The Future Is The Past (Trans...

By PrincessAura273

189K 5.5K 1.6K

Vaughan Witwickey is a music lover. Listens to any kind of music she can get her hands on. When she creates a... More

The Future Is The Past (Transformers G1 FanFiction)
Part 1
Chapter 1 - Strange Noise
Chapter 2 - Decepticon Attack
Chapter 3 - Say Hello To The Autobots
Chapter 4 - Operation: Power Plant
Chapter 5 - The Crystal Mines
Chapter 6 - What Happens Now?
Chapter 7 - The Dubstep Discovery
Chapter 8 - A Musical Truth
Chapter 9 - Surprise
Chapter 10 - They Just Had To Come Back
Chapter 11 - Rescue
Authors Note - Which Episodes?
Chapter 12 - Meeting The Whiz Kid
Chapter 13 - Anti-Matter Formula
Chapter 14 - Fight Back
Chapter 15 - Autobot Down
Chapter 16 - One Way Or Another
Chapter 17 - Going Home
Part 2
Chapter 18 - Senior Year
Chapter 19 - Good Things Will Happen
Chapter 20 - Return To Mission City
Chapter 21 - A Messed Up Sparkplug
Chapter 22 - Atmosphere
Chapter 23 - Natural Disasters
Chapter 24 - A Plan of Action
Chapter 25 - Battle of Cybertron
Chapter 26 - Another Transformation
Chapter 27 - Get Back Up
Chapter 28 - Animals
Chapter 29 - Losing Control
Chapter 30 - Old Memories
Chapter 31 - Take Your Mind Off Things
Chapter 32 - Immobilized
Chapter 33 - Demobilized
Chapter 34 - Seeing Double
Chapter 35 - Father Figure
Chapter 36 - Fast Future & Corrupted Minds
Chapter 37 - Personalities
Part 3
Chapter 38 - Who Is Remix?
Authors Note: Removing Some Episodes
Chapter 39 - Open House
Chapter 40 - Empire State Of Mind
Chapter 41 - New York State Of Mind
Chapter 42 - Surprises At Every Corner
Chapter 43 - Autobot Day
Chapter 44 - Decepticon Day
Chapter 45 - One In The Same
Chapter 46 - Return
Chapter 47 - Exposed
Chapter 48 - Origin
Chapter 49 - Graduation
Authors Note: Review!
Chapter 50 - Summer Vacation & Seperation
Chapter 51 - Cybertonium
Chapter 53 - Blaster
Chapter 54 - Dark Side Of The Moon
Chapter 55 - College
Part 4
Chapter 56 - Car Chase
Chapter 57 - Raoul
Chapter 58 - Fast & Furious
Chapter 59 - Dancitron
Chapter 60 - DJ Got Us Falling In Love
Chapter 61 - Old Bonds
Chapter 62 - He Could Be The One
Chapter 63 - Transform
Chapter 64 - Getting The Band Back Together
Chapter 65 - Guitar Cases
Chapter 66 - Drop That Bass
Chapter 67 - Piano Player
Chapter 68 - Better Than Ever
Chapter 69 - Battle Of The Bands
Chapter 70 - Bad News
Chapter 71 - The Mesmerizers
Chapter 72 - Slumber Party Blues
Chapter 73 - Shake Your Tail
Chapter 74 - Under Our Spell
Chapter 75 - Semi-Finals
Chapter 76 - It's A Trap
Chapter 77 - Arguments To Solutions
Chapter 78 - Pull It Together
Chapter 79 - Welcome To The Show
Chapter 80 - Destinies
Chapter 81 - Final Goodbyes
Possible Sequel?

Chapter 52 - Welcome Back To Cybertron

1.1K 46 14
By PrincessAura273

"Wait, you guys hear that?" Carly asked. 

The three teenagers stopped running as they glanced around, hearing no sounds of metal footsteps of any kind. 

