Collection of Oddities

By TerminusVerso

34K 2.7K 961

A collection of inane nonsense (ranging from Error being reincarnated as Palette to Dust finding a new love f... More

Your Ghost
My Kismet Is A Choice?! (1)
Get Off My Lawn!
How To (Attempt To) Socialize Your Glitch
Ink's Guide To Boredom: Getting Ban From The Kitchen
The "I Funked Up" Club
Horseskeletons of The Apocalypse
The PTA Meeting: Linda vs. Homicide
Two Positives Make A Negative
Two Positives Make A Negative (2)
Two Positives Make A Negative (3)
Two Positives Make A Negative (4)
Two Positives Make A Negative (5)
Two Positives Make A Negative (6.1)
Two Positives Make A Negative (6.2)
Grand Theft Latte
Request: Operation F.U.N. (Part 1)
Request: Operation F.U.N. (Part 2.1)
Request: Operation F.U.N. (Part 2.2)
Request: Operation F.U.N. (Part 3.1)
Request: Operation F.U.N. (Part 3.2)
Request: Operation F.U.N. (Part 3.3)
Units of Measurement
Barking Up The Wrong Tree
To The MOON!
Positivity And Creation's Scion
Wrong Outfit, Right Time
For Honor!
A Mischievous Broom
Multiversal Broom
Idle Animation
Eons Apart
Dark Ages
Elder Tomes VII
Doom: Eternal Negativity
Broomie Roomie
A Little Death Scare (1)
Visiting Friends (1)
Visiting Friends (2)
An Insult of the Highest Order
Request: Prepare For Trouble; Make It Double! (Part 1)
Old Bedtime Stories
Winged Terror
The Laugh
Beach Day
Wayward Guidance (1)
Double or Nothing (1.1)
Switching Tactics
Leap of Faith
Your Worst Nightmare
Cookies and Traps
Just Another Day
Ultimate Weapon
Volcano Effect (1.1)
Volcano Effect (1.2)
Eight Legs
Foolish, Again!
Error, The Dragon's Prince(ss)
Dragon On An Old Story
Gimme The Jelly!
Breakfast In Bed
Breakfast In Bed (Nightmare Edition)
New Age Marketplace
Gimme The Jelly! (Alternate Version)
The Legend of Stink
Money Can Buy Happiness, So Let's Sell Misery
It's Not A Cult!
Is It Too Late To Get A Refund?
Family Dinner
Waking Hours (1.2)
Love Is Blind
To Call Forth Powers of Old
Special Ingredient, LoVe
Sharper Than A Sword
Whispering Leaves
Brand Deal
Brand Deal 2
Ruined Childhood
You're Blue Now!
Mistaken Identity
Inky Demon
Droop Noot
Droop Noot 2
Art of Seduction
Art of Seduction (Ink Edition)
Wacky, Insufferable, Arm-Flailing Nightmare
Sapling Care
How The Turns Have Tabled (1)
Caulk Block
Sizzlin' Fries
A Treacherous, Toe-tapping Plan
Feline Brotherly
Bloody Angel
Inktober Shorts (1) - What Do You Call A Group of Glitches?
Inktober Shorts (2) - Not In Papyrus' Household
Inktober Shorts (3) - Memories, Sweet Memories
Inktober Shorts (4) - Night Garbage
Inktober Shorts (5) - Lunar Days: When Two Dreams Meet
Inktober Shorts (6) - It Is Your Past and Future
Inktober Shorts (7) - Prank Gone Wrong
Inktober Shorts (8) - The Sacred Roll
Inktober Shorts (9) - Noot Snoot
Inktober Shorts (10) - Newt Noot
Inktober Shorts (11) - Skeleton "Fun" Facts
Inktober Shorts (12) - Dead In The Water
Inktober Shorts (13) - Noot-dle Soup
Inktober Shorts (14) - LOOK ME IN THE EYES!
Inktober Shorts (15) - Unchangeable
Inktober Shorts (16) - Newsletter
Inktober Shorts (17) - Ultimate Dad Move
Inktober Shorts (18) - Hoodie
Inktober Shorts (19) - Trick or Treat
Inktober Shorts (20) - Party Time
Inktober Shorts (21) - Party Time 2
Inktober Shorts (22) - Easy Mistake
Inktober Shorts (23) - Costume Decisions
Inktober Shorts (24) - Toaster
Inktober Shorts (25) - Abandoned For Another
Inktober Shorts (26) - A Place To Rest
Inktober Shorts (27) - I Need A Virgin!
Inktober Shorts (28) - Pathfinding
Inktober Shorts (29) - Yawn
Inktober Shorts (30) - Walk The Walk
Inktober Shorts (31) - Spider Law
I Am Murder
The Dork Lord
It Follows, It Haunts
Dinner Time
New Dad
Mid-stakeout Snack
A Normal Trip To The Grocery Store
Until Death Do Us Part
Out of the Pan and Into the Fire

