Legendary Devil Huntresses

By Anime0CC0Manga

71.6K 1.5K 2.1K

Team RWBY accidentally ends up in the world of Devil May Cry~ More

It's Raining Girls, Hallelujah~
A Devil's Home~
Settling In~
Everyday Life In This New World~
Let The Party Start~
Just Clowning Around~
Entertaining The Guest~
Broken Heart
Our Awakening~
We Meet Again~
Eye For An Eye~
Darkness Unleashed
Bad Sense Of Humour~
Lady's First~
Our Fears Is Our Real Hell
The Legend Meets~
Bittersweet Ending~
One Year Later
Party Crasher~
Bad Luck With Ladies~
Castle & Flaming Scorpion~
Nelo Angelo
Petty Bug~
Fried Chicken~
Boat Ride~
Secret Reveal
Final Boss
A Miracle~
10 Years Later~
Patty Lowell~
The Red Wasp~
Bad Luck With The Ladies~
Forbidden Love
Love Is Red
Friend Or Foe?
What Are You In For?
Inner & Outer Darkness
The Invitation
The Real Party Begins
The Curtains Close
Good Morning And Good Night
Another 7 More Years
The New And Advanced World
Love And Peace
The Strong And Brave Holy Knight
The Grandson Of Sparda
Good Night
This Isn't Goodbye, But Goodbye
The Party Officially Starts
Let Us Dance
A New Mission In Life
The Rage Of A Mother & Wife
Meeting The Commissioner
Fire Kitty
A Duo To Trio
The First Maid
Small Talk

Let's Have A N'ICE' Day~

2.1K 44 36
By Anime0CC0Manga


Inside a now ruined shop, we see Team DRWBY just sitting around, resting up a bit, and seemingly in the middle of talking about what happened.

"Dante, do you know who that guy was that wrecked this shop?"

Weiss, who had a calm but hidden anger in her voice, Rose stood next to her partner in hopes of calming her down and making sure she didn't do anything crazy.

"I haven't met the guy, so I don't know."

Dante just sat on his broken desk wearing an unconcerned expression, despite what had happened, as they talked; Blake saw a fresh opened pizza box with tuna toppings, which made her drool a bit and was about to take a slice, but a random demon stepped on it and wore a smug expression while doing so, which earned it a gunshot to the face.

"Well he seems to know you, so that can either mean he has done his research, or you're not telling us the truth."

Blake now wore a grumpy expression as she then glared back at Dante, who raised his hand in mock surrender; Yang came up to the Ninja Girl, and was about to calm her down, but everyone was interrupted by a sudden earthquake, followed by loud sounds of crashing and destruction. This no doubt caught everyone's attention, as they quickly rushed out of the shop and went outside. Once they exited their already-broken shop, what they saw made the girls' eyes widen and their jaws drop, while the Devil Hunter himself wore a very amused expression.

"Someone definitely compensating for something~"

Dante smirks as he and the girl see a giant tower rising up from the ground in the center of the city, destroying multiple buildings around it and standing above the clouds.


It was all Ruby could do to see such a thing.

"Where The Heck Did That Thing Come From?!"

Yang couldn't help but point out the obvious; this was definitely new and unexpected for her.

"Did a demon do this?"

Weiss is slowly realizing that demons are very different from grimms, something he knew, but had never really thought about too deeply before.

"That, or that unsettling man from earlier did this."

Blake felt very threatened by this, if someone had the power to do all this, then, well, it made her feel more sick than usual. While the girls were in both awe and surprise, the Devil Hunter just let out a small huff as he threw his sword in the air, before quickly putting on his coat and gearing up.

"This looks like my type of party~"

Once Dante was all dressed up, he caught the weapon that had fallen from the sky and laid it on his shoulder

"Let's go~"

Without saying another word, Dante just started walking towards the very tall tower; this surprised the girls to see him just walk up to danger without showing any type of caution.

"Shouldn't We Strategize Or Analyze The Situation Or Something?!"

Weiss did not like the thought of going straight into something without a proper plan or knowing what to expect.

