Spider-man: An Illegal Hero

By KarmaSpidr

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The multiverse is nothing new to our friendly neighbourhood Spider-man. 8 months into his hero carrier he had... More

The Light
Vigilante vs Villians
New Vigilante
Call me Peter
I'm a genius, remember
Ware house raid
Remember this Message
Hosu chaos
Hero Killer
Class is in Session
Spider Teacher
The Symbiote Arc Part 1: The Warning
The Symbiote Arc Part 2: Venom
The Symbiote Arc Part 3: Meeting
The Symbiote Arc Part 4:Battle Plan.
The Symbiote Arc Part 5: The Tamed vs The Wild
The Symbiote Arc Part 6: The Chaotic Four
Stories I recommend
The Symbiote Arc Part 7: All Venom All Carnage
The Symbiote Arc: The Final
Hospital Visit
Rescue Mission
Underrated Crossovers and Plots
Rescue Mission Pt2
All for One and One Spider for All
The Dorms
All Gods Turn on Their Followers
Flames of Hell
Discord and Oneshots


2K 45 12
By KarmaSpidr

Spider-man struggled against the grip of the Nomu as the two of them fell to the ground below. The Nomu was large with 6 arms. It had 3 fingers on each claw of its hand.

Its skin was a dark grey, almost black and extremely tough. It had two fangs sticking out of its mouth that was just an inch from stabbing into Spider-man's chest. The worst part, it's brain wasn't exposed.9

The two continued to tumble to the streets below, with Spider-man doing his best to prevent the Nomu from stabbing its fangs into him.

"Let me guess, you're one of Otto's pets aren't you?"

The Nomu simply screeched at Spider-man. Spider-man rolled his eyes and said, "Yeah yeah. You fight a mindless monster once you've fought them a million times."

Using their free fall to his advantage, Spider-man grabbed the Nomu and turned it, making it face the ground with its back.

"Let's see if you are any more durable than your winged cousin," Spider-man screamed at the Nomu.

Spidey then used the Nomu to launch himself back into the air, only to fire two lines of webbing onto the ground pulling with all his might, launching himself into the Nomu like a speeding missile,  smashing it into the pavement below.

There weren't many people wandering the streets at this time of night, but those were beginning to run away when the two collided. (Like any sensible person would do if two potentially powerful beings were fighting in the area.)

Spider-man jumped off the Nomu and spoke, "I'm aware of that now, Eraser. It just shoved me out of the top window and into the streets. I'll handle it, you need to handle Dabi on the higher floors. He's restrained but I don't know how long my ice webs will be able to hold him."

Without any hesitation, Aizawa replied, "Got it."

Normally he wouldn't like the idea of leaving a kid to handle something like this, but considering how the Nomu's abilities didn't come from a quirk and just how capable Parker has proven himself during his time in their universe, the most rational action for him to take would be to let the kid take care of this.

Eraserhead began running up the stairs to the top floor. He informed Spider-man, "I found Octavius in the basement. They captured him and had him create that Nomu. I have him secured so he won't be going anywhere."

"Thanks, Eraser."

Spider-man then spoke to his A.I, "Karen, evacuate the nearby area. This may get messy."

"On it Peter... please be careful."

The Nomu began to get up from the small crater it made and Spider-man replied to Karen. "Karen, if you think I'm gonna be careful,  then you don't know who programmed you.".

Spider-man fired a web at the Nomu's face and pulled it down, breaking more concrete with the Nomu's jaw.

Spider-man then fired two lines at its back and pulled it towards him. He jumped forward then kicked off the Nomu like it was a springboard. The Nomu flew back across the street, hitting the car and activating its alarm.

The blaring of the alarm ended up hurting Venom, who in turn screamed in pain and Spidey's suit. This fight was gonna be a bit harder than Spidey would've wanted.

The Nomu quickly got up from the crumpled car and charged at Spider-man.

Spider-man tried sidestepping the monster, but it grabbed his arm with one of its own and slammed him into the ground, smashing the concrete. The Nomu then proceeded to continuously hit Spidey, breaking bits of his mask with each hit.

Finally managing to get his bearings, Spider-man shot a web at the Nomu's eyes, blinding it.

"There's web in your eyes!"

Spider-man then backflipped off the ground and kicking the Nomu in the chin, knocking it back. Spider-man fired a barrage of webbing at the creature, attempting to trap it.

