Blue Eyed Boy {Completed}

By BoOk_DrEaMeR

346K 9.4K 756

Blue eyes. I was always a sucker for blue eyes. Every guy I've ever gone out with has blue eyes. I've seen al... More

Blue Eyed Boy
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter One
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Two
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Three
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Four
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Five
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Six
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Seven
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Eight
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Nine
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Ten
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Eleven
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twelve
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirteen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Fourteen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Fifteen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Sixteen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Seventeen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Eighteen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Nineteen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Twenty-One
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Two
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Three
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Four
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Five
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Six
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Seven
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Eight
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Twenty-Nine
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-One
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Three
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Four
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Five
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Six
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Seven
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Eight
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Nine
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Forty
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Forty-One
Blue Eyed Boy-Epilogue

Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Two

5.8K 184 27
By BoOk_DrEaMeR

Enjoy :)

Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Two


The next day passed by in a blink. It didn't take long or panic mode to set in as Spencer and I rushed to look perfect. She had chosen a very sexy get-up that is supposed to be a genie. It consisted of a tight periwinkle blue mini sjirt and a flowy silver blouse tucked into the waist loosely. For shoes she decided on silver wedges that had straps and wrapped all the way up her calf.

At the moment, she was carefully applying a confusing design of makeup. She had foundation, blush, and lip gloss on. Now she was using her blue and silver eyeliner to rim her eyes and draw an intricate design winging out to her temple. She literally looked like a cool pixie or something.

I, on the other hand, have chosen to go as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. My dress wasn't as revealing as Spencer. It was a lacy cotton dress that fit me like a glove. It was cinched at the waist and hinted at my chest size. It reached a little below mid-thigh. The dress was held up by spaghetti straps. On my feet, I was planning on struggling with a pair of sparkly red stacked stilettos.

I glancedin the mirror approvingly and went over to wear Spencer was putting gentle, glossy waves in her healthy black hair. She smiled in satisfaction when she was finished, and turned towards me.

"What do you think?"

"Beautiful as always,"I smiled,"Do you mind curling my hair with the barrel curler?"

She answered with a positive and started heating it up. Not long after, I was standing staring at a reflection that I didn't recognize as myself. My hair was perfectly curled and pulled back in loose, low-hanging pig tails. There was a beautiful, silver locket in the shape of a heart laying around my neck and diamond earrings in my ear.

Along with my hair, Spencer had also done my makeup. My lips had bright red lip stain with a coat of clear gloss on top. My eyes were delicately lined with onyx black eyeliner and a shimmery eyeshadow adorned my eyelids. Some light foundation and blush later, we were waiting downstairs for our guys to show up.

Ryan and Tyler have grown close lately, so they were both upstairs together getting their costumes on. Ten minutes before we had to leave, Spencer and I heard footsteps on the stairs and I used my supreme restraint to not squeal in excitement. I was getting way to worked up about this.

Ryan came into view first, dressed as a football player. I scoffed at his originalness. Note the sarcasm.

Tyler was next and even though he told me what he was dressing up as, the sight of him shocked me and took my breath away. His hair was it's usual sexy mess, but today he had applied a slight amount of gel to make it look more proffesional. He was wearing a complete black suit with a black bow tie and dress shoes. Drop-dead gorgeous.

"You look great,"I said at the same time Tyler said,"You look beautiful."

"Thanks,"we said simultaneuosly again.

The whole room cracked up, including my parents who were now standing around the corner. After we had all calmed down, Ryan and Spencer began to talk and I walked over to my mom and dad.

"Have fun, but be safe,"my dad said with a small smile.

"No drinking,"she paused and sighed,"Who am I kidding? Don't get wasted and do something you will regret. Okay? Do you want to bring some of our alcohol? I don't want you drinking some drugged drink from a stranger."

"Some vodka would be nice?"I proposed, giving them anxious glances.

My dad groaned, but went into the kitchen to get some non the less. He came back a little later with a full bottle in his hands. 

"Don't drink all of it. Also, don't drink it straight. Make like a mixed drink or something. Margaritas,"my dad advised.

"Will do. Thanks. Love you,"I gave them each a hug and then we all piled into Tyler's car: Him and I in the front, and Spencer and Ryan in the back.

The ride was filled with excited chatter about the party. We always did this. Unfortunately, Mark is usually with us. Too bad he got flu at the last minute and couldn't join us. Sucks to suck.

"I hope they have good music,"Spencer sighed.

I was with her on that one. One of the parties last year only played hard rock and screamo. I guess that's what you get for going to a gothic party. I felt really out of place in my baby blue mini dress and silver heels. I sighed at the memory of how it used to be before everything got complicated and tuned back into the current conversation.

