Wrong turn

By flwrsdaisy

111K 2.1K 561

wrong turn. I got a wrong turn. I, Alexa Johnson, make another huge mistake in life by believing in someone a... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29

chapter 9

3K 64 27
By flwrsdaisy

New Hope Club, Danna Paola - Know me too well

I just obsessed with this song though. It currently my favorite song!



I don't know what to do anymore. I love Alexa so much and I will never want to let her go. I can't leave without her. She is my wife, the mom of my kids and she is my everything. With all this, everything is messed up. I feel so embarrassed to meet Alexa. She doesn't deserve this. I promised her to take care and love her until death does us apart.

I married her because I want to make her happy but I actually going to make her heartbreak again. Why did you do Jared? You love her but why? WHY?

I need to fix everything.

I need to stop all of this.

When I am deep in my own thoughts, I heard my name being called, "Jared," I turn around and see her. The woman who drags me into this mess. I know I am wrong too but if she didn't start all this, this thing won't happen.

She walks towards me and takes a seat next to me, "I don't think we made a plan to meet here," I said to her.

"Of course we don't but I have something to tell you," She moves a bit closer to me. "Alexa came to my house," I look at her. She wears black shade and looks miserable.

"When?" I ask.

"Two days ago," She starts to sob, "She did this to me," She shows me both of her cheeks and they're red. "She slapped me, Jared. She even shouted at me and she threatened me that I have to leave you or else, she will make me lose my job and everything. I am scared, Jared," Alexa went to her house?

How come I didn't know anything.

She really did in secret, of course. If she told me I will stopping her and ruin everything. I know I am wrong but she can't slap people just like that.

"Babe!" She calls me, "Do you even pay attention to what I said?"

"What did you just said?" I ask her again because my mind just thinking about my wife right now. This woman right here makes my and my wife's marriage ruin. I think back there all I think was about myself. I didn't think about everyone in my surrounding. I was so selfish.

"Nothing. By the way, I need you to do something about this. Who knows she might bring the whole gang to beat me up. I'm scared, Jared," She said to me.

"Alexa will never do that. You know her. She never does something out of her league," I said defended my wife. Alexa will never do that to people. I know her.

"Whatever," I look at her and see her cheeks. They are slowly recovered and not that serious. I can say she slapped her hard. "Babe, you're staying at my house right, tonight?" She asks me.

"No, I need to go home and talk to Alexa," I said to her. There's something odd about all this. I need to ask her and I want to know something.

"Talk about what? Divorce? Oh, I just can't wait for that. I know you feel the same too. I already imagine us with Helena and Austin li-"

"Can you stop? What are you talking about? Divorce? I will never let her go. I don't want her to be heartbroken just like when I met her before. She deserves happiness and that's what I am going to give her," I can't believe she actually speaks like that to me.

"You think cheating on her like this will give her happiness? Oh, come on, Jared, you already break her heart, and all you need to do just sign that damn paper and send it to court and live with me, it's not that hard though,"

I stand up and look at her, "I need to go home now. I will call you later," With that, I left her there and drive home. I have to fix all of this before it is too late. For all I know, I will never divorce her. NEVER!


At home

The moment I open the door, I heard Alexa said, "I thought you're not coming home anymore and just going to move to the hospital," I walk closer to her and sit next to her on the couch. "Who said you can sit next to me?" She gets up immediately and sits on the bed. She must be so mad and disgusted with me. She should be. Every woman in her place will be disgusted to be with a cheater like me. Once a cheater always a cheater. That's what they said. I can change and I will change for her and the children.

"Alexa... we need to talk," I said to her but she didn't give me any attention. I know she is mad at me about this whole thing. "Ale-"

"Okay, talk but you're staying there and I'm sitting here," I guess that's fine as long as I can talk to her and explain everything to her. I am done keeping it a secret from her and I want to apologize to her. "If you planning to talk with telepathy, I'm sorry but it's not happening," She said. To be honest, I am nervous to speak. My palm-sweating effect of the nervousness.

I close my eyes for a few seconds and then open to her Alexa sitting on the bed playing with her phone.

"Alright, first of all, I want to apologize to you. I know that I messed up big time and I am such an idiot," I stop to see what is her reaction. Well... no reaction. "Babe, I need you to trust me-" She stands up walking closer to me. At this moment, I know I am fucked up. I guess this my fate.

