{Protector} Hisoka x Male Rea...

By Harley874Quinn

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Its being developed currently. More

To Settle The Confusion
For Anyone Still Reading... READ THIS
Leaving home x And x Meeting friends (Rewritten)
Hanged x And x Sewer Water (Rewritten)
Shot x And x Chased (Rewritten)
Me x And x Him (Rewritten)
Me x And x Cerberus (Rewritten)
Shower x And x Savior (Rewritten)
Me x And x You (Rewritten)
Breaking x And x Building (New Chapter)
Team X And X Mates
Yin X And X Yang
Rin X And X Scars
Find X And X Locate
Dream X And X Death
Final X And X Exam
Death X And X Defeat

Toko X And X Hikari

632 21 15
By Harley874Quinn

Sorry for not updating in the pass two months. I just got out of school for the summer so I've been trying to enjoy the few good days I have before I have to start my summer job. Wish we good luck, and be on the look out for new chapters!

"Ahh dammit! With the weather changing like this it's gonna make me sick", Jüo complained sniffing harshly.

I huffed trying my best to find shade from this heat but it was nearly impossible. Everywhere shade was, was taken by others and they're damn groups! I foundered on the ideal of just killing myself to save me from the trouble but—. Whoa...what the hell Toko what are you saying? I violently shook my head dissing the thought quickly from my mind.

"Honestly, I swear it feels like they are purposely trying to kill us off," Jüo says.

"If that's the case I might as well do it myself," I mumbled to myself.

"Huh?" Jüo questioned drowsily.

"Uh, nothing", I dismissed. "Geez, Jüo are you okay?" I questioned finally acknowledging him fully. His face was as red as a tomato and he looked damn near like he was on the verge of vomiting. On top of that he was drenched in his sweat, not as if I could say anything much I was sweating as well and this heat was only overwhelming me more.

"I'm fine it just the sudden weather change is getting to me", he says. I hummed in reply as I remained staring at him until my eyes somehow wandered to his neck. I winced slightly as I remembered vividly what Hisoka did and held onto my neck wondering what it felt like.

"Uh, Jüo? How's your neck?" I asked sheepishly.  He touched his bandaged neck slightly and made an ill face as he gulped.

"Healing", he says slightly gripping his neck irritatedly. I would have questioned father but I don't as I noticed Rin and Kane approaching.

I quickly diverted my attention away from them avoiding any eye contact with Rin as I possibly could. Ever since that incident in the bathroom, it's been difficult to look at him. It would have been different if it was because I feared him, but I wasn't anymore. I was just embarrassed and honestly, I didn't know how to act anymore around him.

"I'm hot as hell out here!", Kane moans.

"Ah, well you should be used to that shouldn't you?" Jüo chuckles slightly.

"Eh? What do you mean by that?" Kane questions irritatingly.

"Um, ah nothing I-I don't know..." Jüo says as he wipes his nose slightly as it oozed lightly of green snot. Kane shivers in disgust.

"Gross", he gaged.

"Shut up", Jüo groaned.


I winced slightly at the calling of my name. Quickly I recognized the voice instantly as I smiled and turned around just in time to catch Siren as she happily jumped into my arms.

"Siren!" I chuckled. "You passed!"

"Of course! Like I said I'll do everything in my power to pass and I meant it", she smiles.

"Well better keep well on that promise, we have a few more exams to get through before we can officially call ourselves Hunter's", I smiled. She chuckles and places her arm around my neck pulling me into a headlock like an older brother would and ruffles up my hair.

"Ha! You just better keep up with all this" she grins as she motions over her body in admiration.

Out of nowhere someone loudly fakes cough from behind us. Catching our attention Siren and I turn around to face whoever was attempting to grasp it. Once I realized who it was I instantly wanted to drag Siren away from the creep.

"So... cinnamon roll? Who's this Krueger?" Kane smiled annoyedly.

"Krueger?" Siren and I both questioned.

"Yes, Kruger. You're not fooling anyone hag...unhand him", Kane frowns.

"Kane leaves her alone" I groaned slamming my hand against my forehead.

"Проклятый ведьма, очаровыващая мой ролл с корицей", Kane scolds and spits at the feet of Siren she backs away and hisses slightly between her teeth.

