Too Stoic for him?

By Dazai_slxt

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-Dazai x Fem!Reader- (Trope:Friends to Lovers) Content may contain mentions of sexual/suggestive actions, vio... More

|•Chapter 1:Nakajima Atsushi•|
|•Chapter 2:Tea on Rice•|
|•Chapter 3:The WereTiger•|
|•Chapter 4:Intoxicating•|
|•Chapter 6:Ryunosuke Akutagawa•|
|•Chapter 7:Infamous Couple•|
|•Chapter 8: "Best friends"•|
|•Chapter 9:The thing we do for eachother•|
|•Chapter 10: Somethings are the same•|
|•Chapter 11:A bad feeling•|
|•Chapter 12:Jealousy•|
|•Chapter 13:Mind Manipulation•|
|•Chapter 14:I always win•|
|•Chapter 15:The Onna Musha•|
|•Chapter 16:Confrontation•|
|•Chapter 17:Nostalgia•|
|•Chapter 18:Brains,Bronze,Beauty•|
|•Chapter 19:Jealousy Part 2•|
|•Chapter 20: 1465•|
|•Chapter 21:To the stray Dogs•|
|•Chapter 22:Mimic•|
|•Chapter 23:Betrayed Trust•|
|•Chapter 24:Seek and Hunt•|
|•Chapter 25:Mistakes•|
|•Chapter 26:Guilt•|
|•Chapter 27:The end of a dark era•|
|•Chapter 28:The Guild•|
|•Chapter 29:Kouyou Ozaki•|
|•Chapter 30:Beauty is pain•|
|•Chapter 31:Lighting is too cruel•|
|•Chapter 32:Forbidden Words•|
|•Chapter 33:Rain•|
|•Chapter 34:Embodiment of Logic•|
|•Chapter 35:We meet again•|
|•Chapter 36:Dense•|
|•Chapter 37:Disagreements•|
|•Chapter 38:Unforgiving•|
|•Chapter 39:The Reunited Three•|
|•Chapter 40:Two Stones, One bird•|
|•Chapter 41:Stick Together•|
|•Chapter 42:Teaser•|
|•Chapter 43:Forgiveness•|
|•Chapter 44:Those eyes•|
|•Chapter 45:Change•|
|•Chapter 46:Surprises•|
|•Chapter 47:No Time to Dine•|
|•Chapter 48:Dancing in the Rain•|
|•Chapter 49:Rats•|
|•Chapter 50:Despair & Denial•|
|•Chapter 51: Heaven knows I'm miserable now•|

|•Chapter 5:An Emergency?•|

2.3K 72 3
By Dazai_slxt

First Person POV

I groaned groggily as I heard the sudden ringing
of my phone. Honestly I might as well quit
sleeping at this point of my life. Letting out a annoyed sigh I picked up the phone not even bothering to see who the hell is bothering me
at like 6:00 in the morning or whatever
time it is now.

"Good morning darling~" I rolled my eyes at the
pet name as I heard that infamous voice of
Dazai's though it sounded a bit more deeper
and raspier than usual. "Morning..."I ran my
gloved hand through my hair to try and make it
less knotty. "You sound tired?"He pointed out
well shit thanks Dazai that's kind of you.
"No shit Sherlock..."I muttered

"Now. Now. Be nice and anyways I need your help
my darling N/n!" He exclaimed through the
phone "What is it?" I asked, sitting right up
"Well I tried out this new suicide method that required me to get in a barrel but it turns out it
was a torture method and you-" I hung up the
phone before he even finished his sentence.
Well as I am now awake might as well head to
the Agency early and maybe pick myself up
some ice coffee along the way.


"What how did you get a photo of that!" I panicked
seeing the picture of me playing with Dazai's
hair as his head rested right on my lap.
"Well thank past me who was drunk as." Yosano chuckled at my shocked reaction "Just because
we were drunk doesn't mean we aren't fully aware
of what was happening." Ranpo added but
seriously why me out of all people have bad
luck like this. "That's enough now,L/n-san could
you help me find Dazai again he's gone to try
commit suicide again." Kunikida asked as I sighed
in relief for him saving me from this endless tormenting from the two.

"Yeah sure,let's go." I began walking off as the
blonde walked beside me.


