Random Marriage II

taeyeon_mystar द्वारा

118K 6.6K 2.9K

"I am not a mistress! Your mother was the mistress!"???? -Mrs. Kim you have tumor in your body need to remove... अधिक

Second chance
Let's move to Book 3


739 36 24
taeyeon_mystar द्वारा

Song Xin didn't expect Crown Empire to bring up an old case as their trump card. She realised she had been much too naive. It turned out, even without using Duan Jinghong's accusation, they could still destroy her. After all, she had done too many bad things.

Soon, Song Xin received a phone call from her lawyer telling her that he had no way of bailing her out this time. He then told her to go overseas as soon as possible to hide out.

But, Song Xin didn't want to admit defeat! How could she lose like this? She couldn't possibly lose.

Even so, she couldn't prevent the police from taking her back to the police station; back to the same room with the same officer, "Miss Song, we meet again. Who will you use as your shield this time?"

Like last time, Song Xin did not say a word. It seemed, she was waiting for Elder Song; he was her last chance.

But, in reality, after Elder Song awoke from his surgery and saw the news, he simply spent the next half an hour smoking in his hospital room. He could never imagine that he had brought up such a monster.

"How am I to face people from now on?"

The news continued to broadcast the live situation at Crown Empire's press conference. At this point, Song Xin's reputation seemed like it was already beyond repair. But, even so, Song Xin still continued to deny her crimes and remained mentally firm and stable.

This was until the police received news that Elder Song had committed suicide at the hospital!

After receiving the report, the interrogating officer returned to the interrogation room and placed some documents in front of Song Xin, "I've seen plenty of cruel women in the past: ones that chop up their husbands and strangle their daughters. But, when faced with solid evidence, they never continue to play tricks like you do."

"If you still have a bit of conscience left in you, you should pay your grandfather back with your life!"

In that instant, Song Xin didn't quite understand the officer's words. Until she saw Elder Song's death certificate.

"What happened to my grandfather? How did my grandfather die?"

"Why did he die? Shouldn't you ask yourself that?" After speaking, the officer handed a suicide note from Elder Song to Song Xin.

As she glanced down at the snow white envelope, Song Xin finally realized that her hands were trembling. Seeing this, the officer grabbed the envelope and helped her open it.

"Xin, this is the last time that grandfather will be calling your name. After seeing all the bad things you've done, grandfather can no longer face the world. All I can do is use my life to pay back for all the bad things you've done. This is my retribution; retribution for not teaching you properly. And your retribution, is to lose the only family you have left on earth..."

"I hereby declare that all my assets will be donated to charity. I do not wish for them to go to a cruel-hearted person like you."

"From now on, you are on your own. All the best."

After reading the short note, Song Xin broke down, "This can't be possible. My grandfather can't possibly die."

"He's dead. You were the cause of his death. You killed your grandfather!" the officer yelled at Song Xin. "If I was him, I would have chopped you up before killing myself. That would have been a valuable contribution to society."

Song Xin's eyes grew wide as she sat paralyzed in her seat. Eventually, she kneeled onto the floor and cried, "I didn't cause my grandfather's death. I didn't! They did!"


"Elder Song sure is unfortunate to have a granddaughter like this. In the end, all he could do was pay with his life." Sunny was at Hyatt Regency helping Tiffany with the babies. While she read the news with one hand, she helped dress one of the babies with the other, "Although it is quite a pity, I guess this is life."

"They all say that children are one's enemies from a past life; here to get pay back. I wonder what Elder Song did in his past life to have owed Song Xin so much."

Tiffany smiled as she received the baby from Sunny's hands, "Although it is quite a pity, there's nothing we can do about it."

"But, even at this point, Song Xin is still refusing to speak. Doesn't she feel any guilt towards her grandfather?"

Tiffany shook her head. Just as she was about to place the baby into its cot, she received a phone call from Sooyoung, "Song Xin has confessed. After visiting the hospital and seeing her grandfather's body, she could no longer control herself and finally revealed everything to the police."

