The Love Note

By InEveryUniverse_FFN

9.1K 45 25

Lincoln is alone on a Sunday night, just at the mall. There, he meets a familiar that he happens t... More

Opportunity From GJ
First Performances + Squad Intro
First Performances PT. 2
Jordacoln Confirmed
Lunchtime Altercation
Family Finds Out
Speak of the Devil...
Karaoke Contest Pt. 1
Karaoke Contest Pt. 2
The Masks Get Interesting
Smackdown & Injured Bunny
Another Mask Bites The Dust
There's Another Park?
Secrets Are Revealed...
Is Lincoln Here yet?
Dinner Storytime
A Self-Jade Plan
More Shocking Revelations

Someone is Exposed

293 2 3
By InEveryUniverse_FFN

Author's Note: It's been two weeks since I've last updated...on the original story. First off, I'd like to apologize for that. I know you guys don't pay attention to the original, but it just means that another chapter won't come out for a bit. Luckily, I have sorted this out somewhat, as school is almost done for the year. Unfortunately, I will have to permanently change my update to whenever I can. This won't fully be a loss, as I'll once again start updating longer chapters again (especially since the last chapter didn't even crack 1000 words, but 911). There is a bright side though, as I can now upload chapters onto this platform at the same time as the original. I didn't even need to this second one for tonight, but I have homework I don't want to do, so... :)

As Lynn made her way up the stairs, she heard the sound of a guitar strumming on the left side of the hall. She (and all of us) knew it was Luna playing the guitar, and she moved on. Passing her and Lucy's room was just like normal: quiet. Without Lynn herself in their room, it would be typically quiet in there.

But alas, that was not the location Lynn had planned to go to. Instead, Lynn turned right, where she proceeded to knock on the door of the room she needed to go into.

"Come in," the voice said. With that, Lynn entered the room. Inside, there was a crib on one side with a science kit on the other, accompanied by the person of interest. Whilst she had her back turned, it was obvious that this was Lisa. She turned around, now facing Lynn.

"I'm glad to see that my hypothesis has been confirmed, thanks to you, Lynn." Lisa began. "I do have one question though; Why did you help me with this so willingly?" The child genius questioned.

"First off, I already knew that Lincoln's dating Jordan. He told me straight up, and I already had my own suspicions. Second, I knew that he needed help telling people. Besides, why not help him in secret? It's not like anyone else will know about this," Lynn inquired.

"Why would you do that? You know you're not supposed to tell anyone!" A voice exclaimed.

Both Lisa and Lynn looked around the room, trying to find where that voice came from. Suddenly, Lucy had appeared before both of her sisters.

"Holy cow! How the heck do you do that?" Lynn asked in surprise.

"Even with my genius, I still cannot unfortunately answer that question." Lisa admitted disappointedly.

"That doesn't matter. What matters is that you helped Lisa find out without saying anything!" Lucy exclaimed. Even with her eyes covered by her bangs, you could tell that Lucy was not happy about this.

"Ok, maybe I should have said something to you or Lincoln about this first. For that, I'm sorry," Lynn said guiltily. Both Lucy and Lisa just stared at their athletic sister in shock, unable to process what she just said. Lynn was normally one to be unapologetic, or at least had difficulty apologizing at all. "Besides, all I wanted to do was help Lincoln tell should already know that he's struggling!"

"Sigh, I just wish that you-" Lucy started, wanting to voice her disappointment in Lynn.

"If there's anyone you should be feeling negative emotions toward, it should be me, Spooky." Lisa interrupted, the use of the nickname softening the goth. "Lynn wouldn't have done it if I didn't specifically ask her to do it."

"Why'd you make her do it then?" Lucy asked, wanting to be angry but couldn't. She needed to know why.

"I already suspected the two were together when I gave Lincoln my newest invention to help his shin heal. Besides, you should already know that my intention was pure; for the sake of my hypothesis being confirmed." Lisa explained, readjusting her glasses.

"How am I supposed to believe you?" Lucy asked, trying not to sound bitter but was instead curious.

"Are you kidding me? I said it yesterday during the emergency meeting!" Lisa exclaimed, now a little annoyed. Before things could escalate between the two young sisters, Lynn would intervene.

"Guys, you have to chill out. Luce, I remember Lisa saying that yesterday. I think we can trust her." Lynn stated, Lucy to sigh and agree with her older sister.

"Thank you. Besides, I've found out way more than I was looking for!" Lisa exclaimed out of excitement. "I even found out that Lori, Leni, and Luna know as well! And yes, I won't tell anyone else." Lisa sighed out that last part, but truly did agree to do so.

"Good," Lucy had said in pretty much her usual monotone voice. With that, she was gone and somehow not in the room Lisa shared with Lily.

"I really do wish I had some sort of scientific explanation for that," Lisa admitted.

"Ditto," Lynn replied simply. The sporty now walked out of Lisa and Lily's room, now confident in what she has done. 'There, Linc. I saved you from having a hard time telling Lisa. I'll leave the final three to you,' she thought as she went towards the stairs again.

Now In The Present:

Lincoln was now at the front door of his own house, contemplating what he could encounter inside. Outside of that, he knew there wasn't much else to worry about at the moment: Homework was actually quite light, and he knew that Jordan was either already at home or somewhat close. The fact that her neighborhood was close to the Squad's also assured Lincoln, as she knew she could ask them for help if they needed it.