"I don't hear anything." Spike answered with a shrug.

"That's the point! He stopped chasing us." Carly stated. 

"That's because I nearly blasted him to kingdom come." Vaughan grinned, snapping her fingers for effect. 

"Yeah, but Shockwave didn't come back did he?" Carly replied in question form. 

Vaughan froze, cupping her chin in thought. No... he didn't. But why stop? A bunch of humans broke into his laboratory who could tamper with his equipment and such, and he just stops? Something wasn't right. 

"You have a point." Vaughan nodded. 

"Hmm, maybe he didn't want to damage anything in here." 

The three humans looked around the room they stumbled into through the ventilation. There was a strange, glowing, blue orb in the middle of the room. The middle shank down into the floor as the sides of the circular room went up horizontally. It was like a metal sink hole, but without the sank and the sinking part. 

"Ouch!" Carly yelped.

"What's wrong?" Spike asked with concern. 

"Don't touch the walls, or you'll be electrocuted." Carly warned. 

"Thanks for the tip." Vaughan uttered as she inched away from the metal wall. "So where to now? I don't think we've been in this part of Shockwave's lab before."

"Do you even know what we're in?" Carly asked.

"Trouble?" Spike answered with a hint of worry.

"I think we might be inside the master computer!" Carly clarified. 

"A computer?...." Vaughan's face lit up with a gasp as she looked over at Carly. "If we're inside a computer, maybe we could use it to find out the location of the Cybertonium!"

"Great idea Vaughan!" Carly smiled.

"If I can contact Teletraan-1 with this com-link, maybe we can figure out how to work this thing." said Spike. He activated the device that was attached to his thumb, and brought it up to his lips. "Spike calling Teletraan-1!" He whispered. "Come in Teletraan-1!"

"I read you Spike. Where are you?" Sparkplug answered.

"We're on Cybertron, and it looks like we're inside Shockwave's Master Computer." Spike explained.

"The Master Computer? Well, according to Teletraan-1, there should be a way out of the computer. If you can disable the core, there should be an exit underneath it." Sparkplug replied.

"There's a panel over beside us. Would that turn the core off so we can get through?" Vaughan asked. 

"It's worth a try." Sparkplug answered. 

Carly walked over to it, removing the lid of the panel. She worked her way through it, pulling out a wire. There were sparks of electricity flying all of the room, colours lighting up. Vaughan watched the core shrink down in size until it finally vanished, and then darkness. 

The whole room went completely, pitch black. 

There were sounds of footsteps and then a yelp followed by a loud 'THUD'.

"Carly?" Spike cried out with a whispered.

"Yeah?" She whimpered.

"Are you okay?" He asked with concern. 

"I-I think so." She answered. 

"Is there a light switch anywhere in here?" Vaughan asked. 

"I got something!" Spike spoke up. After that, there was a blinding light. "It's a Photon Flashlight. Wheeljack gave it to me."

"That thing is brighter than all the flashlights on Earth, combined!" Vaughan muttered as she shielded her eyes. 

"Carly, can you get up?" Spike asked, kneeling down at the edge.

"I think so." The blonde attempted to stand, her lips pressed together with a hiss. "Ow! I must have twisted my ankle."

"Hang tight, we're coming down." said Vaughan. 

Spike placed the flashlight between his arm and ribs as he and Vaughan slid down the sink hole and met up with Carly at the bottom. They spotted a ladder, that led down through a tunnel. This had to be the exit Sparkplug told them about. 

Spike was the first one down while Carly and Vaughan followed behind them. 

So far Shockwave hasn't made a move. 


But it was only a matter of time. He wouldn't want them to get their hands on the Cybertonium. 

Once they reached the bottom of the ladder, they exited a narrow hallway and entered a large room. There were computers lined up a long the walls and there was also a pile of energon cubes. 

"Where did those cubes come from?" Spike thought a loud. "I thought the planet was all out of energy."

