Make My Voice Brand New [COMP...

By StayGold_483

38.1K 791 215

A Peter Parker x OC Story **SMUTS** A few years after Homecoming, Peter said yes when Tony Stark invited him... More

I'm A Nervous Wreck
Out Of My Limit
He Makes Me Feel
An Invite
Drive Me Out My Mind
Priceless Advice
I'm So Down
It Gets Harder For Me
I'd Rather Make Mistakes Than Make Nothing at All
Just Crash
When I Get Home, You're So Dead
Won't You Give Me a Chance?
Favourite Fantasy
In The Palm of Your Hand
Is It Too Soon To Say Perfect?
You Don't Get Lucky Twice

Begging For The Next

2K 48 11
By StayGold_483

Peter could honestly not tell you how he got to this point in his life. This time a couple years ago, he was swinging around Queens in a onesie, trying desperately to defeat his ex-girlfriend's dad. Now, he lived in the Avengers compound, a brand new suit, no active enemies, Aunt May was taken care of financially, and things were superficially great.

He was also tied to his own bed because he told the Winter Soldier to take his girlfriend off his hands, and he had a strong feeling of dread settling in his stomach.

You honestly couldn't write this stuff.

He looked up at Luka, who was leaning over him, her stomach pressed on his stomach, her thighs either side of his hips, her hair fanning down from her shoulders, her eyes watching him frown, waiting for her to start talking. His tongue played with the tie gagging his mouth, but it wasn't shifting. He flexed his hands, his wrists erupting in pain as the tie dug into his skin. He could usually easily break out of it, but his powers and his strength weren't exactly up to scratch right now. Peter had no choice but to let Luka do what she was planning.

He tried to tell her to get on with it, but it just came out as a series of strangled noises. Luka smiled, her fingers still trailing the bare skin on his torso.

"I'd love to let you loose, but it's already taken weeks for you to be in the same room as me." She said, a smile still on her lips, but Peter sensed the bite in her words.

He grunted, flopping his head back on the pillow and staring up at the ceiling. Luka sat up, her hands resting on his stomach, but Peter didn't look at her. He felt angry for some reason. Because he let her do this?
Because of what she was about to say? How easily he fell back into her when they kissed?

"Peter, look at me." Her order made his head snap to her. God he couldn't even avoid her eye contact. He was so fucked. "I want to start with an apology."

He couldn't speak, how was he going to say he was sorry?

"I'm sorry." She said, making him frown. "I let you break up with me and got angry and walked away without talking about why you felt you had to do that, so...I'm sorry."

Peter shook his head, tugging on his arms before remembering that he was tied up. That wasn't what he was expecting, and she sure as hell didn't need to apologize for him ending things. He tried wriggling out of the restraints, but she just put a firm hand on his chest, and he immediately stopped his movements.

"I'm also sorry that I gave you reason to believe that Bucky was taking me away from you." She continued, making Peter groan and try wiggling again. "If you keep trying to get out, you don't get your reward." She pointed out with a smile.

Peter stopped. He held her eye contact, then slowly nodded.

"Now," She said, shifting on his hips slightly, making him groan as she pressed against him. She smiled at his response, but stopped moving all the same. "For your apology." He screwed his eyes shut. "First, I'm going to explain my side, then I'm going to explain my theory on why you did what you did, then I'm going to explain why it was shitty. If you listen, I'll give you a chance to apologize. If not, I'll leave, and you have to get out of this yourself."

Peter exhaled loudly, but Luka just folded her arms across her chest. He wasn't getting out of this himself. Had he kept up with training, sleeping and eating, he could easily snap the tie in two, but he was just drained.
She knew that. The fact that there was a beautiful body on top of him also made him not want to get out.

Luka leaned down, her nose brushing his, and Peter instinctively leant up to kiss her, before the tug of material reminded him that his mouth was out of action. It made her laugh.

"I told you, pay attention and you'll get me after." She kissed the end of his nose, and he felt her fingers tracing shapes up and down his side. "Ready to begin?"

