Eyes Closed [TWD]

By tyang_xo

18.8K 511 277

3rd book to the 'Eyes Wide Open' series The Saviors are ruling the communities, they've taken over everything... More

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527 15 10
By tyang_xo

"Hey," Carl's voice softly greets.

"Hi," I reply, not moving.

Instead, he moves to me, sighing as he sits.

"It's getting dark," he says.

"I know. I just had to remember what I'm doing it for," I assure.

He nods, turning his gaze to Glenn's grave as well.

"What you said in there- you're right."

"Hmm?" I hum.

"About coming back. What Hershel and Glenn said.. what they taught you," Carl explains.

"You were listening," I accuse.

"I was outside the door," he admits.

I scoff, shaking my head before returning to the original conversation, "I'm just following their lead."

"In nineteen years, I've only known of you to follow theirs. You never hesitate to fire back at my dad even when others are afraid to."

"Others see him as big bad leader man- I still see Uncle Rick who dressed up for my tea parties," I say and Carl laughs.

"You used to drag us into that way too many times," he shakes his head.

"I was preparing him for Judith," I smile.

We go silent until Carl chuckles under his breath.

"What?" I ask, tearing my eyes away from the grave to look at him.

"You said 'Uncle Rick'," he points.

"Yeah," I nod, "I used to say it a lot."

"Shouldn't it be different now?" he wonders.

"Different how?" I ask.

"Is it normal to call your father in law 'Uncle'?"

"Father in law?" I repeat.

"I mean.. yeah.. Some day," Carl nods.

"What are you trying to say Mr. Grimes?" I tease, nudging him with my elbow.

"I'm just saying.. Georgie talked a lot about future. So did Glenn. And because he did, so do you," he explains.

"Mhm," I urge him to continue.

"I've just been thinking about the future," he shrugs nonchalantly.

I laugh for a second, looking back to the ground, "Me too."

"Yeah?" Carl asks, taking his turn to nudge his arm into my side.

"Yeah," I nod.

"Good," Carl grins.


As Maggie and Kate stand on the balcony, I sit inside the room behind them as we wait the Saviors' arrival.

Georgie had reminded me so much of Deanna, it made me want to rewatch Glenn's video. Partly to hear even Deanna's voice.

I glance to Maggie and Kate stood, making sure they're far enough away before grabbing my bag and playing Glenn's video as low as I could so they couldn't hear. I just needed the reminder of why we're fighting. We just need to make it through the 'Negans' in order to get the future we want.

Before I put the camera away, I wondered about the other contents. After all, Deanna interviewed all of us. For the first time since Carl gave it to me, I click the arrow button and see more videos. From Glenn, it goes to Michonne's, then Daryl's, Abraham's which sent a pain in my stomach, Rosita's, Carl's, mine, Tara's and so on.. all from that first day.


"Carl," I trail off, not expecting my words to fall short.

She chuckles and I look back to her with narrow eyes.

Why is it every single time I bring Carl up, people begin to laugh?

At once, it hits me that Carl had his interview with Deanna just before I came in. As he left, I walked in..

"What did he say?" I ask, ready to find Carl myself and question him.

"Nothing.. I just remembered something else. Please, continue," she waves her hand.

"If you begin lying to me now, how can I trust this place later?" I question her.

"Fair enough," she nods, "Tell me first. I'll tell you after."


She never did show me it.. Even when I was leaving, she promised again.


I stand, walking alongside her toward the door. Just feet away, I remember something.

"You said you'd tell me what's on Carl's tape."

Deanna grins, placing her hand comfortingly on my back.

"I never said when I'd do that. But, I promise I will some day."


Oh, Carl Grimes.. You unknowingly handed me something I wanted for months.

Smiling, I click back to his video. The shot before it plays alone made my heart speed up. He looked like he did months ago, no bandage and short hair Judith looked tinier than ever on his lap making me realize just how much she's grown since we got to Alexandria.

Grinning, I move to push the play button before Maggie's voice sounds.