"Leave the cubes, we need to find Cybertonium." Sparkplug reminded. 

"Which way are we heading now?" Vaughan asked. 

"Keep going straight a head. There should be an exit that leads out to the city." Sparkplug answered. 

"Roger that dad." Spike replied, ending the transmission. 

To cover more ground, Spike took Carly's arm and wrapped it around his neck to help carry her, that way she wouldn't have to keep walking on her twisted ankle. Vaughan smiled at the pair. She was glad the two decided to be together. They seemed to suit each other. 

As the three of them ran, the sound of something rolling against the floor caught there attention. They hid behind a pillar as Vaughan peeked over to the side, seeing a giant android patrolling the halls.

"We need to get out of here, now!" Vaughan stated as she took the lead towards the door. She jumped, pressing a button, making the door open. "You guys go on a head, I'll check up."

They nodded, Spike guiding Carly out the door. 

Once they were gone, Vaughan turned and faced the android as it cruise towards her. Once it got close enough, Vaughan fired a soundwave blast at it, pushing it back and crashing into one of them pillars. The robot smashed in half, pieces falling to the floor. 

"Nice try Shockwave." Vaughan grinned as she ran out of the room, just as the door was closing. 

She caught up to Spike and Carly who were waiting for just down the street. This time, Spike was carrying Carly, bridal style. 

As they walked, Vaughan couldn't help but feel that they were being watched. She turned her head over to the side, seeing a shadow of a tall figure. She gasped, rubbing her eyes as she turned her body in the direction of the figure. But when she opened her eyes, the shadow was gone.

"Wha--?" She mumbled.

"Vaughan, are you coming?" Carly called.

"Right behind you!" Vaughan yelled as she turned, running back towards the pair.

The three teenagers made their way around the city, looking for any sign of where Cybertonium could be kept. It wasn't until they emerged on an open street, that Vaughan stopped and scanned a building that was stationed across the street.

"Hey Spike!" She piped.

"Yeah?" He looked over towards her.

"That building over there look familiar to you?" Vaughan asked.

Spike looked over at the building his cousin was pointing at. His eyes widened with surprise. 

"What? What is it you guys?" Carly asked.

"It's Wheeljack's workshop!" Spike realized. 

"You think there's any Cybertonium in there?" Vaughan thought  a loud.

"It's worth a look around." said Carly. 

"Let's check it out!" Spike exclaimed. 

The three teenagers made their way across the road, pulling up to the front door of the workshop. Spike placed Carly down as the blonde made her way to a console. She pressed a button and the doors opened automatically. The three of them smiled as they made their way inside. 

Once they were secure, Carly walked over to a wall and sat herself down, propping herself against it. She had to rest that ankle of hers before it got worse. Meanwhile, Vaughan and Spike on the other hand, took the time to look around Wheeljack's workshop. 

"Now if I were an Autobot, where would I put my supply of Cybertonium?" Spike thought a loud. 

"Wheeljack is too weak to tell me." Sparkplug spoke through the com link.

Vaughan took a glance around, spotting a vault that seemed to catch her attention. She waved her cousin over towards the door, looking up at it. 

"What about in here?" She suggested.

Suddenly there was a loud bang like noise coming from the ceiling. It was like someone was knocking against it. 

"That doesn't sound good." Vaughan gulped. 

"We'll need a weapon, anything!" Spike stated.

"Got that part covered!" Vaughan grinned, balling her hands into fists. 

"Then get ready. When whatever or whoever breaks through, shot it down." Spike ordered.

The two of them waited for the right moment, the knocking growing increasingly louder as cracks began to form in the ceiling. A hole was quickly formed as large chunks of the ceiling came crashing down. Vaughan open fired, nailing a shot at the figure above. She and Spike leap for cover away from the falling debris as the figure fell through the hole and collapsed to the floor. 

"Stay down! Hands where we can see'em!" Vaughan cautioned, aiming her fists at the figure. 

