
By JessicaBloom790

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Bella Stevenson's life seems perfect, and it was until a terrible tragedy struck her family. Now her parents... More

Chapter 1: Dark Allies
Chapter 2: My Angle
Chapter 3: Chemo
Chapter 4: Stay With Me
Chapter 5: Spending the Night with You
Chapter 6: Sing with Me
Chapter 7: Breaking Down
Chapter 8: Comfort
Chapter 9: New Friends
Chapter 10: Dance
Chapter 11: Tearful Confessions
Chapter 12: Love Songs
Chapter 13: "It's Ok to be Scared"
Chapter 14: Surgery
Chapter 15: Slow Recovery
Chapter 16: Going Home
Chapter 17: Shattered
Chapter 18: 2 Weeks
Chapter 19: Deserve
Chapter 20: Meet the Parents
Chapter 21: A New Start
Chapter 22: "You are the Reason"
Chapter 23: Settling In
Chapter 25: "Don't Give Up on Me."
Chapter 26: "Not a Little Girl Anymore."
Chapter 27: Missing You
Chapter 28: The Trial
Chapter 29: The Verdict
Chapter 30: "Your Finally Back."
Chapter 31: Getting Back to Normal
Chapter 32: The Last Straw
Chapter 33: "You Should Go"
Chapter 34: A New Life
Chapter 35: Two Years Later
Chapter 36: Epilogue

Chapter 24: Our Anniversary

417 11 1
By JessicaBloom790

Colton's POV:

Two months later:

I open my eyes and immediately grin. I look down and see my gorgeous girlfriend laying on my chest with her beautiful black hair fanned out across the pillows. Somehow Bella always manages to fall asleep on my chest and not move for the whole night. Sadly right now I have to move her because I have to get up to make Bella her favorite breakfast in bed. Today is our six-month anniversary and I want to make sure everything is perfect. My plan is to make her a special breakfast and spend the morning in bed together. Then I'm going to take her down to this lake that I found when I was here on vacation as a kid. I went back there yesterday and it's still there and it's still exactly the same. We can go for a swim since it's warm, then we can relax on the wharf that's there and read. Then finally I'm going to give her the dress and shoes I bought her and take her out to a nice dinner, then we can walk around London and go for a ride on the London Eye. I just hope everything works out and that she actually likes it. Bella is one of those people that will say she likes something even if she doesn't but lucky for me I know when she's lying so at least I'll know if she's actually enjoying herself.

It's been two months since we came here and at first, I thought we would just stay for a couple of weeks to give Bella a break. But she really loves it here so we've decided to stay. My Aunt Becky and Jordan have already said that they want us to stay here for as long as we want, so we've decided to take them up on their offer. I already asked Noah to ship all my stuff here and Bella has already filled the closet due to her shopping addiction. We are going back to Toronto for graduation in a couple of weeks though. We've been doing schoolwork online but we're still enrolled at our school so we have to go back to get our diplomas.  

I gently shift Bella so she's sprawled across the bed but as soon as I let go of her she curls into a small ball. It's like when she's asleep she tries to make herself as small as possible like she tries to take up as little room as possible. I don't know why she does it but I find it absolutely adorable. I slip out of bed after putting my leg on and walk out of the room as quietly as I can so I don't wake my sleeping beauty. When I get downstairs I find Aunt Becky and Jordan making coffee. "Good morning Sweetie, what are you doing up so early," Becky asks, coming over to kiss my cheek. "Morning. It's Bella and I's six-month anniversary so I'm going to make her breakfast in bed and then I have the whole day planned out." "Aww, that's so sweet! You and Bella are such a lovely couple and I bet whatever you have planned is going to be amazing." "Thanks, Aunt Becky," I said, kissing her cheek. 

