The Lonely Prince(BWMN)Book 3...

By mary4561

822 7 1

Prince William of Denmark alway wanted to have someone to come home to at night. He has his eyes on one of hi... More

Author's Notes.
The Invitation
The First Date
Pain and Loss(chapter 4)
Do You Love Me?
Unbearable Pain
The Fight Part 2
The Fight Part 1
Our Child
The Duke
Contentment Sorta
Happy At Last
Confession II
The Ex
A Heavy Heart


15 1 0
By mary4561

"Everything is going well and Caroline has applied to work there", says Jane.

Eva's POV

The hairs on the back of my head stood up I loved Caroline dearly but I can't help thinking she's a gold digger. Why did I think that of my friend of eight years. My family is worth billions hers isn't and she pretend to like Giovanni only to make it clear she wasn't interested in him. Then my brother gets a title and now she's dating him. Yes he likes her but it wasn't love he didn't know her well enough for that.

"What's troubling you?" Ask William. I didn't realise my face was giving me away.

"I got a funny feeling when mom said Caroline wants to work for our company".

"You're not the only one so does your father and I. Her parent's company has lost a lot of money but they've managed to keep it quiet from their investors".

Before we date anyone my family check them out thoroughly Caroline doesn't know that.

"I didn't know that she hasn't said anything to me about it", I say to mum.

"When you told her Giovanni was interested in her what did she say?"

I was surprise at William's question. Then think back to our conversation, "Caroline's exact words were he's rich and good looking".

"Isn't that something women normally say?"

"Yes we mention stuff like that but it's usually the last thing we mention about someone we like not the first". William takes in my mother's words.

Then I remember something else, "She said she would always be in our social circle. Then when dad got his title she kept calling me to talk about it".

My mother laughs, "The girl though she was being slick and my baby girl snatched a princess title away from her".

"So I take it she didn't get the job at the company?"

"You know your father darling his first though was she was working with her father to use us. When she complain to your brother he told her he didn't do the hiring and firing".

"Are they still dating?"Ask william.

"No something happened and they broke up".

"Did he say what?"

She shakes her head, "He's shaken up by it I'm hoping William and Giovanni can get to the bottom of it".

Mum and I look at him, "I'll talk to him.   I would like to make a suggestion we tell Debora about Caroline. So she can cut ties with her completely. We don't need another women causing problems for our family".

"Okay we tell her tomorrow," I suggest.

"No we tell her today so security knows Caroline is no longer a member of the crown princess trusted circle".

William was right and for my brother to breakup with her like that something terrible must have happened. He genuinely liked her. I feel very bad for my brother and upset that Caroline caused him pain. Someone I once called a dear friend.

We finish dinner then say goodbye to mum then I call Debbie and explain about Caroline. We then conference call our other friends and explain we were cutting her out of our social circle. One of my best friends Emily and her husband Greg who was a earl and countess agreed it was the right thing to do. Greg was heir to a important dukedom his job in the future would be to do some engagements with Debbie. When she's queen and he inherits his father's title.

After our phone call Willian and I got ready for bed. I brush my teeth, wash my face and moisturise. Then tie a silk scarf around my hair.

I look in the mirror at my brunette hair and brown eyes. I smile and turn to the side I lift up my shirt and look down at my stomach. It wasn't quite as flat as it usually was I watch William walk out the shower and wrap a towel around himself.

He cradled my stomach and kiss me on the side of my head. I start to cry at the intimacy of the situation because I often hope after I lost our baby that I get to experience this. My husband's hand on my stomach feeling our baby.

He lifts my face to his, "Are those happy tears?"

I smile at him, "Yes and now Debbie knows about the baby I'm sure she would've told her father. I stupidly thought I would be scare about people knowing but I'm happy.   I'm PREGNANT and everything is OKAY with our baby".

We hug and I feel the water dripping from his hair. I laugh and he gives me a towel to dry his hair.

The next morning there was a WhatsApp message from my sister. There was a picture of her in a yellow bikini with her pregnant belly on display. Another picture of her on a sun lounger with Giovanni was sent to me and he was looking at her like she was his world.

"They look so happy", William says from behind me in bed.

"Yes they do".

I hurriedly brush my teeth and William does the same. As much as I love him I ain't kissing him or having him kiss me with morning breath.