The Cybertronian squawked as it sat it, raising his hands in defense. The colour scheme, the squawk.... it couldn't be!

 "No! No shoot!" Swoop pleaded.

"Swoop!" Spike exclaimed.

"What happened to you? Where are the other Dinobots?!" Vaughan asked.

He was all alone, with the rest of the Dinobots no where to be seen. Was he the one that Vaughan spotted back in the city streets? The shadow? Was he following them?

"When us Dinobots come, us captured Decepticon. Guards come, big fight! Soon other Dinobots captured, but me get away. Other Dinobots taken to Cybertonium Pit. Decepticons still look for Swoop." Swoop explained. 

"We've got to find the other Dinobots." Carly proclaimed. 

"But first we got to find them." Spike groaned. 

"Hey Sparkplug? Can Teletrann-1 tell us where the Cybertonium Pit is located?" Vaughan asked. 

"Sure can. Stand by for coordinates." Sparkplug answered.

"The sooner we find the Dinobots and the Cybertonium, the sooner we can get out of here. Who knows if Shockwave is still looking for us." said Vaughan.

And Vaughan just may get her wish. But not from a great point of view. Moments later, the front door of Wheeljack's door was blasted down, Decepticon guards storming the room. Swoop stepped in front of the three teenagers, protecting them as the guards circled them.

"What do we do? There's too many of them!" Carly hissed.

"Do we even have a choice?" Spike asked.

"Shockwave, we've captured the last Dinobot and the humans." The leading guard spoke through a video phone.

"Excellent. Take them to the Cybertonium Pits and put them to work with the others." Shockwave ordered.

"Yes sir." The guard saluted, ending the call. "Alright you four, move it!"


The Decepticon Guards took the four of them a long distance from Wheeljack's Workshop. 

The Cybertonium Pits were hidden underground, outside of the city. As they walked down a ramp, Vaughan spotted the other Dinobots, trapped in a arena that had purple, voltage chains all around the arena, to prevent them from escape. 

The guard stationed at the control panel, shut the voltage off, just quick enough to push the four of them inside before turning it back on. 

 "The prisoners are in the pit." spoke the guard.

"Good. Now we can send the final shipment of Cybertonium to Megatron." Shockwave replied, ending the call.

"What are we going to do?" Carly whispered to the cousins.

"I don't know. There has to be something we can do. If Megatron gets the Cybertonium, the Autobots will be history!" Spike replied. "And I can't get in contact with my dad either."

"It's no use for that. We must be too far underground." Carly realized.

"Grimlock!" Hey, why are you guys helping with the Cybertonium supplies?" Vaughan asked, jogging over to the Dinobot leader.

"Dinobots had nothing else to do. We be trapped here." Grimlock answered.

"Don't think like that! If we all work together, we can bust out of here." said Vaughan.

"You think so?" Sludge asked.

"I know so. If you guys are willing to share a little teamwork." She winked.

"You willing to help Dinobots, so we help you too." Grimlock agreed.

"Perfect. Gather around guys, here's what we'll do." Spike spoke up as the Dinobots gathered around the three humans.

After a few moments of the boy explaining his escape plan, the Dinobots nodded in agreement, standing back up as Grimlock's face plate grew serious, pointing a finger at Spike. "No, I hate you!"

"Well  I'm not so nuts about you either!" Spike yelled back.

Vaughan grinned slightly when she saw the Decepticon guards turning away from their posts, hearing the 'argument' begin. Spike's plan was working!

"Me not do what you say!" Grimlock yelled, crossing his arms.

"You lumpy bag of bolts, you can't do anything!" Spike stated.

"Hey!  Keep working down there!" One of the guards ordered.

"Me Dinobot no work with human!" Grimlock talked back.

"Shockwave, the Dinobots are refusing to work with the humans." the guard explained, opening the com-link again.

"Then remove the humans! We need that Cybertonium now!" Shockwave ordered.

