Beyblade Burst: Shasa's Journ...

By Dablitfam23

103K 1.9K 741

Shasa is a 15 Year old girl and an old friends of Valt Aoi, the number 1 Blader in the world. BC Sol has dull... More

Shasa Guten
BC Sol Training
Talk With Kris
Cosmic Saturn
Power Of A Sparking Bey
Siblings Of Valt Aoi
Shasa VS Toko
Xander's Dojo
Xander's Training
Shasa VS Xander
Trip To New York
The Raging Bulls
Shasa VS Shu Part 1
Shasa VS Shu Part 2
Trip To The Sparking Arena
Valt VS Lane Part 1
Valt VS Lane Part 2
Valt VS Shasa
New Rival and Friend
Shasa VS Tomoka
Shards Shirosago
Shasa VS Shards
Lui Shirosagi
Shasa VS Lui
Dante Koryu
Happy Valentines Day!
Rantaro Kiyama
Valt and Shasa VS Rantaro and Shards
The World Champion
Ranking Up
Challenge From Lane
Broken Bonds
Surge Saturn
The Sun Bladers
Limit Breakthrough
Shasa VS Tomoka Rematch
Free De La Hoya
Mirage Fafnir
Aiger VS Shasa Rematch
Infinite Achilles
Preparing For The World League
Beyblade World League
The First Round Part 2
The Battle Royal
The Second Round Part 1
The Second Round Part 2
The Semi-Finals
Train Hard! Defeat Valt!
Finals! Shasa VS Valt!
Final Spark!

The First Round Part 1

1.4K 35 11
By Dablitfam23

     The screen has shown all of the matches that were going to be held for the first round. Shasa was surprised to see who was her first opponent.

"Alrighty folks! Here are the matches for the first round!" Hanami announced. The matches are shown in order:

Shasa VS Ranjiro

Valt VS Wakiya

Rantaro VS Silas

Aiger VS Hikaru

Hyuga VS Shu

Shards VS Lui

Dante VS Lane VS Free

Dante, Lane and Free squinted their eyes a little bit, since there is odd amount of bladers, one there has to be a battle royal.

Shasa didn't expect to face Rantaro's younger brother at the start.

Valt and Wakiya smirked at each other.

"Ha! Beating him is gonna be like taking a walk in the park." Silas said with a snobby voice while Rantaro was mentally cursing at Silas.

"AWESOME! I'm gonna face off against Aiger!" Hikaru said with stars in his eyes. Aiger was the blader that Hikaru looked up to most.

"I'm gonna blow you away!" Aiger said.

"Alright! I'm gonna go all out!" Hyuga pumped his fist in the air.

Shu just had a smile on his face.

" interesting. You'd better entertain me." Lui told Shards with his arms crossed.

"I could say the exact same thing." Shards said in a calm voice with her arms crossed.

"Okay, boys and girls...TIME TO START THE FIRST ROUND!" Hanami cheered with the crowds. The Legendary bladers went up to the seats, leaving Shasa and Ranjiro in the arena.

There was a sudden movement in the arena. Shasa was a bit confused until she saw a stadium rising up.

"Our battle stage will be at the Ultimate Storm Stadium!"

Shasa was surprised, a new speedstorm stadium. This look way different though. At the side was huge ramp attachment to gain speed and increase attack power but that's not the most important part. What caught Shasa's eye was the middle of the stadium. This is a storm plate. During battle, this thing spins on it's own and can create positive or negative results when a bey spins into it. Shasa was reminded when Raul became their new bey trainer and introduced this sort of stadium before.

"Woah, cool stadium. Never seen anything like it." Shasa said and this surprised all of the legends.

"Wait...she's never battled in this stadium before?" Rantaro asked, but Valt, who was sitting next to him, was smiling. Something made him think that Shasa was gonna use that to her advantage.

It's her first time? I've battled on this stadium plenty of times. Which means I have the advantage Ranjiro evilly smirked. He's got this match in the bag.

"And now, let's start the battle!" Hanami annoucned.

"This match will be up to three points! First battle!" The referee stuck his hand out into the stadium.

Doesn't matter what stadium it is! We won't lose! Shasa thought to herself as she locked in her bey.

"Ready? Set!"




