Assassin || Tommyinnit

By mxmxkxwx

56.6K 4.5K 5.5K

King Philza of the Antarctic Empire had two sons. Prince Technoblade, the eldest of the two, was originally... More

chapter i
chapter ii
chapter iii
chapter iv
chapter vi
chapter vii
chapter viii
chapter ix
chapter x
chapter xi
chapter xii
chapter xiii
chapter xiv
chapter xv
chapter xvi
chapter xvii
chapter xviii
chapter xix
chapter xx
chapter xxi
chapter xxii
chapter xxiii
chapter xxiv
chapter xxv
chapter xxvi
chapter xxvii
chapter xxviii
chapter xxix
chapter xxx
chapter xxxi
chapter xxxii
chapter xxxiii

chapter v

2K 169 284
By mxmxkxwx

⊱⊱ ──── {◦◦ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ◦◦} ──── ⊰⊰

When Tommy woke up, he didn't expect Dream to be hovering over his mattress excitedly.

"GOOD MORNING!" Dream shouted into his ear, causing him to wince. He turned to his clock with a frown.

"Dream. It is six in the morning."

Dream only smiled back, dragging Tommy off the floor by his wrists. "Exactly, sleepyhead. You've slept in, but now you're awake!"

All of Tommy's mind was genuinely questioning Dream's sanity, but he was too exhausted to speak up on it.

"I have not slept in."

"You have so slept in. But its okay because I have a gift for you!" 

Dream let go off Tommy's wrists, and the sudden action threw Tommy off his balance, forcing him to slam back onto his mattress.

Not that he was complaining. 

He pull the blankets back over his head and tried to go back to sleep.

Key word, tried.

Because Dream grabbed the blankets and flat out threw it out the window.

"No going back to sleep child. Not when I have a present for you!"

Tommy watched in despair as his blanket fell down the building slowly, before groaning and slamming his head into his pillow.

"Let me sleep Dream."

Dream pouted, crossing his arms across his chest.

"You are being so mean right now."

Tommy pulled his pillow over his head, hoping to be able to go back to sleep when he heard Dream sniffle.

Tommy threw the pillow off his head and sat up, looking at Dream in worry.

"Are you crying?" he asked concerned, only to glare when Dream started to laugh.

"You... you've tricked me," Tommy scoffed, with fake hurt. He looked back at his bed. 

Now he didn't have his blanket or his pillow.

Oh well.

He leaned back on his mattress and closed his eyes, only to be dragged out of bed again.


"Fine" Tommy grumbled, standing up and walking to the window, in hopes to get his blanket.

Luckily, since they were on the first floor, it was within arms reach. He quickly grabbed it and wrapped the blanket around his shoulders, kinda like his cape.

"What's the present?" Tommy asked, rubbing his eyes so he could look at least half as awake as Dream was.

"Well, I know how much you hate having to wear my jacket," Dream started, walking to the closet.

On the inside, Tommy really didn't hate having to wear Dream's jacket, and Tommy really didn't mind the sweater paws, and Tommy kinda liked having the jacket because it reminded him of when he used to steal his brothers' clothes when he was younger, but he would never admit that.

"Yeah, it sucks," Tommy smiled, and Dream rolled his eyes.

"Anyways, guess what?"

Tommy looked at Dream, who was giddy with anticipation.

"Did you get me my own jacket?"

Dream's smile instantly dropped, and Tommy bit his lip in regret. 

"You messed up my dramatic reveal," Dream whined, grabbing Tommy's jacket from the closet.

"Well you didn't exactly make it a surprise Dream," Tommy joked, reaching for the jacket.

Dream held the jacket above his head, out of Tommy's reach. "Yeah? Well here's a surprise. If you want it, you have to get it."

Tommy stared at Dream, and at the jacket. It was way out of his reach.

Tommy shrugged, before turning around, and going back to his mattress.

"Okay, so I'm gonna go back to sleep."

Right before Tommy fell back onto his mattress, Dream groaned, and handed him the jacket.

"You are a menace" Dream scowled.

