Zootopia: Hopps Heart

By JayAnimeZ

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This story is about a little bunny girl. Her name is Judy Hopps wanting to become a police officer, protectin... More

CHAPTER 1: Childhood
CHAPTER 2: Police Adventure Begins!
CHAPTER 3: Welcome to Zootopia
CHAPTER 6: Help Wanted!
CHAPTER 7: The Hussle
CHAPTER 8: Big Mob Boss & Savage Night
CHAPTER 9: Heart Tells
CHAPTER 10: Awaken Biology
CHAPTER 11: Hearts Beat Together
CHAPTER 12: Breaking Baaad!
CHAPTER 13: Predators and Prey

CHAPTER 5: The Sly Fox

179 4 0
By JayAnimeZ

Elephant Ice Cream Cashier is EICC

Mike peeks his head in the shop to watch.

EICC: Listen, I don't know what you're doing skulking around during daylight hours, but I don't want any trouble in here so hit the road!

The Fox: I'm not looking for any trouble either, sir. I simply wanna buy a Jumbo-pop for my little boy.

He sees a fennec fox, The baby fox appears, in an elephant costume, sucking on a pacifier.

The Red Fox: You want the red or the blue, pal?

The baby fox walks up to the glass and points to the cherry jumbo pop

Judy: Ugh, I'm such a...

EICC: Okay, come on, kid, back up.

He turns to Red Fox

EICC: Listen, buddy, what? There aren't any fox ice cream joints in your part of town?

The Red Fox: Uh, no-no. There are, there are. It's just, my boy, this goofy little stinker, he loves all things elephant, he wants to be one when he grows up. Is that adorable?

Judy: Aww...

The Red Fox: Who the heck am I to crush his little dreams, huh? Right?

EICC: Look, you probably can't read, fox, [takes out a sign and points to it] but the sign says "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone", so beat it!

Elephant Lady: [pushing Nick] You're holding up the line!

The Baby Fox gives a sad toot sound

Judy: Hello? Excuse me?

EICC: Hey, you're gonna have to wait your turn like everyone else, meter maid.

Judy: Actually, I'm an officer. Just had a quick question: are your customers aware they're getting snot and mucus with their cookies and cream?

EICC: What are you talkin' about?

Judy: Well, I don't wanna cause you any trouble but, I believe scooping ice cream with an ungloved trunk is a class-three health code violation. Which is kind of a big deal. Of course I can let you off with a warning if you glove those trunks and, I don't know, finish selling this nice dad and his son a...What was it?

The Red Fox: A jumbo pop. Please.

Judy: A jumbo pop.

The Baby Fox gives 2 toots

EICC: Fifteen dollars.Nick Wilde: Thank you so much. Thank you.

The Red Fox Feels his pockets, then becomes mildly surprised. No wallet.

The Red Fox: Oh no, are you kidding me? I don't have my wallet! I'd lose my head if it weren't attached to my neck. That's the truth. Oh boy, I'm sorry, pal. Gotta be about the worst birthday ever. Please don't be mad at me. Thanks anyway.

Judy watches them leave, slams a twenty dollar bill on the counter.

Judy: Keep the change.

Later, Judy, The Red Fox, and The Baby Fox walk outside the parlor; as Mike watching slyly, The Red Fox holds the jumbo pop that is nearly as big as himself and Judy holds The Baby Fox hand as they walk out.

The Red Fox: Officer, I can't thank you enough. So kind, really. Can I pay you back?

Judy: Oh no, my treat. It just - you know, it burns me up to see folks with such backward attitudes toward foxes. I just wanna say that you're a great dad and just a... A real articulate fella.

The Red Fox: Well, that is high praise. It's rare that I find someone so non-patronizing. Officer...

Judy: Hopps. Mr...

The Red Fox: Wilde. Nick Wilde.

Judy and Nick shake paws; Judy looks at The Baby Fox

Judy: And you, little guy, you want to be an elephant when you grow up? You be an elephant. Because this is Zootopia. Anyone can be anything.

Nick: Ah, boy, I tell him that all the time. Alright, here you go. Two paws, yeah. Oh, look at that smile that's a happy birthday smile! All right. Give her a little bye-bye toot-toot!

The Baby Fox toots twice as Nick and The Baby Fox leave

Judy: Toot toot!

Nick: Bye now!

Nick Spins around and walks down the street with The Baby Fox

Judy: Goodbye!

cheerfully heads off, only to be stopped by Mike Smiling.

Judy: (Smirks) What?

Mike: Nothing. It's just nice to see you being a good cop. Good job.

Judy: You watched the whole thing?

Mike: I did. And you did great Judy.

Judy flusters a bit from Mike's compliment.

Judy: Thank you, Mike.

Mike: Now come on Judy, we still have a job to do. Ready, partner?

A smile slides across her fur.

Judy: Definitely.

Judy And Mike continue. Later in Sahara Square, Judy is write tickets. As she leaves a ticket on another car, she can see a few blocks away. It's Nick and The Baby a Fox. Judy gives them a wave, but they don't notice her.

Judy: Oh! Hey, little toot-toot...