When we finish he takes my hand and we head for our large shower. We turn the water on and decide to explore each other's bodies. We made love in different positions in the shower I wanted to feel him completely. Afterwards we took a bath in our jacuzzi tub.

When we left the bathroom I could barely walk it felt amazing to be that intimate with my husband. He loves my body and can't wait to see it changing because he knocked me up.

William's POV

Eva and I made love so many times just now. It gives me some satisfaction to see she's walking a bit funny because I did that. We both get dress me in black jeans and a pale blue button down with black Vans, Eva in a teal silk dress with heels.

The king and queen wanted to see us to congratulate us about the baby. Eva and I walk to our car and was driven through the streets of Copenhagen.

We walk into the dining room to see the king and queen and their son Alexander eating breakfast. Eva and I greet them formally then my uncle stands and hugs me then Eva. I walk over to Alexander, "Hey little man".

He stops eating and says hi to me and Eva it's weird to think once he hits 18 I will be walking in a room after him. My little cousin was more senior than me in the pecking order.  I don't mind though as long as my children have a legacy as royals. I can take a back seat when the time comes. Two servants pulls out a chair for both Eva and I and we sit and help ourself to some food. "William, Eva congratulations how far along are you?"

"Thank you Uncle Alexsander, Eva will be three months in two weeks".

"My dear",  says the queen.  "You must be excited for the new arrival?"

"I'm replies Eva. "At first i was scare that what happened before would happen again but the doctor says everything is okay with this little one. I was scared to let people know. I only told my mum yesterday".

"It's understandable my dear I know two women that the same thing happened to and they went on to have multiple children".

I watch Eva smile at the queen's words, " I've started looking at baby clothes and things for the nursery. We're using the one that was used by you, Your Majesty".

"I have such wonderful memories there and I'm sure your child will too," says the king.

"Thank you your majesty", replies Eva.

How is your father taking the news he's to be a grandfather again?" Ask my uncle.

"I'm waiting till the time difference is a little better then I will call him". My father was on holiday with Maria in California for a week. I'm excited to tell our family and friends Victoria was next to hear the news.

Breakfast with my uncle was lovely we discuss some projects he wanted me to do with him and the ladies talked about the baby. After breakfast we went to Eva's parents home they were expecting us along with her brother.  Eva and I had permission to ask her family and Giovanni. To go with us to our winter palace for two weeks of relaxation and getting back to nature.

We arrive at her parents house and the butler bows to us and takes our coats giving it to a under butler. Most women marrying a prince is upgraded to luxury not Eva she grew up with servants.

We're shown into the receiving room where her father engulfs her in a hug, "My baby girl I'm so happy for you".

Her brother and I do a special handshake he taught me and he slaps me on the back, "I'm happy for you bro".

"Thanks", I next hug my mother and father-in-law. We sit in the room and talk all things baby.

"When will the palace announce the pregnancy?" Ask Jane.

"When I'm into my fourth month normally it would be when I hit the three month mark but we ask them to wait till month four". I answer.

I look at Daniel he looked happy but I saw the sadness when we weren't looking at him. Whatever happened with Caroline must be really bad. By the time we go to the mountain Giovanni and Faith should be back from their honeymoon.

Smiling I watch Eva tell her family we have a surprise for them, "is it twins!" Ask her mother. "Of course not she answers herself. "It's too early to tell yet".

"We're inviting all of you to the mountains for two weeks more precisely the winter palace".

There faces were a picture they have stayed over night at our home but have never been invited to stay at the palace for weeks before. "I'm seen photos that place is lovely and full of nature do you mind if I bring a date?"

"Daniel I'm sorry this isn't the kind of palace to bring a just met friend to palace security will be tight I'm sorry it's a no".

"She's not a stranger it's Katherine"

Eva gives her brother a look that I couldn't decipher. "Don't worry it's your best mate Katherine that Emily has known since they were in diapers".

I watch his mother and father smile at that news, "She's lovely and you've known her for years son".

You could tell they were happy abound the news, "She's from a good family. Who  don't need your money and she's a partner in her accountancy firm. Her parents play bridge with us regularly".

I Listen to my father-in-law heap praise upon praise on Katherine. I look at Daniel to see how he was doing with his parents fawning over a girl he only just now mentioned.

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