No Regrets - Izuku Midoriya x...

By Charlie_Sielski

18.2K 665 123

What would All Might say about Izuku Midoriya if he knew about this...? "Don't you see where loving him broug... More

VII. (Btw happy Earth Day)
!Announcement 2!


105 8 1
By Charlie_Sielski

Izuku's POV

I didn't believe my eyes. I simply didn't. The spare keys of Alex's old apartment which I've found fell onto the floor with a dull clank. I blinked a few times to try and make the picture go away - but it didn't. The floor was practically invisible from all the dirt and muddy footprints. As I stumbled into the living room, a stale odor made me scrunch my nose. A few boxes and a bunch empty beer bottles and cigarette boxes made me open my mouth in an attempt to say something. 

"What the flying fuck?" Hatsume spoke up, stepping next to me. 

I shook my head in disbelief and bafflement. I knew for a fact Alex hated beer. And around me was a kingdom of it. I made a few steps back and hit the wall with my back. I felt the air around me get denser. 

"I-it can't be!" I finally said something and picked up a beer bottle with two fingers. 

"Don't touch it! I'll have someone find the DNA on this...all", Hatsume said and kicked the bottle out of my hand. 

I went to the kitchen, still in a weird, hazy state of mind. I saw the footprints overlapping and it was clear they weren't Alex's. I kneeled down carefully. Some of them had no sole 'decorations'. It was full, unlike the others. I looked out through the dusty window. The wind chased the clouds over the blue paradise. Something red flashed in the corner of my eye. I pushed myself to it. 

Blood. It was blood. A few big stains, unsuccessfully bleached were spread near a room corner. My body shook as I tried to imagine what went on in this room. I expected someone to emerge anytime, appearing out of nowhere with a massive gun or something. I turned around to call for Mei when I saw a pot on the other side of the room. Near to it was something light-blue. I stood up and carefully walked to it as if it's going to bite me. I knew that colour all too well. 

As I saw it, I covered my mouth. It was a part of Alex's pajama, the sleeve. I felt my stomach turn upside-down and I walked out of the room quickly, leaning on the walls. I walked past Hatsume and went out on the stairs, gripping the handrail. I took a deep breath and looked down on my hand. It was white and bloodless. Hatsume peaked out, looking at me palely. She nodded her head questioningly. It was obvious even she couldn't find the words to say at that moment. I just looked down. My throat was closing in and my breaths were discontinuous. It was as if a strong hand of doubt choked me little by little. 

We just stood there in silence. I saw Hatsume shuffle around with the corner of my eye. 

In one moment it all stopped. All I felt was anger. Incredible anger and fury, devouring me from the inside. I saw my everything fall into pieces right under my nose. For once, I wanted things to go my way because of someone else. I knew very well what has happened, even though I didn't want to admit it. A little part of me was blocking the words I was so near saying. The deeds I was so near doing. 

I slammed my hand onto the handrail violently and shut my eyes. A bang spread through the walls. If I were to use my quirk, the whole wall may have been ruined. I huffed and looked up at Hatsume who looked down at me with shock and timid fear in her eyes. She turned away and sat down on the stairs above my head. I tear rolled down my cheek. Inside of me was burning a flame of wanting revenge. Needing revenge. 

As I shut my eyes again, I saw all kinds of scenes in front of me. My hands wrapping around Dabi's neck, his breath disappearing the same way Alex did. A moment later, I saw Alex run towards me with her arms ready for a hug. I gripped both my hands on my jacket and wrinkle it. My fingers had to do something - ruin something. Or someone. 

My phone rang. I licked my lips and looked at the floor, deciding whether to answer or not. My ships were sinking rapidly. The storm called life had already sunk them, one by one. My phone didn't stop ringing and I furiously ripped it out of my pocket.

"What?!" I said slowly, all the anger and emotionality affecting my tone.

"I thought you'd be a bit kinder, hero", a dimmed voice said. 

"Dabi", I whispered.

My whole mind, body, soul - it all went blank. The things I knew but didn't admit hit me treacherously. Realization was awful. It was like sinking into quicksand. Drowning. Suffering. An agony. My cheek felt my fingers go cold as I held the phone squished next to my ear. I wanted to hear Alex. 

"It took me a while to find your personal number", Dabi said through a yawn.

I remained silent. My vision was being split into multiple images as the damned tears filled my eyes once again. 

"Not gonna say something? Tch. I thought you'd be happy to hear from me", Dabi went on with his bullshit. 

"You know very well I don't want to hear from you", I said and quietly climbed the stairs. 

I waved my arm and put a finger on my lips, signaling Hatsume something big is going on. She frowned at me for a moment before figuring out what's happening. She raised her eyebrows and gave me a sign to get him to talk. 

"How is she?" I asked.

My heart travelled all the way from my heals to my forehead on a suffering journey. 

"Don't try to play a trick on me. Or your little pink friend", Dabi said quickly. 

I froze in my place, and so did Hatsume. Her hand with a little gadget about to touch my phone was left in place with an astonished look on her face. I turned around, expecting him to be behind me. I have no idea how he saw me - the stairs were encircled by walls completely. My heart went faster as I felt as if I was in a film scene. I gulped and wiped the cold beads of sweat from my forehead. 

"Oi, here's the thing. You wanna see your darling again? I'm sure you know where Nana Street is. Well, turn right and you're gonna see a dead end street. Wait there at 9 p.m. If you try to play a trick on me, come with someone or with something... you can say buh-bye in advance. Oh, and you'll get something to keep you goin' 'til tonight", the line rang, signaling me he hung up. 

I threw the phone away and collapsed down onto the cold stairs. Hatsume moved her fingers on the bumpy wall, deep down in her thoughts. I was in a moral quandary. The life of something I love and cherish the most versus my moral duty as a hero. My phone chimed and vibrated lightly. Its light reflected on the white marble. God, I hated that sound at the moment. I knew that the object of my decision was at my disposal. I knew that the moment I looked at the text or file he sent I was going to decide the wrong thing. 

I was about to stomp over my dignity and honor, my values. I turned away sadly and burried my hands in my palms. I felt someone touch my shoulder. 

"Don't give in to those thoughts. You know that what you have with her is priceless. Worth it all", Hatsume said quietly. 

You're right... I don't regret it. I will solve this and I will have it all back. Alex will have it all back. 

I nodded and tried to smile. My face wouldn't let me. I exhaled slowly. Hatsume turned away and picked up the phone. I watched her face expression while my heart fought to tear itself out of my chest. The look on her face was steady for a moment before I saw it go pale and white. I knew it was something awful and I jumped up, climbing even higher. 

"No, don't show me! Delete it!" I said and covered my eyes in frustration. 

I heard a sound confirming the picture is deleted from my phone. I put my hand down and looked at Hatsume. 

"I don't think her life was in danger", she said quietly. 

"Was, huh?" I muttered. 

"I mean...yeah. You sure you don't want to call anyone? Hawks, perhaps?" she said after a break. 

I looked at the wall behind her and nodded blankly. 

"No. Not yet", I replied and shook my head lightly, as if I was shooing the bad thoughts away. 

It has to be me this time. On my own.

I went down the stairs quietly, pulling the car keys out of my pocket. I was about to have a long day, and an even longer night.  

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