Peter breathed in deeply, looking at her beautiful, sparkling eyes. Then he nodded.

"Good." She sat back up, her core pressing down on his cock, and his stomach tensed as he held back a noise.

She tugged on her shirt, pulled it over her head, and threw it on the floor. Peter's eyes widened as she sat there in a bra, then slowly slid her hands up his chest. He felt tingly, his cock was starting to pulse with want, and he watched her fingertips edging their way up to his nipples.

"Peter, were you listening?" He looked back up at her, to see a smirk on her lips. Fuck. He already failed. She had been talking the entire time and he completely missed it. "I said that you have to pay attention."

He shook his head honestly, and she tutted in response. He blinked as her fingers circled round his nipples, then she squeezed one roughly. Peter yelped, as best as he could whilst gagged, then the pain subsided quickly and his body just rippled with a shiver.

Did he like that?

All he knew was that if she did it again, he wouldn't be opposed.

"Listen this time." She said sternly, and he nodded straight away. She began moving her fingers across his skin again, but he stared at her eyes, forcing himself to listen. "I said, that I always thought we had fun, would you agree?"

Did he agree? It was hard to focus on that while her finger was running around his nipple, and he was kind of wishing she would pull it again.

Peter nodded, hopefully quick enough to show he was listening.

"So, I first met you crashing into your room testing Tony's suit. Then as I met more of the team, you were always just leaving. I got you to spend lunches with us, movie nights, then Bucky said he thought you had a crush on me, you visited me in the lab, we kiss..." She paused, and Peter watched her eyebrows crease in the middle ever so slightly. Her fingers trailed up to his collarbone, her mouth getting closer to his as she laid on top of him. "After you kissed me, I realised I liked you too."

Peter wanted to respond, so badly, but between hearing the words and her body on him, his brain wasn't working properly in telling his body to move. All he could do was watch her face, and feel her touch on his skin.

"I loved texting you, because despite Tony saying we couldn't see each other, because you made my day better. Yeah, you were nervous, I could always tell, especially when I snuck into your room," She sat up then, her hands sliding down to his stomach. He tried to arch his back, move his hips away from her, but it didn't work. "But I kinda liked that. I could tell you weren't playing games, I knew what you were thinking. The texts dropped off, yeah, but I knew you had a mission coming up so I didn't push you. The next thing I know, I'm in the pool, and you're saying you don't want to carry anything on."

Peter looked away. Sure, when she explained it like that, it sounded like he broke up with her for no reason.

"Peter?" She asked, but he just stared at the wall.

She rolled her hips purposefully, her core rubbing over his cock, and his eyes instinctively closed, his throat rumbling with a moan. The sensation licked up his spine, and he pulled at his restraints with a bit more force.

"Peter," She purred against, rocking against him until he finally looked at her. She smiled. "Good boy." His stomach lurched in desire, and his cock throbbed with the praise.

Luka shuffled back, her hands going to the top of his sweatpants, and Peter suddenly tried to sit up. She raised an eyebrow at him.

"Want me to stop?" She asked.

Peter held her gaze for a few seconds, then shook his head, and let her pull his trousers down. He lifted his ass up, expecting her to pull them off completely, but once they were down under his ass, the end of his boxers, she stopped and climbed back over him, settling across his hips. Her body was now a lot closer to his dick, and with every pulse, he was sure she could feel it.

"My theory on why you ended things is based on what Bucky said." She said, making Peter groan.

He really didn't want to talk about Bucky, not when she was half naked on top of him. He wanted to rip through his restraint, flip her over, and kiss her to make her stop talking. He wasn't sure when he started thinking so confidently, but Peter thought it happened somewhere between their sexting and knowing what she sounded like when his fingers were inside her.

Another jolt of blood rushing to his cock. He saw her visibly twitch, the movement of him getting harder evident as she sat on him. She smirked, but she didn't address it.