"Now where's that suicidal bastard..."I heard Kunikida mutter beside me as I looked around
for Dazai. Trying to see if there was anything I
could spot out which shouldn't be hard since I
don't know anyone else in Yokohama who wears
bandages and a sand-coloured trench coat
everyday. Sighing as I kept searching through the crowd until I spotted someone it wasn't Dazai
but Atsushi. Wonder is that suicidal bastard is
with him? And as if on cue I saw Dazai with
him. "Oi, over there." I pointed out to Dazai for Kunikida who immediately began stomping his
way over as I began jogging to keep up.

"There you are!!!Bandage-wasting machine!"
The blonde barked at Dazai, great how do I work with them again? "Kunikida-kun,who are you
calling that?"Dazai dramatically laid his hand on
his forehead B"Why are you taking a leisurely stroll when we have an emergency on our hands?!
Come here,quick!" He scolded Dazai who had a sudden boyish grin on his face which didn't
usually mean any good.

"You're lively this morning! If you shout too
much you'll start to secrete bad substances and suffer from hemoroids." Dazai lied as the Blonde wore a shock expression but all seriousness he
needs to know when that suicidal bastard is lying
or not. "What is that true!?"Kunikida questioned
"You'd better write that in your note book."
Dazai suggested as the blonde did exactly that.
Oh boy I'm surprised that he's not dead yet from
the endless amount of times this has happened.
"It's a lie though." Dazai spoke as the Kunikida finished writing the lie in his causing him to immediately grab Dazai and restrain him on the ground, I don't work with those people.
"You work with them right?"Atsushi muttered to
me as I let out a elongated sigh

"Unfortunately I have to."I admitted deadpanning
at the scene being cause like we're not out in
public right now are we not at all. "Umm, what's
this "emergency?"Atsushi spoke interrupting
the Blondes scolding. "Oh right? Come to the
office we're short-handed now!" Kunikida
informed letting go of Dazai. "Why?" He had asked rubbing the sore areas on him. "A bomber...has taken a hostage and barricaded himself in
the office!" Kunikida explained


"No... No more... It's all your fault... It's all the Armed Detective Company's fault!! Where's the President!? Get him out here or else... I'll blow everyone away with this bomb!" The "bomber" threatened we'll really it was just Tanizaki who
was acting to be someone who had something against the Agency. This was all apart of Atsushi's test basically to trick him well maybe a bit more
to slightly trick him into joining the Agency.

"The criminal has a grudge against the Agency.
He says that if he doesn't meet the president,he'll bomb the place." Kunikida accessed the situation that was playing out in front of us which if
anyone we're to walk in they probably think it
was actually really happening.
"Well,we do get grudges from various people."
Dazai stated which was very much the truth it
did happen on several occasions.

"Those are high explosives and it'll blow up the whole room at the very least." I pointed out to
the bomb which in honesty it would might do
a bit more damage then I actually said but for
this to work we couldn't drive Atsushi into a
panic attack. "You could cover the bomb to
dampen the explosion... but it's hard to do
that in this situation."Dazai suggested

"What do we do?"Kunikida asked
"How about we let him meet the president?"
Dazai spoke, yeah that doesn't put President Fukuzawa at risk at all does it? "He'd kill him for sure! Besides,the president is on a business trip!" The blonde whispered shouted which definitely
help me to think up of something "Therefore...
we have to do something about the hostage." I
raised my hand as the two knew what we had
to do. Playing three quick rounds of Rock Paper Scissors to decide who will go out.

"1...2...3" Dazai and Kunikida shoot scissors as I
shot rock, oh how they're both so predictable.

"1...2...3"Kunikida shot rock,Dazai and I shot paper making the score 0,1,2

"1...2...3"The both of them shot paper and yet again I shot scissors beating them both well more liked leaving Kunikida as the loser.

"Hehehe..." Dazai let out an airy chuckle while
the Blonde just clicked his tongue in clear
annoyance striding his way to Tanizaki.
"Hey!"The red-head gasped."Calm down kid." Kunikida wavered his hands infront of him in
a lowering manner "Don't come near me! I'll blow you up!"Tanizaki threatened pressing his finger
up against the red button on the detonator.