"Nah, it'll be fine, this is nothing new for me."

Dante didn't stop; he continued to walk on. This left the teammates looking at one another, unsure of what to say.

"Well, he's the boss."

Yang, deciding not wanting to be a wuss, quickly walked and caught up with the Red Coat, and after a few moments later, the rest of the team decided to also follow, each having mixed feelings about this whole thing, while Team DRWBY was heading towards the danger, no doubt knowing they'd have a great time.

"I found it."

Meanwhile, somewhere nearby, we see a young lady sitting on a powerful motorcycle, equipped with a variety of weapons, including a rocket launcher, and using binoculars to observe the tall tower.

"We'll finally meet again soon..."

The Mystery Lady says as she puts away her binoculars, though as she prepares to leave, there are some Demon Grunts slowly walking up to her, holding their weapons tightly as they prepare to kill her; she simply ignores them as she then revs up her bike, which shoots out fire from the back, burning the demons behind her, as she begins to ride away, quickly heading towards the tower, all the while wearing a expression of "vengeance" and "determination".

"Was going through the club necessary?"

A while later, we see Team DRWBY walking into the entrance of the tall tower, while seemingly having some small talk about the way they took to get there.

"Hey, I said it was a short cut, besides, I was able to pick up my Coyote-A along the way."

Dante replied to Weiss's constant whining, while Ruby and Yang took a closer look at the shotgun with great interest.

"It was totally worth it!~"

Ruby was admiring the design and how it was made; she was even drooling over how cool it was.

"Man I'm so jealous, I should really upgrade my bracelets after this is all over."

Yang also admired the shotgun, and couldn't help but pout on how much more powerful it was compared to her own, which made the Devil Hunter chuckle as he took his weapon back.

"Hey Dante, are we gonna meet any strong demons while we're here?"

Blake decided to change the topic, and talk about something that they needed to know, something that involved what they were doing right now. Before the Red Coat could answer that question, in front of them, they saw a big and thick wall start to crack and shatter, revealing a three-headed beast, which let out a loud roar before shooting an Ice Breath at the five, which they were able to jump away from and dodge. Unfortunately, it blocked their only exit, much to their dismay.

"Oh god, why did it have to be a demon dog of all things..."

Blake couldn't help but whine, as she and the other girls took out their weapons, except for the Devil Hunter, who couldn't help but focus more on coming up with some puns and quips to use against this demon monster.


The three-headed demon dog spoke, surprising the four girls, as well as confusing them when it called them "Three Traitors." The White Hair couldn't help but huff and cross his arms.

"I guess that confirms who's here then."

Dante had already guessed who these 'traitors' were, which confused his teammates even more.

"What do you mean by that?"

Ruby couldn't help but ask again, but was interrupted by another Ice Breath, to which the Red Coat cut in half with his Rebellion.

"I'll explain later, right now, let's teach this cute doggie how to roll over and play dead~"

Dante started to mock the Ice Dog, which angered it and caused it to let out another huge roar.


Cerberus then slams its claws on the ground, not only causing the room to shake, but also sending Ice Spikes at them, which the team dodges out of the way.

"Weiss! Fire Dust Rounds!"

Ruby gave the Ice Queen the order, to which she heard and followed, reaching into her travel bag to pull out some red gun ammo, and tossed them to everyone who needed it; the Hoodie Girl caught hers, loaded it into her Crescent Rose before no-scoping one of the three Ice Dogs' heads, damaging its ice armor and causing it to roar even louder.

"Heh, nice shot red."

Dante simply sat on his sword, which was stuck in the wall, and watched as some impressive gunplay ensued, which caused the Devil Hunter to blush slightly and smile happily at the praise.

"What would you like us to do, Leader?"

Ruby reloaded and stood ready for action, the Devil Hunter let out a thoughtful hum, before shrugging, and quickly sheathing his sword.

"Weiss! Blake! Me And Yang Will Break The Armour, Be Ready To Strike Hard When That Happens!"

Dante shouted out the plan to the Brawler, Ninja, and Ice Queen; to which the three nodded and readied themselves for action. Once they were prepared, Dante knelt down and grabbed the handle of his weapon.