She notices The Baby Fox holding a jar, and red juice is pouring out of a rain gutter. Nick is seen on top of a roof, melting the Jumbo-pop on a chimney grate. After he melts it completely, he tosses the stick down, slides down from the roof like a surfer, grabs the jars, and he and The Baby Fox walks inside their van and drive off. Judy looks confused as she sees The Baby Fox driving the van. She follows them to Tundratown and sees Nick and The Baby Fox. Mike sees and follows Judy as well, mildly confused The Baby Fox makes paw prints in the snow and puts small popsicle sticks by them, while Nick pours the melted Jumbo-pop juice over it. Judy continues to watch them in confusion. Later, Nick is seen carrying a cart of small Pawpsicles. He looks at the clock and it chimes 5:00. Lemmings are seen exiting Lemming Brothers Bank.

Nick: Pawpsicles! Get your pawpsicles.

Some lemmings leave, then one of them takes notices and goes up to Nick, and the other lemmings follow. The lemmings pay Nick as he hands them the pawpsicles one by one. They eat the pawpsicles and throw the sticks in the recycle cans in unison. The Baby Fox pops out from the recycle cans and pulls carts holding the discarded sticks to the van. Judy watches suspiciously. Later, in Little Rodentia, a mouse foreman is working until he is halted by Nick putting the sticks in front of him.

Nick Wilde: Lumber delivery!

Mouse foreman: What's with the color?

Nick Wilde: The color? Uhh... It's red wood.

Judy watches from behind the grass and growls angrily, knowing she'd been conned. Mike watches from afar. Sighing.

Nick Wilde: Thirty-nine, forty. There you go. Way to work that diaper, big guy! [The Baby Fox takes off the costume and goes in the van.] Hey! No kiss bye-bye for daddy?

The Baby Fox: [in a deep gruff voice] You kiss me tomorrow, I'll bite your face off!

He drives off as Judy is Peeved.

Judy: Well. I stood up for you, and you lied to me. You liar!

Nick : It's called a hustle, sweetheart. And I'm not the liar. He is.

Nick walks on, calmly. Judy hurries up to him. With Mike still watching from behind.

Judy: Hey! All right, slick Nick, you're under arrest.

Nick: Really, for what?

Judy: Gee, I don't know. How about selling food without a permit, transporting undeclared commerce across borough lines, false advertising...

Nick: [shows a certificate] Permit, receipt of declared commerce, and I did not falsely advertise anything. Take care.

Judy: You told that mouse the pawpsicle sticks were redwood!

Nick: That's right. Red wood. With a space in the middle. Wood that is red. You can't touch me, Carrots. I've been doing this since I was born.

Judy: [threateningly] You're gonna want to refrain from calling me "Carrots."

Nick: My bad, I just naturally assumed you came from some little carrot-choked Podunk, no?

Judy: Uh, no. Podunk is in Deerbrooke County and I grew up in Bunnyburrow.

Nick Wilde: Okay. Tell me if this story sounds familiar. Naive little hick with good grades and big ideas decides, "Hey, look at me, I'm gonna move to Zootopia, where predators and prey live in harmony and sing "Kumbaya"!" Only to find - whoopsie - we don't all get along. And that dream of becoming a big-city cop? Double whoopsie! She's a meter maid. And whoopsie number three-sie, no one cares about her or her dreams. And soon enough those dreams die.

Nick goes into a little short cut ally way, with Judy giving him a look of shock and anger at the mention of the possibility of her dream dying, Mike looks at them both.

Nick: and our bunny sinks into emotional and literal squalor, living in a box under a bridge. Till, finally, she has no choice but to go back home with that cute fuzzy-wuzzy little tail between her legs to become... You're from Bunnyburrow, is that what you said? So how about a carrot farmer? Does that sound about right?

Judy's speechless, before a Rhino almost crushes her.

Be careful now, or it won't just be your dreams getting crushed.

Judy: Hey, hey! No one tells me what I can or can't be! Especially not some jerk who never had the guts to try and be anything more than a pawpsicle hustler.

Nick: All right, look, everyone comes to Zootopia thinking they can be anything they want. Well, you can't. You can only be what you are. Sly fox, dumb bunny.

Judy: I am not a dumb bunny.

She sinks a bit and there is a soft squelch as she sinks to her knees. Clearly in something she can't get out.

Nick: Right. [points down] And that's not wet cement.

Judy is seen up to her knees in cement; Three construction beavers take notice and glare at her. Nick walks off as Judy struggles to break loose. Mike sighs as he opens his mouth to say something, but then stops.

Nick: You'll never be a real cop. You're a cute meter maid, though. Maybe a supervisor one day. Hang in there!

Nick turns a corner, leaving Judy upset. Mike turns to Judy.

Mike: You, need some help?

Judy: no!.............

Judy holds up her arms like a baby.

Judy: Yes..

Mike pulls Judy from it like child as she looks triggered.

Mike: don't listen to him Judy. You'll be a great cop. We should probably wash that off before it hardens and you can't walk

Judy: yeah..

He pulls her from it like child as she looks triggered.