"Jade, it's time," she calls.

You get away free this time, Grimes..

I place the camera back in my bag, racing to the balcony to stand on Maggie's other side, putting her between Kate and I.

Maggie takes a deep breath before pulling the walkie talkie to her lips.

"Negan," she demands, "I want to talk to Negan."

It's only a matter of seconds before someone responds.

"Well, hello there. You are speaking to Negan. But, my birth certificate says 'Simon'," he greets through the radio, "With whom do I have the distinct displeasure of speaking?"

"Maggie. Maggie Rhee," she says, "The widow."

"Well then.. Hello again Widow Rhee. And allow me to offer my condolences. For what's happened and what's about to happen."

"You know.." he begins, "In Sanskirt, 'Widow' means empty.. I understand you got a kid who's half orphan now because of all this.."

I don't look to Maggie, but I could feel her eyes on me.

"There's another word in Sanskirt- 'Vilomah'.. You wanna know what that one means?"

When Maggie doesn't answer, Simon's sarcastic snicker sounds before his answer does.

"'Vilomah' means a parent that lost their kid.. Now, I want you to think about this and think about it real hard. There's a chance that after this- your girl could be an orphan. Or, you could be not only the Widow, but the Vilomah as well."

Maggie inhales shakily, gripping the radio tighter.

"Now, Negan doesn't want us to actually kill you, Rick, or the King. So, I'm placing my money on the Vilomah route. But, again, Negan also has taken a liking to your girl and her boyfriend. How tragic would it be if those two were gone? Negan would be upset about that just as much."

"However, it's just your unlucky night because yours truly is speaking for Negan tonight. Which means, what I say goes tonight. So, we're playing by my rules. And I couldn't help but notice that the care package you sent the man himself was the box that I gave you. If I gotta spell it out for you- it means you gotta pay the price. Quite dearly, I'm afraid."

"Your thirty-eight people are alive and breathing. Turn around and leave us be, and they stay that way," Maggie speaks carefully.

Behind, I nod to Diane and others as they retrieve a few of said Saviors from the pen.

Alden looks down with anxiety in his eyes and once he catches my gaze, he gives a short nod.

"But, if you don't.. I have thirty- eight bullets that I will personally fire into all thirty-eight," Maggie continues.

Retracting the radio from her mouth, she moves it past me and holds it to Alden's instead. He takes a breath before speaking.

"It's too nice of a night to spend it dying slow.. Don't you think, Simon?"

Giving him a stern nod, Maggie returns the radio to her own lips.

"How's this gonna go?"

"Well.. Maggie Rhee, this is highly regrettable. But, the way I see it, the Saviors you're in possession of there are damaged goods," Simon says.

I felt the smallest sensation of shocked, but figured I should've known better. Of course they don't care about their own people, it's just like them.

"You know, they've got themselves into their own pickle. And this organization prizes people who- A: avoid capture. And B: figure out their own shit when said outcome eventuates. Which, in the end, is my way of saying 'screw them'."

I glance back to Alden again who gives a soft shrug of his shoulders.

"Saw it coming," he whispers to me.

"Why?" I whisper back.

With a faint smile he nods his chin to the gates, "Cause most of us aren't them."

"Did you really think that cockamamie play would work?" Gregory asks from beside Kate as he stares at Maggie.

"It will," Maggie assures.

She turns the knob on the radio to switch channels and clears her throat.

"Daryl," she speaks.

"I'm here," he responds.

"It's time."

"Copied," Daryl grunts and the radio goes silent.

"Girls," Maggie calls, "Get ready."

"You got it, boss," Kate nods.

It's only a few seconds of silence before the roaring of Daryl's bike and shots of his guns sound. The Saviors' cars rev up again until the headlights are visible as they drive into the gates.

"Mom," I call, throwing the strap of my gun around my arm.

She nods, pulling me in for a quick hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Go. I love you," she says.

"Love you," I return and make my way to the door.

"Carl!" Maggie calls.

He turns from his spot to look at her as well, the two of us stopping in our tracks.

