A Book And A Boy ( Young Remu...

By RabbitsAteMyFlowers

74.8K 2.3K 1K

"Your smart, beautiful, kind, and you y/n l/n, are extraordinary". - Remus lupin When (y/n) returns to Ho... More

The Great Begining
Sleeping And Serotonin
Potions Are Causing Comotions
Creatures And Critters
Common Room Coversations
Herbology And Hippogriffs
A Shop And A Slytherin
Quidditch And Questions
Amortentia And Attraction
A Courtyard Catastrophe
A Prosperous Proposal
A Game And Gain
Getting Wild With Whiskey
A Little Help In Hogsmeade
Explanations And Temptations
Secrets In Sections
Halloween And Hangovers
A Moon And A Mess
Planning And Prosecution
Stress And Strength
Dresses And Dramatics
Regret And Resignation
A Notorious Night
Christmas And Confusion Pt 1
Christmas And Confusion Pt 2
Planning And A Party
Danger And Detention
Finals or Finale?
Valentines And Vendettas
Tests And Troubles
Quidditch and Quests
Danger And Demolition
Pain And Pride
Marks And Mayhem
Owls And Owls
Hogwarts Will Always Be Home
The Plentiful Potters
Wolf In The Wilderness
Sundown Of Summer
A Malignant Mystery
Twisting Time
A Beautiful Birthday
Dragons And Denial
Unfortunate Future
The Triumphant Trio
The Saddest Secret
The Terrible Truth
Faces Of Friends
Lost Love
The Prisoners Prosecutors Pt 1

Bravery And Battles

1.4K 47 15
By RabbitsAteMyFlowers


The room was panicked, all of the students were screaming and shoving through the crowds, the music had abruptly stopped as teachers tried to get everyone's attention.

I was tugged back by Remus, who held me to his side as we pushed over to Sirius and Peter.

"Where's James and Lily?" I asked once we had huddled against a wall.

"I don't know they could be anywhere in here?" Peter said looking around frantically.

"SILEENNCEE!" echoed through the hall and everyone immediately stopped everything. Dumbledore stood on a table, everyone snapped their attention to him.

"Prefects, will return students to their houses immediately. You will keep them their until further instruction". Dumbledore said calmly, as house prefects started rounding up students and cautiously leaving the hall, and he rounded up the staff to search the castle.

The four of us left with our house, searching for Lily and James among the crowd. It was hard not to trip every 5 seconds while trying to walk up the crowded stairs.

Once in the common room, most students had already gone up to their dorms. I was panicked, Lily and James were still no where to be found.

"We have to go look for them". I said to the boys pleadingly.

"If there's actually a dragon loose in the castle we could die y/n". Peter said touching my arm.

"EXACTLY!" I said exasperated. "So could they!"

Sirius looked to everyone. "Were the marauders, no one left behind". He said sternly.

"No one left behind". We all spoke in union.

I looked around the room, both prefects were out of sight. I waved the boys on, as we snuck out of the portrait hole and into the staircases.

We carefully made our way down the stairs, I kept tripping up on my dress. I grabbed one edge and pulled as hard as I could, and tore the bottom of my dress, giving me the ability to walk properly, and took off my heels, casually throwing them over the railing. Sirius stared at me in horror.

"How could you?" He spoke hurt, as he looked as the dress, I only rolled my eyes at him.

In the dim light of the corridors we listened cautiously for and sounds coming from around the castle.

I stopped at one of the portraits on the walls not far from the entrance of the great hall.

"Excuse me, have you seen a boy with curly black hair, or a girl with red hair around here anywhere?" I spoke kindly to the portrait.

"Isn't there a dragon at large? You should be with your house?" The woman in the portrait questioned.

"Well yes, but our friends are missing?" I pleaded with the woman.

"Hmm, Im sure they had gone that way". She stated while pointing down the left corridor.

This long process continued until we eventually rounded a corner to see James and Lily, very passionately making out.

"GET SOME PRONGS!" Sirius cheered, I slapped him hard on the arm.

"Are you bloody insane?!" I whisper shouted at him as he rubbed the spot where I had hit him.

"What are you guys doing here?" James said annoyed.

"Oh y/n, what happened to your dress?!" Lily gasped.

"The whole castles under lockdown? There's a dragon loose in the castle". Remus clarified.

"WHAT?!" They both gasped.

"Shut it!" The four of us yelled back at them.

"You guys weren't in the commons so we came to look for you". Peter said.

"How did you get all the way down here? Your 3 floors below the great hall?" Remus asked, not really clueing into what was about to happen before we stopped them.

"It doesn't matter right now, come on we've got to get back before they see we're gone". I rushed them.

Before we began to walk I remembered something. "Hey Remus, do you have the map on you?" I said seriously doubting it, but it was worth it to ask.

He fumbled in the pocket of his tux. "Yes, why?" He questioned pulling it out.

"We could see where the staff are? Maybe there's a dragon after all?" I shrugged taking the map from him.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good". I spoke confidently as I tapped the map with my wand. The castle appeared in the map showing the names of  students in their commons and staff patrolling the halls, no problems seemingly occurring.

"The corridors we need to get back are clear, we should be fi-"ARRRAAAA". The Dragons roar shot out all sound making muffled yells and my ears ring.