I stared puzzled between Kane and Siren as they stared intensely at each other. I was confused, they didn't even know each other but hated each other as if they've knows each other their whole lives.  And that language? I didn't know Kane could speak another language nor that he was smart enough to know a secondary language. What was it that Kane spoke? "W-what the hell...?"

Siren makes a soft sound that I swore mimic one of an actual snake and dropped her arm from around my neck. She glared at Kane smiling never lifting her eyes off of him as she whispered something softly before then turning towards me. "Watch your back Toks", she smiles touching my cheek with her palm then quickly turned to before I could even question what just happened.

"Damn Krueger", Kane scolds.

"What the hell was that Kane!?" I yelled.

"Whatever do you mean?" He questioned innocently.

"T-that!" I pointed towards Siren. "And that language you were speaking, what was all that about!?"

He smirks slightly as he walks closer toward me, "Don't worry about it sweet...sweet cinnamon roll", Kane grins as he licks his licks hungrily. "You know what we should do? Since the exam hasn't started yet maybe you and I should go take a little "walk" in the woods and maybe cool off or if you want we could sweat some more together if you like."

"Ew, Kane you disgust me seriously", I growled. I turned on my heel to leave but before I could even go something cold grabs me pulling me back before I could take my first step off. "Ah! What the—!?" I questioned as I was yanked. At first, I assumed it was Kane's doing but immediately was surprised to find out that it was Rin holding onto me.

I nearly shivered at his icy grip. He was as cold at the icy winds on Mountain Göra maybe even colder. How could someone be this cold in this kind of heat? "Toko it's best you stay around us."

"Why?", I questioned.

"Just...stay here". Rin says. His voice was so intense that it was near succeeding in bringing me to my knees. If I wasn't so irritated right now he probably could have. I tried yanking my arm free from his grasp but it was near impossible. The grip I had on me was too tight. It was like I was caught in a bear trap and it was only getting tighter the more I struggled to get free.

"Ah! Rin you're cold and hurting my arm, let go", I winced.

"I won't", he says.

"What do you mean you won't!? Rin you're hurting me and-and why are you so damn cold?"

"Toko, just stop struggling for a moment...please", Rin pleaded. His voice was so soft that I barely heard him but somehow I did. For a second, I stopped trying to free myself. I barely recognized Rin. From the small amount of time I know him he never once pleaded or beg, he didn't seem like the type that has to but he did. Why? After long I didn't have to tug cause he eventually let me go once he appeared.

"Tsk, you're early", Rin hissed lowering his head slightly. Without even having to turn around he felt and sense the presence and bloodlust from behind him.

"Mmm? Am I? I thought I was right on time?" Hisoka grinned. He tilted his head slightly as he caught sight of Rin's grip on me. Instantly I could feel the hungry to murder oozing from Hisoka and Rin both but neither one made a single move. Either it was because Hisoka couldn't because of the rules of the exam or cause of the fact that I was in the way. As for Rin? I had no idea why he didn't make a move towards Hisoka. There was no rule that he couldn't attack the examiner. Or was there?

Either way, both were too close in the range to each other for comfort. I felt like one wrong move and the entire balance of the universe would unravel. Honestly, I couldn't deny I got a tingling feeling from it. Wait, what?

"Hey, guys", I quickly stepped in between the two forcing my body to put space between them. "I can feel the murderous intention from the two of you, and it's overwhelming me. You both need to calm down." I said looking between the two of them.

"He's right boss," Jüo agrees. "Besides it's too hot and crowded to fight right now."

"Right and a-ahh dammit!" I hissed grabbing the arm that Rin held. I looked up at Rin painfully as my arm felt like it was on the verge of falling off. Even though it was the most painful feeling I ever felt it made me want him to squeeze harder but I wanted his hands around my throat instead. I slammed my hand against my head harshly pushing the thought to the side immediately as I grabbed onto Rin's hand squeezing it slightly to pry his attention off Hisoka. "Rin...". I softly said.

It takes him a moment for him to acknowledge me but when he finally does he stares at me eyes observing every inch of me and without a word spoken he lets go of me and walks away. "Ah-boss", Jüo says as he quickly sprints off behind him.

