Endless (a naruto fan fiction)

By ezwriter101

132K 4.7K 763

Rin shekeku grew up in a cell in one as one of orochimaru's hide-outs. She was an experiment, nothing more. L... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Sorry, not a real chapter!
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13 Rin's dream
Part 14 Going home
Part 15 The village and the Shekeku's
Part 16 The mission
Part 17 Poison and hospital talk
Part 18 Rin and Kiba
Part 19 Jinchurikis and worry warts
Part 20 Always Rin
Part 22 One hour
Part 23Locked in
Part 24 What the future holds
Part 25 Party poopers
Part 26 Mind transfer and more nightmares
Part 27 Show me your strength.

Part 21 Going back

1.7K 80 4
By ezwriter101

2,000 views already!! That means another dedication, and this time, it goes to marcelinewillow for the crazy spaming-my-inbox-support! Remember, guys, comments are my favorite thing in the world! Just make sure that there're only constructive criticism, not flat-out insults. Happy readings!


"Meet her?" Naruto asks "I thought she was inside you."

"She is, but there is a way to let her...come out. I let her take over my body. Don't worry, she'll give it back if I ask, but I will not be able to talk. Are you in?"

He thinks about it for a second. "You're sure it's safe for both of us?"

"I'll be really tired and probably fall asleep after, but you're the only one that knows I'm awake anyway."

"Ok. I'll meet her." He says, only slight reluctance in his voice.

"Okay, but if I do fall asleep, don't tell anyone else about Ninko. I want to tell them at the right time. You're the only one that knows."

He nods, and I relax myself.

*you're sure about this? It's not too late to convince him it's a joke.*

I'm sure. Go ahead, Ninko. I trust him.

Within seconds of agreeing, my spirit is pulled back into my mind, thrown into a landscape of my own creation for just this type of situation. I created this place a long time ago in case I needed Ninko to take over and help me in a fight, but I never thought this is what I'd use it for.

I'm near a river, flowing around glowing purple cherry trees that are always blossoming. There is a white fox to keep my mind off things, if I need it, but right now, I pay attention to what's going on between Naruto and Ninko.

(Third person POV)

Only moments after Rin's internal conversation with her demon, her outer self began to change. Her hair slid from a piercing black to a shimmering silver, and the curls loosened to become strait. Her eyes turned from golden green to a black darker than the night sky. A sparkling silver aura shrouded the being and flowed gracefully to the ground. From the moment she opened her majestic black eyes, you could tell this girl was no longer Rin.

"Hello, young one." She spoke with a flawless and graceful tone, as if she never misspoke even once in her long life. "It's nice to officially meet you, though I've known you for some time. I am the great hawk demon, though unrightfully decreed a demon. I am Ninko."

Naruto stood in silent awe, all of the fear draining from his body once he saw this beautiful transformation, replaced with the nervousness associated with speaking to royalty. "I-I'm Naruto Uzumaki, believe it."

Ninko chuckled lightly. "I know who you are. I've seen everything Rin has. We're connected. She's very precious to me, and I'm counting on you to help her when I can't, understand? She's only human and will make foolish mistakes that you may not understand, but she cares for you very much, so you must be very patient with her. Can I count on you?"

"I'll always help Rin! I'll never let her get hurt for me again!"

"That's good to hear, but I want you to show me rather than tell me. Do you have any questions for me?"

"Yeah, how come you and Rin are so close? Me and the nine tails hate each other, so how come Rin trusts you enough to let you use her body?"

"I have always guided and cared for Rin's well-being as a mother would, so I assume that's how she sees me. She grew up listening to me, and I grew to love her. You and the nine tails never even spoke, and that's probably for the better. I fear what you may have turned out as if he had provoked you in any way."

"Is the nine tails really that bad?"

"He is evil and feeds off of hatred. The world is lucky you are the one he ended up in. If any normal person had him sealed away, he would've gotten to their hatred."

"But he didn't get to mine?"

"You, young one, are more special than any other human I have encountered. You have no hatred in you. Though I'm sure you were treated poorly in your upbringing, I see no hatred toward the world in you. You do not blame your problems on others, you simply stove to change them. It is a quality I'm sure others envy."

"Really? I guess I'd never thought like that before."

"Well, I must be off. My presence puts too much strain on this body. Nice to meet you, Naruto."

"You too."

With a heavy sigh, the girl slumped to the ground, her hair returning to its normal black, curly state, and aura disappearing. Naruto caught her mid-fall as her eyes regained color and opening slightly.

"Rin, are you okay?"

"Yes, Naruto, just...tired is all. My body is very, very tired. That put a lot of stain on me."

"Yeah, but you're still awake. Do you need me to carry you?"

"Yeah. Thank you, Naruto."

Then, she fell asleep. And Naruto carried her all the way back to the camp.



My eyes open to find that I'm on Naruto's back as we leap through the forest, with the rest of my team not too far away. I don't move yet, just enjoy being carried before I have to get up and move by myself. However, just as I'm about to speak up, there's a puff of smoke and my team vanishes.

When I can see again, I realize that I'm now in my other form, even though I never transformed and there was no pain. Near me is Akio, staring at me, looking intrigued. My panic starts to dissipate as I remember that I accidentally became this kid's summoning.