 I quickly start cooking a big breakfast. I make eggs and bacon, hash browns, fruit, along with tea and Bella's favorite drink. Apple and orange juice mixed together. Finally, I added some chocolate-covered strawberries that I made a couple of days ago and hid them in the back of the fridge. I load everything onto a tray and carefully carry it upstairs. I nudge open the door and smile at Bella who has her face buried in my pillow. I set the tray on the nightstand, then I kneel down and press kisses to Bella's neck and jaw to wake her up. She opens her beautiful eyes and smiles at me. "Happy six months Colt," she whispers her voice full of sleep. "Happy six months Baby, I made breakfast," I replied. "Aww thank you, now come back to bed. I wanna cuddle." I smile and kiss her nose before climbing back into bed and placing the tray on her lap. "Oh Colton this looks amazing, thank you so much," she says, pressing a kiss to my lips. "Your welcome Baby girl, now eat up," I say, holding a piece of bacon to her lips. 

"So after breakfast would you mind putting on a swimsuit cause since it's still warm I want to take you somewhere special." "Yeah that sounds great but you don't have to do anything else, this is perfect." "Nu-uh none of that, I have the whole day planned out and you have to go along with it. Understand?" I lean in so my lips are an inch from hers. She stares at me with wide eyes and I can tell her mind is somewhere else. "Do you understand Baby girl," I whisper, moving my face even closer so my lips brush hers as I talk? "Yes I understand Colt," she whispers back. I smile and crash our lips together in a passionate kiss. I cup her face in my hands and deepen the kiss, parting her lips with my tongue. She lets out a whimper, making me pull away. "Nooo," she whines. I chuckle and pull her closer so she's nestled against my chest "That's enough for now my love, our breakfast is getting cold." 

I continue to feed her bites of food even though she keeps telling me she can feed herself. As I feed her I marvel at how beautiful Bella is. With her wavy messy bedhead curls and her swollen ruby red lips, she looks like an absolute angel. "Colton can I have the strawberries now," she asks, a pleading note in her voice. "Of course Sweetheart." As soon as she bites into the desert she grins and bounces up and down like a little kid. I'm pretty sure she loves them almost as much as she loves lollipops. When she finishes the last berry she presses a long kiss to my lips but before I can respond she pulls away and hops out of bed. "Wait woah where are you going, I wasn't finished," I say, reaching out for her. "Colton we've been cuddling in bed for almost two hours, it's almost noon!" "Ok fine, let's get ready. Also before you ask, my prosthetic is waterproof so I can go swimming so you don't have to worry about that.

"Oh I know," she replies with a chuckle.

"Ok Baby, go get ready."

When she comes out of the bathroom I smile, she looks absolutely adorable. She's wearing a white bikini with different colored butterflies, along with a sheer white coverup and some white wedges to match. Her hair is down in its natural waves and she doesn't have any make-up on except some mascara and some lip balm. I quickly change into some swim trunks and brush my teeth while Bella fixes her hair and grabs some shoes. After I finished getting ready, I packed a bag with sunscreen, towels, I also grabbed Lord of the Flies for me, and The Notebook for Bella since those are the books we're reading right now. Finally, I grab Inkspell which is the second book in the Inkheart trilogy since Bella got me hooked.   

"Are you ready to go, Baby," I ask?

"Yeah, you look great," she says, wrapping her arms around my waist in a hug.

"Thanks so do you but do you really have to wear heels?"

"Hey you're a giant and I'm a dwarf so if you want me to hug you I'm going to have to wear heels."

"Or I could just do this," I say before I scoop her up and settle her on my hip. Then I pick up the bag in my other hand and head for the door. Bella lets out an adorable giggle and kisses my cheek.

"Hi Becky, bye Becky," Bella calls with a wave as we walk out the door.

I carry her out to the garage and when I open the door Bella grins. "You got your car back," she says excitedly.

"Yeah, I figured since we're planning on staying here I asked Jordan to help me bring it over."

"I love this car!"'

I chuckle and set Bella down in the passenger seat, then I climb in the driver's side and start her up, sighing happily when it purrs to life. We roll our windows down and crank up the radio. I hold Bella's hand while I drive with the other. Bella hums along to songs on the radio with a beautiful smile on her face. I haven't felt this light and carefree in a long time. For the first time in forever, I feel totally and completely happy. After driving for about an hour we arrive at our destination. "Colton where are we," Bella asks?