"Tsk, lame", Kane scoffs folding his arms across his chest as he turns to look at me. He smiles smugly as he motions me with his finger sexual, "Come on cinnamon bunny let's go."

"Umm, I'm gonna stay here for a moment Kane I'll catch up later...probably", I say.

He scoffs and glares at Hisoka annoyed, "of course when this clown 'Hisoka' waltz back into your life you throw yourself at him, completely throwing me away like I'm some dirty whore who's feelings you can just mess around with and body you use whenever to want and...", Kane mutters as Jüo returns dragging Kane away as continued venting to himself until I no longer cared what he was saying anymore.

I groaned as I banged my hand against my forehead irritatedly. I rubbed my wrist slightly attempting to warm my wrist from Rin's grip. As I was, Hisoka made a subtle clearing of his throat to catch my attention. "What?"

"Cinnamon bunny, huh?" He questions.

I groaned turning my face away at the nickname. "He won't stop calling me that for some reason", I said.

He smirked looking down at me humored. "Seems like you learned to love it seeing as you didn't stop him from calling you the name. Honestly, I gotta admit I'm kinda jealous," he says.

"Shut up," I growled pushing him slightly. Immediately I regret doing so right after because I manage to accidentally use my injured wrist father. "Ah dammit. Why does that hurt so much."

"Mmm, let me see", he says holding his hand out slightly. I take his offer resting my wrist in his palm. He uses both hands to cover my wrist as he squeezing slightly.

"Ah! What are you—oh...wait that feels good", I moaned slightly licking my lips as the warm sensation overpowered the chilling coldness on my wrist. Hisoka smirked as he soon released the pressure from my wrist. I groaned the moment his hands were off mine,  "why did you stop that felt amazing."

"If I hold it on for too long it'll start to burn. I just needed to warm your wrist a little, besides it seemed like you enjoyed that a little too much.
Any longer than would have had an organism in your pants or something and that would have been—". I pushed him again before he could complete his sentence.

"Shut up Hisoka!" I growled. "That's disgusting I wouldn't do that."

"You'll be surprised how many people get horny from heat, I mean have you noticed how it's fewer competitors around now? They probably off doing who knows what", Hisoka says.

"Eww that's gross Hisoka, besides I don't easily get aroused", I smirked.

"Mmm", he hummed softly before smirking as he began examining me up and down. "Well whatever's in your pants says begs to differ."

"What!" I yelled quickly looking examining my pants but seeing nothing poking nor sticking out. I sighed relieved as I glared at the clown. "Asshole."

"I thought you liked assholes?" I hissed at him pondering on the idea of choking him or letting him choke me. "How was the third phase?"

"Umm, like you said easy. I didn't have to do anything...they did most of the work. Which kind of sucks but at least I passed so that's good I guess", I said.

"Where they a problem for you?" He questions.

"N-no not really. I mean Kane was/is a problem. He has a weird fetish about hurting people in weird odd ways but he isn't a problem for me".

"Mmm". He says softly. He doesn't say a word as he looks over me observing me as if I was being questioned about a crime or something. After what felt like hours of uncomfortable silence I break the uncomfortable mood.

"Umm, how was the—".

"Somethings off with you?" Hisoka suddenly blurs out. I was a little taken aback by it unsure of what he meant as he stared at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You're different. It's like you're another person, and you're off but you're not the only one even he's changed." He says.

"He—you mean Rin?" I questioned.

Hisoka looks up at me but shares not a hint of any emotion when his name is spoken. He stares blankly at me as if he was looking at paper. "He seems like he's become attached to you."

"I-well not really. We didn't connect or anything. He barely talked so I don't see how." What a lie we did talk, and I couldn't stop imagining myself licking all over him.

"And even though you say so, he didn't want to let go of you", he smirked.

"Gees honestly if I didn't know any better Hisoka I'd think you were jealous", I smiled.

"What makes you think that?" He asked.

"Umm, well I don't know the millions of questions, the way you're looking at me for one makes it seems like you are. I mean worry about me and you and not me an Rin...".

"Is that so?" He hummed.

"Yes, I mean. I'm still kinda getting accustomed to you and being around you and I have picked up a few things about you Hisoka. Even though you try to hide it. Like the way you smirk and watch me then eye fuck me hungrily like you're ready to devour me and honestly I'm all for it—".

