Legendary Devil Huntresses

By Anime0CC0Manga

71.6K 1.5K 2.1K

Team RWBY accidentally ends up in the world of Devil May Cry~ More

It's Raining Girls, Hallelujah~
A Devil's Home~
Settling In~
Everyday Life In This New World~
Let The Party Start~
Let's Have A N'ICE' Day~
Just Clowning Around~
Entertaining The Guest~
Broken Heart
Our Awakening~
We Meet Again~
Eye For An Eye~
Darkness Unleashed
Bad Sense Of Humour~
Lady's First~
The Legend Meets~
Bittersweet Ending~
One Year Later
Party Crasher~
Bad Luck With Ladies~
Castle & Flaming Scorpion~
Nelo Angelo
Petty Bug~
Fried Chicken~
Boat Ride~
Secret Reveal
Final Boss
A Miracle~
10 Years Later~
Patty Lowell~
The Red Wasp~
Bad Luck With The Ladies~
Forbidden Love
Love Is Red
Friend Or Foe?
What Are You In For?
Inner & Outer Darkness
The Invitation
The Real Party Begins
The Curtains Close
Good Morning And Good Night
Another 7 More Years
The New And Advanced World
Love And Peace
The Strong And Brave Holy Knight
The Grandson Of Sparda
Good Night
This Isn't Goodbye, But Goodbye
The Party Officially Starts
Let Us Dance
A New Mission In Life
The Rage Of A Mother & Wife
Meeting The Commissioner
Fire Kitty
A Duo To Trio
The First Maid
Small Talk

Our Fears Is Our Real Hell

1.1K 27 54
By Anime0CC0Manga


The Team DRWBY entered a dark room, with all the lights sealed or blocked off, which immediately raised their suspicions and caused them to draw their weapons, except for their leader, who looked around curiously.

"This room is clearly not 'Brightening', my days any time soon."

As soon as Yang made a pun, everyone looked at her, which confused her.


She tilted her head.

"I think that was the only pun you said this day?"

Ruby was surprised to realize this, as everyone else.

"Oh really? It has? Dang, this day must really suck for me to forget to make puns... Ok new plan, I'll make a new pun whenever I, or as a group, defeat an enemy!"

Yang was now determined to make more puns in her life.

"We shouldn't have said anything..."

Weiss was regretting the choice of reminding her; she couldn't stand the thought of hearing another pun during every fight, but before anyone could suffer through the blonde's making of a list of pun ideas and preparations, everyone quickly noticed Dante's shadow slowly moving away from his body, and it began to form in front of them, which made the RWBY girls be on guard and have their weapons out and ready.

"I know why you're here, you're here to ask me some questions."

Dante hmphed as he crossed his arms, already knowing who this was and not showing any fears or uncertainties.

"Well too bad, I've already answered them myself, I don't need you anymore."

Dante quickly pulled out his Rebellion, and got ready to fight his demons. The Shadow said nothing, which made everyone in the room tense and worried, though before they could make the first move, the Devil Gals suddenly had their shadows taken away by the Demon, and before they could do anything about it, the Demon snapped its fingers and everything went dark...Soon, Dante opened his eyes, and saw nothing but complete, endless darkness surrounding him; the only thing he could see were four doors, each one supporting their own symbol and color. This made the Red Coat Devil frown, putting a hand on his hips.

"What's this? Gonna show me some type of evil secrets my team has of me? Or maybe that they always hated me or something like that?"

Dante rolled his eyes; he could already guess what might happen to him if he opened the door.

"Nice try, the only thing that can surprise me is if you show me that they ate pineapple pizza and hated strawberry sundays."

Dante shook his head; in his line of work, this was nothing new to him, but since he knew that he still had to open these doors and face whatever the demon had planned for him, he decided to walk up to one of the doors, the red one with a rose, and open it.

"I wonder if I should make puns after I defeat this demon?..."

