Legendary Devil Huntresses

By Anime0CC0Manga

71.5K 1.5K 2.1K

Team RWBY accidentally ends up in the world of Devil May Cry~ More

It's Raining Girls, Hallelujah~
A Devil's Home~
Settling In~
Everyday Life In This New World~
Let The Party Start~
Let's Have A N'ICE' Day~
Just Clowning Around~
Entertaining The Guest~
Broken Heart
Our Awakening~
We Meet Again~
Eye For An Eye~
Darkness Unleashed
Bad Sense Of Humour~
Lady's First~
Our Fears Is Our Real Hell
The Legend Meets~
Bittersweet Ending~
Party Crasher~
Bad Luck With Ladies~
Castle & Flaming Scorpion~
Nelo Angelo
Petty Bug~
Fried Chicken~
Boat Ride~
Secret Reveal
Final Boss
A Miracle~
10 Years Later~
Patty Lowell~
The Red Wasp~
Bad Luck With The Ladies~
Forbidden Love
Love Is Red
Friend Or Foe?
What Are You In For?
Inner & Outer Darkness
The Invitation
The Real Party Begins
The Curtains Close
Good Morning And Good Night
Another 7 More Years
The New And Advanced World
Love And Peace
The Strong And Brave Holy Knight
The Grandson Of Sparda
Good Night
This Isn't Goodbye, But Goodbye
The Party Officially Starts
Let Us Dance
A New Mission In Life
The Rage Of A Mother & Wife
Meeting The Commissioner
Fire Kitty
A Duo To Trio
The First Maid
Small Talk

One Year Later

1.4K 25 61
By Anime0CC0Manga


After that day at the Temen-ni-gru Tower, where Team DRWBY explored mystical rooms, fought Boss Level Enemies, gained new weapons/abilities/experience, annoyed a random Demon Clown, faced their inner demons/personal fears, defeated Arkham and Vergil, and ended it all with Blake quitting and running away, a lot has changed for those that remained in the Devil Hunting Group after that eventful day. For one thing, Mary, though prefers to be called Lady, has officially joined the team, and while she does still do her own from time to time, she is very reliable for information and team work. Another thing that also changes was that their new Shop/Home, which is called 'Devil May Cry,' was not only better than the last one, but had a cleaner office, more space to hold a pool table, couch, jukeboxes, etc., more rooms for everyone to sleep in, and even has a proper kitchen, not doubt a very much improved improvement. Next major changes would be their reputation; not only are they very good at their demon slaying jobs, which was already enough to gain a few supporters, but with Weiss managing to properly advertise and make great connections with certain, "People," they will always have a job that both pays well and doesn't get them into debt, something Dante's very grateful for, though he still sucks at keeping all his money, always spending it. SPEAKING OF WHICH, the last major changes would be the relationship of the Son Of Sparda and the Satanic Xiao Long. Of course it started off small, like all relationships do, dates, kissing and cuddling, but when the times go by, they did a lot more than that. Not only did their trust/bond of each other grow, but also how they express it. For Dante, while most of the time would keep to himself, he would also show kind gestures and gifts, and shows more than just his carefree emotions. He's the type of person who does small things that tell a lot about him. As for Yang, while not very girly, she does show more of her innocent cute side more often, blushing when she feels loved, and giggly if she expresses her love. Of course everyone knows she, or even the Devil Hunter's themselves, were anything but "Innocent." Especially when they share a night of "Passion" with one another. But hey, at leasts when they do it, Weiss and Ruby are either wearing sound cancelling headphones or also going on dates with one another. Their new relationship is still new and a bit unsure, but was definitely growing. A lot has changed for the Team, and while some had wished a certain "Kitty" had stayed with him, they moved on and accepted it. Everyone was happy, and everyone was together... Nearly a year later, we see a black man in a suit enter the shop of Devil May Cry.

"Ladies and Gentleman, nice to see you all doing good and well."

Once the Black Man entered the shop, he finally saw Team DRWBY, and how much they had changed.

"Sir Morrison, a pleasure to see you return again, would you like some tea or some type of beverage?"

The first one to introduce herself was Weiss Schnee, who looked different from the Teman-Ni-Gru arc; she had a new dress made of Dust Crystals, her legs were smoother and not rocky like before, and her hair, while still in a ponytail, had a more natural wavy look. The man, known as Morrison, shook his head no at the offer.

"Oh! Oh! Are you here for another job?!~"

Second up to introduce herself and change was Ruby Rose, her red tips of her long black hair hung over her shoulders, her red demonic scale hoodie looked as if she had been through some battles, and she wore pants instead of a skirt.

"Geeze, calm down Sis, he just got here, don't be so greedy~"

Yang was the third one to be introduced, and like the others, she had also changed, though unlike the others, she seemed to share the same style as her boyfriend, aka Dante, though with her own color and style. Her long blonde hair was put into a light braided ponytail, the silver devil eyes just pouts in response, while the black man just chuckled at this.