"Oh wait, I see what's going on now," he smirked.

"Yes! See! That! That smirking thing, it just excites me Hisoka and I know I excite you, right?"

"Mm, they're working quickly during this exam?" Hisoka sighs.

"Tsk, damn you Hisoka honestly if you would just pay attention to me! Oh wait I get it you're jealous that I find Rin sexy, right? If you're so jealous then why did you let me even get partnered with them? You could have easily grouped me with others. Or...maybe you didn't want to. Maybe you just want them to finish where they left off in that bathroom. You could easily do it yourself. Hell Hisoka if you want me dead fucking do it yourself! Kill me! Just fucking do it or I'll..." I reached inside my pockets for something. After a moment I pulled out something with a sharp edge. "I'll do it my damn self." I chuckled as I attempted to jab whatever I held through my throat, but before I could Hisoka grabs my hand twisting until the sharp thing fell from my hasp as he pushes me hard against a tree. "Ah! Geez Hisoka, if you wanted to have a little fun you should have just said something I kinda like this what are you—".

"What's your name?" He questioned.

"What!? My name?"

"What is it?" He asks again.

"You know my name idiot!" I growled.

"Say your name", he demands.

"T-Toko", I said.

"Toko Hikari. Repeat it."

"Toko Hikari", I said.


"Toko Hikari."


"Tokyo Hikari."


"Toko Hikari! My name is Toko Hikari!" I screamed. "Toko—wait Hisoka w-why do have me pinned to a tree?"

"They're starting early", he smirked as he lets go of my hand. I stared back at him puzzled as he lets go of me. "Back to normal now?"

"Huh? W-what happened to me? What—".

"Have you ever heard of Suicide Forest?" He asks.

"What? What the hell is that?"

"It's a place people go to kill themselves. You remember going into the deathly hallows and recreated a loved one to make you want to die? Well, this is the same thing except there's no certain spot to avoid in here. Everywhere you go you'll get the urge to kill yourself...among another thing."

"W-what the hell Hisoka. I thought this was the hunter's exam not the let's kill half the population off exams! What the-what is this!"

"I don't make the rules in here", he smirks. I scolded as I pushed back against the tree this time.

"So what am I supposed to do? Do I have to say alive for a certain amount of time?" I questioned.

"Not exactly. Because they're not still a good amount alive the higher-ups want to move the exam along."

"By making us kill ourselves?" I scold.

"Yes, while also locating and capturing someone from the other team", he explains.

"So basically we're playing capture the flag but with a person instead of a flag? Oh yeah, while we also try not to kill ourselves right?"

"Yes it's pretty easy", he smiles.

"Pretty easy!?" I screamed. "Hisoka I literally just tried to kill myself and I don't even remember trying to do it!"

"You also tried to conceive to your sexual desire", he says.

"My what now?"

"I'll explain later, but you won't have to worry about trying to kill yourself cause you already know how to prevent yourself from doing it."

"I do?" I asked.

"Yes, just say your name repeatedly when you feel anxious, irritated, or overwhelmed", he explains.

"Kinda hard not to get when the sun is causing me to become all three right now", I sighed.

"Don't think about it being hot".

"Great that helps so much Hisoka", I sarcastically smiled.

"I feel like you're getting irritated", he says.

"Geez I wonder why", I growled. "I should slip my throat and end th—." I stop mid-sentence taking a deep breath as I slowly start to repeat my name over and over again until I calmed down.

"Better?" He smirks. I rolled my eyes as I continued softly repeating my name to myself. It takes a few minutes but after a while, I finally was able to gain control over myself.

"I'm better", I say.

"Good", he says. "The exam is going to start soon but before it does you should know that I'm not going to be involved as much as I was in the second phase so whatever danger you get involved in I won't be able to help."

"Tsk, who says I would even need your help?" I scoffed.

"I'm sure you can handle this on your own", he smirks.

"Smug bastard", I growled.

"You're getting irritated again Hikari", he grins.

"Because you're fucking making me irritated!" I yelled. "Now bite my lip!"

"Yeah, this should be fun", Hisoka smiles.

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