"Isn't this great?" Sunny asked as she looked at Tiffany. "We finally disposed of the demoness."

"If she could still act like nothing happened after this, then God would have had to send a lightning bolt to strike her to death."

How hated was Song Xin? One look at the tens of thousands of comments left online would be enough to answer this question.

_"Although it sounds cruel, I hope the judge sentences her to death. If they could cut her up, one slice at a time, that would be even better."

_"Song Xin is a disgusting b*tch. She caused her own grandfather to die. Is she happy now?"

_"I hope the police don't let her have an easy death. It's better for her to spend life in prison."

Meanwhile, at the police station, Song Xin had indeed confessed to a few crimes. But, when it came to Shinhye's incident and provoking Han Ji-eun, she still refused to admit defeat. In fact, she said to the police, "If you want me to confess to these crimes, then get Tiffany to see me in person!"

"Tiffany is no longer someone that you can see..." the officer said as he put on her handcuffs. "You will only have the walls of prison to accompany you for the rest of your life and you will never see the light of day again..."

"No, Duan Jinghong will accompany me..." Song Xin tried to find the last bit of comfort. But, the police quickly destroyed her hopes.

"You're wrong. Duan Jinghong has been praised for surrendering herself to the police. Plus, the victim has forgiven her. Her punishment will be much lighter than yours. There is a fine line between good and bad, and this fine line is enough to determine whether you go to heaven or hell. Sit back and wait for your sentence!"

As it was a big case that shook the entire entertainment industry, Song Xin continued to receive the attention of the public.

With the numerous incidences added together, Song Xin's punishments were enough to last her a lifetime...

The happiest person at this time would probably be Han Ji-eun. She was going to have company very soon!

The entire incident came to an end at the same time that Irene completed her filming. After returning to Korea, she and Suho went to visit Tiffany at Hyatt Regency. Seeing her two nephews, Irene was filled with glee.

Tiffany noticed Suho's gaze follow Irene, so she laughed and asked, "Are you guys in a relationship?"

Suho shook his head, "We are just normal business partners."

Tiffany did not expose them. She simply smiled. Even if Suho could hide his feelings, Irene could not.

"Now that the babies are born, will you return to filming?" Suho already began to think ahead for Tiffany's future. "Your acting is really good. You can't just waste it like that. The crew of 'Concubine Ning' is waiting for you."

Tiffany's gaze turned gentle as she watched Irene carry one of the babies, "Let's talk about it later. These two rascals can't leave my side at the moment."

"You're not planning to announce it to the public yet?"

"I need to leave the headlines for Song Xin first."

Suho's gaze deepened as he looked at Tiffany. He originally thought, after all the schemes that Tiffany had experienced in the entertainment industry, she had become unfazed by it. But, in reality, she still had a burning passion for acting.

By the time that Taeyeon returned home later that night, Irene and Suho had already left. Taeyeon first hugged Tiffany before he walked over to check on the babies...

"I've already asked Sooyoung to contact a few people. They will 'take good care' of Song Xin."

"The rest of her life in prison doesn't sound like it will be very nice..." Tiffany laughed gently as she shook her head.

Rest of her life? That will only be the case if she can survive that long!

Of course, Taeyeon did not say what he was thinking. However, the mention of Song Xin made his eyes fill with hatred and darkness.


Meanwhile, after Suho escorted Irene back to his apartment, he headed back out again.

Irene did not know where he was going. She simply had a shower and waited patiently on the sofa for his return. But, at this time, Suho had arrived at a relatively old housing estate and entered one of the buildings familiarly.

Yoona's father had given him a phone call: Mother Yun (Yun Yonna Suho past lover)  was sick. Ever since Yoona's death, Suho had taken care of her parents. Although he didn't visit them often, whenever something serious happened, he would see to it personally.

"Suho, your Auntie Yun went to the hospital to do an examination and the doctor suggested for her to get treatment overseas. I don't understand what's going on, what should we do?"