Dante opened the first door, and when he did, the whole black void was suddenly replaced with an open field, with a lake in the middle and a whole forest surrounding the area; what caught the Devil Hunter's attention was Ruby Rose, on her knees, crying on her hands, and what stood before her were four graves and four tombstones, all bearing the names of her teammates. The Man in Red immediately realized what was happening and charged forward.

"Oh you son of a bitch!"

As Dante tried to rush to her side, Ruby continued to cry and have flashbacks of her teammates' deaths: "Dante killed by Arkham," "Weiss killed by Jester," "Blake killed by Vergil," and Yang, "her sister killed by all three." While she continued to mourn and blame herself, her shadow appeared behind her, holding her Crescent Devil in its hand.

"It's all your fault..."

The Shadow raised the weapon and was about to bring it down on the sobbing Devil Rose, but the Devil Hunter quickly came in and blocked the attack with his own big sword.

"Ruby! You Need To Remember! We Will All Die One Day, Whether It Be From Our Job, Or Even Choking On A Slice Of Pizza!"

Dante begins to speak with his teammate, while slowly struggling to hold back the Shadow; since this isn't his inner demon or personal fear, he can't defeat it.

"It Doesn't Matter! Because Even If That Does Happen, You Need To Remember Three Things!"

Dante then fell to his knees, slowly losing consciousness.

"1: It Wasn't Your Fault! 2: We Never Hated You! And 3!"

Before Dante could react, the Shadow had kicked him away, and quickly raised its scythe weapon once more before slashing down at the Hoodie Girl.

"Never Forget Why You Made Those Memories!"

Dante quickly shouted out, which caused Ruby Rose to go wide-eyed, and before the weapon could hit her, she burst into a flash of silver light, which blinded the Red Coat Devil and sent the Shadow Demon away.

"I made those memories, because I didn't want to forget them."

Ruby Rose stood up, had her Crescent Devil back, and seemingly unlocked her true power after realizing the truth, which made her look different; her right eye was black, her left eye was white, power leaked out of both, and her clothing was pure silver, while her hair was long, wavy, and endless. The Shadow Demon saw this and quickly ran off once it realized it couldn't win.

"You ok Ruby?"

Dante slowly stood up and walked up to the Silver Human Devil, who quickly powered down and used her Crescent Devil to keep herself standing.

"Please don't die on me today, I will accept it any other day... But just not today."

Ruby, although she still hates the idea of seeing her friends die, has learned to accept it; however, she still hopes they can stay alive for a little while longer.

"Heh, even though I'm not immortal, I'm not planning on dying anytime soon."

Dante smirks as he then offers a hand towards his 'Second-in-Command,' who lets out a smile and grasps it.

"Thank you Team Leader, now let's go save the other's."

After such a sweet moment, Dante and Ruby grabbed their weapons and ran off... Soon, we see Yang getting thrown out of a house and landing hard on the ground; she quickly gets up and looks at the one responsible for doing that.

"Go away sister, you're so annoying."

"Ruby" glared at her sister, her eyes filled with hate and annoyance.

"Not to mention very useless."

"Blake" spoke in a low, cold tone.

"Can't believe we kept you around as long as we did."

"Weiss" let out a huff and crossed her arms.

"Not to mention your puns suck, now come on, let's go inside, also Weiss, wanna suck face and get married tomorrow?"

"Dante", after talking down to the blonde, quickly ignores her and offers a hand to the demonic "Schnee", who happily accepts it.

"I would be delighted~"

Then, they slammed the door and locked it, leaving Yang alone, sitting on the cold, hard floor. She didn't understand what had just happened, or how it had happened; before she could even begin to think of all the ways her life had become this way, her shadow began to rise, and it seemed to be holding a gun, preparing to shoot her.

"Everyone will always leave you..."

Once the Shadow said this, it thrust its fist forward and took the shot; however, instead of hitting the target, the Rebellion came down and blocked the shot.

"Being Abandoned By These Assholes Does Not Equal With Being Alone!"