The Decepticon guards worked quickly to disable the electric fence. But right when they did so, the Dinobots sprang into action, transforming into their dinosaur modes and attacked!

"What?!--" One of the guards yelped as they got blasted into oblivion.

The Dinobots continued to retaliate as the three teenagers made a break for it, running up the ramp and heading towards the exit. But as they ran, Vaughan tripped on her own foot, falling to the floor. 

Spike and Carly came to a halt as they turned around, their eyes widening with a gasp. "Vaughan behind you!"

Vaughan turned her head to see one of the Decepticon guards staring down at her. He brought out his laser rifle and aimed it right at her. 

"No!" Spike screamed as he ran straight for her.

"Spike--!" Carly yelped as the Decepticon pulled the trigger.

The light from the laser flew down in a flash, just as Spike slid down to his knees, wrapping his arms around Vaughan, followed by an explosion. 

Everyone, human and Cybertronian froze after seeing the sight. 

But when the smoke cleared, both Vaughan and Spike were unharmed. 

The guard gasped at the two humans. There was a strange glowing force field protecting them. It was a bright blue and it was sparkling. When Vaughan and Spike poked their heads up, they looked around at the sight with marvel. The two of them were holding hands, and that's when something clicked in Vaughan's head. 

When Spike wrapped his arms around her, the same time she was preparing for the impact of the blast, she felt a spark of her power going off. 

Was this a special ability she had that she hadn't discovered yet?

Without knowing, the two of them started floating up into the air. Still holding hands, the two cousins looked at each other. They nodded as their attention was focused onto the Decepticon. 

Almost like it was orchestrated, Vaughan and Spike flexed their hands out and both of them fired a soundwave blast. 

It sent the guard flying back as the wave grew bigger, knocking back the rest of the guards as well, right before the Dinobots ducked for cover. 

"What... happened?" Slug asked with confusion. 

The two cousins slowly hovered back down to the floor, letting their hands go free as the force field vanished around them. 

"SPIKE! VAUGHAN!" Carly sobbed as she ran over and hugged the two of them. "I was so worried!"

"It's okay Carly, we're okay." Spike assured the girl, hugging her back. 

"Me Grimlock didn't know humans could do that." said Grimlock. 

"We didn't either." Vaughan shurgged. 

"Come on, let's get the Cybertonium to the Autobots." said Spike. 


Sparkplug, Daphine, Andrew, and Josh all waited right outside the space bridge. 

The three humans have been gone for quite a while now, and they were starting to worry. 

That's when a bright light could be seen from above as the space bridge activated itself. There was a huge rush of wind as a flash of light shored down from a portal and splashed into the space bridge. When the doors opened, Vaughan, Spike, and Carly were sitting on a large pile of Cybertonium, the Dinobots standing behind them. 

"You made it!" Sparkplug exclaimed.

The three teenagers jumped down from the cubes as they ran over and hugged the man. Vaughan's friends quickly joined them all in a big group hug. 

"Did you miss us?" Vaughan teased. 

"More than you know." Josh replied. 

As they broke apart, Andrew sprang up, jumping up and down in front of Vaughan with excitement. "So what did you see? Was there a fight? Can I come with next time?"

Vaughan chuckled. "Slow it down Andrew! I'll tell you guys what happened. I promise you, it was one weird and wild ride."

"For now, let's focus on repairing the Autobots." said Daphine. 


Within hours, all of the Autobots were fully repaired and operational. 

The three teenagers told their tale of what went down while they were on Cybertron and Vaughan even mentioned the little surprise with her and Spike near the end.

The Autobots speculated that it did indeed had something to do with her powers, perhaps something even greater?

Maybe it had something to do with her being Remix?

Vaughan sighed as she now sat back against her pillow, looking out the window of her room  back at Sparkplug's house. The sounds of Daphine snoring filling the room as Vaughan quickly thought to herself,

"What's next?"

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