Killer Queen

By lizziexxwrites

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{diego hargreeves ff} Kate Patch doesn't know much about her boyfriend's family or their upbringing but offer... More

author's note


158 1 0
By lizziexxwrites

< April 1st 2019 >

It didn't take them long to arrive at the theatre that Vanya was playing at, mostly because it was only down the road from the bowling alley and the siblings had ran so fast that they couldn't feel their legs when they stopped outside the place. Instead of stopping outside and thinking of a plan, they knew that they didn't have enough time to sit around and chat; not only did they have to stop Vanya from making the biggest mistake of her life by ending the world but they were also outrunning gunmen that would eventually track them down just like they had before. They were on a tight schedule and needed to get things done as soon as possible so that the apocalypse wouldn't happen and that everything would go back to normal; not that any of them knew what would be classed as normal anymore because the last week and definitely changed their perspectives of things. They rushed inside the theatre and bounded up the stairs, but then Allison stopped everyone from going any further and scribbled in her notepad: I NEED TO GO ALONE.

That simple sentence was enough to break Luther because he desperately wanted to save Vanya but he also didn't want to see Allison get hurt and was stuck between the two. He tried to reason with the woman that was in front of him, not sure if it would work but it was better than trying to reason with Vanya in her current circumstances. "Allison, I can't let you do that, alright? She's beyond reasoning."

"You hear the music?" Diego looked up towards the ceiling and knew that they didn't have much time, the concert had started and Vanya was about to hurt a lot of people. "It's started."

"Do you honestly think she's going to listen?" Luther questioned, keeping his eyes trained on Allison and hoping that if he kept reminding her how dangerous this was, that she would give up and try his own plan. "After everything that's happened?"

Klaus' eyes darted around the room as he began panicking that they were running out of time and wouldn't be able to stop Vanya if they didn't hurry things along. "We don't have time for this."

"Okay." Luther sighed, seeming as if he had given into her demands and watched her running towards the stage before turning to the boys when he knew that the coast was clear. They seemed to already know his plan though, and had realised that he wasn't going to let Allison put herself in danger like that without a second agenda.

Diego frowned, not loving the plan that they were creating but going along with it because it was the only plan that they had. "You're using her as a distraction, aren't you?"

"Our best chance to incapacitate Vanya."

"What if Allison's right and Vanya will listen to her?" Kate offered, trying to support the only other woman that was part of the team and hoping that her voice would reason with the guys but it seemed that they were too caught up in their own imagination to realise that Vanya was still their sister and they needed to save her before they could save the rest of the world. She was fragile and one wrong move could cause the apocalypse. "Shouldn't we play it safe?"

"We are saving the world." Diego exaggerated, ignoring the glare that his girlfriend was sending his way because he was used to her looks and even with the end of the world ahead of them, wasn't going to change how they worked with each other.

Luther shrugged at the opinion, believing that he knew best. "She'll thank us later."

"So, what's the plan?" Klaus pondered, rubbing his hands together and was more than excited to finally be part of the plan because he was never told about anything, he was usually the one on the other side of these plans but now he was finally involved and was excited for what was going to happen.

"Uh, you wait out front." Luther instructed, sharing a look with Diego as they both silently agreed that Klaus would do better as far away from the issue as possible. They were sure that they could handle this alone and didn't want him in the way when things got messy, his powers weren't as useful in a life-or-death situation.

He gasped, annoyed that they were shoving him into the background once again. "What?"

"Yeah, you're the lookout."

"And you, Katy, stay with Klaus."

"What?" She gaped, shocked that her boyfriend didn't trust her to help when she had proved several times how helpful she could be. It was the main thing that they had argued about all week, and instead of learning from it so that they wouldn't argue again; Diego had done exactly what he had promised not to do and she was fuming. "I can help you."

"You are helping, by making sure he doesn't do anything stupid." Diego kissed her cheek, before running after Luther towards the stage and called over his shoulder to them. "Just let us know if anything happens."

Klaus and Kate were both annoyed that they had been left as lookouts. Klaus hated that his family didn't believe he was powerful enough to stop something like the apocalypse and his powers were deemed as not helpful because he wasn't super strong or able to fling knives around with precise movements. What his siblings didn't know was that there was more to his powers than they realised and he had been trying hard to enhance this power over the last few days; it was one of the reasons that he had stayed sober to unlock these new abilities. But his siblings didn't believe that he was capable of anything interesting and didn't give him a chance to prove himself; therefore, he was stuck on lookout duty. Kate was more annoyed with the fact that underestimating her and been something Diego had always done but this week she had proved that she could take care of herself and that she was an asset to his family. She was sure that it would count for something in the long-run but putting her on lookout duty was a slap in the face; it was him telling her in front of his other siblings that he deemed her to be unworthy of mission status. And she hated it.