"Bucky told me that you thought I deserved better, that I deserved him." Luka continued, shuffling forward a little, so she was no longer sitting on his crotch, but on his stomach. "I've had a lot of time to think about what you meant, then I remembered what you said at the pool. My theory is that you don't believe that I ever liked you."

Peter thumped his head back on the pillow. She was right, part of him did think that, but hearing it come out of her mouth just stabbed him in the heart.

"And I get why, I know about Liz, and her Dad." Peter looked back at her. "I know when you moved here, you kept people at a distance. You probably don't want to be in a position where you get close to someone, and their dad then tries to kill you. Not a great family dinner." He wanted to smile, but he knew this was going somewhere else. "Because of that," She brushed some of his hair out of his eyes. "I believe that when people show an interest in you, your insecurities make you want to push them away. And because of that, you found a reason to push me away, which happened to be Bucky, and Stark."

Peter stared at her. It was all he could do. Because she was right. Of course she was right. He tried to have a girlfriend, her dad tried to kill him. He tried to keep his friendships, they got used as leverage. He tried to date Luka, Tony banned them from seeing each other. His idea to end it when he did was so that he didn't end up too far gone when Mr Stark inevitably kicked him out of the compound for going against him. He wasn't strong enough to defy Mr Stark, so he wasn't strong enough to give Luka everything she wanted. Bucky was.

Peter had stopped trying to fight. He had also stopped responding. He was just staring. That was, until Luka's hand reached behind her, and her fingers brushed over his half-hard bulge, making Peter flinch. He was not expecting the contact, and he was not expecting his cock to jump at her touch, like it needed her.

"Ready to hear why it was shitty?" She asked, her fingers trailing over the material of his boxers, outlining his cock.

He tried to growl, and it kind of came out, but the tie was too far in his mouth and it just sounded garbled. Then she pressed her whole palm against his cock, and the growl turned into a moan. Peter's eyes rolled back slightly.

"I'll take that as a yes." She was teasing him, and it was torture. He was also enjoying it. "It was shitty, because you should have talked to me about it. I told you I'm not sleeping with Bucky, and I'm still not. And if you had asked me, I would have told you that, and I would have also told you that I liked you enough to not care what Tony thinks." She rubbed his bulge, the pressure on his cock lighting up his adrenaline. He was struggling to focus. "It was also shitty, because Bucky is my closest friend, and I spent most of my time with him, talking about you."

Peter's eyes opened, and he looked at her. Her fingers cupped his balls, and he fought the urge to lose himself in the blissful feeling.

"See, I usually stop trying with people after we've slept together, and you're the first person I wanted to see again. So yeah, I talked to my best friend about what to do, what to say, yadda yadda yadda."

She ended her sentence by firmly grabbing his shaft over his boxers, and he was now completely hard, and having a hard time listening to her words as his brain swam with fuzzy spikes of arousal.

He tried to say her name, to tell her to stop, because he wasn't going to last much longer if she wanted him coherent, but the gag stopped his mouth being able to form the words.

"And what do I get?" She continued, her hand moving slowly, teasing his cock as his boxers stopped him feeling her fingers fully, the agonizing pace keeping his desire above a comfortable level, ebbing and flowing as she went up, and down, and up, and down... "For me, trying to actually date someone and not fob them off? I get told that I'm fucking about with their feelings, that I'm sleeping with someone else."

Peter groaned in frustration. He was an arsehole. She was right, it was shitty, and it was his fault. Her hand finally left his crotch, and he breathed deeply trying to calm down the thump in his heart. Until she slid back over his dick.

"What do you think about all that, Peter?" Luka asked, leaning back down so that her nose brushed his, one hand going through his hair and the other coming up to stroke the tie lining his mouth. "Did any of that seem accurate?" She looked up at his eyes, which were looking back at her with sympathy, regret, and a hint of desire.

Peter slowly nodded. He gently tugged at his wrists, trying to indicate that he wanted her to untie his hands, but she shook her head and laughed.