"GO, SHOOT!" Both bladers pulled of lightning launches as both beys landed on the stadium heavily.

Saturn raced around the stadium, Shasa decided to go with attack mode since it has the upper advantage, but immediately, Saturn raced up into the ramp and flew into the air.

"Woah!" Shasa yelled out, she was surprised of the surprising factors this stadium has for the bladers.

Saturn safely landed back onto the stadium and raced down the ramp.

"Man! This stadium rules!" Shasa said out loud, she forgot about the battle, instead, she was having fun.

So, she really is new to this. Ranjiro smirked but then turned into a shocked face when he saw Saturn quickly jump into the side walls and race around like the speed of light.

Saturn quickly lands an attack on Ragnaruk and sends it flying into the air.

"She just grazed us!" Ranjiro asked in a surprised voice.

In result, Saturn hit the stadium walls and flipped into the air like a skater does with a skateboard and landed back onto the stadium which shocked Ranjiro. This girl has tricks up her sleeve.

Saturn quickly raced and landed on the upper deck of the stadium.

"Hard to believe. She's already got a grip of the stadium." Silas said with a curious look.

"Yep. She's improved much more the last time I saw her." Free responded

"End this with a burst! Super Tornado!" Ranjiro yelled out his special move.

"Limit Break: Surge!" Shasa also yelled out her special move.

Both beys clashed in the middle and resulted in Glide Ragnaruk bursting into the air and out of the stadium.

Ranjiro gasped as the referee announced the scores.

"Surge Saturn with a burst finish! The score is 2-0"

The crowd cheered.

"That's how we roll!" Shasa cheered on.

"Shasa Guten has already started the tournament off strong with a burst finish and is in the current 2-point lead!" Hanami said while Ranjiro was glancing over at her while putting his bey back together.

"What kind of blader is she...?" Ranjiro asked himself while he gripped his beyblade. He's come too far to lose in the first. He needs to end things fast in the second battle.

Valt was grinning at the sight while Dante looked at it in amazement.

"She's improved so much the last time she battle me." Dante said to himself.

Lane squinted his eyes a little bit while he just muttered out:

"Surge Saturn." 

"Second Battle!"

This isn't good! I'll have to blow attack after attack until I find an opening. I have to win this match! Ranjiro gritted his teeth in frustration.

I've battled Ragnaruk so many times, no matter what you do. I'll burst you in one shot. Shasa smiled as she decided to keep Saturn in attack mode.

"Can Ranjiro turn this next battle into his favor and take us into the third round?" Hanami commented.

"Ready? Set!"




"GO, SHOOT!" Lightning launches sparked out as both beyblades heavily landed on the stadium.

"RAGNARUK!" Ranjiro yelled out Ragnaruk spun towards the storm plate and it quickly went in and it was able to shoot itself towards Saturn with immense speed.

"Bring it! I'm going to take you down with Ragnaruk's fire!" Ranjiro yelled out as he powered up and summoned Glide Ragnaruk's avatar.

"HYPER TORNADO!" Ranjiro eyes glowed yellow as he sprung his hands back and threw his fist into the air with intense wind surround him and shooting into the skies.

A huge storming tornado spun out of Ragnaruk, it's going for a defensive strategy.

"Just as I thought! Bring it! Surge Launch!" Shasa called out as Saturn raced into a collision course with Ragnaruk but was unable to land a single hit due to the fact of it being sucked up into the air by the tornado.

Shasa gasped at this while Ranjiro smirked at her.

"That's the true power of Ragnaruk!" Ranjiro yelled.

Valt was getting exited at this battle.

"Ranjiro's turning this around." Valt said.

"You can do it, Cap'n!" Aiger cheered for his best friend.

"This is really fun! But it looks like I'm gonna have to break out of this storm!" Shasa yelled as she powered up and summoned the avatar of Surge Saturn while a flare is surrounding her and Saturn which made Lane squint his eyes a little bit.

All of a sudden, small strings of lightning began zapping out of Saturn which caught Ranjiro by surprise.

"Let's go! Saturn!"

Shasa stomped her foot and jumped into the air while a huge lightning bolt appeared behind Saturn as it began pushing back the Tornado.

"Surge Thunderbolt!"