"Uncle, don't panic, let me have a look at Auntie first," Suho said before he pushed open the door to Mother Yun's bedroom. Seeing the old lady lying in bed, he approached her bedside and asked, "Auntie, are you OK?"

"Suho...you're here." Mother Yun appeared weathered and her breathing was weak, but she still managed to grab onto Suho's hands, "Suho, I'm really suffering. Don't ever abandon us...Don't ever get married and forget about our Yoona."

"Auntie, even if I get married, I will still take care of you on behalf of Yoona," Suho replied calmly.

"No!" Auntie Yun suddenly growled, "You belong to Yoona. You can't marry someone else. If you find another woman, I won't be able to continue living!"


Father Yun stood behind the two. Seeing Suho look slightly upset, he immediately comforted his wife, "He won't, Suho will never forget Yoona."

Suho did not say a word. After visiting the old couple, he hopped back into his car and drove out of the estate. Upon returning to his apartment, he did not mention a word of it to Irene.

Yoona was Yoona, she was already in the past; he was well aware of this. As for Yoona's parents, it seemed, they were afraid that he'd start a new relationship because they had relied on him too much over the years.

But...he had to get married sooner or later, right?

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Suho asked as he noticed Irene huddled up on the sofa. He walked over and turned off the television, "You have a packed schedule tomorrow. Don't be naughty, go to sleep."


Suho did not say anything else as he headed straight for the study room.

For some reason he felt frustrated even though he knew that Yoona's parents weren't his responsibility...

Irene snuck into the study room and quietly placed herself on Suho's lap, "Come sleep with me?"

"I still have stuff to do."

"You obviously have nothing!" Irene exposed his lie.

"Listen to me, go to bed first."

"There's something bothering you," Irene said as she shook Suho's neck, "I heard the question that Fany unnie asked you today. Why didn't you just admit to it?"

"I haven't prepared myself to go against Taeyeon yet," Suho said as he looked into Irene's eyes. Plus, he still had to resolve the issue with Yoona's parent.

"Why does he have the right to make such an important decision in my life?" Irene scoffed, "I can marry whomever I want..."

Hearing the word 'marry', Suho suddenly let out a laugh as he held onto her cheeks and asked, "You haven't truly understood me yet. How do you know that you won't regret?"

"Will you make me regret?"

"I will try my best to bring you happiness," Suho replied as he carried Irene in his arms out of the study room into the bedroom. "Can you go to sleep now?"

Irene stared at Suho for a while without saying a word. In the end, she nodded her head, closed her eyes and went to sleep. But, for some reason, she felt a little unsettled tonight.

She noticed there was something abnormal about Suho. When a person loved another deeply, they always seemed to become sensitive and suspicious. Suho was her first love, so she naturally invested her everything into the relationship and wasn't afraid of anything. But, what about Suho?

Suho ended up spending the entire night contemplating in the study room. Before Irene, he had never imagined falling in love again so he never addressed the incorrect ideals of Yoona's parents. But now, he was regretful that he hadn't dealt with it earlier.

It seemed, he needed to clarify with the two elders that he cared for them because of the love he once had for their daughter - but he didn't owe them anything!

As for the reason why he didn't reveal his relationship to Tiffany? It was because, before he resolved the issue, he didn't know how he could guarantee Irene's happiness.

Taeyeon was accustomed to doting his wife. He would never allow Suho to have something so problematic that could hurt Irene in the future.


Many days later, Song Xin's case was finally presented in court. As it affected so many people, the judge held a public trial so the entire nation could see her final sentence.

Prison was more torturous than Song Xin had ever imagined. In a short span of one month, Song Xin appeared completely helpless and exhausted. She had completely transformed from the once arrogant composer.

In comparison, Duan Jinghong appeared unfazed.

In the end, Song Xin was sentenced to 20 years in prison for inflicting grievous bodily harm with intent and instigating crimes...

