#1 Lycan (Process of being Ed...

By Annyeo-SeeYouLater

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He is the most feared werewolf of all time... and to mention is the first and oldest werewolf. She is the rar... More

Author's Note//Also Character Introduction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 14

87 3 0
By Annyeo-SeeYouLater

Chapter 14

I was rushing around. In just two and a half hours, Alpha Phoenix and his mate and children will be here--for dinner. While Jeremiah was entertaining the girls--mainly Luci. I just stood there and glared at him. Finally tired of him doing this, I cleared my throat.

"What is it babe?" He asks.

"I don't know what to wear and it would be nice if you helped me." I say.

"Right, show me the choices." He says.

"There two," I quickly ran out of Ember's nursery and grabbed the choices. I come back, "Here they are."

"I like this." He says, pointing to the longsleeve top and pants, "Since you are still--breastfeeding--I feel like it would be easier for a tight dress... and Jenson is a friend... so this is a friendly dinner."

"Right," I breathe out, "Okay."

"I'll get the girls ready." He says.

"Good, because we have two and a half hours to get ready." I say, before walking out of Ember's nursery and into Jeremiah and I's room.

I stepped out of the shower, and went into the closet. I put on light grey high waisted sweatpants that flared out the end, white cropped off the shoulder long sleeved top. I slip on white ankle socks with white ankle shoes. I dry my hair and brush it until my hair is silky smooth. I quickly curly it into natural waves--leaving it down. I check the time and quickly put eyeliner and mascara on, with a little bit of chapstick. I put my necklace on as I see Jeremiah walk in, holding both the girls.

"They look so so cute!" I say. Luciana was wearing white leggings with a light grey long sleeved sweater. Ember wore a light pink short sleeved romper with a matching pink floral hat.

"You look cute as well." He chuckles.

"Thank you." I say, "Now let me take Luciana."

"Okay." He says, handing Luciana over to me, "I just got a message that Jenson and his family are pulling up."

"Alrighty." I say, as we leave our room and head downstairs.

When we reach the huge front doors of the castle, they open and I see a man, about the same height as Jeremiah--with dark brown hair and brown eyes. The woman next to him with light brown shoulder length hair and deep blue eyes. She is also holding a girl with light brown long hair and dark brown eyes. Then in between them is their eldest son, with black hair and blue eyes.

"Hey Jeremiah!" Jenson says, shaking hands with Jer.

"Hey man." Jeremiah says, smiling, "This is my mate and my fiance, Zelda. This in my arms is my newborn baby girl, Ember. Then that is Luciana, Zelda's daughter."

"Is she yours?" Jenson's mate asks.

"Adopted." Jeremiah says.

"Oh, I see." She says, glaring at me.

"How about we go eat dinner?" Jeremiah asks.

"Sounds like a good idea." Jenson smiles.

We sat down at the dining room table. I had Ember to my left--who was sleeping in a cot while Luciana was on my right in a high chair, and to the right of Luciana is Jeremiah. Across from us was Jenson, his mate--Kris and their children. Dinner was brought to us--which was fried chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, corn and mac n cheese. I had given Luci some small ripped up pieces of chicken, before I started to eat my food.

"So Zelda, how old are you?" Jenson asks.

"I'll be turning nineteen next month." I say.

"Wow." Jenson laughs, "You're quite young."

"Not that young." I smile.

"What I would like to know is if Jeremiah isn't Luciana's father, who is her father?" Kris snaps.

"Kris, don't be rude." Jenson says.

"No, it's fine." I say, "Um Luciana is the daughter of my first mate--who passed away before she was born."

"Oh," Kris says, "I'm so sorry." I glare at her when I see her make a small smirk

"It's fine." I laugh nervously, "I mean..."

"Why don't we talk about something else?" Jeremiah asks.

"Sounds like a great idea." Jenson says, "So Zelda, Jeremiah mention you guys got engaged. When's the wedding?"

"Well, I wanted to wait until my girls were a little bit old," I say, "So the girls can remember it."

"Sounds cool," Kris says, "I made Jenson wait until Levi was two before we got married."

