Part 23Locked in

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As I'm pulled toward the prison, my body begins to struggle, and the terrified thoughts in my head make their way out of my body in sudden, choked screams. The memories flooded my mind as if they'd happened only yesterday, the pain resurfacing at every stride toward the building. I began to struggle, but I was pulled in by two Jonin I didn't know.

Inside the building was actually not bad, before we got to the cells. It was grey and drab, and the people who worked there weren't the 'nicest', of corse, but what really worried me was where I was headed. What if it was like orochimaru's hideout? Could I handle being locked away in the dark, not knowing what was going to happen to me again?

Needless to say, when we arrived at my cell, I was an absolute wreck. I wasn't screaming anymore, but my heart was going a mile a minute and I can't even imagine the look I had plastered on my face. But when I approached the cell, I was confused.

It wasn't the cell I was used to, the kind with metal walls, floor, door, and ceiling, but instead was simply a small living space, with a toilet and bed, plus a sink, and one if the walls was just bars. It even had a window, though there were bars surrounding it, plus a light bulb hanging from the ceiling, which, by the way, was not metal, but cement, like the walls and floor, but the floor has a very thin layer of carpet.

It was actually kind of nice. In fact, the moment I stepped into the cell, my nerves were put aside and I wasn't scared anymore. This felt almost as homey as the apartment, except for the fact that I was locked inside and Naruto wasn't here.

'For the 24-hours I was here, I was not to leave my cell' was what one of the Jonin told me, and that 'I'll only be allowed two meals at scheduled times.' I didn't mind, I was just happy that it wasn't what I was expecting.

I was locked into my cell and left alone after that. It was okay, I didn't really mind just sitting here, though it was a bit annoying being locked up. It gave me time to think. And, of corse, talk to Ninko. But mostly, it gave me time to just be away from everything and everyone.

(Later that night)

Now, I am really, really bored. It's late at night and I've been alone for hours, and Ninko wasn't much for conversation. 'I'd like to just relax now, dear' she'd said. 'Please be quiet'.

I'm thinking about some random stuff when I'm suddenly pulled away from my cell in a cloud of white smoke. It must be Akio again. I swear, if this is more training, I'm just going back.

Sure enough, when I could see again, I was in my other form and Akio was standing beside me, but he was serious and had a weird look on his face. Suki and Rei stood beside him, both also having very grim looks on their faces. I could tell that this wasn't more training, it was a real attack.

I searched for the enemy and quickly found a giant boar standing in a tree not too far. Obviously, due to the fact that it was standing in a tree to begin with, this was no ordinary boar. It was monstrous, as big as a bear at least, and had weirdly colored blue eyes. With murky brown fur, a tail that seemed to be on fire, but not bothering it at all, and tusks that could kill a lion with one swipe, this thing was absolutely satanic.

I could tell this thing was gonna be tough. I growled and lowered my head at the beast. This thing was mad, and I wasn't about to let it hurt anyone. When it laid eyes on me though, something was different. I couldn't exactly say what, but for a shadow of a moment, there was a connection. A bond.

My eyes flickered, confused, but I kept my crouched defensive position. I'm confused, but I have to be prepared to fight it and protect Akio. After all, we have a contract.

The boar jumped down, trembling the ground with a mighty thud. It didn't attack, just stared me down, as if implying something. I stared strait back, not even blinking. Suddenly, there was a voice. Loud and thundering, yet somehow not menacing.

You hear me, do you not? And you know what this is?

Kuroshi zen? But how? I'm not doing this. Is this boar a Shekeku?

Yes. I hear and understand, but I'm confused. Are you... Never mind. I have to be somewhere. Why are you attacking these three?

They are on my land. I own this part of the forest, they intruded and killed my food. Are you not going to attempt to kill me and take my power?

Why should I? I have the same Kuroshi you do, obviously. There'd be no point.

Hn. Well said. If only all of our people thought as you do. Leave now and you can live.

Alright. I'll lead these three away, but I'll be back soon, if you'll allow it. I have some questions I'd like answered.

I see. Then come again, but don't bring anyone, and don't do anything to my land.

By this point in the conversation, I'd relaxed a bit, as had this boar-Shekeku. We nodded as I lead Akio, Suki, and Rei in the opposite direction, earning strange looks from all of them.

"I think they spoke to each other" Akio said to Suki and Rei. "Obviously Miyako has worked something out."

"Miyako?" Rei asked "That's the name you chose?"

"Well yeah" he blushed just a bit. "She seemed to like it, and it's meaning is fitting. 'Beautiful night child'. Works, huh?"

"Oh yeah! I forgot you like that stuff." Suki said. "What's mine mean again?"

"Suki is beloved. And Rei is spirit, but it can also mean zero or nothing."

"I didn't ask" Rei responds.

"Yeah, well, I told anyway." He snickered back, which showed a side of him I've never seen. A much happier side. I like it.

 At this moment, I consider talking to Akio through my Kuroshi. I'd like to be able to talk to him, but things may get a little complicated if I did. I mean, how am I supposed to just suddenly start a conversation? Things would get complicated, and I'd have to answer questions from him, and probably make up some lies that I'll have to keep up with. Still, I only wish that I could voice my opinion and contribute to the group.

"Oh yeah." Akio suddenly says and turns to me. "Do you want to go back now, Miyako?"

No. However, I am supposed to be on punishment, so I nod and he releases the jutsu.

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