20 years...

Hearing this number, Song Xin fell apart as she knelt on the floor and pleaded...

"I know I was wrong, I know what I've done was wrong! Please, let me go! I don't want to go to prison! I really don't want to go to prison!"

However, seeing her like this merely made most people think of three words: what a pity!

As it was a month later, the babies were one month old. To celebrate, the elders organized a party at home. During that entire day, Taeyeon and Tiffany did not get to carry their babies once.

After a month of careful recovery, Tiffany finally stripped of her loose-fitting clothes and once again fit into her long dress from the past. Perhaps it was because she was still breastfeeding, her upper body was a lot more voluptuous than usual. With her tall and slim body, she appeared more sexy and feminine than in the past.

As a result, both Shinhye and Sunny expressed their displeasure, "When others give birth, their body ends up looking like an apple. Why is it, when you give birth, your figure looks more perfect than before?"

This was all thanks to President Kim.

After giving birth, Tiffany's diet was managed by her previous dietitian. And, although she had to take care of two babies, she never forgot her daily body shaping exercises.

That's how she ended up with the current result: a body that was better than before.

"I feel like you are still capable of going for a walk on the runway."

Tiffany looked at Taeyeon in the near distance and smiled lovingly...

It was because this man helped her plan her life so well that she didn't make a loss in any aspect.

Whether it was her figure or her confidence!

(you can skip it if you not 18 yet🔞🔞🔞~~~~)

After the party, Bo-ah carried the two babies and said to Tiffany, "Your children can stay at granny's house tonight. You and Taeyeon can pick them up tomorrow."


Bo-ah looked at Tiffany and winked, "How long haven't you enjoyed some time as a couple? Can you bear to see your man endure for so long?" 😏😏😏

"Mom..." Tiffany cleared her throat. 

"Don't worry. We have a nanny at home. Your kids won't starve. It's decided." After speaking, Bo-ah and Hyoyeon bid the guests farewell and carried the two babies away.

The noisy living room suddenly fell silent. The decorations in the room were still like something from a fairytale, but Tiffany took the opportunity to approach Taeyeon from behind and hug him, "We haven't had some carefree time to ourselves for a while."

"Since that's the case, let's not put mom's efforts to waste..." As soon as he finished speaking, Taeyeon turned around and placed Tiffany on the sofa.

"Do you know mom's intent?"

Taeyeon pressed his body against Tiffany. As he held her arms above her head with one arm, he used the other to lift her dress.

"She could see that I can't wait any longer to eat you up."

How long had it been since the couple were like this? Tiffany couldn't even recall it anymore. All she knew was, as Taeyeon's hands ran across her body, it sent tingles down her spine; the fluttering feeling was as strong as ever.

"Should we go to the bedroom?"

"Are you shy now that you are a mother?" Taeyeon asked as he pressed his nose against Tiffany's.

Tiffany couldn't escape, so all she could do was agree as her face turned red.

Taeyeon did not say another word as he sat up straight, unbuttoned his shirt, threw it aside and removed Tiffany's long dress...

The two toned bodies were just like before. Taeyeon had protected Tiffany well; her body did not go out of shape at all.

A kiss followed naturally. Tiffany didn't even get the chance to reject it... All she could do was wrap her arms around Taeyeon's neck as her emotions suddenly made her feel empty inside.

Soon, the restraint on her body loosened. Tiffany looked helplessly at Taeyeon until the emptiness inside her was finally filled. As a result, she subconsciously let out a sigh of satisfaction.

She loved this man too much; she loved the feeling of having him inside her. The way they combined excited her and made her lose control.

Taeyeon was afraid that he'd hurt Tiffany, so he gently rubbed against her. But, Tiffany bit onto his shoulder and gasped out the words, "Tae...do it like you used to."

"Huh?" Taeyeon pretended not to hear.

"I want you to do it like you used to: rough and hard."

Taeyeon didn't say anything, he simply responded with his actions...

