Since We Were Kids (Newt x Re...

By spacebear222

23.6K 774 153

"We are never getting out of here are we," I said to my best friend without the slightest bit of hope. "Come... More

Authors Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Authors Note
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Author's Note

Chapter Seven

717 20 0
By spacebear222

After the Greenie came, I just went on with my normal day and chores. Alby gave the tour, Chuck helped set up his hammock. The boy almost tried to make a run for it just as the Maze corridors were about to close. Luckily, Gally was there and pushed him out of the way. I wasn't there to see it, but Chuck told me he basically flew in the air when Gally shoved him. The Greenie was then sent to the pit for like a half an hour.

Alby had told me that he was so curious when he was giving the tour. It surprised me a bit because usually non of the Greenies ask any questions and are too busy klunking their pants. Alby told me he was different, that there is something about him that was un-describable. I don't really have a clue on what Alby was talking about, though. Different how? And why does that matter even if he is different?

I just got finished with my chores and went to find Newt in the garden.
"Hey," I said while leaning against a tree near him. "Need any help?"

"Nope," he says while standing up, admiring his work. "I'm almost done."

"Looks good."

"Thanks," he says.

I pull out my book and begin to read, until a thought pops into my head.

"How's the new Greenie?" I ask him. "He got a name yet?"

"He's seems fine, and no. No name yet," Newt replies.


"Yeah, he's so bloody curious too," he mentions.

"Yeah, Alby was saying that," I answer. "I wonder why that is— I mean, usually newbies are too busy klunking their pants. Ya know?"

He scoffs. "Yep, I know what you mean."

He continues with his work and I dive into my book.

A few minutes later Chuck and the Greenie come along.

"Hey Zart," Chuck says. "Alby wants Green Bean to help garden until supper."

"Alright then," Zart says. "Here's a shovel, and uh, I don't think you'll need anything else."

The Greenie nods while Newt shows him what to do.

Chuck is runs off doing his cleaning chores, and I put down my book to garden.
I always love gardening with Newt. There's something so calming about it, I'm not sure what the right words would be to describe it.

Zart gives the newbie instructions while me and Newt start picking the ripe tomatoes, and admiring how red, shiny and delicious they look.

I'm honestly enjoying gardening so much. We talked about nothing in particular. It was just nice to have their company.

The newbie on the other hand is being a bit of a pain in my ass. He's super quiet and when he does talk it's all questions or complaining about something.

"Here," Newt says while throwing him a basket. "Why don't you get us some more fertilizer from the woods. Okay?"

Greenie glares at him in annoyance but heads off anyway.

Greenie's POV

I drag the woven basket along side of me, and walk into the woods. I can tell especially tell that Teddy was getting annoyed at me, but who am I for being curious?

I keep looking for the fertilizer spot, but it's hard to find. And I nearly stop in my tracks when I hear rustling in a near by bush.

"H-hello?" I say out loud, my voice getting shaky and afraid.

I turn around, checking my surroundings when only feet away I see a Glader. But this isn't just a Glader. The boy's clothes are nearly in shreds and his face looks like the skin's been ripped off, then stapled back on. 

I suddenly recognize the boy as Ben.

"Hey— hey man," I say calmly as ever. "You- um you okay?" I gulp.

He groans and growls some more.

"You!" He shouted while pointing at me. "It's all your fault!!"

Before I could even register what's going on, I've dropped the basket and Ben is now wrestling me on the ground.

"HELP!" I screech, still knowing nobody will hear me.

I struggle getting out from his grip, tossing and turning around, my muscles straining with every move I make. Sweat drips down my face, although I'm not sure if it's sweat or tears.

I manage to turn over, forcing him to release his grip on my wrists. "UGH! HELP!" I manage to say.

I reach in front of me, gripping the ground, hoping for a stick or rock to save me for this monstrous Ben.

To my luck, I find something and grasp onto it. It's not clear on what it is, but from what I can tell it may be a skull. Then it occurs to me, why the hell is there a skull just laying around?? But that doesn't matter because what ever it is I use it to smash into Ben's head.

He tumbles over onto the ground and shrieks in pain, unbearable for my ears. I run for my life out of those woods, feeling hopeless of coming out alive.

"HELP!! HELLLLPPPP!" I shout at the top of my lungs over, and over again. I can feel Ben right on my tail.

Just moments after I run out of the woods, I feel him jump onto me. Nails digging at me, scowling and repeating things I don't understand. Death feels like it's at the door. Weakness has taken over me almost completely. He's so much stronger than me, anything I do won't change a thing.

Newt's POV

"Do you hear that?" Teddy asks me with her eyebrows crinkled, looking to the entry of the forest.

"Hear what—" and before I can finish she puts her finger on my lips to shush me.

"Shushhh," she's looking so curiously at the forest as to what it is. "Just listen." She whispers.

I follow her orders and listen carefully, only to her faint screams growing louder by the second.

"Is that—" she starts.

"Greenie?" I finish.

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