I stand up too because I don't think I need to sit down right now. She stops in front of me and slaps me hard on my cheek. Auch, "Trust? Is that word even exist now? I don't think it is anymore. After you decided to be with another woman besides me. Who do you think I am? A statue? A doll? No feeling at all. I thought you are different, Jared Lanton but I guess all men are the same. Never feel enough with one woman. Treat us like we got no heart. Apologize as nothing happen and then do it again. Jared, you know I've been in this state before but why you did it to me? WHY?! I accept you as my husband because I know you won't cheat on me. I guess I was wrong. You know what, I think you can go to your mistress and stay with her tonight. I don't think I want to sleep next to you after I know everything," She said to me and I see the tears coming out from her eyes but she quickly wipes them off.

"Alexa, I know I fucked up. I am such an idiot and I admit it but I swear that I still love you the same and it will never change. I love you so much and that's all I want you to know," I said to her and she scoffs.

"Love. Right. Those word doesn't even sound valuable anymore when it is come out from yours. You decided to cheat on me. How come you still have the same feeling when you out there, having sex with another woman besides me. I trust you so much and this is what you give me in return? I never expect our marriage will end like this," Oh no no no she is not getting a divorce from me.

"Don't say that, please. I never want this marriage to end. Never in my life want all of this to happen. I love you very much and please give me one more chance to prove it to you. I will settle this matter and end this up. I won't be stupid anymore. Please, Please. I'm begging you," I try to hold her hand but she quickly snatches it away.

"Jared, if you want me to forgive you, tell me everything from the start how this is all happen," She said with a calm voice now.

"Please, sit here and I will tell you everything," I take her hand and this time, she let me. She sits next to me looking at me with her red eyes. I hate seeing her crying like this especially when it is because of me. "Remember when you were pregnant with Austin?" She nods, "That's when all of this happened. She seduces me. When you were pregnant with Austin, you never want to be close to me. I mean you can't get close to me for two months or else you will throw up. That time, I felt alone, and then she came. We just talked at first but then she seduced me. I am a man, Alexa, and no man can resist that especially when-" She stops me. Alexa had a quite worse pregnancy allergy when she was pregnant with our son. I can't get close to her because she couldn't smell my cologne. She would throw up and even fainted because she was too weak especially after she threw up.

"You want to put the blame on me? I don't want to hear it any longer," With that, she gets up but I manage to grab her hand before she leaves the room. "Let me go!"

"Wait, wait. Hear me out. I never blame you when this happens. This is all my fault but please, if you mad, hit me as much as you want. If that going to make you forgive me," I said and she looks at me. I see her eyes are filled with anger. Of course, she didn't hesitate to hit me but this time not even on my cheek but on my little one. She kicks hard and I admit that was fucking hurt. I fall down on the floor.

"That what you got when you can't keep that thing in your pants. You know what I feel like doing right now?" She squats down to face me.

She grabs my face and said, "I want to cut your dick off and burn it!" My eyes widened when she said that. I never know she will be like this. I admit that this time, she is scary and I never get this side of her. This is the new side of her. "Luckily, I am thinking about the law and if I go to the prison, who will take care of the children, isn't it?" She gets up and lets out a chuckle.

"A-Alexa, the children will hear you," That's all I said. The pain now slowly disappears. Finally, I can stand up again.

"They need to know how their father acting up out there. Let them hear. I don't even care anymore!"

She looks like she's done with all this. I still have a question to ask her even in this condition, "Alexa, calm down. I need to ask you a question,"

"Really? You still have the courage to ask me a question?" She looks at me and I nod slowly. She crosses her arm and waiting for me to speak.

"Y-you went to w-work, right? I-I mean today a-and yesterday?" I stuttered because I am scared of her right now. She furrows her eyebrows and looks at me weirdly.

"Why the heck you ask me that question? Of course,"

"A-and you just f-fine?"

"Can you just go straight to the point? You wasting my time, "


"What's up with her?"

"S-s-she is the woman I-I ... C-cheat with?" I said but it comes out like a question. She looks at me with wide eyes.


Uh-oh, what just happened? Do you ever expect that?

Yes? No?

Because I don't even expect that too! LOL. By the way, keep reading and enjoy the story.


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