"Yeah, and you went into labor when we were exchanging vows." Jenson says.

"I said I do through contractions mister." Kris says.

Wow." I say, laughing, "Hopefully I am not pregnant when we get married."

"Yeah." Jer laughs.

"Miss Zelda?" I look up and see Levi next to me.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Can I hold Luci?" He asks.

"How about after we eat?" I asked.

"O-Okay." He stutters. I raise an eyebrow, feeling some anger come off of him, or some kind of nervousness. I watch him walk back over to his parents, and climb into his seat. I watch him glare at me, as he slowly eats his chicken. I shrug a weird feeling away, as I continue to finish my food.

"Can I hold her now?" Levi asks, as I bounce Luci up and down in my arms--Since she started crying.

"After I quiet her down." I say.

"No!" Levi cries out, "I want to hold her now."

"Levi!" Kris says, "Don't be rude."

"Sorry mommy, but I just want to hold her." He whines.

"It's okay," I chuckle, "If you can quiet her down somehow, I'll let you continue holding her."

"OKAY!" Levi says, rushing over to the nearest couch.

"Be careful when you hold her." I say, as I gently put a crying Luci into Levi's arms.

As soon as Luciana goes into Levi's arms, she stops crying. I watch as she raises her left arm up and places it on Levi's cheek. I watch as Luci and Levi both giggle. I raise an eyebrow at Jeremiah in confusion. He looks at me, and just shrugs. I look over at Jenson and Kris and give them a look of confusion. I take a deep breath, and reach down to Luci, but Levi growls at me,


"What?" Jeremiah and I asked.

"Levi give Luci back to Zelda." Kris says, standing up.

"NO!" He growls again.

"I won't say it again son." Kris snaps.

"She is MINE!" He growls.

"Honey, please give me Luci." I say, bending down.

"But she is mine." He says.

"What do you mean that Luciana is yours?" I asked.

"She's my mate." He says, looking down at Luci.

"Mate?" I asked, looking over at Levi's parents, "What does he mean?" I ask, standing up.

"He was three. Levi wouldn't stop crying this one night, and kept crying out saying that there was this crazy pain spreading throughout his body. So when we brought him to the pack doctor, the doctor didn't know what was wrong, until he shifted. My baby boy shifted at the age of three." Kris cries out.

"I'm so sorry." I say, before bending back down to Levi and smile at him, "What do you want to know about her?"

"How old is she?" He asks.

"She is a year and a half." I say.

"I'm nine and a half years old." He says, "That's.... Eight years."

"Yeah." I say, chuckling.

"When is her birthday?" He asks.

"February first." I say.

"Cool!" He says, smiling.

"When is your birthday?" I asked him.

"December thirteenth." He says.

"That's cool." I say, smiling, "Your birthday is coming up."

"In like four months." He laughs, as he looks down at Luciana, "You can have her, I'm sorry."

"It's okay honey." I smile, "Can you actually hold her for a few more minutes? I need to talk to your parents."

"Okay." He says, as I stand up and look at his parents. They nod at me as we walk out of the living room and into Jeremiah's office, which is down the hall from the living room.

"What are we going to do?" I ask, crossing my arms, "You cannot separate mates... no matter how young they are."

"Maybe separate them until Luciana is of age." Kris suggests.

"You're saying to have your son and my daughter wait seventeen freaking years before they are allowed to be mates?" I snap.

"Yes, Levi will be twenty six and Luciana will be eighteen. Both adults."

"I don't like this idea." I snap again.

"Babe, this might be-"

"NO!" I snapped, "I believe we should not separate them. We should at least have them meet up once in a while so they still grow together."

"That would make the mate bond stronger, making it harder and harder for them to be separated." Kris says, glaring at me.

"What is your god damn problem?" I snapped at her, "You have a problem with me or something?"

"Yeah," Kris scoffs, "The fact you had a child before meeting your mate. You couldn't even save your daughter from becoming a hybrid. You definitely not old enough to help out Jeremiah to rule the entire werewolf commu-"

"STOP IT!" I growl out loudly, "Don't you dare say those things about me. I already explained to you at the dining table, Luciana's father is dead. HE WAS MY FIRST MATE!"