A huge thunderbolt appeared and it caused Saturn to clash right on top of Ragnaruk, causing a huge explosion in the stadium but also sending Ragnaruk flying into the air and bursting right there on the spot which made Ranjiro gasp.

"Surge Saturn with a Burst Finish! The score is 4-0! Shasa Guten is the winner!"

"UNBELIEVABLE! Shasa just won with two burst finishes in a row! Shasa wins with the greatest of ease!"

The crowd was cheering and so did Shasa.

"Alright!" Shasa pumped her fist into the air.

Ranjiro looked down in shock as he said nothing and left the stage.

"Shasa Guten has earned herself in the second spot of the next round! Congratulations!"

Valt and Rantaro looked down in amazement.

"I've never seen anything like that." Rantaro gazed at Shasa's power.

"Yeah, it shows what else she's hiding." Valt said, wanting to see more of Shasa's battles.

Shards was smirking at that sight. Now she was raring to go and battle Shasa.

As soon as both bladers left the stage, Rantaro mentioned over to Valt.

"You're up next." 

"Yep! Wish me luck!" Valt said as he left the stands.

Shasa was walking down into the hallways. She looked at Saturn with a proud smile.

"We made it through the first round. Let's keep it up." Shasa told her partner. She then heard footsteps and looked up to see Valt walking the same direction of her.

"That was an awesome battle!" Valt complimented.

"Thanks. I can't wait to see your match!" Shasa responded and Valt grinned.

"Thanks! I'll come back once I win." Valt said and walked passed her but not noticing the small blush Shasa had on her face.

"Alright folks! It's time to start the second battle of the first round!" Hanami announced.

In the right, a light shined at Valt.

"This is the wonder boy who ruled as the World Champion for two years! Our number 1 Legendary blader! Valt Aoi!"

Valt had a serious look on his face while the crowd cheered.

"And in the other side. He toppled as a blader as he is a member of one of the famous team, Sun-bat united! Wakiya Murasaki!" 

Wakiya just had a smirk as the crowd also cheered.

"Two members of our bey-club facing each other off in a stage like this!? This is getting hyped up!" Rantaro said with a huge grin.

Valt and Wakiya just smiled at each other until the silence was broke with Wakiya's voice.

"Finally! After all these years, I'm gonna prove who's the true champion!" Wakiya said while Valt grinned back.

"We'll see! Wakiya! I'm just glad we have a chance to battle again." Valt responded.

"First Battle!"

Wakiya took his long-trench coat off and raised his beyblade.

"Jet Wyvern will take down your Brave Valkyrie!" Wakiya announced. Valt was raising his Brave Valkyire up.

"I'd like to see you try!"

Both bladers got into a launching position.

"Ready? Set!"




"GO, SHOOT!" Both bladers pulled of lightning launches and both beyblades landed heavily on the stadium.

"Let's go, Valkyrie!" Valt pumped up his fist. Valkyire suddenly raced towards Wyvern who was racing around the storm plate.

Wakiya raised his arm into the air and yelled:

"Jet Shield!"


Suddenly, it seemed like Valkyrie missed the attack because it spun the other way.

Shasa was confused until she realized what happened. Jet Wyvern has a rubber free-spinning ring so it was able to deflect Valkyrie's coming attack.

The storm plate caused Valkyire to spin and hit the stadium walls. Wakiya took this as a chance to attack.

"Wyvern! Do it now!" Wakiya shouted as Wyvern responded by throwing itself onto the storm plate as it spun in rapid speed and then shot Wyvern into the opposite stadium wall and shooting itself towards Valkyrie.



With that, Valkyrie has been sent out of the stadium.

"Jet Wyvern with a ring out finish! The score is 1-0!" The crowd cheered at the match.

"And with that, Wakiya has taken the lead with one point!"

"How'd you like that?" Wakiya asked the crowd while holding up his bey.

Valt smiled as he thought to himself. Wakiya sure has gotten stronger. I'm gonna have to up my game if I'm gonna beat him. With that thought, Valt looked down to his Valkyrie as he switched the chassis into six sword mode.

Shu looked down into the stands and noticed Valt changing Valkyrie.

"What's he planning?" Shu asked to himself, as strong as Valt is, he has unpredictable plans up his sleeve which can come out of nowhere and help him to his advantage.