"So Morrison, why are you here? If it's for a job, then what's the detail? If you want some type of guy not, then let's go quickly before Weiss put me to chores again~"

Laying back in his chair, Dante rested his feet on the desk, despite having grown up, and wearing a new red coat; the Son of Sparda still maintained a carefree attitude.

"You Are Not Leaving Until You Clean Up The Pizza Boxes!"

Weiss glowers at the Red Coat Devil, crossing her arms and glaring at her leader, who raises his hands in mock surrender.

"Looks like it's too late for that, heh."

Morrison chuckled, before reaching into his coat and pulling out a large envelope, tossing it towards the Devil Hunter, who caught and began to open it.

"But you guy's do have a job, and they meet the requirements for this to be accepted."

Morrison explained, as he watched the Team Leader pull out the contents, which were mostly self-taken pictures, news articles, and a few pieces of evidence of something demonic, such as a few scales, nonhuman blood, and even a finger.

"Oh? Fortuna?"

Dante realizes where this information/these pictures/this news article comes from.

"Wait, Fortuna? You mean that isolated island that worships Dante's father?"

Weiss picked up the newspaper and began to read it; as the one who was more of a professional at these things, started reading and examining everything closely, hoping to learn more and find any clues.

"You are both correct, my employer lives there, and wish to express some concern for this sudden demon attack."

Morrison pulled out a chair from nearby and sat down in front of the desk, while the Devil Hunting Group continued to analyze the information

"Um, why, though, judging by the demon finger in the bag, I'm pretty sure they took care of it themselves, right?"

Ruby was confused as she held up the bag and looked at the bloody finger with confusion.

"Yeah, even though they're a weirdo cult, they should be capable of handling some grunt Demons, even a few higher levels?"

Yang tilts her head, not quite understanding why someone would ask for their help if the deed had already been done.

"What my employer is truly concerned about is that this attack was not random and seems intentional."

Once Morrison said this, he had their full attention and they became even more curious.

"Intentional huh? Can you explain?"

Dante wore a more interested expression; if these were indeed intentional, then that meant that someone, or something, was definitely controlling these demons.

"He said that these Demons only attacked a house that belongs to a family of four, well technically three, their fourth child is on the way, and the demons just stood around the attacked home, luckily the military got to them before the family came home."

Morrison said the attack was more planned out, rather than just a random killing.

"Can you tell us more about this family? If they only wanted to attack their home, then that means they either have something the Demons want, or they 'Are' that something?"

Weiss, who was enraged by a near-death experience of his family, started asking questions about how they could be involved in it.

"The Mother is a well known and slightly famous Priests named Bureiku, often seen singing and performing blessing on others, her oldest son is named Credo, who wants to joined the Holy Knight's and is attending their schools to do so, and her daughter is named Kyrie, she loves to help people, often seen at the soup kitchen feeding the homeless, that's all the information I've have on them."

Morrison explains more about the family, and the Demonic Team listens very carefully.

"Hm, maybe they were gonna be used as sacrifices? You know how much demons love to use pure and young for their evil deeds."

Ruby suggested with a disgusted expression, clearly hating how evil the hellish creatures were, something that everyone could agree on.

"Well, we won't know until we go there ourselves, hey Morrison, they paid for our plane tickets right?"

Dante got up and started to grab his Rebellion and his Ebony Ivory, the Business Man nodding to the Devil Hunter's question and quickly pulling out four plane tickets for the group, and gave them to them.

"Hey Weiss, maybe you should sing for the church, you do have a lovely voice~"

Yang teased her sister's BGF, as she put on her shades and wore a smirk; the Ice Queen blushed and huffed.

"I'm pretty sure a Church won't accept a corrupted devilish human."

She puffs her cheeks as she grabs and puts away her Myrtenaster inside her crystal-encased leg.

"Oh! Hey Dante! Do you think we'll fight some Angels?!~"

Ruby, while folding up her Crescent Devil, had stars in her Demonic Silver Eyes, as she then imagined what types of weapons holy creatures might use.

"Since we're visiting a cult that prays for the Devil's, I'm gonna have to say no."

Dante chuckles as he watches his Second-in-Command slump down in disappointment, before walking up to his Business Partner and taking the tickets.

"Stay safe, but I get the feeling only Weiss will listen to my concerns."

Morrison chuckled as they began to leave.

"Don't worry, I'll be sure to at least pretend I'm acting serious!~"

Dante quickly said before Team DRWBY left the Devil May Cry shop, and started heading towards Fortuna, which was a long flight, but at least they got VIP Class, which made the Red Coat Devil very thankful to have the Ice Queen around, which boosted her ego and felt like, well, a 'Queen', which made everyone else play along and play some type of 'Queen Of The Castle' type of game, bowing before Weiss and pretending she was royalty, everyone had fun, which was enough to not get them bored during the whole flight; soon the plane has landed and the Devil Hunting Group arrived at Fortuna. Once there, they took this opportunity to explore and look around.

