Addicted to doctor forth ✔

By Luckyhari_9294

135K 5.8K 504

forth loves beam at young age but he got rejected once, now he is a cardiac surgeon where he meets beam as an... More

2.Intern Beam
3.Act of Hate!
4.Don't be RIDICULOUS!
5.Stay with me!
6.Why don't you accept me beam!
7.Is Beam sick!
8.Un-requited love
9.My Baby Beam
10.Stealing a promise
11.Being a cupid
12.something is really missing!
13.I am going to court your brother
14.Something I treasure
16.Stay for me
17. Stop babying me
19.Stop 'bunny-ing' me
Stop 'hubby-ing' me!
21.Stop 'sweetening' me!
22.Stop loving me
24.Don't stop
25.Warming up A bit with coffee sips
26. A glimpse of talk in kitchen
27.Stay away from me
28.Feeling sorry
29. It hurts to smile and leave
30.It's never too early or late to Reconcile
31.waiting-sign of love
32.Always remember I am here for you
33.I will never get tired of you
34.Moving out
35.Moving in
36.Living together
37.Meeting grandmother
38.Feeling pain from pleasure
40.In-flight Romance
41.Moving as one
42.Light Coffee
43.Melting in love
44.Storm of conflict
45.Long Night
46.Go and Get him
47.Let's go home
48.way back to each other
49.Trying to resist
50.Sins have to be paid off


2.3K 102 4
By Luckyhari_9294

After being fresh up stepping out from washroom he quick closed the bedroom blot, and walked to bed seeing forth clothes he blushed shaking his head not to wear them he open small partial wardrobe where initially his clothes were placed but when he open the wardrobe it is empty he don't have his clothes it was empty! Predicting his own situation he closed his eyes and looks back to bed, now he have no choice left he have to wear forth clothes, he reluctantly held the maroon shirt up and smiled he hugged the shirt collar close to his nostrils smelling the shirt he blushed and again he scold himself, he is reluctant and yet he smiled and put on the shirt its very loose and long on him, he looks to the white short, do he have any choice left to complain

Putting on the clothes he heard continuous thumps on the door he walks past the bed and darts the door open

"......" forth was speechless he looks straight ahead while his brain cells are giving complete warnings to take a once long look to the fair legs but cannot

"...let's have breakfast,"

Beam walks behind forth and he sees forth pulling chair for beam and he sit to the chair, forth gives a slight push so that beam can eat comfortably, beam is beyond embarrassed for forth treating him like a child and he can clearly sense lam feeling difficult to not smile, while he looks to the food with a soup bowl and omelet and chicken rice, his mouth is salivating especially now that his fever got down he is feeling more hungry

While forth have his food in silence his hand unconsciously lingers on beam thigh, beam flicks on forth fingers and forth gives him stern eyes he went against beam grabbing his thigh, he gives a smirk to beam stone face

After a minute he keeps fighting with forth fingers to peel them off from his thigh but his tries are being vein only for forth to squeeze the soft flesh even more tighter and curled the inner side of the thigh

While beam gulping to swallow his throat down, "beam, do you need anything to eat?"

To David voice beam shook his head pretending to nothing is happening under the table, he stops resisting and eating slowly, while the touch on his thigh loosen but forth still resting his palm on beam's thigh and fingers curled the inner flesh as if own the place

feeling the warmth form inner side of forth's tick palm he silently eating his food suddenly he felt forth fingers teasing his thigh skin like nails softly digging into the fair skin, beam squirmed in his seat digging his head into food plate and shoulders hunches while forth playing a smooth face of an innocent he keeps eating his food

After a minute beam quicken his pace to complete his food and stood from place "...thank you for the breakfast,"

David and lam smiled to beam while forth followed beam to bedroom, as soon as forth closed the room door, he folds his arms to chest "....what the hell did you do?"

Forth half shrugged "..the obvious,"

Beam felt tired to susses at least he don't understand how he is listening to forth ended up wearing his clothes and now staying under same roof his heart thumps to skip a beat, "...I need my clothes back,"

Forth grinned "...which clothes?"