"What're you gonna do here, Valt?" Rantaro asked to himself, wondering what his best friend is gonna do in this situation.

Shasa was looking down with a worried look while she just muttered out one word:


"Second Battle!"

Both bladers got into their launching positions again. Both of them couldn't help but giggle. This feels like old times when they had an official match a four years ago. 

"Ready? Set!"




"GO, SHOOT!" Both bladers pulled the thread with much power creating lightning out of their launchers and the heaviness the stadium took from the beys was incredible.

"Let's do this, partner!" Valt said and quickly went towards Wyvern.

"Rush Shoot!"


Jet Wyverns free-spinning ring was able to protect itself.

"Hah! Is that all you've got?" Wakiya asked but then was caught by surprise when Valkyrie spun towards the storm plate and used it to send a barrage of attacks towards Wyvern, making it spin close to the plate, making it almost impossible for Wyvern to escape.


One last attack sent Wyvern hitting the stadium walls!

"End this with a burst this time! Jet Shield Crash!"

Wyvern hit the stadium walls and raced towards Valkyrie at the speed of a jet.


Because Valkyrie has six swords, it was able to defend itself more and both beys have been pushed back.

"What!?" Wakiya shouted. He expected Jet Shield Crash to work but it completely failed that time.

"Brave Sword!"

Valkyrie's swords began to glow when it raced towards the Storm Plate and gained speed enough to clash with Wyvern and send it out of the stadium.

"Brave Valkyrie with a Ring Out Finish! The score is 1-1!" 

The crowd cheered at their number one legendary bladers victory.

"And that's how the number one legendary blader rolls, folks!" Hanami commented.

"Nice! Time to turn this around!" Aiger pumped up his fist.

"Way to go, Valt!" Hyuga and Hikaru said together.

"Valt's gonna win this now!" Dante cheered for his teacher.

"Good Valt, but you've still got some competition ahead of you." Shu said calmly.

Lui evilly grinned.

"How interesting. Entertain me more, Valt."

"I wouldn't expect anything less from you. I gotta' say, battles with you are just the best." Wakiya said with a grin.

Valt smiled at his friends compliment.

"You can say that again."


"Third Battle!"

Both bladers got into their launching positions once again.

The only way I can win, is by bursting him! Both bladers thought in their minds 

"Ready? Set!"




"GO, SHOOT!" Lightning sparks came from their launchers and both beyblades landed heavily on the stadium.



Both beyblades raced towards the storm plate and gained speed, attacking each other attack after attack.






"I'll never lose on a head on fight!" Valt yelled

"You'd better not take me for a slouch!"


Both beyblades were clashing into each other but neither is backing down.

"JET SHIELD!" Wakiya screamed and Wyvern pushed Valkyrie away.

Wakiya then powered up with a purple aura around him and summoned his bey's avatar. A purple dragon with golden armor around itself.

Valt powered up as his blue aura surrounded himself and Valkyire while Brave Valkyrie's avatar appeared.

"Brave Flash!" Valt spun around while his right hand was absorbing a blue aura sphere as he spun his hand around in a cyclone.


Valkyrie has sent Wyvern sky high but then was flying back down towards Valkyire which caught Valt by surprise.

Wait is he...? No way! Valt thought to himself as he figured out Wakiya's plan.

"Break him from above!" Wakiya shouted.


"Won't be happening!" Valt shouted as he pushed his fist out front.

"Brave Sword!"


A huge explosion filled the arena. Everyone was covering themselves from the winds. Even the legendary bladers.


Wakiya gasped as he saw Jet Wyvern parts flying towards and past him.

The smoke cleared and the referee saw the results of the match and announced.

"Brave Valkyrie with a burst finish! The score is 1-3! Valt Aoi Is the winner!"

The crowd cheered for the legendary blader.

"That's the power of Valkyrie!" Valt called out.

Wakiya smirked as he placed his bey back together and was walking back but then Valt's voice stopped him.


"Hm?" Wakiya turned around to him in confusion only to see Valt smiling at him.

"That was so much fun! You've definitely gotten stronger." Valt said with a grin which surprised Wakiya but warmly smiled when he put his coat back on.

"Next time, though? I won't lose, I promise you that." Wakiya said and walked away.

