Jeon Jungkook | ๐‡๐ˆ๐’ ๐‹๐€๐‚...

By Sophiliarity

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"Korea's famed novelist J.JK is currently facing backlash for his stories, with some claiming that he has los... More

Author's Note
Prologue : Two
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- Sophiliarity's Message

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By Sophiliarity

Upon the realization that Erelah wasn't with him. Jungkook was suddenly hit by a wave of panic as he started looking left and right, sweat started to form on his forehead when a few minutes passed and he still couldn't find any trace of Erelah.

Which caused him to brush his hair back as let out a string of curses. "Shit! Why did I even go in the damn front?! But where the f*ck did she even wander off to? Is she a kid or something?" But he knows that cursing won't help his situation right now, so he hurriedly got out his cellphone and called someone.

His feet not being able to stay put as he waited for the person to pick up. And finally, the person on the other line answered. Jungkook didn't waste any more time and got straight to the point.

"Jimin Hyung... Please call Erelah's phone number."

"Not even a good-" Jungkook groaned, not really having time for his Hyungs scolding. "Good Evening, Hyung. Now please call her."

"What got you in such a hurry? But ok I'll call her." Jungkook let out a sigh of relief after he heard Jimin say that, however, Jimin still wasn't finished when he mumbled something that Jungkook was able to hear. "Why's this guy suddenly acting weird?" But Jungkook only ignored what his hyung said. And pretended he didn't hear anything.

After a few seconds of waiting a phone suddenly started ringing in the parking lot. The sound echoing through the large space. Upon hearing this a smile was painted on Jungkook's lips as he focused on the sound trying to make out where it was coming from. And it was coming through the right side of the parking lot.

"Thanks, Jimin Hyung. Gotta go now." He cut the call before his Hyung can even answer and immediately ran to the right side of the parking lot as he looked at every corner. And finally after a few minutes of endless head panning. He finally found Erelah crouched down on the floor with a cat below her as it continued to pur, loving the touches that Erelah was giving.

Jungkook's eyes softened at the sight. Not being able to say who was cuter. The cat or Erelah. His eyes widened when he realized what he just thought about and called Erelah immediately. "Erelah..." Upon hearing her name Erelah looked back and was slightly shocked when she found Jungkook behind her.

"Oh, Jungkook!" She said as she stood up and patted her hands on her skirt trying to remove the cat's fur off her hands. "Sorry got sidetracked by this cute cat~" Erelah explained with her voice becoming a little bit higher than usual as she looked at the cat beside her. Jungkook didn't say anything and instead walked closer to Erelah as he looked her in the eye.

"You made me worried..." Jungkook said still not looking away from Erelah's eyes. While Erelah on the other hand felt her heart beating a lot faster than usual. "I-I did?" She asked as she pointed at him then at herself. "My physical state is the proof." That was all Jungkook said, so Erelah looked at him from head to toe and noticed that there was sweat on his forehead and his once neat hair was now disheveled.

"I'm sorry, the cat was just too cute. That I couldn't resist." Erelah explained yet again. But now her lips were in a pout. Feeling disappointed with herself for worrying Jungkook. While the male before her looked at the cat who was now caressing its body on Erelah's leg. And Jungkook couldn't deny that the cat was cute.

"Apology accepted... Since the cat is indeed cute." Jungkook said but instead of looking at the cat. He found himself looking at Erelah's hand instead. Finding himself wanting to hold it, however, since he thinks only couples do it. He thought of another way to do it.

Without any hesitation, he interlocked Erelah's pinky finger with his. Erelah was taken aback by this. Not expecting this move from him. Causing her cheeks to suddenly heat up. While Jungkook started scolding himself internally.

Gosh, what even is this?
Why the hell did I even- AGHH!

"You might suddenly walk off and disappear again... So," Jungkook explained as he pulled Erelah with him. Not noticing the wide grin that was on her lips.


It was now the next day and you won't believe what I'm going to say... I finally got my editor position back! How do you ask? Well, it's because of my friends specifically, Tae and Tina. Plus the help of Caroline.

It turns out while Jungkook and I were out buying things that the company needed. They were making good use of their acting skills and staged a fight. And then one thing led to another. That forced our boss to bring me back.

Although I wish my boss just voluntarily brought me back... I'm still thankful. And after a long time. Taehyung has finally finished the book cover of Her Hidden Persona. The three of us were looking at it admiring its beauty except for Jungkook.

Since he volunteered to buy us lunch, so I let him borrow my car. "Seriously, Tae this is soo gorgeous!" I complimented him as I patted his back while he flashed me his cute boxy smile. "I know right! I wasn't wrong for picking Taehyung as my cover artist." Christina complimented Taehyung too as she raised the book cover in the air. Still admiring its beauty.

"It's as beautiful as you two ladies~" Taehyung said with a flirty tone. Tina and I looked at each other stopping ourselves from laughing.

"Awww shocks!"

"Liars go to hell, Taehyung." I teased which made the three of us laugh out loud.

Then suddenly we heard the patter of rain outside. Which made the three of us look outside the window. "Oh, it's raining... Did you guys bring an umbrella?" Tina asked as she walked towards her desk. And started looking through the contents of her bag.

"I didn't bring one. But don't worry... Our company has spare ones that we can borrow." Taehyung informed Tina as he pointed outside our office to the rack of umbrellas. "Yeah-" What I was saying was cut short. When I remembered something.

That night I found Jungkook crying. Jimin's text. Heck! How could I forget?!

Without wasting any more time. I dashed outside our office and grabbed an umbrella from the rack.

"Hey! Rere! Where are you going?!"

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