game night | g. weasley

Par raewriter-05

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☆ it all started with just a simple game night. but delilah wouldn't change a single thing. she loves him w... Plus

Before You Read
Other Books by Rae
1. Game Night
2. Brunch
3. Lunch Break
4. Friday Night
5. Offical? Yes
6. Happy Birthday, Georgie
7. The Weasleys
8. Sunday Morning
9. The Back Room
10. All Tied Up
11. About You
12. Willy
13. At the Office
Authors Note
14. Welcome Back, Gin
15. Surprise
16. For the Day
17. While You're Sleeping
18. Like We Do
19. Out of Control
20. Like That
21. Our Lady
22. Everlasting
23. Up at the House
24. A Nightmare
25. Damsel in Distress
26. She Didnt Want To
27. Missing Something
28. Cleaning Up
29. Picnic @ Sunset
30. Communication
31. Finally
32. The Past Two Months
33. The End of Summer
34. A Goddess
Authors Note
35. Getting Over Him (Trying To)
36. Everything
37. Whimper
38. Cuts Will Scar
39. Dinner for Four
40. Exploration
41. On a Rainy Day
42. Accepting
43. Coward
44. For a few Moments
45. Sickness
46. Recovery
47. Announcement
48. Show Her
49. Secrets
50. Unexpected
51. Needy
52. New Places
53. Foggy
54. For the Bachelor
56. The Turning Page
57. Start in Italy
58. His Dominance
59. Desperately
60. Honeymoon Suite
61. Back to Reality
62. Infatuation
63. One Last Game Night

55. Down the Aisle

9.1K 313 769
Par raewriter-05

AN: The pictures above are images that went through my mind when writing, and will be mentioned in the following chapter as the wedding theme. Feel free to change anything you don't like, and imagine the dresses or table designs as your own wants.


"Goodmorning, my love. I cant wait to see you walking down the isle. I'm heading to Freddie's to get ready, everyone should be here soon to get you ready too."

Delilah yawned as she sat up, her eyes blinking away their sleep. She looked over to see George beside her side of the bed, still in his pajamas, and a wrapped tuxedo in his hand so she couldn't see the fabric.

He smiled at her. "I'll see you in seven-ish hours."

She leaned over to give him a kiss, but he pulled away. She frowned, looking up at him as he stood up.

"It's bad luck," he chuckled, "we can kiss later."

"I wanna kiss now," she whined, batting her eyelashes at him.

"I can't, I'm sorry," he looked at his watch. "I'm late."

"No you're not—"

"See you later, princess, I love you!" He ran out of the door, making sure to not listen to anymore of her words as he quickly apparated from the front porch.

Del huffed as she laid back down. She stared up at the ceiling for a few moments, her hands on her chest as she took a few deep breaths.

It was her wedding day.

She didn't know whether to feel overwhelmed with nerves and doubts, or excitement and joy.

Deciding the latter, she got out of bed, feeling a sense of giddy wash through her.

She couldn't help but feel like she was in some Muggle Romcom as she stood up and danced around, and a loud giggle escaped her lips.

She looked at herself in the large mirror her and George had hung up across from their bed, seeing her hair a mess and her t-shirt wrinkled.

As she looked longer, the band t-shirt or her messy hair didn't seem to matter to her. Only the ring that sat on her left hand, and the hickeys on the tops of her thighs.

She was getting married today.

She went to the closet she shared with George, and grabbed herself a silk robe she'd made sure to get for today. She grabbed her fluffy slippers from the floor and she danced down the stairs with a happy smile.

She climbed into the downstairs shower, using the burning hot water to cleanse herself of anything that might disturb today.

She felt silly thinking like that, but she wanted everything to go perfect. No intrusive thoughts, controlling mothers, or dress failures would stop her from marrying George Weasley.

She was just mentally preparing herself for that.

About an hour after her shower, after she'd ate breakfast and cleaned up the bathroom for the day, Hermione, Ginny, Lee, Athena, Claire, and her mother all showed up with supplies to get her ready.

"Perfect, you showered!" Hermione said first, a box of hair and makeup supplies in her hand as the group of them walked upstairs.

Delilah followed her, "Uh, yeah, you told me to."

"Where's your dress? I wanna make sure it's perfect before you put it on," her mother, Julie, quickly interjected, a smile on her face.

"Oh, Mum, I didn't think you cared," Delilah said sarcastically. "It's hidden away in the basement, so George can't find it."

"Is your basement scary?" Claire asked, her hand in Athenas as she looked around.

Delilah let out a laugh, "No, it's finished, sort of a hangout area. Just switch the light on, and there is a couch and a tv. And be careful with the stairs, they're spiral."

"Come on girlies," Julie, Athena, and Claire all went through the door Delilah pointed at, and the rest of them went upstairs to the bigger bathroom.