"Valt Aoi will be moving onto the next round along with Shasa Guten!"

The crowd roared in cheer once again.

"Alright! Way'd a go, bud!" Rantaro said out loud.

"Nice, Valt." Shu calmly said.

Shasa was looking down at Valt with a warm smile, she was even more happy to know Valt is going to the next round with her.

"Rantaro." Shu's voice caught Rantaro to his attention.

"You're up next." Shu said with a smile and Rantaro responded with a grin.

"Don't worry, I'll beat him down good." Rantaro said as both Silas and Rantaro walked towards opposite sides.

Rantaro was walking down the hallways, thinking to himself of how to beat Silas. Back when he just joined BC Sol and just when Silas joined to, he remembered that time Silas underestimated him and lost badly. But he's gotten stronger since and Rantaro is gonna have a much harder match.


Rantaro looked up to see Valt looking at him with a smile, but neither stopped walking.

"Do your best out there."

Rantaro smiled back.

"You know I will."

Both walked past each other but not without doing a high high-five.

Silas was walking down along the hallways too. Rantaro isn't a blader you can take lightly. This is a chance to show just how much he's improved. But Silas couldn't afford to lose right here though. This match is to show the world who's the strongest blader in the entire world and he needs to win.

"Alright! The next match up is about to start!"

"On this side, we have the man of all men! Rantaro Kiyama!" 

Rantaro was shown with a cool smile when the crowd cheered for him.

"And on the other side is our very own rebellious outlaw! Silas Karlisle!"

Silas was grinning when he heard the crowd cheered for him.

Both Rantaro and Silas were facing each other in the stadium now.

"First Battle!"

"I'm winning this thing! Sorry, not sorry." Rantaro said with a teasing grin.

"Hah! I'll crush you in one shot!" Silas remarked back.

Both bladers got into their launching positions.

"Ready? Set!"




"GO, SHOOT!" Both bladers managed to do lightning launches and both beyblades hit the stadium heavily.

Both beyblades looped around the storm plate.

"Time to show this scrub who's boss!" Silas told his Curse Satan

"The man of men will show you who's really boss!" Rantaro said

Both beyblades raced towards the storm plate and eventually clashed into each other and then pushed away but then raced back and had another collision!

"I'm wasting my time battling you so don't disappoint me!" Silas yelled.

"Hah! You stole my line. Ragnaruk's has a tank full of stamina so I won't be losing, ya got that?" Rantaro yelled back.

A huge explosion began to surround the stadium.

"Destroy him! Universe Drift!" Silas yelled out his special move and the universe driver on Curse Satan scrapped the stadium causing it to drift towards Ragnaruk.

"Tear 'em apart with Glide Tornado!" Rantaro called out his special move.

Both beyblades raced towards each other.



Rantaro's eyes widened when he saw Ragnaruk burst right in front of him.

"Curse Satan with a burst finish! The score is 2-0!" The crowd cheered at the match while Rantaro sweated a little bit.

"Silas sure has gotten stronger." Valt said to himself

"Very true. Even after the Super Tag Tournament, he improved a lot." Free said

Rantaro placed his bey back together but gritted his teeth. If this is all Rantaro has to offer, he might as well drop out of the tournament. Just then, Rantaro saw a shine come Ragnaruk which caught him by surprise but smiled at his bey.

Rantaro then stood back up and faced Silas.

"Lucky break! I'm gonna end this next one!" Rantaro said.

"Hah! Too bad the second battle will be your last." Silas said back to him.

"Second Battle!"

Both bladers got into their launching positions again.


"Ready? Set!"




"GO, SHOOT!" Both bladers did lightning launches as their beys landed heavily on the stadium.

"Universe Drift!"

Satan quickly drifted up into the ramp and moved straight down towards Ragnaruk


"No way!" Rantaro shouted, Silas just did a powerful attack which sent his bey flying.

"Ha! Looks like this is the end for you!" Silas yelled.

"That's what you think! Glide Tornado!"

Glide Ragnaruk sent out a storm of a tornado, because it was flipping over the air, the tornado landed on the stadium, making Ragnaruk softly landed on the stadium which caused Silas to grit his teeth in annoyance.