Waking Hours (1.1)

168 11 2
By TerminusVerso

Summary: Dream's not a morning person.

A/N: Welp, here's this nonsense.

A short, round-skulled skeleton laid atop a fluffy mattress held by a simple wooden bed frame; eye sockets closed, jaws half-open, yellow sheets kicked to the floor, blue and yellow-starred pajamas wrinkled, and arms curled around the pillow nestled against his chest. All the while, soft snores escaped him as he slept.

The monster looked like any other Sans to most people when in this vulnerable state. However, his few close friends (and brother) knew that this was how Dream, the Guardian of Positivity, appeared during slumber. Peaceful, undisturbed by the (needy) residents of the Multiverse.

On the nightstand adjacent to his resting place sat three items: a plain desk lamp, a touchscreen cellphone adorned with a yellow case, and a digital clock that read "5:30 a.m." Once the clock struck "5:35 a.m.", a loud jingle began to play while the nearby cellphone's screen lit up with a familiar set of red/green buttons and a phone number. Thus, causing the sleeping skeleton to stir unhappily from his dreams.

"Ugh." Dream groaned, eye sockets squeezing further shut and a frown tugging at the corners of his teeth. A hand slowly released its fluffy captive to thump around on the nightstand in search of ear-grating noise's cause.

The appendage struck empty space several times before he finally cracked his eyes open and used his dull yellow eyelights to survey the surroundings. Shadows encompassed his bedroom, only the tiniest hint of sunlight filtered through the light blue curtains covering the left wall's two windows- making it relatively easy to locate the blinding, bright light found at the ringtone's source.

His phalanges captured the infernal device, promptly drawing it closer to his face. Eye sockets narrowing when its unholy luminescence shone directly in his eyelights. While reading (and rereading) the text, it took his sleep-addled mind an embarrassingly long time to connect the numbers displayed to a name.


Dream thought after glancing toward the clock, Why is he calling so early in the morning?

Then his mind graciously reminded him it was around noon in Underswap, spawning the irritated question, Who believed it was a good idea for alternate universes to have different time zones? It wouldn't have killed the Creators to leave them all the same.

The continuation of a harsh rhythmic chime broke through his inner grievances, leaving him cringing.

Why had he picked that ringtone? It hardly seemed logical to be forced to listen to its horrid trills each and every time his blue-clad friend called. Not to mention, annoying when half-asleep and wishing to return to the dream realm he had previously occupied. A world spawned by his imagination that held a wondrous fantasy where he and Nightmare were on speaking terms, coexisting like their mother initially intended. Plus, enjoying a picnic on a beautiful grassy knoll surrounded by tall, majestic oak trees sat beneath a sky brimming with life; galaxies, moons, stars, and enough hues of purple and blue to make Outertale jealous.