"I hope they have something good to mix with this vodka,"I chuckled,"Like some margarita mix or orange juice."

The whole car whooped and hollered. I just hoped I wasn't too hung over tomorrow. That would ruin the rest of my precious weekend. 

"What brand is it?"Ryan asked from the back.

I looked down at the bottle's wrapper curiously and gasped in surprise,"It's Grey Goose! All the way from France! This must have cost like $50!"

The whole car gave an audible gasp and then we broke into uncontrolled laughter. I got kind of worried after a while because Tyler was supposed to be driving. So I gave him a light slap on the arm and pointed to the road. He got my message and sobered up, turning his full attention on driving.

Our energy levels were high as we piled out of the car. The house party was in this huge mansion at the corner of town. The drive way had been at least a mile long and it was surrounded by huge oak trees for privacy. 

We danced and skipped up to the door the best we could in our heels, and gave the doorbell a hyper ringing. The person who opened the door held a slightly irritated expression.

"I heard you the first five times,"he grubbled and then wandered back into the living room.

The house shook with the power of the music blasting out of the surround sound. I noticed the origin of the music was a dock that held an iPhone 5. I wouldn't have expected less from these millionaires. It makes me wonder why they didn't go to some private school or something. Maybe they do have some modesty.

We followed the guy into the house and found our way to the giant kitchen. I poured a slosh of the vodka in four cups and then turned to Tyler.

"Can I put this in your car? I'm afraid if we leave it here it will be sucked dry in ten minutes,"I asked worriedly.

He complied and, like a gentleman, he carried it out to the car for me. I turned back to the others with an evil grin.

"Let's get drunk."

I walked to the fridge and searched through it. I eventually came out with three different choices. There was tropical margarita mix, orange juice, and lemonade. I turned to my friends and boyfriend with a questioning look.

"Orange juice,"Ryan said after some hesitation.

Spencer puckered her lips in thought before responding,"Lemonade. I'm feeling like something sour will do me some good."

"Margarita mix,"Tyler said.

I smirked,"Good choice."

I poured out the drinks and gave them out to the respective person. They nodded in appreciation and I walked to stand next to Tyler. I took a sip of my drink and felt my whole face cringe at the burning sensation trailing down my throat.

"Maybe a pinch more juice for me,"I gave a small smile and poured more liquid in my cup.

I took another sip and the pain was much more bearable this time. I continued to sip at my red solo cup until it was empty.  Then I looked up at everyone and noticed that they were looking at me in disbelief.

"That was fast,"Ryan smirked.

I glanced around and noticed their still full cups,"Oops. I just sipped it!"

"I was watching you. You chugged it. That poor drink never had a chance,"Spencer teased.

I stuck my tongue out at her and turned to Tyler with a blush.

"Do you want to dance?"

"How bold and unsexist of you,"he guffawed.

"Whatever. Just don't expect me to become the man in this relationship,"I shrugged and turned to the living room.

Everyone laughed and I dragged Tyler with me to the alternate dance floor. People were twerking and grinding, some making out. I screwed my face up in disgust. I am not a fan of PDA.

Tyler and I made it to a less crowded section and started to slowly shake our hips to the music. He kept his hands on the sides of my waist and I rested my hands on his broad shoulders. A song came on and I gave him a wicked smile.

"This is our song!"I laughed.

His face twisted in confusion before recognition flashed across his beautiful face,"That one day in the car!"

"The day after you asked me to be yourgirlfriend,"I smirked and he brought me close. 

We snuggled up together and the rest of the room disapeared. All my senses detected were the warmth of Tyler's body pressed against mine and the thrum of the music blasting from the speakers.

I walk a lonely road, the only one I've ever known.

Don't know where it goes, but it's home to me and I walk alone.

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams.

When the city sleeps and I'm the only one and I walk alone.

The chorus rang in my ears. The deep meaning of the words burrowing deep in my soul. My hips swayed rythmically and I just lost myself in the soft beat of the drum and the strumming of the electric guitar. 

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me.

My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating.

Sometimes I wish someone up there will find me.

'Til then I walk alone...

The song came to an end and I opened my eyes slowly and leaned back to look at Tyler. His lips held a smile that I know is probably similar to the one gracing my face. Just the thought made it widen into a full out toothy grin.

He laughed,"You look like a deranged clown."

I scowled and slapped his arm,"Way to ruin the moment."

"Sorry,"he smiled apologetically.

"All's forgiven,"I patted his arm and laced my fingers with his,"Let's go get something to drink."