"It's a lake I used to come to all the time with my mom when I was a kid," I replied.

"It's so beautiful," she says with a grin, staring out at the wharf and crystal clear blue water that's surrounded by tall green trees.

"I'm so glad you like it, I drove up here the other day and it's exactly the same as it was when I was a kid. So are you ready to go for a swim?"

"Of course I am," she yells. Then she takes off her shoes and cover-up and sprints down the wharf, before jumping into the lake. I laugh loudly and pull off my shirt and jump in right after her. "This feels so good," Bella sighs floating on her back.

"Yeah, it feels really good on my leg."

I wait until Bella isn't paying attention then I swim underwater and pick her up on my shoulders making her squeal in surprise.

"Colton," she squeals, tightening her legs around my waist. I laugh and tip backward making her fall into the water with a big splash. Unfortunately for me, my leg gets caught on something at the bottom of the lake and I also fall backward. Bella comes up for air laughing before she hops on my back. "Well that backfired now didn't it, she giggles, ruffling my hair. Bella jumps off my back and swims over to the wharf. She climbs up before doing a flawless backflip.

"That was awesome," I say, kissing her wet cheek.

We mess around for a while longer before we decide to get out and cuddle up on the shore. I wrap a cozy blanket around both of us and take off my leg. I kiss Bella's head and pass her her book.

"Thank you Colt," she snuggles into my chest and dives into her book. We sit in peaceful silence and read. I play with Bella's hair and she plays with my fingers and the bracelet around my wrist.

"Colton look, the sun is setting," Bella says after we've been reading for over an hour. "It's so gorgeous," she whispers.

"Yeah, it is," I replied, but I'm not looking at the sunset, I'm staring at Bella. At how the golden sunlight shining on her face made her look like an angel. After the sun had pretty much gone down I told Bella that we should get going and we head back to the house. Bella thinks that the day is over, little does she know it's just getting started.

When we get back to the house we head inside and say hi to Becky. Bella hugs her before I pull her upstairs.

"Colton what's up with you," she asks?

I come to a stop in front of the bedroom door before I pass her a black sleeping mask.

"Put this on please," I tell her.


"Hey, you promised you'd go along with whatever I said with no arguments," I reminded her.

"Ok, ok," she says, before slipping it on.

I open the door and guide her inside, then I walk over and take Bella's next gift out from under the bed. I take out the new dress I bought along with the matching shoes. I had Aunt Becky come with me to pick these out because I have no idea how to shop for girls. "Ok Baby you can look now." 

She takes off the blindfold and gasps, pressing her hand over her mouth. "Oh Colton, it's so pretty, thank you so much!" She runs over and throws her arms around me. I hug her back, spinning her around. "I love it so much Colt," she whispers, pressing a loving kiss to my lips.

"Your very welcome Baby girl. Now go try it on, I wanna make sure it fits," I say, setting her down.

"Colton, I love the  dress and shoes but why?"

"I bought them because I love you and since it's our anniversary I want to take you somewhere special tonight."

"Colt, you've already done so many amazing things today, I don't need anything else, I'm perfectly happy. I mean all I did was get you a gift."

"Sweetheart I want to do all these things, I want to spoil you. I wouldn't care if you didn't get me a thing. Plus you promised to go along with whatever I say. So I want you to go put on the dress and the shoes, and I want you to dress fancy. I'll meet you here in an hour, ok Baby girl?"

"Ok," she replied, then she kissed my cheek and headed to the bathroom.

Bella's POV:

I quickly take a shower, making sure to scrub my body clean. I blowdry my hair letting it fall down my back. Then I curl in tight curls and braid it in a crown shape on the top of my head. After I finish with my hair I start on my make-up. I put on all the basics, then I do my brows and add some neutral eye shadow. Finally to finish off my look I put on some ruby red lipstick and some ink-black eyeliner. I take off my robe and slip on white lacy underwear with a matching bra. I slip on the beautiful dress that fits me like a glove and the shoes before deeming myself perfect.

(AN: Bella's dress and shoes for the date:))

"Oh Colton, these are so beautiful," I say, hugging him.