Unfortunately, the Nomu was a lot tougher the Spidey predicted, as it shredded the webbing, ripping it out of its eyes, and then charging at the arachnid hero.

Spider-man front flipped over the Nomu and webbed its back. When he landed on the ground he pulled against the webbing, pulling the Nomu towards him.

"Come to, Papa!"

When the Nomu got close enough Spider-man kicked its head with a roundhouse. The Nomu once again hit the streets, this time with its head. Spidey was pretty sure he heard the cracking of bones with that one.

But Ock most likely gave the thing a healing factor as it barely reacted before changing at Spider-man again

Spidey dodged the first punch but wasn't quick enough to react to 3 simultaneous hits from the 3 arms on its other side.

Spidey stumbled back and muttered, "What I wouldn't give for the Iron Spider right about now."

The Nomu jumped at Spider-man once again but Spidey sidestepped the creature attack. It quickly turned around and tried to hit Spidey with a triple punch but he did a front flip and landed on the Nomu.

The Nomu started jumping around trying to either knock Spider-man off of itself or to grab him. Unfortunately for it, neither seemed possible at the moment.

"You know, despite the number of rodeos I've been on, I have never in my life ever ridden an actual bull. Crazy right?"

The Nomu simply shrieked in reply. Spidey sighed and said,

"This is the problem with fighting mindless opponent like you. You have even less appreciation for good jokes than regular old bad guys."

Again, the Nomu simply shrieked in reply, this time louder and longer than ever before. Combine that with the blaring car alarm and Peter had to cover his ears from the noise.

This caused Spidey to loosen his hold on the Nomu, allowing for it to throw Spider-man off of itself. Spider-man went flying, hitting a nearby light post, bending the metal.

Spidey groaned as he picked himself up. This was harder than he expected.

Suddenly, his Spidey Sense began screaming at him. Before he could react, the Nomu picked him up and threw him into the air.

Spider-man flew in the air for a bit before regaining his bearings. He fired a web at a nearby building and swung himself to its rooftop. He looked down the edge of the building and saw that the Nomu was running up the walls with its 6 arms.

"Well, that's not freaky at all," Spidey muttered to himself.

He backed away to avoid the Nomu head butting him. He fired two lines of webbing, hitting the Nomu's chest.

"This took out your friend back at USJ. I hope this works on you."

A large electric current went straight through the webbing and flowed straight into the creature's chest. Even if the thing was artificial, it would still need a heart of some sort to operate.

The Nomu shrieked as the electricity flowed through its body, attacking every cell in it.

Eventually, the electricity stopped and with it, the Nomu went limped. It dropped down, smoke rising from its body.

The Nomu suddenly rose up and jumped towards Spider-man. It didn't give Spider-man much time to react.

He didn't have to.

A black tendril came out of Spider-man, stabbing the Nomu through its mouth and coming out the back of its head.

This shocked Spidey. He didn't realise that he got far enough from the car for its alarm to no longer affect Venom.

The Nomu tried moving, but a dozen more tendrils came from the spider, stabbing the monster in all sorts of places.

When the tendrils slowly slithered back inside of their host, the Nomu dropped to the ground, dead.

"You couldn't have picked a better moment," Spider-man muttered.

'Just be grateful for saving your sorry butt.' The symbiote answered.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Spidey laughed.

He picked up the dead Nomu and placed the rather large creature on his back. He then took a running start and jumped off the rooftop.

He shot a web and swung the two of them back to the abandoned hotel. He saw Eraserhead outside the hotel. He was carrying in an unconscious Red Web member outside. Spidey also noticed that both Otto and Dabi were outside, along with about a dozen other cultists. All of them were unconscious.

Spidey landed next to Eraser and made his presence known by saying, "I know this vigilante back in my world who also likes to let his anger out on criminals. I think the two of you would get along really well."

Eraser looks at Spidey, a look of relief flashed across his face before quickly hiding it. He looked at the Nomu that Spidey just dropped onto the ground.

"That's the quirkless Nomu Octavius created."

Spidey looked at the dead Nomu and said, "Yep. Ock went all out on this one. So is this all of them?"

Eraser nodded and said, "There are still a good number of Red Web members inside the building, but we should have them all out and in cuffs as soon as the police arrive and they should be arriving soon."

Spidey nodded and said, "If that's all then I'll be heading off now. Good Night, Eraser."

Spidey swung off into the night sky. He heard Eraserhead call out behind him, "Where do you think you're going, Kid?"

Spidey simply replied with one word, "Home."

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