"Take care of my daughter," she points sternly.

"You know I will," he swears.

"Jade, you take care of him," she points to me.

I couldn't help the small smile, knowing she loved and cared for him too.

"I will," I promise.

With a final nod from her, Carl and I race down into the house and down the stairs together.

Once downstairs, we run face to face with Rosita who nods as we set in our place.

With more and more cars inside, Maggie shouts from the floor above us, "Now!"

Jumping over the barriers, the three of us place our guns up before vigorously firing rounds at the vehicles and Saviors.  

"Lookouts, fall back! Front line, give them cover!" Maggie continues to shout orders.

"Come on!" Rosita calls to Carl and I.

The three of us break into a run, ducking and hiding behind the strategically placed vehicles as we move further up to cover the others.

"Siddiq! Move in!" Carl shouts as he spots the man running around amid the chaos.

"It's Tobin!" he calls back, hiding behind a car.

"I gotta go. I'll help," I say.

"I'll cover you. Rosita stick to the plan," Carl says and the two of us race to Siddiq.

Once by Siddiq, he motions to where Carol stood over Tobin, holding her hands to his stomach. Without a word, the three of us fight our way to the two.

"Carol!" I say before she thinks someone else was sneaking up on them.

"Jade, I need your help," she pants, scooting over enough to make room for me.

"Siddiq can handle it," I tell her as Siddiq falls to his knees by Tobin.

"I don't think-" she begins to argue, still hesitant on Siddiq since he was new.

"I can do this. You keep going," Siddiq tells her.

Carol looks to me, mentally saying she wasn't sure as she shakes her head.

"He's got it. Maggie's gonna give the next signal soon, we gotta go," Carl tells her.

Before she could protest more, I reach down and grab her to pull her up by her arm.

"We gotta move, Carol," I say, pulling her behind us to the next barrier.

Once close enough, I spot Ezekiel and Michonne who nod in a silent greeting. Just as we make it behind the metal slate, everything goes settles after the headlights of every vehicle are shot out. Leaving the entire community in silence and darkness.

"Maggie gave the signal, let's move," Michonne whispers and the four of us follow her lead.

"Have you seen Negan?" I ask once we've made it the the exit.

"No. Only Simon so far," Ezekiel answers my question.

"Dammit," I hiss, squatting next to Carl behind a car.

"He didn't come?" Carl asks.

"Not that I've seen," Michonne shakes her head.

Frustrated, I bite my lip and place my head against the car door, trying to gather my composure again.

This fight is only about him and now he's not even showing up?

In the distance, the headlights of our own cars turn on, shots coming from the house as those inside fire from the windows down to the Saviors. 

"Get ready," Ezekiel leads, pulling his gun back up.

Once the retreating Saviors are in our sights, we pull ourselves up again to fire at them once more. I scan everyone's faces as much as I could. I listen beyond the gunfire to their voices to the best of my ability. But, Negan was nowhere to be seen or heard.

But, as the Saviors begin leaving in retreat, I spot Rick among everyone as he fights back through the chaos. And just behind him was Maggie.

"Mom?" I question under my breath.

She was supposed to stay in the house- Kate guarding her. What was she doing, literally, chasing after the Saviors' trucks as they retreated?

As the final truckload of Saviors is down the road, Carl, Michonne, and I break from Carol and Ezekiel

"Rick!" Michonne cries, jumping into his arms.

"Why are you out here?" I ask as I'm close to Maggie.

"I had to see it through," she answers, heaving a deep breath.

Shaking my head, I sigh, "He wasn't here."

"I saw him out there. I broke of from the others, ran him off the road," Rick speaks up.

Once the attention is fully on him, he looks to the ground and sighs.

" I tried to kill him," he says.

"You 'tried'?" I repeat.

"I didn't," he shakes his head, "But, I tried."

"Thank you," Maggie says to Rick who only nods in response.

Negan got away from Rick out there. Yet, he wasn't here. With both options out, where did he go?



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