On top of the sofa, on the stairs, inside the bathtub and at the basin...

That night was filled with endless frenzied demands.

After making love, Tiffany lay weakly in Taeyeon's arms and said in a raspy voice, "Have I paid you back for all that I've owed you over the past few months?"

"Did you think this was enough?😏😏😏😏😏"

How naive!

(Can continue from her😅😂)


That night, it was raining hard outside. Irene had just finished work and was returning home with Suho when they saw an old person standing outside the door.

Irene was a bit confused, but Suho simply said, "Go inside first."

Irene nodded. She then entered her bedroom conscientiously to give Suho and the old man some space.

"Suho, this girl..." Father Yun asked out of curiosity.

"My girlfriend," Suho replied calmly. "Uncle, why are you here?"

"Oh, you've got a girlfriend. Will you guys get married?" Father Yuan sat down and began to delve into the topic, "Didn't you promise..."

Suho understood what the old man wanted to say, so he patiently replied, "Uncle, it's been years since Yoona's passed away. It's time I live my own life."

"What do you mean by this? We never interfered with your private life. But...I simply feel that something isn't right. Yoona wouldn't be happy with this."

Hearing this, Suho fell silent. He understood what Father Yuan meant: he was afraid that Suho would stop taking care of him and his wife after he got married.

"Since I promised Yoona that I'd take care of you, I will never go back on my words."

"No, that's not what I meant. I simply can't accept that you found yourself a girlfriend." Father Yuan paused for a moment. His expression was stiff and unhappy, "We always thought that you'd attend to our deaths on behalf of Yoona one day."

In other words, Suho belonged to Yoona and couldn't be with someone else. Otherwise, it would be equivalent to cheating on her.

Suho had taken care of the old couple for many years. So, it was normal for them to be worried. But, weren't they acting a bit selfish?

"Firstly, uncle, Yoona and I were simply boyfriend and girlfriend; we never got married. Secondly, I promised Yoona that I'd take care of you, but I still have my own life. My life cannot be influenced by others​, do you understand what I mean?"

Father Yuan did not say anything as he quickly turned to leave, "I'll come see you again another day."

After the old man left, Suho sighed and glanced over at the bedroom door in the distance, "Come out..."

Irene never expected that Suho knew she was eavesdropping, so she pushed open the door to reveal herself, "That man..."

"Yoona's father," Suho replied straightforwardly, "I've been taking care of her parents on her behalf."

Previously, Suho had thought that he was the cause of Yoona's death. So, taking care of the old couple on her behalf seemed reasonable.

"Do you still need to take care of them in future?" Irene prodded.

"You're unhappy about it?"

"If they were understanding, I wouldn't mind. But...they're not," Irene replied straightforwardly. "He wants to control your life."

"Yes, I'm aware of that. Leave the matter to me. You don't need to be concerned by it anymore. Go have a shower, you have an audition tomorrow."

"Suho, I'm a person that likes to give up, but I don't want to give up on you. Please don't do anything that makes me feel bad."

"OK," Suho nodded.

After hearing Suho's response, Irene turned around, returned to the bedroom and went straight to bed after having a shower. She assumed that if she obeyed Suho's words, he would never give up on her.

But, she was unaware that her reaction signified her lack of security. She simply knew that she felt uneasy on the inside, but didn't know how to voice it.

Suho knew that he had hurt her. So, he put down the work in his hands and entered the bedroom. Amidst the darkness, he stretched out his arms and wrapped Irene in a hug, "Sorry for not protecting your heart."

Irene did not say anything. She simply bit down on Suho's arm and left a deep bite mark.

"No matter what happens, I will never give up on you nor abandon you. But, I hope you won't give up on me either."

Irene was still young, so her personality wasn't very stable and her mind was not mature. Hence, Suho did not expect her to even endure this far to begin with.

After all, it was certain that the torment from Yoona's parents wasn't going to end there. However, he was going to try his best to find a solution.