Dante said this as he balanced on the tip of the sword handle, with Ruby standing on his head, and having the sniper form of the gun directly pointed at the Shadow's face.

"It Just Means That You Picked The Bad People In Your Life!"

While Dante continued to speak to the fallen Brawler, he let the Devil Hunter shoot the Shadow's back, forcing it to fly away.

"It Takes Effort To Find Someone, And Takes Even More To Accept Them As Your Family!"

Dante and the Devil landed beside her, silver eyes glowing, weapons out and ready to defend.

"But You Need To Realize That Not Everyone Will Accept You, They Might Even Hate You!"

The Shadow stood back up and dashed towards the Two Devils in Red, who quickly started shooting at the incoming Shadow.

"But That's Ok, Wanna Know Why?!"

Despite how many bullets Dante and The Hoodie Girl shot at the Shadow, it did not slow down at all.

"Because It Makes Finding Your Real Family Much Easier!"

When Ruby finished what the Devil Hunter was going to say, the blonde's eyes went wide.

"And giving up hurts way worse than being abandoned."

Yang said in realization, the Shadow jumped and got ready to kill, but was suddenly blown back by a bright yellow/orange light; the Satanic Celica understood the truth and stood with new power and appearance, which made her look like the entire design/materials of her Satanic Celica had covered her entire body and given her a full suit of demonic armour, not to mention her flaming hair grew brighter and long enough to reach the heavens, the Shadow failed again and ran off.

"Y-You guys don't really hate me do you?"

Yang, powered down and looked back at Dante and Ruby, while she still accepted the truth, she still didn't want to believe that they hated her; her questions earned her a tight hug from her sister.

"I Would Never Ever Hate You Or Leave You!"

Ruby held tighter, and the blonde returned the favor; the red coat devil smiled softly at the sight.

"The same applies to me, and while I would love to explain it in more detail, we need to go and save the other's."

Dante offered a hand to Yang, a simple gesture that she took with great gratitude... Inside the shop, back at home, Weiss was in the middle of picking up beer cans, empty ice cream bowls, and pizza boxes - a mess that had been made worse by yet another empty box.

"Weiss! Give Me More Pizza!"

"Dante" lazily sat behind his desk, reading a magazine, and evidently showing very little interest in what he was doing.

"B-But, I-I just bought you som-"

Before Weiss could finish speaking, she was interrupted by a beer bottle hitting her face, causing her to grab her face in slight pain.

"Also some beers too, hurry up Ice Maid."

"Dante" showed no remorse for hurting the Ice Queen, causing her to look down in dejection.

"Yes Leader..."

Weiss continued to clean, while "Dante" slowly stood up and grabbed his weapons.

"Hey Ruby, Yang, Blake! Let's go hunt some demons!"

"Dante" shouted out for his teammates, who shrugged and followed their leader.

"H-Hey, can I come this tim-"

Before Weiss could even ask, her teammates had already closed the door on her, leaving her behind. The Ice Queen started to tear up and looked down sadly, while her shadow prepared to stab her in the back with Demonic Myrtenaster.

"You are nobody to them..."

The Shadow lunged forward, but before it could thrust the weapon, Dante swooped in, pushed the Demonic Snow away, and took the stab, causing him to grunt in pain.

"You Don't Need Anyone To Be Someone!"

Despite being stabbed, Dante spoke to Weiss.

"You Don't Need Anyone's Approval To Become Someone You Aren't!"

Ruby jumps in, using her scythe as a hook to grab and throw away the Shadow.

"And You Definitely Don't Need To Take This Type Of Neglect From Anyone!"

Yang went up to the shadow and kicked it away, crashing through a wall.

"You Are The Proud Weiss Schnee, Someone Who Doesn't Take Shit From Anyone And Is Usually The Boss Of Everyone, No One Should Hold You Back!"

What Dante said made Weiss's eyes widen; at the same time, the Shadow got back up and charged after them, ready to slaughter them all.

"No one owns me and I'm free to be me."