"Little one you look...absolutely stunning," he says breathlessly.

"Thank you. You look very handsome," I replied, fixing his collar.

Colton is wearing an all-black suit with a few of the buttons undone exposing his upper chest. His beautiful curls are tousled and he's wearing his silver rings along with the bracelet I gave him. 

"Are you ready to go, Princess," he asks, holding out his hand.
"Yes I am my Prince," I replied with a grin. Then I grab his hand and he leads me downstairs.

We walk downstairs just as Jordan gets home from work. When he sees up he smiles. "Wow, you guys look great. It's your anniversary right?"

"Yeah actually we were just about to leave for our date," Colton replied.

"Well, you better leave before Becky sees you or it will be picture galore."

"Yeah you're probably right, say goodbye to her for us will you," Colton says, then he grabs my hand and we walk out the door. I make sure to say goodbye to Jordan before I shut the door behind us.

"So I don't suppose you're going to tell me where we're going," I ask hopefully?

"I'm afraid not," he replies with a smirk. We walk over to his car which I can see he's recently washed. It warms my heart to know he's put so much effort into this date, it makes me feel like the most special girl in the world. I know he said that I didn't need to get him anything but I just hope he likes the gift I got for him. Colton turns on the radio which fills the comfortable silence with a soft tune.

Pretty soon we arrived at a small restaurant. "I used to come here when I was a kid too. It's an Italian place. I kinda planned on bringing you to all my favorite places, I hope that's alright. I also came here the other day and luckily it's also exactly the same." 

"This looks perfect Colt," I tell him. I lean over the center console and press my lips to his. I cup the back of his neck and deepen the kiss. He lets out a small moan and cups my cheek. I pull away when I need to breathe and press our foreheads again. "I love you so much Colt,," I whisper, my lips brushing his.

"I love you too Baby girl," he whispers back. "Should we head inside?"

"Yeah we should but first I should clean you up a little bit," I giggle.


He opens the visor and sees the red lipstick that's smeared on his lips and on the corners of his mouth. I laugh and wipe his mouth with a wet wipe.

"Ok you're presentable, let's go I'm hungry."

Colton gets out of the car and comes around to open my door like the gentleman he is. We head inside and get our table. The restaurant is small but it's super cozy with a very welcoming vibe.

"Ok so what do you want to eat Sweetheart," Colton asks as we hold hands across the table.

"Um, I think I'm going to get the chicken alfredo and a caesar salad. What about you?"

"That actually sounds really good. Do you wanna get a large portion and split it?"

"Yeah, that sounds great."

A few minutes later our waitress comes over to take our order. When she lays on Colton she smirks.

"Hey what can I get for you today," she says, trying to sound seductive. I hate girls like, they always flirt with Colton and it makes me so annoyed because I can't bring myself to say something. 

"My girlfriend and I will have a large portion of chicken alfredo with a side caesar salad and two lemonades," Colton answers, his voice hard as he glares fiercely at the waitress. She turns to me and looks like she just noticed me sitting there. She gives me a heated glare before turning back to Colton.

"Come find me when she leaves," she whispers in his ear. Then she squeezes his bicep as she walks away.

Colton gets up from the table and he looks angry. He walks over to me and lifts my chin up with his index finger. He kisses me lovingly on the lips before pressing kisses to my cheeks and forehead. "I love you little one, I'll be right back ok," he says quietly. I nod with a small smile as I try to calm my furious blush. A few minutes later Colton comes back with a smirk on his face and sits back down before quickly grabbing my hand again. When our drinks come back I notice it's an elderly lady. Pretty soon our food arrives and it is absolutely delicious. For the rest of the meal we talk and laugh, we tell stories about our childhood and Colton tells me more about his mom. For dessert, we decide to split a chocolate brownie with ice cream. Best meal ever! When we get back out to the car I'm so full I can barely move.

"That was so good but I'm so full! I think I'm going to explode," Colton groans. I chuckle and nod in agreement.

"Ok so I have one more surprise but I promise this is the last one," Colton says with a sheepish smile.