"Bullshit." She mumbled, kicking a stone across the street as they headed back to the front of the theatre to start their lookout job. "I hate being lookout."

"So, do I, why do they underestimate us?" Klaus agreed with her, not mentioning that Ben was totally on their side with this whole thing, and flailing his arms around in protest. "We could really help them."

"Yeah, we could save the day!"

They stopped outside of the building and turned to face each other. "Are you hungry?"

"Starving." She nodded, gesturing over her shoulder where there was a van parked on the other side of the street. "I saw a burrito van over there."

"This is why you're my favourite." He beamed, wrapping an arm around her shoulder as they walked across the street to the burrito van; their worries about being lookouts long gone. "Gosh, Katy, how did I survive without you? Shit, sorry, forgot the whole Katy thing."

"No, it's okay, you can call me Katy. But you're paying for the burritos."

It didn't take them long to get their burritos, but the guy seemed kind of sketchy and Kate wasn't sure if she trusted the food enough to eat it when the end f the world was so close. She didn't want her last meal on earth to be something that would make her extremely sick; she'd rather have travelled down to the donut shop and made something in the kitchen for her and Klaus to enjoy as it seemed like they would be spending their final moments together. Instead of with the people that they truly loved. They were so busy faffing over their burritos that both of them missed the armed guards that had tracked them down at the bowling alley, heading into the theatre and also missed just how many there were; because there were more than before and they had more guns than before. Klaus was complaining about his burrito as they stepped away from the van. "I didn't ask for cilantro."

Kate stopped in the middle of the street and looked upwards, sure that she could hear gunshots in the distance. "Can you hear something?"

"Shit, we were supposed to be on lookout." Klaus panicked when he saw Cha-Cha, the assassin that had killed Dora walking down the street and quickly dragged Kate into the theatre; both of them throwing their burritos behind them because they didn't have time to poison themselves right now. They needed to save their family, who were fighting hundreds of gunmen inside the theatre. The theatre was empty apart from the siblings and the gunmen, meaning that the entire audience had ran out of the building and yet the two lookouts had missed it. Klaus was panicking more than normal as they burst through the doors of the theatre and warned his siblings. "Guys, it's Cha-Cha!"

"Klaus, get down!" Kate pulled him behind the closest chairs and just in time as more gunmen turned their weapons towards the newest pair that had come inside the theatre. Five managed to blink his way around the audience to take down three of the gunmen but the shooting continues as he isn't able to handle this on his own; then to make matters worse Klaus started complaining as his hands started glowing blue. "Okay, what the hell is happening?" Kate questioned, moving away from him slowly because she had never seen his hands glowing blue before.

"Get away!" He warns her and she quickly runs to hide next to Allison, behind more seats, avoiding the gunshots around them. Somehow Klaus morphs into someone else, with a light blue glow around his whole body as a figure with tentacles grabs the shooters and throws them around the theatre; saving the day. Just as the siblings were in awe of what Klaus was doing with the help of someone in the afterlife, a figure appears on stage, who they all recognise as Cha-Cha and Diego jumps from the audience seats, ready to avenge Dora's death. "Diego!" Kate lunges to try and follow him but Allison holds her back and pleads with her expression to keep her there, to keep her safe.

"Oh my God." Luther gapes, not believing that their brother was in front of them. "It's him, Ben."

Klaus took a sharp breath as the tentacles were retracted and he returns to his own body, laughing at what had just happened now that all the gunmen had been taken down. The siblings turned their attention back to Vanya, who was still playing her violin in the middle of the stage and acted as if the others were not there. The building was starting to crumble, just like the academy had and they were getting the strange feeling of déjà vu. Diego came back to his siblings from backstage, joining them in this final battle as he had finally come to his senses and realised what was more important to him. "Oh, welcome back, where were you?" Luther said sarcastically as they siblings huddled together.

"Honouring a memory." Diego said, not wanting to explain any further but he didn't need to because Kate knew what he meant and the fact that he hadn't murdered Cha-Cha spoke volumes. It meant that he had honoured what Dora would have wanted and put her feelings first, he hadn't acted on his own instincts and she was glad that he had changed his mind; embracing him and whispering.  "I'm proud of you."

He cleared his throat when they pulled away, noticing the others were staring at them and he didn't want them to think less of him because of this vulnerable side he was showing; so, he snapped straight back into planning. "So, how do you want to end this thing?"

"We surround her." Luther explained. "We come at her from all angles."

"So, it's a suicide mission." Klaus sighed, not wanting to take the chance.

Five shrugged, understanding the plan and knowing that it was their best shot at stopping Vanya. "Yeah, but one of us could get through. It's the only chance we've got."