"Be sure to aim for the eye's, ok Red?~"

Politely asking the Devil Huntress, who nodded and wore a determined expression, Dante saw her wear a wry smile as he activated Trickster Style and dashed forward towards the enemy, while the Silver Eyes carefully aimed for the Boss Demon's eyes, taking them out with amazing marksmanship and accuracy.


Now blinded, Cerberus could only shoot out random ice attacks, hoping it would hit something or someone. Unfortunately, Dante and Yang managed to avoid such aimless attacks, and quickly got in close, once they reached their own heads to deal with, they unleashed their own special combo, in hopes to break the ice. The Devil Hunter used his Rebellion to perform a Million Stab attack, and then ended it with a hard Stinger. For the Brawler, she let out the Fist Of Fury combo, rapidly punching the Demon Dog's face, and each time the fist connected, the Ember Celica shot out a big explosion of Fire Dust. Then she quickly ended it with clenching both fists together and slamming them hard on the top of its head. Once the two managed to break the ice helmet, both Blake and Weiss decided to finally jump in and kill the exposed heads. The Cat Faunus used both blades of Gambol Shroud and performed some type of Spin Blade Dash attack, while the Schnee used her Fire Dust to heat up the blade of Myrtenaster and did a Uppercut Slash. Both managed to cut off their own heads, causing Cerberus to stumble down in pain and slight weakness. Though the Boss Demon didn't surrender; as he then suddenly turned red and stood back up, letting out a roar so loud that it sent out an Ice Shockwave powerful enough to make the team jump away and back near Ruby, now together and ready to continue.


Cerberus then took a very deep breath, and let out the largest Ice Blast yet, the Devil Hunter looked at the Devil Huntress, giving her a knowing nod, which made the Silver Eyes excited

"Rainbow Drive: Level 1!"

Once Ruby said this, all the girls went into Gun Mode, while Dante put energy into his sword. Once the Rebellion Blade was fully charged, he swung forward and performed his Energy Slash. The girls shot at the attack with Energy Dust, making it both stronger and larger. This made the slash powerful enough to cut through the blast and hit Cerberus with enough force to slam it against the wall and cause it to cough up blood.

"WooHoo! It Worked!~"

Ruby was very glad that the Team Combo actually worked and did very well.

"It Was Very Awesome!~"

Yang pumps her fist in the air, loving how epic the team attack was.

"Gotta admit, definitely Stylish~"

Dante definitely approved and couldn't wait to use it again later.

"I wouldn't celebrate just yet."

Blake couldn't help but feel like a downer as she pointed out the rising Boss Demon.

"I Knew We Should've Used Level 3!"

Weiss, and the others, had their weapons out and ready to continue, but much to the girl's surprise and the White Hair Man's interest, the Demon Dog bowed before them in respect.

"You have proven your strength, I acknowledge your abilities, take my soul and go forth, you have my blessing."

The Girls were very confused by Cerberus, though before they could ask, the demon dog suddenly burst into a bright light and disappeared, leaving nothing but a pair of ice nunchucks with three handles, which gently floated down and landed in the hands of Dante. He gave it a simple look, before quickly using them and performing attacks and combos that would make Bruce Lee jealous. He let out loud whoops as he swung the weapons around before ending it with an epic pose. The Four could only look at their leader with wide eyes, full of shock.

"... You have a lot of explaining to do, and my first question is, 'What The Heck Was That'?!"
You may have noticed that I have skipped the fight against the 'Hell Vanguard', well the reason for that is Team RWBY will have to fight their own Boss Enemy to gain their new weapon/ability, so I was thinking of using him, but with some extra upgrades/power ups to make the enemy deadly for them~

(Unless you want a different boss fight for them, like someone from DMC2 or DmC, what do you guys think? Cannon enemies only, and don't use character's from DMC 1, 4, 5, Anime)

[BTW, Dante THOUGHT the Cerberus was talking Vergil, Arkham and himself when he heard the word three traitor, wink wink, I'm trying to be mysterious, wink wink~]

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