With all possible worries non-existent, Lincoln decided to finally enter the Loud home. Inside, Lincoln would be greeted with an ironic situation despite it being the same way when Lynn came inside. The boy saw the same sisters doing the same thing as his sporting sister had.

The irony came when Lincoln realized which specific performance was playing on the TV, which also happened to be his own performance. It was just straight up Lincoln, inside the Bunny suit, singing the song he had performed that night.

Before Lincoln could actually give an actual verbal reaction to this, a certain athlete had come back from the kitchen with a cup in her hand; this presumably held another protein shake, which wouldn't have surprised Lincoln if that was true.

"Linc! Back from Clyde's?" Lynn has asked out loud, winking at Lincoln. You see, Lincoln had told Lynn that he'd be at Jordan's house (which he was). But, both he and Lynn knew that she'd have to change the person to Clyde.

All the Loud sisters in the living room now looked towards Lincoln, including Lori who just looked up from her phone. It looked like they all believed Lynn's lie, as nobody really seemed suspicious. You can't blame them, as Lincoln did spend a lot of time with Clyde.

The twins immediately ran past Lynn and kinda jumped into Lincoln, causing him to fall down.

"Oof!" Lincoln said as he got hit and fell.

It wasn't a hard fall, but it was accompanied with a small thud.

"Kids, what was that?" A distant Lynn Sr. had shouted from the kitchen.

"Leni, can you check on what that was? Your father and I are trying to make dinner right now." Rita said, clearly sounding concerned.

"Got it!" Leni replied. She looked towards Lori with Lily still in hand. "Mind taking Lily, Lori?" She had asked.

"Yeah, sure." Lori replied, showing some sort of annoyance. "I'm done with what I was doing anyway."

Leni then walked over and saw Lincoln on the ground where the twins had knocked him onto. Immediately, her big sister sense had triggered her.

"Oh my gosh, what did you guys do?" Leni asked in shock.

Lynn tried to calm her sister down, saying "Don't worry, sis. Lincoln's just fine!"

Leni looked toward Lynn, now deadpan. "Have you forgotten that his shin is still injured?" She said annoyed, now grabbing Lynn by the shirt. Lori was now watching, along with Luan. Neither of which wanted to be involved, and the twins were somewhat oblivious to what just happened.

They knew that they knocked him down, but they didn't think they had hurt him. Both were excited to see their older brother return home and wanted to greet him. Neither really thought things would escalate like they did.

Lincoln, clearly trying to stop the escalation, got up and got between Lynn and the annoyed Leni. "Leni, it's ok. I'm really ok. The twins just were trying to greet me and knocked me down."

"But shouldn't you be worried about your shin?"

"I know I'm not 100% yet, but Lisa's invention for my foot has really helped out. I can even walk normally! That's why I even went to Clyde's house! I wouldn't go there if I knew I could still get hurt again."

Hearing Lincoln's explanation really calmed Leni down, seeing she had nothing to worry about.

"If you say you're ok, I guess I can believe you." Leni said. Realizing what she nearly done to Lynn, she gave a nervous smile. "Sorry about that, Lynn."

"Don't worry about it," Lynn replied. She didn't bother to feel mad about what Leni had nearly done to her. It was just a misunderstanding caused by Leni's concern for Lincoln. It's just how she was, which was appreciated by all the Loud sisters (even if they don't always show it).

Then, Lana spoke nervously. "Lincoln, does that mean we didn't do anything wrong?"

"Yeah, cuz' we didn't mean to! We just wanted to ask you something!" Lola added, showing the same nervousness and guilt her twin did.

Lincoln looked at his little sisters out of pure concern, and kneeled down to their level. "Girls, I promise to you that you both did nothing wrong. You didn't mean it," Lincoln replied sincerely. "Now, what did you girls want to ask me?"

"You should already know, it's about The Masked Singer Jr!" Lola exclaimed excitedly.

"Did you really watch it at Clyde's house?" Lana asked.

"Of course I did," Lincoln lied. I mean, he did watch the show no doubt. That's obvious, since he's part of the show himself! But the twins can't know that, so he just had to say that. It's not a full lie, since he actually did watch. Half-lie, half-truth. "But I'll watch it with you, if you guys want me to."

"Do we? I want to show you my favorite performance!" Lola exclaimed happily.

"Me too!" Lana agreed.

Behind them were both Lynn Jr. and Leni, both only watching their brother speak to their sisters.

"That's our Linky; always so kind no matter what!" Leni whispered to Lynn.

"Duh, it's probably one of the reasons why Jordan fell for him!" Lynn whispered back.

"Yeah, but she's definitely not the only lucky one. I'm friends with her sister, Jen. I should know."

Cliffhangers...Anyway, I will finally say that production on another story directly connecting with this one has finally started, meaning you'll have more to see of me. This story will be titled, "The Secret Note" and was given help from a very special person who I'll mention when I make the story. Man, I've even gained other ideas for this story...specifically on the identities of some of the Masked Singers.

P.S (These are hints at what is to come...)




These might be seen as random, but they have a deeper meaning than what you may see.

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