"OK." Irene didn't actually know how long she could endure either.

Since a young age, she did not like to force others. At the same time, she did not like to force herself for the sake of someone else.

But, this was the first time she had feelings for someone. So, she hoped that her affection wouldn't be wasted on a man that wasn't worth it.


After Tiffany gave birth, Crown Empire kept it tightly under wraps. But, the media still managed to capture a photo of Bo-ah carrying the babies. As a result, Tiffany's pregnancy once again sparked up the media's attention.

Taeyeon had yet to provide a response while he welcomed public speculation. However, businesses heard of the news early on and had begun to send contracts to Taeyeon via Sooyoung.

After all, Taeyeon was still Tiffany's manager!

"President, these draft contracts are all baby related..."

In other words, the outside world was telling Tiffany that she should change her style.

She was no longer in her youth. After becoming a mother, she was bound to go through many changes.

Taeyeon did not lift his head as he brushed the contracts onto the floor, "From now on, don't place stuff like this on my desk."

"Understood," Sooyoung had assumed this would happen; it was normal for Taeyeon to react with anger. Who dared to say that Tiffany could only represent mothers? And who dared to say that his wife was old?

He was going to let his Fany live a more youthful lifestyle than before.

"What should we do in regards to the rumors about Madam giving birth?"

"I will find a chance to clarify it," Taeyeon said before he continued to look at the document in his hands.

Meanwhile, Tiffany had already heard about what was happening via Sunny's small channels of information: how there were plenty of opportunities and contracts presented to her by baby related companies. However, her reaction was the same as Taeyeon's.

"These people must be blind. Look at your figure and look at your firm skin. You are exactly the same as before," Sunny said as she ate. "Why don't we ask Boss to organize an appearance on the runway for you?"

To remain forever fresh and energetic, the dividing line was too obvious for an artist.

Tiffany did not say a word. She simply looked at the contract for 'Concubine Ning' and pretended to be unfazed.

"By the way, everyone is trying to guess the gender of your baby and whether it has been born with any disabilities. I think it's time you give them a response. Of course, it's not for the sake of the nosy observers, but for your fans. You've always been honest to them."

Tiffany nodded as she took the words into consideration. However, as she looked at the way that Sunny wolfed down her food, she couldn't help but laugh, "Don't you think you're overeating and drinking too much?"

"I'm not sure why, but I've been especially fond of eating lately," Sunny mumbled.

"Have you done an examination? Could you be pregnant?"


Hearing this, Sunny froze. She had never considered this possibility. After Hyoyeon told her to move houses last time, her worries disappeared and she simply let nature take its course. If Tiffany had not reminded her of the possibility, she may have thought there was something wrong with her stomach.

"I will head straight to the hospital to get an exam."

"Go," Tiffany nodded. "Give Sooyoung a phone call. You need someone to accompany you."

"OK," Sunny said before she quickly disappeared from Tiffany's sight.

Afterwards, Tiffany fell into deep thought.

She could not accept the way that the world defined her after she gave birth. As a result, she worked even harder to train her body.

That night, Taeyeon returned to find Tiffany inside the gym. So, he walked over to feed the babies. However, Tiffany had already spotted him. Just as he picked up one of the babies, Tiffany took a photo of the loving moment.

As Taeyeon lifted his head and noticed Tiffany taking photos, he said, "Let's make a public announcement with the photo you just took."

Tiffany nodded her head and understood Taeyeon's motive: they needed to setttle the rumors, especially after all the previous slandering from Han Ji-eun.

So, Tiffany logged onto Taeyeon's social media account and posted up the the photo of the father and son, accompanied by two words, "Daddy Tae."

After seeing the photo, the public exploded in excitement.

_"Tiffany has given birth to Little Tae!"

_"It's actually a son! Tiffany sure knows how to give face slaps!"

_"Everyone has been making random speculations about her baby going to hospital. We can finally relax. Look how comfortable this photo is..."