Judy returns to her apartment with small gray-tan clouds of dust erupt on the carpet due to her feet covered in cement powder. She enters her room puts her stuff on her desk and cycles sadly through songs on the radio

"Everybody Hurts"

"All by Myself"

"Can't Do Nuthin'"

"I, Loser"

"Not a Real Cop"

Throughout the music, a depressed Judy puts a container of Carrots for One in the microwave and watches it with a lachrymose look on her face. When it's finished, she takes it out, opens it, only to find naught left but one dried up carrot that makes a squeal noise from steam. Judy groans in disgust, holds it arm length out, and tosses it away. Then her phone rings. Judy picks it up and sees that her parents are calling. Judy groans, puts on a forced smile, and answers her phone

Judy: Oh, hey, it's my parents!

Bonnie: Oh, there she is! Hi, sweetheart!

Stu: Hey there, Jude the Dude! How was your first day on the force?

Judy: It was real great.

Bonnie: Yeah? Everything you ever hoped?

Judy: Mm-hmm, absolutely and more! Everyone's so nice, and I feel like I'm really making a difference.

Stu: [notices Judy's meter maid uniform] Wait a second...Holy cripes, Bonnie, look at that!

Bonnie: Oh my sweet heaven! Judy, are you a meter maid?

Judy: Oh, this - No! Oh, no. No, this is just a temporary thing!

Bonnie: Oh! It's the safest job on the force!

Stu: She's not a real cop! Our prayers have been answered!

Bonnie: Glorious day!

Stu: Ho-ho! Meter maid, meter maid, meter maid, meter maid!

Judy: Dad. Dad! Dad! You know what, it's been a really long day, I should really...

Bonnie: That's right, you get some rest!

Stu: Those meters aren't gonna maid themselves!

Bonnie: Bye bye! [ends call]

Judy: Buh bye...

Judy puts down the phone and sits back, still depressed, as the music still plays.

Pronk Oryx-Antlerson: Hey, bunny, turn down that depressing music!

Judy turns off the radio quickly.

Bucky Oryx-Antlerson: [from the other room] Leave the meter maid alone! Didn't you hear her conversation? She feels like a failure!

Pronk Oryx-Antlerson: Oh, shut up!

Bucky Oryx-Antlerson: You shut up!

Pronk Oryx-Antlerson: You shut up!

Bucky Oryx-Antlerson: You shut up!

Judy Hopps: (groans, mutters to herself) Tomorrow's another day...

Pronk Oryx-Antlerson: Yeah, but it might be worse!

Judy changes into a red and white t-shirt and black sweats as her shower was, less than fun. Someone knocks on the door as she weakly looks up to see Mike. Mike is in his normal clothes.

Mike: Hey Judy. You look, sad.

Judy: it's, nothing...

Mike: Cmon. Follow me.

Mike heads to his room as Judy follows. The room is decent sized, big.

Judy: your room is, huge~

Mike: Yeah it was built for a Grey Wolfs But that's not what I, wanted to show you, take a seat.

Mike enters the kitchen as he's cooking. Judy sits as she sees what he's cooking. Vegan Carrot Soup – a light and delicate, garden fresh soup that's perfect for spring and summer. He hands her a bowl as she takes a spoon and tastes. And she goes Full Adhego.

Judy: this is, amazing... what is this? What did you put in this?

Mike: One diced onion, two mince garlic cloves, three chopped carrots, two chopped red peppers, 1/4th cup of Parsley, two 2 1/2 cups of broth and salt and pepper.

As Judy continues. Mike smiles, Seeing his friend so happy.

Mike: I'm glad you like it.

Judy: Yeah, this is really good Mike. Thanks for cheering me up.

Mike: Your welcome. I just don't like seeing you upset.

Judy: "He's such a nice person." It's just that Fox, I think he was right. About me

Mike: Whatever Nick said, it shouldn't matter to you. Plus I kinda heard everything of what he was saying. And Judy, he's wrong.

Judy doesn't believe Mike. With her still looking kinda sad staring at her soup.

Mike: Judy, look at me.

Judy looks up at Mike's face.

Mike: Let me tell you something. Other people told me the same thing like what Nick said. That I would never become what I wanted to do, because I was smaller then the average wolf or tall animals that I would never succeed in this world as police Officer. But I proved them wrong, when I became a cop. Your proving that Fox wrong and you can try to go for the big leagues. Just keep working hard. Your parents support you, your family supports you. And.... I'm supporting you.

Judy shocks up and blushes from Mike.

Judy: You think so Mike.

Mike: Yeah, I know you can. I believe in you Judy.

Judy gets so happy that nearly bring her to tear up, but she holds in her tears. Later as the two sit and talk. A, bond grows. Judy checks the time, it's late.

Judy: it's almost ten. I gotta go to bed but, this was nice. Thank you.

Mike: Your welcome, I'm glad I was able to help.

Before Judy heads out she give Mike a big hug, which caught Mike off guard. After that she heads out as Mike watches her go.

Mike: "no problem.. such a sweetheart." Tomorrow will be a better day

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