A loud bang sent cobblestone and dust flying everywhere, as the dragons tail struck the side of the wall. Through the debris I could see it's silhouette at the end of the corridor stomping forward.

I coughed as I searched the hallway for anyone close to me. Fire shot through the corridor, bright light scorching the grey walls black, and creating massive clouds of thick smoke.

More fire illuminated the corridor and I could see James about a foot away from me. I got up and hunched low to the ground as I ran over to him.

"Get up! We've got to get out of here!" I urged him as I helped him stand.

I could now see Peter and Lily hiding behind a pillar not far from where the dragon was standing. I had to think fast before someone got hurt. I took out my wand, I could bring the walls down to get us out but I had no clue where Remus and Sirius were.

"Depulso!" Rang out from the other end of the corridor.

I could see both Remus and Sirius casting spells, the dragon was responding with more fire. I was beginning to wonder if anyone would come to help we were so far from where anyone would be.

I told James to help Lily and Peter, and he disappeared through smoke. I made a run for it over to where Remus and Sirius were standing, I took cover with them behind a large piece of rubble.

"We need to distract it so James can get the others out!" I yelled over the dragons roars.

(McGonagal POV)

"Albus, do you hear that?"

"Minerva, I think your being paranoid".

"Then what do you suppose it is?"

"It's most likely Horace, you know how he likes to experiment".


Our spells weren't distracting it only making it angrier. I stood up and ran yelling, trying to get its attention.

"Y/n! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Remus bellowed.

I ignored him and the dragon turned its attention to me. I watched as James, Lily and Peter all ran down the corridor and out of sight. They owe me so much.

The dragon roared before scorching the ground, I felt a searing pain on my arm before using all the will I had to cast one last spell.

"Flipendo!" I Yelled as sparks from my wand hurled the dragon backwards, sending it into the wall. The dragon hit its head and fell unconscious onto the hard ground with a thud.

For a moment it was silent, as the debris started to settle on the ground and the only noise was the dragons loud breath coming from the other end of the corridor.

"Oh my merlin!" Lily yelled from the other end of the corridor as she jumped away from the unconscious dragon.

Everyone ran towards me as I stood still, examining the charred walls and floors, the large chunks of cobblestone missing from the walls, now on the floor, then the massive dragon looking as if it was sleeping about 20 feet away from me.

"Your arm!" Remus said, as I looked to see a massive burn mark up the side of my arm, it hurt even more now that I had acknowledged it.

"What the hell do we do now?!" James said panicked.

"We can't just go on about our night?" Sirius added

"Guys, we just took down an angry horntail on our own". I finally spoke.

"AND WERE ABOUT TO GET EXPELLED!" Lily cried out, just as we heard frantic footsteps clamouring down the corridor in the distance.

"Oh shit".

At that, all of the staff rounded the corridor immediately jumping back at the sight.

"OH MY! EXPLAIN YOURSELVES ALL OF YOU!" McGonagal said panicked.

"PROFFESOR WE ONLY CAME LOOKING FOR THEM". Sirius said blaming James and Lily.

"WE DIDN'T KNOW THEIR WAS A DRAGON?!" Lily defended herself.

"WE WERE ABOUT TO LEAVE WHEN IT CAME OUT OF KNOW WHERE?!" Remus said gesturing to the unconscious dragon.

"Stop! Stop! All of you!" McGonagal said out of breath while we all went silent.

Dumbledore walked past her and over to the dragon, first examining it, and then the severely damaged corridor.

We all stood silent inevitably waiting to be scolded and expelled from school. Though another firgure appeared alongside McGonagal.

"Professor Flitwick, would you be so kind to please remove the specimen from Hogwarts grounds?" Dumbledore spoke calmly, as Flitwick effortlessly but cautiously levitated the dragon out around the corner and out of sight.

"I hope you six realize how dangerous what you have done is?" He said as we all nodded rapidly. "Though you've done the school a great service with your courage and bravery". He continued.

"Please don't expel us!" Peter squeaked out, as Dumbledore only laughed.

"No one will be expelled tonight. Though, your actions will result in a detention". He finished as our mouths all hung agape, even McGonagals.

"Now all of you get off to bed now!" McGonagal urged us, as she led us away I hid my burn from sight. I was too tired to go to the hospital wing tonight.

"One more thing". Dumbledores voice echoed. "You will be rewarded 20 points each for your efforts". He smiled before disappearing down the other end of the corridor. I almost laughed at how crazy this whole school was.

Back in the common room I was surprised to see it was only 12:30. I only just remembered that it was Christmas eve.

After a lot of joking and disbelief we had all decided to go up to bed for the night. Before I left to go upstairs I took out my wand once more and rolled up my sleeve.

"Vulnera Sanentur". I spoke quietly, as I watched the wound heal itself and the pain fade, as if it had never happened.

"Where did you learn that one?" Remus spoke, as so lifted my head up.

"My mom was a healer". I shrugged, as he nodded.

"I wish we could of had more fun tonight". I said with a forced smile.

"Oh, because fighting a dragon wasn't enough?" He said sarcastically as I let out a laugh.

"Goodnight Remus". I spoke shortly, having a sense of deja vu.

"Goodnight y/n".

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