Legendary Devil Huntresses

By Anime0CC0Manga

71.6K 1.5K 2.1K

Team RWBY accidentally ends up in the world of Devil May Cry~ More

It's Raining Girls, Hallelujah~
A Devil's Home~
Settling In~
Everyday Life In This New World~
Let The Party Start~
Let's Have A N'ICE' Day~
Just Clowning Around~
Entertaining The Guest~
Broken Heart
We Meet Again~
Eye For An Eye~
Darkness Unleashed
Bad Sense Of Humour~
Lady's First~
Our Fears Is Our Real Hell
The Legend Meets~
Bittersweet Ending~
One Year Later
Party Crasher~
Bad Luck With Ladies~
Castle & Flaming Scorpion~
Nelo Angelo
Petty Bug~
Fried Chicken~
Boat Ride~
Secret Reveal
Final Boss
A Miracle~
10 Years Later~
Patty Lowell~
The Red Wasp~
Bad Luck With The Ladies~
Forbidden Love
Love Is Red
Friend Or Foe?
What Are You In For?
Inner & Outer Darkness
The Invitation
The Real Party Begins
The Curtains Close
Good Morning And Good Night
Another 7 More Years
The New And Advanced World
Love And Peace
The Strong And Brave Holy Knight
The Grandson Of Sparda
Good Night
This Isn't Goodbye, But Goodbye
The Party Officially Starts
Let Us Dance
A New Mission In Life
The Rage Of A Mother & Wife
Meeting The Commissioner
Fire Kitty
A Duo To Trio
The First Maid
Small Talk

Our Awakening~

1.9K 42 66
By Anime0CC0Manga


An hour or two has passed by, and the RWBY girls have finally woken up; luckily for them, their Auras had been working overtime to stop any bleeding and heal major wounds, enough to keep them alive, but they were still very injured, and are in no condition to fight. Something they immediately noticed, not only do they feel the dull, yet still hurtful pain, but also see a roughly made bandage that covers and holds their injuries. It seems to be made out of some type of red fabric.


The Four soon realized that Dante was missing, which prompted them to attempt to stand up, but they were too exhausted to do much of anything. Once they had time to think clearly and recover somewhat, the girls found a note, which had been pinned down by a rock so it wouldn't blow away, and as they gathered together and supported each other, they began to read it.

'I will explain everything, I promise you that, you deserve to know, but I need to end this and stop my brother, so just stay there, I'll come back, please... From Dante, also Blake, you did nothing wrong, so don't blame yourself, my brother's an asshole, please understand that.'

Reading the letter, the RWBY girls couldn't help but feel powerless, useless, and just dead weight; Blake especially felt the worst about everything - not only did she feel responsible for what had just happened, but her heart still ached from being hurt emotionally and physically by her ex-boyfriend, enough to make her cry.

"... Let's just go home... And save our Leader the trouble..."