Weiss has seen the light, and in a flash of bright blue/white light, which knocked away the Shadow, the demonic Schnee stood tall and proud; she had her weapon back and her body was now composed entirely of Dust Crystals. The Shadow yelled in frustration and ran off.

"... Am I still important enough for you to have around?"

Weiss, after powering down, looked up at her team in a shy manner, which immediately earned her a group hug from both Ruby and Yang.

"You will always be important to have around."

Dante lets out a small smile; his words were enough to make Weiss feel appreciated and not feel owned by him.

"Come on, we got one more person to sav-"

Before the team could rescue the Ninja Kitty, the entire fake reality shattered, leaving them in the black void. At the center of it stood a shadow-covered Blake Belladonna, whose eyes were filled with two amber colored circles. The entire group remained silent as the Sad Devil Kitten powered down and handed over the soul of the demon responsible for their suffering to the Man in Red, who absorbed it without saying a word.

"Dante... When you fight Vergil... I will understand if you can't save him, but please... Don't let him die..."

She spoke in a way as if to say she still loved him, and as if she couldn't stand the thought of hurting him; she would most likely not fight against him, no longer having the motivation to do so.

"... Ok."

Dante decided to say nothing else but that; he didn't know what had happened in there, but if that was the first thing she said after escaping whatever hell she'd been through, he would respect her wishes, and so did the rest of the team. Even though they didn't accept her still-existing love for Vergil, they couldn't say anything about it.

"Um, you girl's rest for a bit, I'm gonna find a way out."

Dante decided to let them recover mentally, and process what just happened, as he walked away to find a way out; the RWBY girls didn't argue or anything like that, they just fell on the floor, suffering through their own personal fears and using Devil Triggers for the first time, which made them very exhausted. While everyone tried their best to catch their breath and not break down again, Blake looked down and rubbed her hand over her stomach, more specifically the scar, tearing up even more.

'... I still love you... Even after what you did to us...'
And that's how they unlock their own Devil Trigger, hehe, at the moment, this is their peak strength, which is stronger than base Dante, I might add in their own 'Sin Devil Trigger' after reaching DMC5, but we'll see~

(Also I hope you don't mind me changing up the Doppelganger fight just a bit~)

/Team RWBY Full Power Explain\


Base Form: She's fast enough to speed blitz Lady and Trish, her Silver Eye is only limited to sensing holy items/people, and blasting them away, and her Devil Eye is only limited to sensing demonic items/people and blasting them away, plus she is somewhat immune to damage since she can turn her body into roses.

Rose Trigger: Her speed surpasses 'Base Form Dante', and her eyes have enough power to destroy an entire Boss in one shot, though any major/big attacks will make her slightly blind, temporarily, when she turns off her Devil Trigger.


Base Form: She can supply infinite amount of Demon Powered DUST Crystals, which grows on her hair, her Glyphs are also very enhanced and don't rely on any outside help/items, only her own power, AND, her DUST leg can transform into any shapes and elements.

Schnee Trigger: She fully becomes a DUST Crystals Devil, a single Glyphs has the power to destroy a Boss in one shot, and can summon a whole army of all the Demons she fought/killed, even Base Dante, though could only do that once a day.


Base Form: She can shape her shadow limbs into simple weapons, has her own doppelganger/shadow clone, and can transform into a cat.

Belladonna Trigger: Her whole body becomes a shadow that can cover an entire island, if she wanted to, also she can finally access her personal 'Shadow Dimensional Space', though she can only go in/out of it if she's in her Devil Trigger, also light still weakens her a bit.


Base Form: She is more durable, can compete with Dante's Royalguard, also she can match any demon power and add it on her own strength, except Boss Enemy's and Sparda related character's, she only gets half of it.

Xiao Long Trigger: Her metallic body is nearly indestructible, her flaming hair reaches the sky, and her strength/heat can destroy most Boss Enemies in one shot, though if she goes past her limits, she will explode and revert back to her powerless and weak base form.

(Might change in the future, but that's the basics idea)

[Artist by emerald.16]

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