"I know you. You're Kunikida! You use that detestable ability, right?! If you do anything
weird, it's the end for all of you!"He spoke as
we continue to observe the situation playing
out in front of us. "This bad. When someone
has a grudge against the Detective Agency,
they try to learn the names and faces of its
employees." Dazai stated as I knew where he
was exactly leading to with his words.

"So if Y/n or I go there, it'll make things even worse... Now, how do we tackle this...?" He
muttered resting his hand onto his chin thinking deeply. But then....That exact same boyish grin
from earlier drew right across his face, this isn't
good at all. Poor Atsushi wore a expression like
he just saw Bloody Mary appear infront of
him wouldn't blame him though.

"So here's the plan, if an employee goes there,
the criminal will be on alert. Therefore you, who
is uninvolved and isn't recognisable can be the
only on to go over there." Dazai explained

"T-T-That's impossible!First of all how do I
even do that!?" Atsushi protested "As long as
you can distract the criminal, we can handle
the rest." Dazai reassured the boy which
probably isn't that helpful. "Let's see...How
about you distract him by acting like a
dropout?" He suggest "Have some confidence.
As I have to unfortunately admit Osa-Dazai is
right this dispute to us is just breakfast for the people of the Armed Detective Agency."I admit making Dazai smirk at me when I almost
slipped up when calling him by his name


"S-S-Stop this at once! Your parents must be
crying right now!"Atsushi cried out into the roll
of newspaper this really making me question
my life decisions at the moment. "W-What the
hell's wrong with you?!" Tanizaki screamed
at the boy making him jump. "I-I I'm just a
normal citizen who came after hearing noises
here! I think it's great to live a good life!" The
boy stated, a good life never really thought
about it that way.

"Look,I don't know who you are but don't say that!It's better if everyone dies!" Tanizaki barked
back "Y-You know,I'm an orphan with no family
or friends,and,recently,I was kicked out of an orphanage..."Atsushi screamed back it was
like watching twelve years old doing a junior
school play it's absolutely horrible to watch.
"Eh...we'll,that's a bit too..."The red head looked
at the boy with some serious concern
painted on his face.

"I transform into a monster and if the military
finds out, I'll probably be restrained or something!
Also, I don't have any skills or strong points,
and others look at me like the dregs of society...
B-But I'm desperately trying to live! T-T-That's why...."Atsushi interrupted him,oh boy he just
out did himself for good.

"Well done Atsushi-kun your doing a really good
job of pretending to be a degenerate..." Dazai muttered as I elbowed him right in the side.
"It's like watching twelve years olds act like a
junior high play, for god-sake Osamu." I groaned annoyingly at him as he let out that famous airy chuckle of his "Wow use my first name when it's
just us but not with others,you're interesting
N/n." He teased as I rolled my eyes at him
not having the time for his goofiness.

"S-So throw away the bomb,and let's search
for work together."Atsushi suggested
"Eh...We'll,I'm not actually looking for..."
"Now Kunikida-kun!"Dazai signaled the blonde
"I know! This better not go to waste...!"The
blonde shouted

"Doppo Poet:Wiregun!"

He ripped out the written page of his book turning
it into a wire gun,shorting it which immediately grabbed the detonator out Tanizaki's hand.
"Arrest him!" Dazai shouted as Kunikida kicked
the poor red head down onto the ground
restraining his arms behind him. "Well that's
one down."I muttered leaving the hiding
spot as Dazai gave Atsushi the thumbs up.
"Well what do we do does he pass or not?"I
asked Dazai as he looked at me making our
eyes directly contact with each other.

"That's I good question-"As a sudden beep sound interrupted him. "Oh shit..."My eyes widen to
see that Atsushi has tripped and accidentally
pushed the detonator in the process.
IT HAS FIVE SEOCNDS LEFT!?" The boy panicked
"Y/n!" Kunikida shouted at me giving me a
worrying look, that's not enough time for me to disable it at all. "We don't have enough time!"
I shouted back running up to the bomb trying
to think on the spot.Watching Atsushi cover
the bomb up with himself, is he insane or
suicidal he'll get blown to bits.

"Wha-!?"I muttered in disbelief
"You idiot!" Seeing Dazai shout at the boy
as he had moved Naomi away.

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