"Colton you are spoiling me rotten and I love you for it," I say, kissing his cheek. He grins before starting the car and driving to our last destination.

Colton parks in front of the London Eye and my eyes widen in realization. "Are we going on," I ask excitedly?

"You bet we are," he answers just as excitedly.

We hand over our tickets and climb onto the huge Ferris wheel. As it begins to rise I gasp at the amazing view. Colton wraps his arm around me and pulls me into his side. "Happy anniversary Baby," he whispers in my ear. Instead of saying anything I just kissed him. I put all the love I possibly can into the kiss. Colton is the most amazing person I have ever met. He's kind and protective, he treats me like a princess. He is my real-life prince charming. He kisses me right back and pulls me even closer. We kiss for what seems like a couple of minutes but when we pull away the Ferris wheel has come to a stop. We burst out laughing and quickly got off. We run back to the car and hop in still cracking up.

"Are you ready to go home Baby," he asks?

I nod and kiss him, then we head home. When we get home it's 11:30 and the house is dark except for the porch light that Becky must have left on for us. We quietly go inside tiptoe upstairs and close the bedroom door softly. Colton comes over and wraps his arms around me, pulling me flush against his chest. 

"You look so beautiful Little one," he says softly.

"Thank you Colt, this was the best date ever, I loved every minute of it." I press my lips to his and kiss him passionately, Colton kisses me right back with just as much passion if not more. He keeps his hands on my waist while I hold onto his shoulders. Our kiss gets more heated and I moan as Colton bites down on my lip making me open my mouth so he can slip his tongue in. Colton lets out a throaty groan and squeezes my hips tightly but not hard enough to hurt me.

"Jump," Colton says breathlessly.

Knowing Colton won't take no for an answer I jump and lock my legs around his hips. Colten presses kisses to my jaw and down my neck, then he sucks my collar bone harshly making me moan and throw my head back. He carries me over to the bed and lays me down gently before climbing on top of me and hovering over me. He kisses me again and takes my bottom lip in between his teeth, nibbling it gently.

I pull away and look at the amazing boy above me. "I want you now," I say, keeping my eyes locked with his.

Colton's eyes widened in surprise. "Are you sure Sweetheart cause I can wait, I'll wait forever for you."

I look into his eyes and see nothing but love in them. I know I love Colton with all my heart and there is not a doubt in my mind that I want this. I reconnect our lips in a sweet kiss before leaning up and whispering in his ear. "I'm sure. Make love to me Colt, please," I whisper.

Colton grins and crashes our lips together with bruising force. He wraps his arms around me and flips us around so I'm laying on top of him. His hand reaches up and tangles in my hair as he continues to kiss me passionately. I pull away and reach for the buttons of his shirt undoing them quickly exposing his strong smooth chest. He sits up with me still in his lap and throws his jacket and shirt to the floor.

"My turn," he growls, reaching for the zipper of my dress.

I get off his lap and kick my shoes off before letting my dress fall to the floor, leaving me in my white bra and underwear. Colton's eyes widen as he just stares at me with his mouth slightly open. I start to get worried, does he not like what he's seeing? He slowly walks across the room until he's standing in front of me once again. He kisses me again but it's not like before. This is slow and sweet, this makes my legs turn to jelly and my belly fills with butterflies.

"You are so gorgeous Baby girl," he whispers, his voice husky and deep.

Before I can say anything he reconnects our lips and picks me up, carrying me back over to the bed and laying me down. We slowly undress each other until we're both completely naked. I'm still self-conscious so I try to hide my face in the pillow so Colton won't see my embarrassed blush but he grabs my chin and makes me look him in the eye. The way he looks at me makes me feel like the most beautiful creature on the planet.

"I love you so much Little one," he whispers.

"I love you, Darling," I whisper back.

Then Colton connects our swollen lips and the rest of the night is filled with moans and kisses.

Our anniversary was the best day of my life.

Hi Everyone: 

So this chapter is super long but I hope you enjoyed it and thank you all so much for reading!

Please vote and comment!

Love you all:)


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