I look around, wondering why he summoned me even though there doesn't seem to be any danger.

"Listen. You are my summoning now, which means you have to be strong, so we're going to train. Any attitude and you'll be punished, got it?"

I almost roll my eyes. This kid does seem calm and collected, but he has no idea who he's talking to. So, I contact Naruto.

Naruto, don't freak out, I'm okay. It's a long story, but I'll explain later.

Wait, Rin!

I don't give him a chance to say any more, I said all I needed to. Akio keeps talking.

"Let's start with the basics. You seem smart, but I may be over estimating you. So, to get started, come here."

I do. I may have to sort this out later, but for now, I don't know this kid, so I've gotta play this out right.

"As I expected. How about... Attack" he points to a practice dummy I hadn't even noticed until now. I pounce on it, sinking my teeth and claws into its hat insides.

"Impressive. Now, let's see if you have any combat skills." He charges at me with a kunai. I avoid him and launch myself at him. He deflects, barely, and uses a jutsu I don't recognize. The earth beneath me shifts into the shape of a tiger and attacks me, but it's only dirt, and I demolish it. Using the dirt as a distraction, I pin Akio to the ground, but I do it gently, so he doesn't see me as a threat.

"Woah. I may have underestimated you. Do you know any Jutsu?" I nod, then preform my blinding mask jutsu for him, but nothing else. I don't want him knowing every trick I got up my sleeve.

"You are very skilled and trained for just some random animal" he says once he regained his vision. "Did you have a previous owner?" I don't respond. "Hm, well I suppose I should give you a name, huh? How about...Saki? That means 'blooming'." I shake my head. He shouldn't use my real name, in case we meet when I'm not like this, but it's gotta sound cool.

"Okay then, how bout Hoshi? That's 'star'." I hiss. I need something awesome. "Hiro means 'prosperous'." No. "Jun is 'obedient'" Boring. "Okay then. How about Miyako? It means 'beautiful night child'."

Miyako. It sound nothing like my real name, but has a nice ring to it. I like it. I nod to him. "Miyako it is, then. Good name. Suits you."

We basically sat in silence for a while, but he eventually stopped the jutsu. I was suddenly back with Naruto in my human form. He looked at me, confused.

"But...where....how...?" He stumbled for words. I smiled a little.

"Like I said, it's a long story. I'll explain later, but where are we now?"

"We're outside the gates" Kakashi answers. "We should be there any minute now".

I make a face. I sorta left without telling anyone, so I'm gonna get an ear full from two people; the hokage and Kiba.

Of corse, we arrived at the gates not even five minutes after, we got to the entry of the hidden leaf. I squeezed between kakashi and Sauske, hoping to slip past Izumo and Kotetsu unnoticed.

"Hey, stop pushing against me" Sauske said, annoyed.

"Shhh!" I replied harshly.

"Hey!" Izumo stood and pointed at me "we've been looking everywhere for you! Wait til lord third gets you!"

I sigh, as does Kotetsu. "Yeah, we kinda thought she was with you, Kakashi" he said. "Come on" he turned his head, speaking to me. "The hokage ordered us to take you to him the moment we returned."

"Why?" Naruto asks "Rin didn't do anything wrong, did she?"

"She left the village without telling anyone, I assume" kakashi explains to Naruto "which is normally something only done by rouge ninja." Naruto looked at me shocked, but I just kinda looked away with a scowl.

"You wouldn't have let me go if I asked."

"Of corse not, you were in the hospital!" Izumo blared.

"What?" Naruto asked as Sakura started scolding me.

"Well, obviously if I was well enough to sneak out of the village without anyone catching me, I would've been well enough to leave." I said back sulkily.

"That's not your call, Rin" Kakashi scolded "Now go see the hokage."

*exaggerated sigh* "FINE" Kotetsu poofs himself and I to the hokage's office. He knocked, and the hokage called us in.

I was scolded by the hokage for a good half hour before he finally got around to actual punishment.

"And so, for leaving the village without permission, you will go to the village prison for a full 24-hour period."

"Prison?" I say, memories of my years locked behind bars coming back to the front of my mind. "No, please. Not prison. I'll do.. A week of community service, no, a year. I'll do it every day for the rest of my life. Just not prison."

"Rin, it's only for a day and it's fair punishment. Besides, you have no idea what I had to deal with from..."

Suddenly, the doors to the hokage's office burst open, very suspensefully. Kiba stood there, breathing heavily and looking pretty angry, Akamaru trotting not far behind, but not like Kiba. Kiba was angry

"You're... back." He spoke breathlessly.

I smiled by best smile to try and soothe his anger. "Hey, Kiba! It's been a while."

He stomps over to me. "Hey Kiba? It's been a while? Rin, you left the village! They almost declared you a rouge nin!"

"Yeah, but I had to go help my team, you see, and I wouldn't have been given permission to leave. So I had to leave."

"You were in the hospital, Rin! I would've been mad if they had let you leave."

"Ahem" the hokage interrupts, making both me and Kiba turn to look at him. "You two can have your little lovers spat later. Rin, you have one hour before your punishment. You're dismissed."

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