"Still, you should've waited for Jeremiah."

"Like.I.Said," I growl lowly, "My daughter's father was my first mate who DIED! Jeremiah is my secondary mate."

"Still." She snaps.

"Enough!" Jeremiah growls, using his alpha voice.

"Sorry Alpha." Kris says, bowing her head down in respect.

"I'm not the one you should apologize to, you should apologize to my mate." Jeremiah says.

"I'm sorry Luna Throndsen." She says.

I sigh out, "It's fine."

"Well thank you for dinner, I guess we should go now." Jenson says.

"You should spend the night." Jeremiah and I both say at the same time.

"That would be very nice. It is late out and it would be fun!" Jenson says.

"Good!" I smile as I hear Ember cry from up in her room, "Sorry, I need to ge-"

"I GOT THE BABY!" I hear Miles shout out as I see her race by the office and upstairs.

"Got to love having a friend living here." I laugh.

"What do you mean?" Kris asks, as we leave the office

"Miles is my friend from my old pack, Zermaine's mate." I say as we walk into the living room, seeing Levi passed out on the couch with Luciana passed out on his chest.

"That's so cute." Kris smiles.

"Yeah." I say, "How about we get them to bed?"


"There is a guest room next to Luciana's room, where we can have him sleep and a room right next to that for you two." Jeremiah says, as I gently pick up Luciana and Jenson picks up Levi.

"Sounds good." Jenson says, as we follow Jeremiah upstairs. I say my goodbyes, before going into Luciana's nursery. I put her in her crib and kissed her head, before sliding a blanket over top of her.

"Goodnight angle." I whisper, "I hope your life is going to be easy, no matter how hard things get." I kissed her again, "I love you baby girl." I stand up and turn the night light on and leave the room.

I walk out of the closet and jump onto the bed and climb on top of Jeremiah. I smile widely before leaning down and kiss him on the lips. When I pull away, he wraps his arms around me and flips so I'm laying on my back. I see his eyes flash black slightly before going back to his beautiful blue eyes. I watch him smile big and brightly,

"What's got you so excited?" He asks, raising his eyebrow.

"I just felt happy for some reason," I chuckle, "Honestly I was thinking about something."

"What?" He asks.

"I don't want to wait for the girls to get older to get married. I also don't want to wait to become Luna and the Queen."

"You mean it?" He asks.

"Yeah," I chuckle, "I mean it with every bone in my body."

"I think we can definitely do something about this." He chuckles.

"How?" I asked.

"When we get married, we can make you the queen." He smiles, "That way it'll be fun."

"Yeah." I smile, "I was also thinking maybe doing it sometime in the next couple months."

"Sounds good." He smiles, "I cannot wait for you to become Zelda Throndsen." He smiles wide.

"I already am." I smile, leaning up and kissing him, "When you marked me."

"I guess," He chuckles.

"Yeah." I smile wide.

"Well, I mean Zelda Throndsen, legally."

"Well, if we talk about mates... I have always been Zelda Throndsen." I say, smiling.

"Well, you were originally your first mates." He says.

"Oh, shut up." I say, cutting him off, by flipping him over and back onto his back, "You are my mate. Right here. Right now. So why don't you shut up and kiss me?"

"That can be managed." He chuckles.

A/N: So this was a very confusing and interesting chapter. Sadly this is the last chapter I can update, because I legit just started working on chapter 15 like five maybe six minutes ago and it takes me a couple hours to do one chapter! Lmao. Hope you enjoy this chapter! Now you now what I met about how this chapter is going to have things happen... hehe

Please make sure to vote, comment, and follow. Also if y'all a hater, go ahead and put your hate comments, because it's honestly you waisting all of your energy on someone who honestly don't give two sh*ts... Hehe. Also remember don't let the hate take control over you, and just remember all those haters are just waisting all of there energy trying to push you down, when they cannot and will not ever put you down. Because you Annyeos, you guys are powerful b*tches.



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