair of eyes glaring at him.

“How can you sleep in this situation?” Louis snapped crossing his arms in front of his chest.

Zayn didn’t understand anything. He was still sleepy, and his head was completely disordered. He stood up cautiously, his eyes half-closed and he looked around, only to spot a tensed blonde haired boy sitting uncomfortably on the couch. He still had the blindfold on.

“I was sleepy” he finally answered seeing as his two friends were looking at him expectantly. “and comfortable” he added with a slight smile

“Sure you were” Harry said sarcastically

“What’s wrong with you two?” Zayn didn’t understand why his friends were acting so rude today!

“What’s wrong with us?” Louis asked in disbelief, raising his eyebrows “The better question is, what’s wrong with you?”

Zayn turned to look over at Niall again, and then back to Louis. He gulped thinking for an answer but he hadn’t really noticed anything strange in his on behavior… except being nice to Niall!

“There’s nothing wrong with me” Zayn disagreed

“Yes there is!” Louis replied “Why are you acting like this? You know pretty damn well that this is risky enough, and you go act like the Irish bloke is your friend. He’s supposed to be tied up on the chair and we find you two cuddling while sleeping on the couch! How could you be so irresponsible? He could have seen your face! Who says he hasn’t?” Louis spat in a loud enough tone, but not exactly yelling.

Just then they heard a door slam, a few steps and Liam appeared at the top of the stairs, who walked cautiously looking at the four boys in turn.

“How could you leave them alone?” Louis snapped at Liam this time, who took a step back in surprise after he walked to stand next to Zayn.

That was what it took for Zayn to explode in anger! He had never yelled at his friends before, but they were taking it way to far.


“I MADE THE PHONE CALL” Louis protested, frowning

“That was the easiest part, to be honest” Niall interrupted, feeling less scared “Z and the other boy watched over me, and that was hard, cause you don’t know, i could have escaped! Making a phone call, is almost like making a prank call! You seemed to have fun doing it actually, so i don’t think you have any right to bitch on Z”

“Oh so you’re on nickname terms now?” Louis asked

“IT WAS YOUR FUCKING FAULT! YOU ALMOST SAID MY NAME EARLIER! Niall can be naïve, but he isn’t stupid” Zayn’s voice softened at Niall’s name and the rest of the words.

“I DIDN’T DO IT INTENTIONALY!” Louis defended himself

“Awwh, come on! You think i would escape? You think i haven’t had the chance to remove the blindfold? Z has untied my hands for a long time now, and i never intended to do that! It’s not like i’m happy to be here, but i… i can’t believe i’m saying this but, i’d rather stay here than go home.” Niall shrugged

“Still, falling asleep? That’s not how you watch over someone you kidnap!” Harry disagreed this time, defending his boyfriend.

“Why don’t you two better watch over him then?” Zayn spat

“IT’S NOT MY FAULT YOU’VE DEVELOPED A CRUSH ON THE BOY YOU KIDNAPPED” Louis yelled again, making Harry and Liam’s eyes widen in surprise, while Zayn and Niall’s jaws dropped.

Zayn glanced at Niall for a second finding him as surprised as he was. He had no idea how to respond to Louis, but he sure as hell didn’t want to back down.

“I didn’t do it intentionally” Zayn smirked using Louis earlier words, to tell him that they were even.

Niall’s jaw dropped even more and he could feel his heart pick up it’s rhythm to a million miles per second. He let out a shaky breath through his open mouth, not knowing if he should say something else.

“And besides, i was against kidnapping him if you remember from last night” Zayn raised one of his eyebrows, wanting to look tough, when in fact he was freaking out inside. He had admitted in front of Niall that he had a crush on him, even though he only knew Niall for a few hours. Deep inside he knew that he liked the boy since his eyes landed on him, but his innocence, cuteness and everything else about him had added a few feelings, turning it into a crush.

“Can we just stop talking, and call Niall’s dad?” Liam talked for the first time! He was a life saver in awkward silences!

Louis glared for one more second at Zayn and then drew his phone out, getting ready to make the call!


Hello! I obviously decided to uptade, but idk if i'm satisfied with this!

I had a huge dilemma with where the story was going or where i should bring it! It was supposed to be around 10 chapters long, and i still don't know if i'm going to make it that long, or a tiny bit longer, so it's up to you! :)

Vote and comment and i'm sorry for the mistakes!


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