"So, what's the plan Chief?"

Yang decided to ask about the game plan, as she looked around the area, a bit on guard, ready to throw down at any given moment.

"I think we should just cut to the chase and talk to the family, both for information and to see if they're anything special."

Dante waves at everyone he comes across and explains the game plan for their mission.

"And I'm guessing if they don't know anything, or they're not the cause of the demon attack, we just go to the destroyed house and look for some clues?"

Ruby, while trying to understand the plan, decided to take some pictures with her camera; she loved traveling and taking pictures of their adventures, so it was something she always did. The Devil Team also posed when she did this.

"Bingo, you got it Red Riding Hood~"

Dante praises his second in command as he pets her head and tosses her a cookie, to which she happily accepts.

"Sounds logical, I support this strategy."

Weiss nods and accepts this plan of action, while also looking embarrassed by her GF's behavior when she acted like a dog as she ate the cookie; once everything was planned out, Team DRWBY quickly started searching around, talking to random people, reading their new paper, or just looking for any clues that might help them. They did all this until they finally found someone they were looking for.

"Excuse me, are you two the Son and Daughter of the Famous Priest?"

Ruby, being the youngest and most kid-friendly member of the group, walked up to the public kitchen to see a six-year-old boy holding a wooden sword and a four-year-old girl serving soup.

"Who Wants To Know?!"

The boy, who had to be Credo, took out and aimed his wooden sword at the Devil Hunting Group.

"Awe, he's so cute acting so brave~"

Weiss gushed and thought the little boy was adorable, the Devil Hunter and The Brawler rolled their eyes at this, already used to the Ice Queen loving cute things, like dogs, cats, any other adorable animals, and, of course, kids. The child blushed shyly, but continued to act tough.

"Brother! Don't be so rude!"

The young girl, who had to be Kyrie, scolded her brother, before pouring some soup into a bowl and giving it to another customer; the Demonic Schnee found it absolutely adorable.

"Yes, me and my brother are the children of the Priest, why are you here to be Blessed?"

Curiously, Kyrie asked what they wanted from her mother.

"Um, let's just say we're here to ask some questions, and hopefully she could answer them."

Ruby tried her best to not reveal that they were either Devils or Devil Hunters, and was purposefully being vague about her true intentions.

"Oh! You wish to seek guidance, of course we can help you find her, just let me serve these soups and we can go~"

Kyrie, though she didn't understand their true reasons for being there, was very eager to help them; her brother simply sighed at her youthful enthusiasm, but he didn't refuse and put away his toy sword.

"I'll take them Sister, you already helped a lot of people today."

Credo quickly offered to take the Devil Hunting Group to see his mother, though he mostly did it for his sister's sake.

"Awww, thank you brother, you're so kind~"

Kyrie quickly hugged her brother, making him blush; this moment made Weiss gush, made Ruby take more pictures, caused Dante to watch in amusement, and made Yang think.

'Would I make a great mom?...'

Yang couldn't help but wonder, which didn't last long, because she had to follow her teammates, who were following the little boy, who was leading them toward a large church. Once they got closer, everyone could hear someone speaking and music playing, causing the boy to gasp in surprise.

"Mother's Knighting Someone!"

Credo was excited as he quickly ran to the church and hoped to see the process of a Holy Knight being, well, knighted, which made the Devil Team watch in amusement.

"I wonder who this Priest is to be this important to approve a Holy Knight?"

Dante couldn't help but wonder out loud, though before the RWBY girls could say anything or wonder to, Credo opened the door, and what they saw inside made their eyes go wide and their jaws drop.

"You have been blessed to serve and protect these people with your life, please accept this honored and make the Savior Of Humanity: Sparda, proud."

Inside the church, atop a raised platform in the center of the room, stood a Holy Knight, who was filled with such pride and honor, bowing before a pregnant priest, who began to tap his shoulders and head with a familiar-looking blue sheath, which was the ritual to bless someone to become a true warrior; something that Credo couldn't help but watch in awe and excitement, while The Devil Hunters paid no attention, focusing instead on something more important.


Once Team DRWBY shouted their name, the infamous Priest, who was actually Blake Belladonna, looked away from the Holy Knight and towards her former teammates, wearing a dread and fearful expression.

"Oh no..."
Ta-Da!~ If You Have Been Paying Attention Through The Entire Story, You Would have Found Some Hints/clues That Blake Was Pregnant With Vergil's Baby!~

{I know it was such a dumb thing to keep secret, but whatever, I fine it amusing to myself~}

[BTW! A 1 Year time skip was necessary, since there's nothing else to cover before heading towards DMC1]

/Ruby's New Clothing\
-Give her a more red, black, gothic design and her hoodie.

/Weiss New Clothing\
-Give it a more blue, white and silver design, with some snowflakes

/Yang's New Clothing\
-Just give her the yellow, orange and brown design and color, plus coat, btw it's the DMC1 Outfit.

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