"So how does it feel? Knowing your about to get married?" Lee asked, a dreamy expression on his face. "I mean, does it feel like your life is completely changing? Are you nervous or scared? Do you feel weird, knowing your about to troth your life to George for the rest of it?"

Delilah gave him an off look, folding her hands in her lap as she sat on the toilet. "Don't freak me out, Lee, with these big words. I woke up feeling amazing, and I'd like to stay that way."

He gave her a wistful look, "Sorry. I didn't mean to freak you out, I'm only wondering what it's like."

"You'll know someday," Del smiled softly. "Until then, I just wanna focus on the now. What is my problem now? I need to get ready."

Hermione turned to them after opening her box on the counter, Ginny sitting on the edge of the tub. "I'm gonna do your makeup while Gin and Lee focus on your hair," Hermione explained. "Your mum and sister have got the whole outfit figured out. Which you will put on once we get to the building."

"And at the venue, Mum and Fleur and dad and Fred and everybody there is setting up," Ginny stated. "Fred is doing the final touches on the food, meanwhile getting George ready."

"I hope everything is going smoothly," Delilah said, moving to a chair Lee just went and scavenged for. He sat her in front of the mirror, the group continuing to talk while they looked at her hair.

"Oh, I'm sure it is."


"Where the fuck is my tie?!"

"Mate, calm down—"

"Shut your fucking mouth, Frederick, you are not helping!"

Fred watched George pace back in forth in the grooms room, his eyes darting around insanely fast. They were alone in the room as George got his tuxedo on, the rest of the family outside and setting up the table placements and the arbor.

Delilah and George didn't invite a lot of people, only their close families, so a lot of benches weren't required. It would be a simple ceremony with a simple afterparty all outside in the meadow, but it would be elegant and well put together.

Simple and elegant.

Like Delilah, as George would say.

His chest heaved, many bad outcomes occurring in his mind if he didn't find his tie. He felt the pressure of the entire day taking over him, and he sat on the edge of the couch with a heavy heart.

"Everything needs to be perfect," he whispered, looking over at Fred. "I don't want anything to go wrong— Del needs the best."

"I think she just cares that you're calm," Fred stated. "Even if the cake falls over or Mum sobs annoyingly loud, as long as you're both okay, she won't care."

George's eyes widened, "What're we gonna do if the cake falls over?"

"It's not gonna fall over—"

"Where's my tie?!" He shot up, continuing to look around again. "Fred, please go check on the cake while I find my tie. Oh, I should've kissed Delilah this morning before I left. . . What if she calls off the wedding because I didn't kiss her?"

Fred rolled his eyes, "Shut up. Just shut up, you are being ridiculous now. I'll ask Mum if she put your tie somewhere, I'll check on the cake, and I'll call Gin to check on Delilah. Please, please, just stay in here."

"Whatever," George laid back on the couch, pulling a pillow over his face. His shirt was still untucked, his pants not buttoned, and he only had one sock on.

As Fred left, George let his thoughts over take him.

Should I slick back my hair? Should I just cut it off? Good thing I shaved my face. Delilah probably looks amazing and I'm a mess. What if she decides she doesn't want to get married while walking down the aisle? What if we get to Italy, and she backs out? Then we have to get a divorce— oh my God, she hates me!

He shot up, his eyes darting around. He found a pen and a slip of paper, and he quickly scribbled a note with his quick and messy handwriting.

I love you, I'm sorry I didn't kiss you this morning before I left. I should've. Please don't back out
Your George

And he used a simple spell to send it off to Delilah through the window. He tapped his wand on his knee as he waited for a note in return, hoping it was something reassuring.

Only after seven minutes, a piece of paper came swooping through the window. It landed in front of him, and a large grin sprouted on his lips as he read Delilahs perfect and neat handwriting.

I'm not mad, gorgeous, it's bad luck, right?
Besides, why would I back out?
You've got to see my dress. You're gonna love it
(Maybe even more when it's on the floor)
~ A Future Weasley

He held the note to his chest, laying back and letting out a sigh. She was seriously so perfect. He was sure he'd love her dress, too, especially when it was off of her.

He couldn't wait for their honeymoon. To get away from all of the people and the work and the party, he just wanted to have her alone.

With a new surge of confidence and sureness, George got up. He figured if he would love her dress, she should love his suit even more.

He found his other sock, slipping it on before getting his dress shoes on as well. He tied them tightly before standing up and tucking his button up into his pants, securing it with his belt.

He went over to the full-body mirror, bending down to look at his hair. He ruffled it up, deciding to not do anything with gel because he knew Delilah loved the fluffiness.

He was sure he needed a haircut though, considering he loved when he cut his hair in seventh year. Sure, his hair isn't as long as it was in his sixth year, but it's getting kind of close.