_"Daddy Tae is filled with love..."

_"I dislike this post, since Tiffany isn't making an appearance."

_"Tiffany's figure must have gained a lot of weight."

Taeyeon had told Tiffany to make this post because he wanted her to maintain her air of mystery and to prevent the public from defining her as a mother.

While doing this, Tiffany did not reveal to the public whether she had given birth to one child or two either!

"Before making your comeback in acting, I've accepted a commercial for you," Taeyeon said while he was in the bathroom with Tiffany after they had put the babies to sleep. "It's for a famous international luxury makeup brand."

This was the strange thing about Tiffany: logically speaking, after retreating from the industry for so long, her fame should have faded. But instead, she did not suffer much of an impact at all. This was all thanks to her three films. As there was always a delay in international screening of films in comparison to domestic screening, 'The Lost Relative' had just started screening overseas.

As her influence increased abroad, it was naturally easy for her to secure an international endorsement.

"Why did you choose to do this?"

"Because I want to prove to everyone that my woman is still as stunningly beautiful as ever!"

Tiffany nodded.

As she trained with Taeyeon, the wheels of her endorsement project was set into motion.

Of course, Taeyeon's vision was as sharp as ever. The reason why he had helped Tiffany secure this commercial was because the commercial created the image of a cool western woman and had the ability to highlight Tiffany's energetic side.

When the time came, he would tell all the baby related companies that this was his woman and that she was no different from before!

It turned out, Sunny was already over 2 months pregnant!

This was perhaps the best news that Tiffany had received in recent times. Thinking about the way that Sunny and Sooyoung had been wishing for a child for so long, Tiffany's heart filled with glee.

To take good care of her pregnancy, Sunny immediately dropped all her work and returned home to anticipate giving birth. Meanwhile, as soon as Sooyoung's mother heard of the good news, she directly flew back to Korea from another city with the intention to take care of Sunny in the long term.

By this time, Tiffany and Taeyeon's babies were almost 60 days old.

As she looked at the sparse hair that had appeared on the rascals' heads, Tiffany reached out her hand and rubbed the older brother on the head.

Originally, Taeyeon wanted to begin weaning the two babies. After all, Tiffany needed to return to filming. But, Tiffany refused, "The babies need to be breastfed to improve their immune systems. They are our babies, I will give them the best."

"My sons won't be that weak..."

"I have breastmilk, so why can't I give it to them? Even when I make a comeback and film my commercial in a month's time, I can always pump breastmilk for them to have when I'm not around. That way, they won't be lacking in nutrition," Tiffany replied with a smile.

Taeyeon was helpless around Tiffany. All he could do was pull her into his arms, "These two little rascals have sure benefited!"

"Hey, they're your sons!" Tiffany said as she hit Taeyeon on the chest. "Plus, someone doesn't know how to be considerate when he steals his sons' food at night...😏😂"

Taeyeon did not argue as he carried Tiffany in his arms, "They wouldn't dare to complain!"😎😎😎


As she had accepted a few invites to variety shows, Irene had now gained a bit of fame. Of course, the reason why her path had become a lot smoother was partly due to the fact that she was Taeyeon's sister.

Even if someone wanted to make things difficult for her, they would have to consider whether they could afford to offend Taeyeon first. Even though Taeyeon had never acknowledged Irene in public, he never denied her either.

The variety show scheduled for Irene today was a talk show because the new discussion format of these shows was very popular.

Irene was amongst the guests invited.

Suho did not accompany Irene to the show because she now had her own assistant. So, whenever she attended activities like this, Suho would let her express herself freely.

In the backstage, Irene shared a waiting room with the other invited guests. As they were her peers, the other guests approached to give their greetings. But, Irene was completely unfamiliar with them.

Seeing Irene's emotionless response, they drew back their hands awkwardly and chatted on the side, 

-"I really don't know how many lifetimes of luck she has used to be born as Taeyeon's sister."