Beam snapping again "...don't play, your asking which clothes? You steal my clothes gives them back,"

His cute tantrums are making forth to hold his smile "...they are called as garbage not clothes," he smirked

The insult was so true and embarrassing that he cannot speak back he turned pale

"...I did not mean to insult you, those clothes are shaded and worn out,"

Beam did not speak back, he is looking all around the room " you are making me stay here,"

"of course,"

Beam nod "...and you give me leave for another one week,"

Forth nod grinning with a smile

Beam gives a stern nod, getting to bed he slept covering himself with quilt , forth walks to him, he lean down dropping a kiss on beam head, beam instantly snapped asking forth to walk away

"bye...hubby, baby, sweet, love....

"....stop, stop, stop..." he whine closing his ear with quilt

Hearing the door shut, he peaked through the quilt and gets up feeling his energy draining out, what should he do, how long this will continue? He is not that strong enough to reject forth, forth is being so near to him that he almost cannot push him anymore, he wants to apologize when he met forth but now learning forth still loves him he don't understand on how to run away, every time he is trying to run away he is doing the opposite

It was during evening, he is watching TV with David, forth father is thinking to speak with beam, now that he have a chance to speak he is asking him " everything okay with you and forth?"

Beam half nod "...yes porr"

David nod " don't like my son?"

Beam wanted to say its' not about liking but the problem is him,

"you can talk to me, beam"

Beam slightly nod "...everything is good with us porr, please don't worry about us,"

He gives a nod

"...forth do love you beam, hope you will forgive him if he being stubborn with you, sometimes he is very stubborn for the people he love,"

Beam gives an understanding smile "..yes porr, p'forth is the last person I ever wanted to have in my life,"

David smiled "...I am feeling good to hear those words form you, his mom will be feeling proud,"

Beam smiled with heart warming smile, which brought tears to david eyes "...porr must be missing mae a lot,"

"..i do I always do"

"..don't worry porr, mae will always be with you in your heart she had a permanent place, so take care of yourself which will make mae feel more happy,"

David gives him a good smile and beam smiled back "...thank you for being a father to me porr, after I lost my father, I never thought I will have someone in that place, thanks a lot,"

"..your my son too," David assured him "..can I ask your parent details?"

Beam gives him a sad smile

"...its okay, if you don't want to son,"

Beam shook his head "..its nothing like that porr, my father name jack thanapoom and mother ria, my mae left us when I was eight or so, and father passed away two years back,"

"...oh I am sorry,"

Beam shook his head "..its okay, porr,"

David felt the names familiar and he just nod without further questioning him..

Forth walks in and his father stand to his foot and spread his arms wide open he cooed into his father arms "..had a tired day?"

Forth kissed his father cheek "...just casual like every day,"

Beam is hiding his chuckle forth is acting like a baby who just came from school saying he miss his father a lot,

Forth ears turned to the source of chuckle he retorts on beam " don't laugh, its all because of you I left my porr for ten years and now I miss him a lot ...I am not like you to throw away people who once loved you a lot,"

Beam eyes turned watery while David asks forth to calm down and forth walks away to their bedroom and beam sat their looking to forth back retreating to bedroom


Beam shook his head to David "..its okay porr, I am not hurt, I understand this was all my fault,"

David gives him a slight nod, he sit back to sofa and ask beam "...why did you break up with forth?"

Beam just hung his head low

"...I am worried for both of you, I don't understand why you broke up with forth if you love him so much, and now you returned back and I don't think the terms are good between you, I am afraid of forth hurting or harming you beam,"

Beam shook his head "..oh please porr, p'forth will never do that to me, he is good to me, infact I am the one who is hurting"

"..tell me your reason of being separated form forth and after long years you're here?" David asked with certain worry

Beam nod hiding his tears "...I never expected I will be in this place, if I knew I would never leave, p'forth, I will never do that, porr"

"...what happen?"