"Ooh, I know I said I would, but this is fun isn't it?" She teased, wrinkling her nose as she bit her bottom lip.

Peter shook his head, and Luka responded by rolling her hips, rubbing her core over his aching cock. Another groan escaped from his throat, and she hooked a finger over the tie on his mouth.

"What I will do, is take this off." She said, pulling the tie down and out of his mouth. Peter immediately licked his dry lips.

"Luka, untie my hands." He said, his voice croaking a little.

"Now now," She tutted, continuing with her hip movements, which made Peter's breath pant out of his open mouth. "I do believe an apology is required first." She rocked particularly hard against him, making his back arch and his head hit the pillow, pleasure licking through his veins, anger spiking through his brain as it tried unsuccessfully to command his arms to touch her.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, okay? Untie me, please." He moaned. She leaned back down to his ear.

"I don't believe you're really sorry." She whispered. Peter growled and tried to twist his body so that he could reach her to kiss her, but she moved back at the last second.

"Luka, please," He begged. "You're right, you're completely right, I'm sorry, just please untie my hands." He wrestled against the restraint as if to make his point. He just needed to touch her.

"What am I right about?" She asked, as innocent as ever. It was making Peter angry.

"Everything, okay? I was shitty, and insecure and I shouldn't have done it, now – untie. My. hands." He growled at her, but all she did was smirk an annoying smirk as if she knew he would react this way.

"Shouldn't have done what, Peter?" She asked, rolling her hips over his again, grinding her core onto his painfully hard cock. Peter couldn't hold back the moan that time.

"I shouldn't have - fuck ended it without...without talking to you." He breathed as she kept moving over him.


"And what?" He glared at her.

"And me and Bucky?" She asked. He groaned and thumped his head on the pillow.

"I really don't want to talk about him."

"Why not?" She leaned down, stretching and pressing her entire body against his bare torso, the touch prickling every single nerve in his skin. Her nose brushed against his, and he almost leant up to kiss her, but he knew her game by now. Her fingers stroked his hairline as he glared up at her.

"Because I have other things on my mind." Peter admitted through his teeth. "None of which involve him."

Luka smiled. "Is that right? Care to elaborate?"

Peter spread his fingers, then clenched them into a fist, and the next thing he knew, his arms managed to split the restraint apart. She gasped above him, but before she could say anything, he sat up, grabbing the back of her head and smashed their mouths together. His lips were punishing, kissing her harshly, and he felt the whoosh of her breath leaving her lungs as he somehow flipped her over onto her back and climbed on top of her, kicking his sweatpants off his feet.

He was very aware of his ... situation, so he kept his hips away from her as his chest pressed down on hers, their kisses growing passionate and heady, which was not helping his situation at all. Her leg was bending, her knee resting at the side of his hips, and her hands were running through his hair, down his back, over his shoulders. She seemed to accept that they were done talking, and she seemed to be trying to pull him closer, while he was trying to keep some distance between their bodies so that his dick would calm down, but she wasn't having it.

"Peter..." She whined, as her hand trailed down his stomach and pulled on the waistband of his boxers. He panted, watching her eyes look up at him pleadingly, and he had a sudden flashback to the last time her hands were around his cock, and his hips twitched at the memory, pushing into her hands. She smiled, not needing to wait for verbal confirmation, and she slid her hand inside, lightly dragging her fingers up his solid dick. He shuddered, swallowing as his eyes closed, and kissed her again, his breathing heavy.

Her fingers stilled on him and he felt her move, quickly realising that she was trying to sit up. He shuffled back, her hand slipping out of his boxers, and pulled back from her mouth, his hands still at her waist, waiting for her next instruction.

"On your back." She whispered, keeping her face close to his so that her lips brushed over his mouth. Peter nodded quickly and scrambled so that he was sitting back against the headboard, and Luka slowly, and gracefully moved so that she was sitting across his outstretched legs. He reached for her neck to pull her back in, but her hand on his chest made him hesitate.