-"So what if she's Taeyeon's sister? Look at Tiffany. Even though Taeyeon is her personal manager, don't you see how she's become outdated after giving birth?"

-"She's the wife of a rich socialite family. Why would she care about fame?"

-"Don't forget, this industry is all about fame and fortune. In a few years, when Tiffany is old and no longer beautiful, take another look at her, won't she just end up as a typical sad housewife?"

-"You're right. Now that Tiffany has given birth, the stretch marks on her stomach are probably so deep, they could squish a mosquito. Supposedly, Crown Empire has turned down a few commercials for baby formula. Are they trying to be in denial?"

-"Does she think that she can defy nature? She can't avoid it. As soon as a man has a child, he is bound to lose interest in his woman. Just wait for it. No matter how loving a couple is in the entertainment industry, they will end up cheating on each other."

Initially, Irene wanted to ignore the two women. But, the two b*tches continued to gossip behind her back.

In the end, she couldn't take it anymore, "Wait until you reach Tiffany's level before you claim that she is outdated. You aren't even at the stage where you have that chance."

The two women turned and glared at Irene. They then rolled their eyes and snorted disdainfully.

What were they saying about Tiffany's body going out of shape and becoming outdated?

Irene had just seen Tiffany not long ago and she was even more beautiful than before. How dare these women insult her?

-"Did you think that there'd be a place for you here if you weren't Taeyeon's sister? You're just a stunt double. Do you think you are worthy?"

Irene's assistant was a competent person, but she wasn't good at arguing. Especially in situations like the one before them. So, Irene felt like she was of no help.

At this time, Suho appeared in the doorway of the waiting room and said to the women, "Since you are aware that she is Taeyeon's sister, shouldn't you be keeping your distance?"

Irene turned around. As she soon as she realized it was her man, her heart filled with emotions.

"Do you want to know what happened to the last artist that offended Irene?"

The two women were obviously frightened as they packed up their things and scurried off to another waiting room.

"I thought you weren't going to come?"

"Did you think I could be rest assured enough?" Suho asked as he crossed his arms.

Irene smiled sweetly as she pounced into his arms, "I knew you loved me the most. I didn't want to get angry at the start, but these two women's mouths deserve to be sewn up. They said that Fany unnie was old and that her stomach was covered in stretch marks. I couldn't stand it anymore, so I had to say something..."

"Does Tiffany need you to defend her?" Suho shook his head. "She's used to ups and downs like this and can control her emotions a lot better than you. That's enough hugging, if someone sees, the news will say something ridiculous about us."

"I'm not famous enough for that!"

"But, you are Taeyeon's sister!"

Hearing this, Irene was unhappy, even though she knew it was the undeniable truth. However, because of the argument tonight, she had no idea that she had created many hidden dangers for herself. If the women disliked her and wanted to play a trick on her, they had their methods.

Even if she was Taeyeon's sister!

Soon, Irene entered the studio for recording. Since she had been in the industry from a young age, she was better accustomed to situations like this than the other newcomers. But, because of this, the other guests disliked her even more.

At exactly 10pm, Irene finally finished recording. Her assistant handed her a jacket as she prepared to meet with Suho outside. However, when she went to the toilet, someone ended up locking her inside the cubicle. Worst of all, they poured sewage on top of her...

Irene couldn't avoid it in time, nor could she open the door. All she could do was give her assistant a phone call.

As soon as the assistant was contacted, she immediately found Suho and explained the situation.

"Go to the nearest clothing store and buy a new set of clothes."

"Yes, Mr. Suho."

Afterwards, Suho stormed into the women's bathroom, forced open the door and carried Irene out. He then washed her off at the sink.

"Why can't you learn to behave after experiencing situations like this?"

"If you aren't as wise and farsighted as Tiffany, don't go around offending people!" Suho was so angry that his eyes practically ignited in flames. "Do you want me to be in a state of high alert all the time?"


(it not her fault Suho..... If i was her maybe i will give them a few kick😂😂😂)

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