The Love Note

By InEveryUniverse_FFN

8.8K 45 25

Lincoln is alone on a Sunday night, just at the mall. There, he meets a familiar that he happens t... More

Opportunity From GJ
First Performances + Squad Intro
First Performances PT. 2
Jordacoln Confirmed
Lunchtime Altercation
Family Finds Out
Speak of the Devil...
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Karaoke Contest Pt. 2
The Masks Get Interesting
Smackdown & Injured Bunny
Another Mask Bites The Dust
There's Another Park?
Secrets Are Revealed...
Someone is Exposed
Dinner Storytime
A Self-Jade Plan
More Shocking Revelations

Is Lincoln Here yet?

217 1 0
By InEveryUniverse_FFN

Love Note 15 - Is Lincoln Here Yet?

Author's Note: First off, I hate to say this but this chapter will be shorter than last chapter, which was supposed to be the template for the length of this chapter. Don't worry, I have already immediately started the next update I'll post.

"What do you mean, Lynn?" Lincoln asked, still concerned for his sister.

"You don't have to tell us if you don't want to," Jordan said, trying to reassure the sporty Loud.

Lynn looked to Lincoln, and then to Jordan, all in silence. Then, she seemed to break out of her blank, shocked expression.

"Nah, it's fine." Lynn said with a smile, assuring both Lincoln and Jordan. "I'm just feeling pretty weird, since I'm really seeing how true love is...and how much I really don't know about it."

"I thought you didn't care about love, or believe in it!" Jordan exclaimed, clearly confused.

"Well, you're right that I don't care about love," Lynn said, honestly sounding a little bitter or arrogant. "But I can see now that it actually is real," Lynn said with a smile.

Lincoln scratched the back of his head in confusion. "Wouldn't you have seen that in Lori and Bobby, though?" the white-haired asked.

"With the type of lovey-dovie relationship they have? Yeah, right!" Lynn said, causing Lincoln to shake his head in understanding, whilst Jordan laughed.

"Besides, you guys are just more...relatable in terms of a relationship." Lynn admitted.

"How so?" Jordan asked.

"To be honest, most people in relationships aren't usually like Lori and Bobby's. Most people's relationships are like you guys', and plus the fact that we're around the same age helps me relate with you guys more," Lynn explained with surprising knowledge of the subject.

It wasn't that Lincoln didn't think Lynn would know any of that information, because he already knew she did. The surprising part was the fact that she actually cared enough about it to remember and say.

"Wow, Lynn. I never thought you-" Lincoln started to say.

"-Would care?" Lynn asked, cutting him off. Lincoln nodded in response, along with Jordan doing the same.

"Yeah, I'm just as surprised as you. Now, if you will excuse me, I'm gonna go inside before I end up saying too much more." Lynn said, starting to walk toward the Loud House.

Lincoln turned to Jordan. "You coming?"

"I...don't think I should," Jordan replied honestly.

The boy looked to his girlfriend, now looking sympathetic. "What's up?"

"It's not that I don't want to go inside with you, it's just that-" Jordan said, hesitating for the last word.

Lincoln reached out and held Jordan's hand. In a soft, gentle voice, he said, "Don't worry, you can tell me."

Jordan now looked at Lincoln, just a mere few inches apart. Both blushed, before they both smiled at one another.

"Well, the first time I walked into your house...I was just your friend," Jordan started, starting to blush again. " time, I want to make sure that I'll be there as your girlfriend to everyone," she finished, now a crimson red.

Lincoln's face now flushed into the same color, but then turned into one of understanding. "So you want to wait until everyone finds out to come inside again?" Lincoln asked.

"Exactly. I can still be around your house, like in the backyard, but I don't want to go inside until then." Jordan explained.

Lincoln smiled, not showing a problem at all. "You know what? That's a great idea!" Lincoln said. "No matter what, I'll be by your side for this."

"I know you will," Jordan said. She kissed Lincoln, which was obviously returned. Once they broke out of their love-filled kiss, they slowly separated.

"I love you," both said simultaneously as they split. Both laughed at the symphonic phrase they just said. Once that was said and done, both started to turn their separate ways.

"See you tomorrow, Linc." Jordan said, as she gave a small farewell wave.

"I'll be glad to," Lincoln replied with a smile. Jordan made her way on the path home, when Lincoln pretty much was home already. The trio were near the Loud House, but not close enough to be detected by anyone inside. Well, at least not that they know of...

While Jordacoln Were Alone Outside:

Once Lynn had gone inside the Loud House, she noticed some of her sisters were still on the couch in front of the TV. Well, one of them looked up from their phone, which was obviously Lori. Alongside Lori were Leni (who was holding Lily), Luan, Lana, and Lola, who were all rewatching some of the performances from that day's Masked Singer Jr. episode.

"Oh, hey Lynn!" Leni greeted, with Lynn giving a nod for her return greeting.

"Is Lincoln here yet?" The twins asked simultaneously.

"Not yet, but he did say he'll be back around the same time as yesterday," Lynn lied. It seems as her sisters believed her, as their responses showed that.

"Oh, ok!" Leni responded in her usual enthusiastic tone.

"Aw, man!" Lola said in slight frustration.

"Don't worry, Lola. He probably watched it again at Clyde's house!" Lana said, calming her twin down.

"Yeah, he probably did after doing homework with Clyde, like he said." Luan added.

"That makes sense. I'll be heading upstairs now." Lynn said, leaving her sisters to continue their thing.

I know, I know. Another cliffhanger? I promise that this is just for suspense, and to make sure you guys stay guessing and anticipated.

No references, but that last part is an early hint to one of the Love Note Extra Scenes I'll be writing about when I make it (it will not be titled that)

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