Just Crash

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Peter was three days away from his mission. He was ridiculously excited.

But his excitement was dampened considerably when he went down to the lab to go through the final suit checks with Mr Stark.

He'd got to the doors of the lab, his feet automatically heading in, but instead he crashed into the doors. He frowned up at them, as they usually slid open automatically any time he came down, and tried pushing them with his hands instead. They wouldn't budge.

Tony Stark was on the other side, working away. When the glass creaked under Peter's hands, Tony looked up at him, and just shook his head.

"M-Mr Stark?" Peter's voice cracked as he spoke. Tony just put his head back down to focus on the machine in his hand. "Mr Stark!" Tony dropped all his things, and stared straight ahead. Peter could see his chest heaving with a deep breath.

Then he stood and walked towards the doors, his eyes on Peter. Threateningly. Peter stepped back.

"What do you want, kid?" Tony said, harsh and cold.

"I...I...I came for my suit check." Peter finally got out. Tony scoffed. Something was very, very wrong.

"Your suit is fine. What's not fine," Mr Stark stood up and came to the doors, stopping on the other side. "Is the fact that you are still trying to have a relationship with Luka."

Peter's face went cold. His eyes bugged out of his head. His brain went fuzzy.

"I....I'm n...I'm not-"

"During training this morning," Mr Stark said, the volume of his voice calm but his tone worrying. "I took your phone to install some new tracking and comms systems. And as soon as I opened it, there was a text thread." Mr Stark tilted his head. "A text thread between you, and Luka."

Peter didn't say a single word.

"When I found you down here that night I thought I was very clear with her about telling you that nothing could happen. Hell I told the whole team how she is not allowed a relationship. You, and her, went behind my back and carried on anyway!" By the end, Mr Stark was yelling through the doors.

"I...I'm just...we're just-" Peter tried to protest.

"Don't even think of telling me that you are just friends. I'm not buying it." Mr Stark hissed. "You and Luka will not see each other again. Do I make myself clear? You will stop with the texting, stop with the distractions, and go on the mission in three days."

Peter could almost feel the anger radiating off him, like a fire licking his skin. Mr Stark's eyebrows were drawn tight in a frown, and he felt his eyes starting to prickle.

"We're done here." Tony said, before turning around and walking back to his bench. "FRIDAY, ban Mr Parker from any floor that isn't his room or training areas for the next three days."

Then the lights suddenly went red and a loud alarm sounded, making Peter's head throb.

"You are in a restricted area. You must leave." FRIDAY's usually calm voice suddenly sounded horrible, robotic, and cold.

With his hands over his ears, Peter took a final look at Mr Stark's back, hunched over his work table, then when his brain started screaming at him from the alarm, he ran up the stairs, with the beginnings of tears in his eyes.

As soon as he reached his first 'permittable' area (where the gym was), the alarm stopped, and he slumped onto the floor, exhausted, the tears falling onto the carpet. His hands clenched into fists, and he yelled.

He'd ruined it. He had been so close, so fucking close to the end and he fucked it up by leaving his phone in his bag. He knew that now Mr Stark knew, he would have put something on his phone, sending him an alert if Peter texted Luka, or blocking it from going through.

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