It was great- until the dark lord stole his cookie and licked the apple pie they were supposed to share. The apple pie Dream slaved over in his imaginary home's kitchen as well as wished to taste, hoping to see the fruits of his labor. But no, Nightmare had to be greedy and take it all for himself.

Even in his sleepy haze, the anger the Guardian of Positivity felt from his faux brother's actions persisted strongly.

A huff brushed past his jaws. Color-muted eyelights flitted between the cellphone and the warm, inviting pillow that tempted him to lay his head to rest. And oh, how he wished to do just that- return to a slumbrous state where his irrational anger could fade away into the vast stretches of his mind.

Alas, the call could not wait. Blue knew better than to interrupt Dream's sleep this early in the morning, meaning the Underswap Sans had to have a good reason for disturbing him.

(If he didn't, stars save him from the passive-aggressive comments Dream would subject him to for the next seven days.)

He gave a mournful sign and pressed the "accept call" button, groggily groaning, "...What?"

"Oh, thank the stars," cried the distressed voice of his usually bubbly friend. The tone grew even more frantic with the following words. "Dream, I need your help! Ink got bored again and created- well, it is best, or worst in this case, seen in person. It's loose in my house, and I-I don't think I can catch it on my own. Normally, I would ask my brother for assistance, but he is too busy right now. As for Ink, he's currently laughing on my kitchen floor and in no mood to assist."

Of course. Ink, Dream's mind hissed. The last four days have been perfectly uneventful, and then he goes and does this.

Why can't he entertain himself with a book or TV show like a regular person?

"Alright. I'll be there as soon as possible." The Guardian of Positivity muttered (in barely contained annoyance), earning a relieved "Thank you!" from Blue before he ended the call.

Afterward, Dream thoughtlessly tossed his cellphone on the nightstand- not showing an ounce of care when it teetered dangerously close to the edge, threatening to fall off. He then rolled onto his back in a swift motion and blinked up at the ceiling. A second sigh brushed past his down-turned teeth. Lidded eye sockets fluttering as he laid in bed, desperately fighting the urge to close his eye sockets and forsake his friend to whatever creature Ink had unleashed upon his home.

Unfortunately, the pajama-clad skeleton's morality - the accursed angel on his shoulder - told him that "Good friends do not abandon each other." and "Helping Blue is what a good friend would do." Plus, a quieter and unenthused, "No matter how much you currently want to throw Ink at the problem and tell him to deal with it, you can't. You know he would only make it worse."

So, mustering a meager amount of energy, Dream forced himself out of bed and trudged to the light switch. The room lit up with a single flick. Consequently, revealing everything from his sparsely filled bookshelves to the laundry basket pushed in a corner against the wall. His eyelights wandered the illuminated space until they landed on a light oak dresser.

Scowling at the furnishing, he made the short journey over and clumsily pulled a copy of his traditional outfit from the many others folded inside. Soon shedding his bedwear and donning his iconic, sunshiny uniform: a light blue tunic, grey-blue trousers, yellow cape, and golden circlet with a sun etched into the front. Which he nearly neglected to place upon his skull prior to approaching his open bedroom door.

He paused in the doorway, double-checking for anything he may have forgotten. Absently clenching and unclenching his hands while going down his mental checklist before realizing something was missing, prompting him to look down at them.

...My gloves.

His head turned in the direction of his desk on the opposite side of the room. On its polished wooden surface laid the missing clothing articles he sought. Dim yellow eyelights examined the gap separating him and the gloves- the distance being two feet more than he was willing to walk for a measly accessory.

Hmm. No, I'll make do without them.

Dream's skull turned back toward the hall beyond his doorway. He trod the dark, narrow space after taking the briefest moment to turn off the bedroom light. While passing through to the living room, he waved a middle finger in the direction of a hanging picture containing him, Blue, and Ink standing in front of a beach with smiles on their faces. Then proceeded to walk by his fluffy blue sofa and into the kitchen.

The room where his revered coffee maker awaited.

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