We walked to the kitchen that was now void of people. I hopped on the counter and watched as Tyler used his long strides to reach the fridge. He leaned in and surveyed the options.

"Bud Light Lime or Coors Light?"


He grabbed the glass bottle and chose a bottle of Dos Equis for himself. He walked to me and stood between my legs. He handed me the bottle and watched with amusement as I tried to use my teeth to uncap it. Eventually, he took it from me and used his hands to pop it off with ease.

He gave me a smirk and I just looked away, letting my eyes wander over the pricey kitchen. The granite countertops and stainless steel appliances were impressive, but not as impressive as the wine cooler that held at least seventy bottles of expensive looking wine, embedded in the far wall.

Tyler caught me looking at it and gave a smirk,"Thirsty for more already?"

I glanced down at my beer, to notice I had unconsciously drank half of the bold liquid. I took another chug and winced at the stale taste. I was never one for beer, but I tolerated it. I watched as Tyler opened the huge door, searching the tone of large glass bottles. He seemed to consider for a moment before removing one from near the top.

He brought it over and I looked at it with curiosity. He proudly sat it in my lap and gave me a confident smile. A look appeared on his face that seemed to ask, Are you impressed, or what?'

I glanced at the label and my brow furrowed in confusion. I never heard of the brand. The date on it read 1961, which ahd me gasping. This was either collected from an older relative, or they spent a fortune. I inspected the label closer, reading the name. Petrus Vintage.

"How expensive do you guess this one bottle cost?"

A thoughtful look came across his face and he shrugged,"I'm guessing around $140, 00."

I almost spit the beer out of my mouth. But Tyler gave me a look that told me to hold it.

"I'm not drinking this,"I stated firmly, jumping down to put it back.


"Because it is super expensive! I'm not going to steal this from these people! Chose something way cheaper,"I enunciated, gesturing to the many wines.

He huffed and placed the wine back. A minute later he came back with a smaller bottle that seemed to have white wine inside. My favorite. The label read Volteo Blanco 2008.


He frowned,"Around ten dollars."

I smiled and handed it back to him. I finished my beer and went in search of some glasses. I found some in a cabinet and brought two back to where Tyler was waiting with the opened bottle of wine. I smiled and held the glasses while he filled them about halfway up.

He stored the wine back, and came to stand in front of me. Simultaneously, we brought the glass to our lips, taking a small sip. The ends of my mouth curled up in appreciation.

"Not bad."

"The other wine would have been better,"Tyler grumbled.

"And I wouldn't have been able to live with myself knowing what I had done."

After a few minutes of small talk, we had finished our drinks and disposed of our glasses in the sink. I dragged Tyler back to the dance floor and met up with Spencer and Ryan. We danced together for hours before I felt like my ankles were going to break. I pulled Tyler away and into a little sitting room to the side. There were a couple of couples making out, but I ignored them and removed my painfully high heels.

I sighed in satifaction and ran my bare toes over the soft carpet. Tyler watched with amusement, then took them from me, almost dropping them in his tipsiness. I giggled at nothing in particular, noticing how tipsy I was feeling. 

"I don't think you should put these back on."

"Me, either,"the fact that we could still enunciate our words properly was a good sign.

It was a unanimous decision and we walked hand in hand out to his car, storing the heels in the trunk. 

"It feels great out here. The air is much less stuffy,"I remarked.

"Want to go sit outback?"he proposed, turning to me questioningly.

I shrugged and we entered the house again. This time we brought the Vodka back inside and by now the burn didn't bother me. I barely diluted it with some lemonade, then we just left it on the counter and walked out back.

We stumbled upon a hammock and I smiled. We both got in and the small bed caused us to smoosh together. He wrapped his arms warmly around me and I sighed in contentment. I continuously took sips of the drink, causing me to get even more wasted. I just hoped I remembered this perfectness in the morning.

"Tyler,"I mumbled incoherently,"I abmount to flall asweep."

"Zokay,"he helped me out of the hammock and we started walking back to the decking. I stumbled a bit and heard a plastic cup bounce of the wood panels under my feet. I glanced at my hand and noticed I still had mine.

I looked to my side and what I saw shocked me. Tyler was sprawled across the grass on his stomach. His forehead had drips of blood spilling down his jaw. My eyes widened in shock, but before my muddled mind could put it all together, I felt cold, gloved hands grab my shoulders. 

They placed a drugged hankerchief over my mouth and everything faded to black.


If you couldn't tell, it's not edited, but it's SOOO LONG! You are welcome! *bows head as applause fills the room*.

Haha this deserves a like and comment if I have ever seen one :)

LoVe Ya & GoD bLeSs<3

Song: Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day

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