All Ruby Rose could say was, "The rest can't help but agree." The others nodded in agreement, seeing no point in staying any longer. After grabbing whatever remained of their weapons and gear, and other items, both Ruby and Yang helped Weiss up and walked, while Blake continued to sob softly to herself. They returned to the tower and started looking for an exit, no doubt wanting to return home and sleep off this horrible day. Unfortunately for them, since they did not know the layout of this ancient building, they immediately got lost and instead of finding a exit, they instead found a big room, with four crazy demonic features in each corner, and a floating Grim Reaper-looking Demon, named the Hell Vanguard, seemed to be in the middle of blacksmithing or creating something; evidence of this would be him grabbing something from the 'Shadow' and 'Crystal' corners, then bringing it to the 'Lava' corner, to which he melts and molds it into a shape, before taking it into a pool of hell's version of 'holy water,' which not only cooled down the newly built weapon, but also blessed it with demonic power. Something like this would've made a certain "Weapons Nerd" freak out in excitement, but once the One-Eyed Silver Eyes saw the immediate danger, she and the others tried to quickly leave the room, but it was too late; the Hell Vanguard had already noticed the four when they entered the room, and had already locked the door with his power. Once the RWBY girls were trapped, the Grim Reaper Demon let out a horrifying and echoing laugh as he flew over to them and readied his freshly made weapon. The Four tried to fight or shoot him with their remaining weapons, but it did nothing; he then swiped his weapon and knocked them all away into corners of the room. Yang fell into the Satanic lava pit, Blake disappeared into the hellish shadow portal, Weiss got impaled by the demonic crystal wall, and Ruby sank into the devil's holy water. The Hell Vanguard let out a loud laugh of victory, believing he had won. Although, unknowingly to him, he had just awakened and created something that would be his demise, case in point, as he was about to leave and find some new prey to brutally murder, he was quickly shot in the back by a fiery blast, stabbed in the front by a shadow blade, impaled in both sides by crystal spikes, and then finished off with an energy slash that sliced him in half, killing him instantly. Once the demon split in two and fell to the ground dead, four figures started to rise and come out of their corners of the room, in the "Satanic Lava Pit". Yang slowly climbed out and came out different, all injuries she had were healed, leaving nothing but metallic scars, her clothing were fixed and had a more flaming dragon design, as for Ember Celica, they weren't only fixed, but heavily upgraded as well; instead of golden bracelets, they were replaced with orange/yellow organic metal gauntlets, boots and masks, with a added double barrel shotguns, which were on top of the wrists and behind the ankles, and to top it all off, her hair was literally made of Golden Flames. In the 'Hellish Shadow Portal', Blake slowly walked out of it; all injuries had been replaced by black scars, her ninja outfit seemed to be made of shadow, while the blades of the sword and sheath were slightly thinner and longer, the pistol looked more like a flintlock, and the ribbon was now infinite, and to top it all off, she now had not just kitty ears but also shadowy claws, fangs, and a kitty tail. At the 'Demonic Crystal Wall', the crystals that impaled Weiss, begin to infuse and heal her injuries, leaving nothing but crystallized scars; her dress now has a much lighter colorful snowflake design, while her Myrtenaster, her rapier, seems to be made out of entirely of demonic crystal, giving it a rainbow-diamond like appearance, also topping it off, her right missing leg was soon replaced with an organic crystallized version, not to mention some crystal shards seem to grow out of her hair. Lastly, in the Devil's Holy Water, Ruby emerged out of the water, any and all injuries she had sustained were replaced with devil scales scars; her red hoodie and Huntress outfit was completely made of devil skin and scales. As for her Crescent Rose, her sniper scythe only kept its black/red color, as everything else was replaced with a mix of devil and metal, giving it a much more demonic theme and design. And to top it off, her right eye, all the white was replaced with black, all the silver iris was replaced with white, and all the black pupil was replaced with a silver slit. The RWBY girls, whether they wanted to believe it or not, had changed, into something more, "devilish," to which they all noticed once they grouped up again and looked at each other and themselves.

"W-What happened to us?"

Yang looked at her new metallic gauntlets, clenched her fist, and gave a few light punches.

"I, I don't know, but I no longer feel injured or sick?"

Blake took out her sword, twirling the blade in her hand and realized how light it felt, as if she were holding a feather.

"Are these, Devil Arm's that Dante talked about?"

She lifted up her crystalline leg, and began to move it around as if it were a normal leg.

"This... This Is Amazing!~"

Ruby couldn't help but carefully admire her new weapon and body; not only did it look super cool, but she felt very strong. The others agreed and related to this feeling, though before they could realize how much they had changed, the four suddenly heard more evil, echoing laughter. This time, they looked and saw a small army of Hell Vanguards. The old team would've been afraid and tried to run away, but the new, updated Team RWBY just wore smug expressions and readied their new weapons, abilities, and bodies.

"Come on girl's, LET'S ROCK!~"
My dumb reason for their Aura still working is because Vergil's sword didn't break it, only cut/pierce through it~

{Kind of like a needle piercing skin and no bloods come out~}

/Extra Info On Team RWBY New Weapon & Abilities\
Devil Eyes: Just imagine her silver eye's with some demonic power mixed in.

Demonic DUST: The DUST, is both infused to her weapon and body, so technically she has unlimited supplies of DUST Crystals.

Hellish Cat: Just special demonic senses, with tail and claws included, also she can transform into a cat.

Satanic Hair: I'm thinking of her hair turning into literal hells fire, what's your thoughts?

(Art made by emerald.16 from Instagram)

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