"What?" He panted. He just wanted her back on his lips, back on his body, her hands back on his..

"I want to taste you." She smiled, and he swore that his heart dropped out of his ass. Taste as in...

"You w-want to give me a-a blowjob?!" He spluttered, his fingers tensing on her neck, making her laugh and reach up to pry them off her skin. If she did that, he was sure that he would last exactly 2 seconds. Like last time when she..

Her hands slid down his stomach, and although he was out of his training routine, he was definitely still in shape. Her fingers were slow, gliding over his skin, and he felt the trails of her touch lighting up like fire. He realised he was still staring at her in shock when she surprised him with a soft kiss.

"Is that okay?" She whispered, her hands still moving down to his boxers as he sat there dumbly. She didn't wait for an answer. Instead, she just kissed him, then started kissing down his neck, his collarbone, his chest...

He realised that this was happening. He didn't want to stop it, but he also wasn't sure about it. No one had ever done this to him, but she knew that. She probably knew that before their first kiss. He'd seen a lot of videos on it but he was pretty sure that was exaggerated. Now, he was on a bed, watching the most beautiful girl in the world kissing down his stomach to his..

Her lips reached the waistband of his boxers, and he visibly shivered as his head fell back against the headboard. His hands were in fists either side of his hips, clenching the sheets beneath them as Luka shifted back. She looked up at him, muttering his name until he looked at her.

She was fucking gorgeous. Half naked, her face right next to his dick, and sexy little smile on her lips as her eyes held his gaze.

"You want me to stop?"

"Never." He exhaled, making her smile widen. She pulled on the waistband, and he automatically lifted his hips so that the boxers slipped right off him. His dick bounced with the movement, and then she wrapped her adorable little fingers around the base, making him hiss as his body spiked with pleasure. He could already feel himself throbbing, threatening to come, and he tried to will the feeling down. He would at the very least feel her lips before finishing.

"Don't worry Peter," She said, and he opened his eyes, realising that his concerns are probably written all over his face. Her hand slowly teased up and down his cock as she watched his eyebrows frown. "I'll be gentle with you." She winked, before leaning down and –

Holyy shiiiiit

The feel of her tongue across the top of his cock was unbelievable. He shuddered, his whole body shuddered, and Luka almost stopped. Almost. She swiped her tongue over the top again, then swirled it round the head. Peter had a hard time keeping his hips still, and his mouth shut. He groaned, loudly. With his eyes closed, it felt like he was seeing spots somehow, and his body was both tensed and relaxed at the same time.

He was not ready for her mouth.

His cock slid in, glided in, slotted in perfectly into her tantalising mouth, her lips wrapping around as her tongue licked down the shaft as it drove further to her throat. He literally had no control, and no idea what he was supposed to do, but when he felt himself throb, with her mouth a tight seal around him, he was absolutely done for.

He cried her name, panting and pleading, as his orgasm ripped through him, and he felt his come pump into her mouth. She didn't stop. She kept sucking, swallowing and licking every drop off of him, dragging his pleasure out until it edged on the corner of pain.

When her mouth popped off his dick, his body finally let him relax, and he flopped back on the bed, feeling boneless and jellified. He panted, and whimpered when her fingers left him, instantly missing her touch. His ears were drumming loudly with his heartbeat, and he was vaguely aware of her moving over him, and fluttered his eyes open. She was in front of him, gorgeous and smiling smugly, and he reached to wrap his arms around her waist, but he didn't have the strength to pull her any closer.

"I'm sorry." He breathed, surprised that those were the first words to come out of his mouth. It made her laugh though.

"Why are you sorry?" She settled across his legs, just behind his still throbbing dick, and he silently thanked her. Any other touch and he honestly felt as though he would explode.

"It wasn't...I didn' was very quick." He looked down, embarrassed as he spoke, but she just shook her head and pulled her face to his, kissing him lightly.

"First times never are. Maybe we will just have to keep practising."

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