"Now lemme show you what happens when you mess with a real man!" Rantaro yelled as he powered up and summoned the avatar of Glide Ragnaruk! Ragnaruk glowed it's orange aura and spun towards the storm plate and Ragnaruk was able to gain speed and race towards Satan.



Silas was shocked when he saw Satan launched up into the air but gasped when he saw Curse Satan burst.

"Glide Ragnaruk with a Burst Finish! The score is 2-2!"

The crowd cheered for the man of men in happiness.

"And there you have it folks! Rantaro Kiyama is able to take us into the third round!"

"Nice one, Honcho!" Valt, Hyuga and Hikaru cheered on for their friend.

"End this, bro!" Ranjiro cheered from the sidelines.

"Kiyama...It's time for my payback! I'll beat you good in this match!" Silas got into his launching position.

"Ha! We'll just see about that. You're about get a taste of my power!" Rantaro said while he also got in his launching position.

"Third Battle!"


"Ready? Set!"




"GO, SHOOT!" Both bladers pulled of lightning launches and both of they beyblades landed heavily on the stadium.

"Now! Tear his bey apart! Universe Drift!" Satan quickly drifted towards Ragnaruk and sent one huge impact towards it. 

"Ragnaruk!" Rantaro yelled and Ragnaruk quickly spun towards the storm plate and got a massive boost of speed to get away from it and Ragnaruk quickly spun up the ramp.

"Chase after it!" Silas screamed and Satan did the same thing with the storm plate and chased right behind Ragnaruk up the ramp.

Rantaro decided to quickly power up.

"RAGNARUK!" Rantaro yelled as he summoned his beys avatar and both of them were raging with an orange aura. 


Ragnaruk sent Satan into the air.


Silas powered up with a green and purple and black aura around him as he summoned his bey's avatar.

Curse Satan is an entity with it's head and neck are more dragon-like. The hunchback posture is straight and the three claws on each the wing's forearm is positioned upside-down triangle style. Most of the skin is purple-heart, save for the upper-arms, and the midsection of the each wing digit, under legs and the under tail. There are yellow stripes on the inner thighs and the upper arms and under tail sport yellow stripes. There is a purple gem reduced to 7 on the chest and the green abdominal section is now translucent. The two eyes are green and the purple-heart scales on the head are structured like a helmet. It also has metallic and purple with silver and yellow border horns and the waist sports a purple buckle that represents the Satan SuperKing chip's core. It has five red orbs with planetary rings: one in the palm of the wing's three-claws, one on each forearm, and the fifth on the tail's tip and finally, it's trident is altered with a longer purple pole, silver end tip, and the trident blade's style is pronounced.

Satan landed back onto the stadium and clashed right with Ragnaruk on the ramp.

"Triple Twister!" Three circles surrounded Satan by the layer, disc and driver.

Rantaro gasped at Satans recovery. Both beys have been pushed back down the ramp.



A huge explosion filled the stadium. Both bladers struggled to keep their balance but didn't budge.

The smoke cleared and both Silas and Rantaro were shocked to see that the impact caused both of their beyblades to wobble.

"OH WOW! The impact has caused Satan and Ragnaruk to a close showdown of stamina!" Hanami announced.

"Awesome! Ragnaruk is a god when it comes to stamina!" Rantaro cheered.

"We'll see about that!" Silas yelled.


Both beyblades tapped each other until now, both beyblade stopped spinning but they seemed to have stopped at the same time.


"Who won?" Both bladers turned to referee who was looking at the stadium for quite some time but then raised his hand towards Rantaro.

"Glide Ragnaruk with a survivor finish! The score is 2-3! Rantaro Kiyama is the winner!"

The crowd roared in a cheering

"Awesome battle out there, guys!" Valt yelled down to them.

"Ha, I would've expected that from Kiyama." Wakiya said with his arms crossed.

Silas sighed as he picked Satan back up. He wasn't mad, but he just smiled at his bey. Then he looked next to him to see Rantaro next to him with a smile with his hand out.

"You put up quite a fight." Rantaro said with a grin which surprised Silas but warmly smiled at him.

"Next time, you won't be so lucky." Silas said as he took his hand both did a hand-shake, not just as friends, but as bladers.

Shasa watched from above. That battle was amazing, she was surprised by the power these legends are showing.

But it's not over just yet, the first round is far from being done.

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