the purge ○ matthew

By nohanthony

452K 16.6K 9.7K

in which a helpless, innocent girl has to team up with a strict, not-so-innocent boy during the 12 hours when... More

the purge


11.1K 448 561
By nohanthony


March 21, 2015

10:05 PM

Olivia Coleman

I wanted to ignore the scream and just carry on walking to our yearning destination, but since the terror-struck scream came from the alley Matthew and I were about to pass, it was hard to just walk past it. We had to help whoever was in danger – and I knew Matthew knew that, too, because soon, he was hurrying to the alley with me following behind him. 

Just as expected it was a girl in grave danger who screamed out; she was on the floor with a dude climbing on top of her, straddling her and placing a gun against her head. It was evident she was crying and the dude told her to be quiet or else he would shoot, because she said nothing more. All she did was look up, praying to God that she would, somehow, be saved. 

Her prayers were answered because now Matthew saw what was happening, and he immediately came to the rescue. He ran into the alley whilst I stayed at the entrance and watched warily. Matthew pushed the dude off the girl and tackled him to the ground, straddling him like how the dude was with the girl. All it took was a wrestle for the gun and two punches from Matthew to be able to knock the dude out. 

It's still a mystery to me, how Matthew can knock a guy out so easily, and how he can show no hesitation nor fear whenever he faces a situation like this, and is forced to be the hero. I have yet to know the answers. 

The girl was traumatized, and she couldn't even sit up, so I took tat as my cue to come in and comfort her – although, Matthew beat me to it because he got off the boy and kneeled down beside the girl. Carefully, he helped her at least sit up, and she managed a smile to him, which (surprisingly) he returned. 

"Thank you, so much!" she wailed and hugged Matthew, her falling tears staining his shirt. Matthew added on to my surprise when he hugged her back, squeezing her tightly in his arms. He also rubbed her back up and down. "I thought I was going to die!"

"No. It's're safe now." Matthew cooed and pulled away from the hug. He then tucked a stray hair behind her ear and stood up, lending out a hand to help her up, and she gladly took it and stood on her feet. "May you tell me why you're here all alone?"

"Well, I was waiting here for my brother, Blake, because he told me to...but that dude found me, and he-" a sob escaped her lips, cutting her explaining off. 

"It's fine, you don't have to say anything else," Matthew told her and smiled comfortingly, and she returned a weaker one. "What's your name?" 

"I'm Bethany." 

"I'm Matthew." 

"And I'm Olivia," I added, and their attentions reverted to me. Matthew had this realization look; like he now just realized that I was still there – and he didn't look too happy about it, either. "May I ask...where is your brother, anyways." 

"He's-" Bethany got interrupted by a voice being bellowed from the entrance of the alley. It was a boy who somewhat had similar features with Bethany I'm guessing this was her brother – Blake, was it?

"Bethany!" he called and hurried towards us. I moved to the side so I was no longer blocking his way, and Matthew held Bethany's arm with protection, just in case. "Are you okay? I heard someone scream."

"Yeah, I'm okay now, Blake," she sighed and nodded at Matthew with assurance, and he let go of her arm. "Matthew, here, helped me with that dude." Bethany nodded at the passed out dude on the ground. 

"Thanks, man." Blake said to Matthew with no expression. 

"Yeah." Matthew replied. He then looked at me. "I guess we should go now, Olivia." Blake turned to me; also realizing I was here – because no one really pays attention to me today, and he didn't notice me when he ran in here. 

"Oh. Hi...Olivia?" Blake greeted, an expression now coming to his face. He smiled at me, and I returned it. 

"Hi...Blake?" I copied him and he chuckled. 

"May I ask why you would be out here during the Purge?" 

"I can say the same to you," I responded. "But, uh, we're-" I motioned to Matthew and I. "Trying to find our best friends, because they're kind of in a bad position right now, and...yeah." 

"Why are you guys out here?" Matthew butted in, suspiciously and cautiously. 

"Long story, but to sum it up, we kind of ended up having to flee our house due to invaders," Blake answered. "And we didn't have anywhere else to stay, and we're trying to find a place now." 

"And your parents?" 

Blake and Bethany shared a look before turning back to Matthew and I. "They passed a long time ago. It's just Blake and I living together, and we didn't really have any defense against the invaders. We're lucky to be able to escape." 

"I'm sorry about your parents. My parents died a long time ago, as well." I say and we fell to a silence for a little while. "Well, we should probably be going now, Matthew," I spoke up. "We really have to find for Lauren and C." 

"Can we come?" Bethany blurted, and all our attention was now on her. Blake didn't even protest against her – so I'm guessing he secretly wanted to tag along with us, as well. 

"Um...I don't know. Matthew?" I sent Matthew an unsure look. He just smiled at Bethany, ignoring the look I sent him. 

"Sure, why not?" he said, earning a happy squeal and a hug from Bethany. 

I guess more people are coming with us. 


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