When he was satisfied with it, he stood up straight and looked himself over. He was still missing his tie.

As if on cue, Fred walked in with his tie. He looked down at the couch, his eyebrows furrowing before he looked up to see George now fully, and properly, dressed.

"You've got it together, good job," Fred praised, handing him his tie. "Mum said she accidentally left the tie on the clothesline when she got the rest of your suit. So I went and got it."

"I wrote to Del, just checking in with her," he smiled, putting the dark green ribbon around his neck to tie it into a bow tie style. "It made me feel so much better."

Fred sat down on the edge of the couch, looking up at him with raised eyebrows as he pulled at the cuffs of his jacket.

"Isn't it bad luck to—"

"See the bride," George cut him off, "I haven't seen her in her dress or makeup. Besides, what could go wrong if I do? I think the worst that could happen would be if she backs out, and according to her note, that's something she is not doing."

Fred shrugged. "Okay, anything that makes you happy," he looked down at his hands, looking at his few rings. He twisted one as he mumbled, "can I ask you something?"

George looked at him through the mirror, "you know you can ask me anything."

Fred bit his lip. "Does this— uh, does this wedding mean, like, the end of our friendship?"

George froze, stopping the fixing on himself and turning to his twin. "What do you mean?"

"You're getting married, George," he began, "soon you're gonna be a father. You're gonna have a family of your own, and I just— I feel like that means you won't need me like you used to. . . Instead of coming to me, you'll go to Del. I won't be the most important person in your life, it will—"

He stopped himself for a moment to not let out the sob that desperately wanted to.

"It'll be Delilah."

Fred kept his head down as George came and sat on the coffee table in front of him. George watched a few tears drip onto Fred's hand, and it made his own eyes tear up.

"Freddie," he placed his hands on Fred's shoulders. "Nothing— and I mean, nothing, will ever end our friendship. This relationship we have is the thing I cherish most, and I love Delilah, truly, but what her and I have is different than what we have. She's gonna be my wife, and yes she's one of my best friends, but you will always be my number one best friend. Since birth. You know this."

Fred looked up, sniffling slightly as he pulled George into a rough hug. He cried on George's shoulder, thanking him quietly for reassuring him.

"Aren't I supposed to be the one crying today?" George laughed as they pulled out of the hug, Fred wiping his eyes gently.

"I-I didn't think I'd be crying," he defended. "I really didn't want to, it's embarrassing."

"Oh please, you're human, let it out," George whispered, patting his shoulder. "No need to hide your feelings from me, I've cried countless times on your shoulder."

"I guess you're right," he sighed. "But I'm done for today. Delilah should be getting here soon to get her dress on and such, so we should finish you up and get you out there."


He was right, Delilah was just finishing up with her hair and makeup, and she would soon be apparating to the venue.

When she did apparate to the venue, her mother helped her slip into her dress as Hermione, Gin, and Athena got into their matching bridesmaid dresses, Lee getting into a matching green suit.

"I'm really proud of you," her mother mumbled, her eyebrows furrowed as she fixed Delilahs hair pins.

"Hmm?" Del hummed, looking at herself in the mirror. She was obsessed with her dress, and she couldn't wait for George to see her in it.

"You've found such a nice man to get married to, and you have such a high level of respect at the Ministry," she continued. "You're so young, yet your life is so put together. I'm proud of you, Delilah Willow, so proud."

Delilah looked at her mother through the mirror, a soft smile coming to her lips. From what she could remember, she'd never said anything so kind to her, and it was just the thing she needed to hear to keep her mind calm.

"I love you," her mother finished, placing her hand lovingly on her back. "Now let's get you hitched!"

They finished up getting Delilah ready, all of the bridesmaids doing their own things, and by six, the group was ready for the ceremony.

Fred came knocking on the door, complimenting Delilah and telling her that it was time. The group got ready to walk down the aisle with the groomsmen, and Delilahs mother and Claire went to take a seat.

Delilahs heart never stopped racing as the group got to the main doors, each bridesmaid lined up with a groomsmen. Her father, Adonis, was on her own arm, ready to give her away.

As the doors opened, Delilah peeked her head around the corner as the bridesmaids walked out, and she admired the decorations. Everyone sat on the few lines of benches, looking at the group walking down. Twinkle lights were strewn across the top of the aisle, to create a star-like effect, a long green carpet laid in the middle across the grass, and Delilah took a deep breath as the flower girl went out.

It was little Victoire on Teddys arm, Teddy holding the basket for her as she waddled down and tossed flower petals across the floor.

"Honey, it's your turn," Adonis whispered, catching Delilahs attention.

She looked up at him, her smile from the cuteness of the children fading as she stared at him longer. A soft song continued to fill her ears, but then she realized her feet were stuck to the ground.

She couldn't move.

Why couldn't she move?


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