Beam gulped "...I am sorry porr,"

David nod "...its okay," he gets up form sofa "...I will go and arrange dinner,"

Beam was in daze he did not hear what david is saying and david understand beam Is in deep thinking and he left the hall I silence

Five minutes later forth was out with a white towel tied to his waist "...porr, have you see my night shorts, they are all missing," he yelled to his father who is arranging dinner in kitchen

Beam stood up walking to forth and forth followed him inside the room "..i will give you your clothes only if you give me my clothes in one minute," he hands raised on waist

Forth chuckled and beam took a pause to notice the simple smile with wet hair falling down his forehead, he watches forth taking a step closer and pulled him close by an arm he looks down to beam cute eyes " know I prefer both of us without clothes,"

Beam turned red trying to get out from forth arms but forth with a single hand he flips beam back to the closed door he looks down to the nervous boy in his arms being trapped "...tell me, do we need clothes,"

Beam struggled to breath in the closet space "..if you do anything I will scream,"

Forth laughed with his head falling close to beam eyes making beam gulp even more, forth arm in slow feel he squeezed right side of the waist making beam squirm in forth arm "...leav..e"

Forth gives him a serious eye stare "I won't ..."

Beam trying to peel forth fingers which are squeezing his waist but he could not, he heard forth whispering in his ear "...don't waste your energy,"

He glared to forth smiling eyes "...leave I said,"

Instead he gives stern eyes "...,tell me where are my clothes?"

Beam did not answer and forth pulled him closer making beam gasp and look deep into forth eyes "...say,"

That low tone made beam to keep staring to forth eyes and swallows his throat down

Forth's another hand is about to slip under beam's shirt

"..I...I ...arranged your wardrobe," he answered he could not take that mental torture anymore if this continues he might just agree to sleep with forth

Forth was surprised "...what?"

Beam walks past forth shoulder feeling thumps and thumps the naked glory of packed handsomeness, the tanned abs and hard chest, beam literally turning weak, and his knees are still trembling, he could not look straight to forth and he just passed his shoulder, yelling in annoyed voice "... wardrobe is messy so i arranged it,"

Simply saying he opened the wardrobe " is your night ware"

Beam rooted to his spot feeling forth standing closer to his back, he tried to walk way but forth braced his hand on closed door of the wardrobe, looking to beam having his head down he carefully studying beam being anxious he is slowly closing the gap between them, where beam stumbled with his back colliding with the wardrobe, he gasped for forth being so near and tried to push on forth hard chest which is partially wet, feeling forth chest under his fingertips which is more harder than he imagined to be, his instantly removed his hand "let me go..."

Forth smirked giving a close look to beam, while beam gives a trembling looks, his eyes moving between forth lips and eyes which are leaning closer to have a kiss, for a second beam tempted to give in and then when his heart started to beat more he could not stand anymore and escaped by lowering his head below to forth hand he escaped running out the door

Forth laughed picking his night wear shirt and shorts, slipping into his night ware he walks to the dining table, he gives his all eyes to beam who is just pretending to not look at forth way

Lam making coughs sounds while forth glared him and David just shook his head, beam gives him a slight glare between the untouched food plate to forth staring eyes "" he gritted

"...with smile,"

The demanding at the dining table is riling up his frustration, he did not do as asked for, he continued to eat to only find forth still staring at him, feeling more embarrassed he gives a grinning smile ","

Forth nod "...better," he continued to eat while beam fuming and fussing over the food plate

They heard david saying "....beam will sleep in lam room,"

Forth coughed out receiving a glass of water form lam he glared yet he received the glass taking sips of water and putting the glass down he asked his father "...why?"

It mostly like demanding

David gives a nod " are still dating, and I don't agree with such living together relationships,"

This time beam coughed "...we are not like that porr," he turned red

David mentioned again "...sleep in lam room,"

Beam happily nod "thank you porr,"

Forth just denied them having his dinner, done with dinner...forth cheekily whispers in beam ear "....late at night, you sneak into my room, you don't have to hesitate, and you might already know my bed is spacious for us," he winked while beam ear turned pink he started hiccupping

David worriedly ask "...have some water, son,"

Forth walks away after committing the crime, while beam controlling his heart

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love you all, stay safe and healthy 

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