"Are we all in?" Luther double checks with his siblings and they all agree that this was their only shot at saving the world. "Stage left." He pointed to Diego, then pointed to himself. "Stage right. You guys take the front." Everyone ran to get into position but the girls hadn't been given a place to go and Allison was desperately trying to get them to try a different way. "I'm sorry Allison, there's no time. If she finishes this concert, the world goes up in flames."

Kate and Allison hold hands from the audience as they watch the boys take their positions, then just as they are about to run, Allison slips away. Kate can't really understand what is happening as everything happens so fast, one second the boys are running towards Vanya and are yelling their battle cry to stop her and then Vanya uses her power to blast each of her brothers into the air; holding onto them with a bright white light. She beams them towards the ceiling and doesn't seem to have any emotion on her face which is the scariest thing that Kate had ever seen. Allison reappears behind her sister with a gun in her hand, but instead of shooting Vanya, she aims the gun slightly next to her ear and blocks out whatever she was focusing on. This makes her power stop, dropping all of the boys onto the stage and knocks Vanya out; she points her power towards the ceiling of the theatre and when the light darkens to nothing, she passes out. Kate rushes forward to help catch Vanya before she lands on the floor and lowers her head onto Allison's lap as the brothers join them; Luther asking the first question. "Is she alive?" Allison feels her neck for a pulse and nods, sighing in relief. "She is? Yeah?"

Klaus sighed happily too, throwing his head back in the air. "Oh, thank God."

"We did it. We saved the world." Luther knelt to the ground and put his arm around Allison.

Diego rushed over to Kate and wrapped her in his embrace, kissing her head several times to reassure himself that they were safe and for a split second, she relished the feeling that they were finally safe. Then she opened her eyes and focused on something that didn't look so great above them. "Uh, guys, I don't think this is over."

"Anyone else see that big moon rock coming towards us?" Klaus pointed, moving backwards.

Luther carefully stood back up, keeping his eyes trained on the danger. "That's not good."

"So much for...saving the world."

"If only Sir Reginald could see us right now, huh?" Diego sighed, shaking his head because he knew that the end of the world was happening and they did nothing to save anyone. "The Umbrella Academy. A total failure."

"At least we're together at the end. As a family." Luther expressed, sending a small smile to the rest of his siblings and Kate leaned over to squeeze Diego's hand in reassurance.

Five was so deep in thought that he missed the sentiments of his family because he had an idea. "This doesn't have to be the end."

"What do you mean?" Kate questioned, furrowing her eyebrows because they didn't have much time and it seemed like they had no other options but to surrender to fate.

"I think I have a way out of here, but you gotta trust me on this."

"Yeah, I don't think so." Luther chuckled dryly and Diego, for once agreed with him. "No way."

Five rolled his eyes, knowing that the one time they agreed on something it wouldn't agree with him. Right when the world was about to end as well. "Well then, we might as well accept our fate because in less than a minute we're going to be vaporised."

"What's your idea then?" Diego asked, not wanting to be vaporised.

"We use my ability to time travel. But this time, I'll take you with me."

"You can do that?"

Five shrugged, being honest with them. "I don't know, I've never tried it before."

"What's the worst that can happen?" Kate wondered aloud, noticing the glares that were sent her way by the others as she rolled her eyes. "Come on, we could die either way."

"Well, you're looking at it." He explained the worst thing that could happen because it had happened to him. "A fifty-eight-year-old man inside a child's body."

She shook her head, with a smile. "You know, I keep forgetting that minor detail."

"Oh, what the hell? I'm in." Diego said confidently and looked towards Klaus, who agreed. "Yeah, whatever, I'm in." Then Luther agreed to the wild plan. "Me too, Allison?" She nodded, not wanting to be left behind then Luther asked about their other brother. "What about Ben?"

Klaus looked back and could see that Ben was agreeing, so told the others. "Great, yeah, he's in."

"Great, Luther grab Vanya." Five instructed as he prepared himself for what he was about to do.

"Wait, should we be taking her?" He asked, picking up the passed-out girl. "I mean, she's the cause of the apocalypse. Isn't that like taking the bomb with us?"

Five knew the risks but he wasn't prepared to leave their sister behind. "The apocalypse will always happen and Vanya will always be the cause, unless we take her with us and fix her."

Everyone grabs onto each other; Kate stands between Five and Diego as electricity starts crackling around them and Luther shouts excitedly.  "It's working!" The noise gets louder as they squeeze their eyes shut and hold on to each other for dear life. Five knows that things are about to get complicated. "Hold on, it's going to get messy!" Then the siblings get zapped away, just before the apocalypse ends the world.

a/n: last chapter of season one! who's excited for season two?🥳 -lizzie ⭐️

date published: 07/01/22

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