"Yet you still kidnapped and kept me," Tommy rebutted, dropping the blanket from his shoulders and instead replacing it with the jacket.

He excitedly pushed through Dream to look at the mirror.

For once, the sleeve lengths weren't so long that they reached his knees. Then his eyes wandered over to the symbol.

He screeched whence he saw it, and turned to Dream, who was stifling a laugh.


"You did wander here following butterflies didn't you?"

"But... but- but I'm Tommy Fucking Innit, Biggest Man, I can't have my symbol be a butterfly."

"Toms," Dream wheezed. "Relax, there's absolutely nothing wrong with butterflies."

Tommy grumbled, and Dream just ruffled his hair. "Why don't you go show your jacket to Ranboo and Tubbo?"

Tommy instantly lit up. He hadn't spoken to them in an entire seven hours!

"You are so incredibly right Dream, I will get right on that," Tommy nodded, saluting at Dream and running to the room where Ranboo and Tubbo lived.

Over the week, Tommy had gotten really attached to Tubbo and Ranboo, but to be fair, that could just be because he'd never had friends before.

When Tommy found the room, he knocked on the door politely, though it was immediately burst opened by Tubbo.

"Tommy!" Tubbo screamed, wrapping him in a hug.

Tommy quickly hugged him back, before pushing him off.

"Look. Look at my new jacket. Look what Dream did to me."

Tubbo and Ranboo looked at his jacket questioningly.

"It looks cool Tommy," Ranboo smiled.

"No you idiot. You have missed the point. It has a BUTTERFLY on it." 

Tubbo placed a hand on Tommy's shoulder. "Nah Big Man, it suits you. What with you being a prince n all."

"What does that have anything to do with anything" Tommy groaned, glaring at the butterfly on his jacket.

"Hey, think about it, a shortened term for butterfly is fly, meaning you are so fly in that jacket," Tubbo said, trying to console Tommy.

It didn't work.

"I don't want to be a FLY, Tubbo."

"Whatever you say fly," Ranboo smirked, turning back to his computer.

After sighing dramatically, Tommy stomped up to Ranboo.

"Whatya doing?" Tommy asked, peering over Ranboo's shoulder.

"Looking at the news. It's very fun," Ranboo answered, scrolling through the website.

Tommy's face scrunched up in confusion. 

"Reading the news? Is fun? I wasn't allowed to leave my house for twelve years and yet I still know how to have better fun than reading the NEWS." 

"No no, I just like reading the headlines, ya know?" Ranboo tried to defend himself, and Tubbo snorted.

"He's right, some of them are so exaggerated. There's one, Fans are Rioting after Prince Wilbur Announces That he is Publishing his Last Song Tommorow. Like, if you actually look into the articles  all the people really did was go 'aw' the articles just exaggerate everything."

Ranboo snickered at the way Tubbo emphasized aw, but Tommy only frowned. 

Last song?

Why would Wilbur give up his music career?

"And this one, Tommy look, Corrupt Hotel Owner Jack Manifold is Found Dead After Being Pushed off a Bridge by an Unidentified Man."

Tubbo let out the loudest laugh ever. "The Unidentified Man is Fundy, the guy that has that pet fox. Poor Jack Manifold really went 'Jack Manifall' like a loser."

Tubbo's pun was enough to make Tommy giggle, forgetting about his brother for a second.

Ranboo was scrolling through the articles, pointing out all the dumb names, until he randomly froze.

"What happened?" Tommy asked, staring over his shoulder.

"NO... nothing it's nothing!" Ranboo quickly scrolled past like fifty titles, trying to change the subject.

"Oh don't you fucking..." Tommy muttered, stealing the mouse from Ranboo's grip and scrolling up.

He couldn't see anything unusual, until his eyes caught on a certain headline.

Tommy's jaw dropped as he read the title, out loud.

"The King of The Antarctic Empire is Struggling to Find a New Heir to the Throne After Declaring The Previous One As Dead."

⊱⊱ ──── {◦◦ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ◦◦} ──── ⊰⊰

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