handprints on my soul - jaylo...

Por dorotheasdreams

54.1K 1.7K 2.3K

please take my hand and please take me dancing, and please leave me stranded it's so romantic Más

starstruck (part 1)
starstruck (part 2)
starstruck (part 3)
it's nice to have a friend (part 1)
it's nice to have a friend (part 2)
writing lover
give you a child - finding out
your eyes look like coming home
i can't live without you (part 1)
i can't live without you (part 2)
give you a child - telling family
taking on the world together
say you'll see me again
i watched it begin again
christmases with you
november flush
loving you is a losing game
coffee at midnight & burnt toast sundays
if you ask me if i love him...
this love is ours
this love is ours (bonus part)
like we're made of starlight
the reckless path
never looking down (part 1)
never looking down (part 2)
family that i chose
sacred new beginnings
hold on to the memories
sparkling nights (part 1)
sparkling nights (part 2)
sea of grey
it's a cruel summer
just close your eyes
dare to dream about you
did the love affair maim you
spring breaks loose
the story of us

your eyes look like coming home (bonus part)

1.1K 44 62
Por dorotheasdreams

so let's preface this by saying that i was not planning on a part two but y'all really seemed to like the last chapter so i thought i should probably write another one. hope u enjoy! <3


Taylor enjoyed watching the play, always having loved to see Brooklyn get her creative side out. She was exactly like Taylor in so many ways, always having loved to sing, dance, and just be on a stage. Sometimes Taylor wondered if her daughter had inherited anything from her father at all.

During the parts where neither Jackson or Brooklyn were center stage, Taylor couldn't stop herself from sneaking glances at Joe, manily at his lips which she already missed so much. She wanted his warm hands on her waist again, twirling around to the soft melody in the elementary school gym.

After the play was over and the kids took their bows, waving to their parents, they left the stage and ran to their families.

"Brooklyn! You did so amazing, baby," Taylor said, grinning at her daughter as she hugged her.

"You were the prettiest princess I have ever seen," Joe said, smiling softly at the little girl.

"Thank you!" Brooklyn said.

"Jackson, you were the bravest knight in the world," Taylor told the little boy who was waving his sword around in the air.

The two kids eventually went off to get food from the small after party, leaving Taylor and Joe alone again.

"Your son is an impeccable actor," Taylor told Joe with a soft grin.

"As is your daughter," Joe responded. "Would you like to come over this afternoon?"

"I'd love to," said Taylor. "I think we should... probably have a little talk about... stuff."

Joe sighed, running his fingers through his already messy hair. "I'm really sorry if that wasn't an appropriate thing to do, I just-"

"Shh," Taylor told him, placing her finger over his lips after quickly making sure no one was paying attention to them. "That moment was flawless, Joe. I wouldn't have chosen any other time or place for that to happen."

Joe smiled in relief, glad that he hadn't just royally screwed things up with someone he cared so much about.

"We'll talk things over when we get to your house, okay?" Taylor told Joe.

"Okay," Joe repeated, still smiling lovingly at her.

The kids played around for a little bit before they eventually all headed back to Joe's house. Seeing as they had all driven there together, it worked out perfectly that they decided to all go to the same location again.

After setting the kids free to play in the backyard, Taylor and Joe walked to the living room, sitting themselves on the couch so they could talk things over.

"I'm just gonna say it," Taylor said, taking a deep breath. "Do you want to be in a relationship with me?"

Swallowing his fears, Joe nodded. "Yes. I knew from the second I saw you that something was special, Taylor. You made me want to lower my guard, break down those walls I built around myself."

Taylor smiled bashfully, feeling her heart explode with love like it only had with Brooklyn.

"I kind of made a vow to myself when my boyfriend ditched me that I wouldn't trust other guys too quickly, because that was how I got pregnant and abandoned in the first place. This may be soon to say this, but... when I look in your eyes, I feel like I'm at home," Taylor told him.

Taylor and Joe stared into each others' electric blue eyes, feeling as if a thousand words were spoken within that silence. Taylor was initiating the next kiss, loving the taste of Joe's lips.

"We have to be careful," she whispered to him as they leaned their foreheads together, their eyes shut and their breathing soft after breaking the kiss. "We don't want to overwhelm Brooklyn and Jackson, and... if things go south... we can't let that get in the way of their friendship."

"Of course," Joe breathed, moving his hands to Taylor's and playing with her fingers.


That night, back at her own home, Taylor pulled out her guitar, having inspiration to write a song. Brooklyn was asleep, but Taylor needed to get the lyrics down.

"Cause all I know is we said hello, and your eyes look like coming home," Taylor mumbled, strumming chords on the guitar. "All I see is your dazzling haze and everything has changed."

Taylor loved the time of the night where she got to sit on her living room floor and put all of her thoughts into songs. It was so therapeutic to be leaned against the couch in loungewear, a guitar on her lap, a pen and paper on the coffee table, her brain working magic.

"All I know is you held the door, you'll be mine and I'll be yours. All I know is since yesterday is everything has changed."

Taylor bit her lip, wondering where to go from there. That was catchy, probably what would end up being the chorus. She sat for a while, mindlessly strumming the guitar in the tune of the song while trying to brainstorm lyrics.

She gasped, an idea floating to her head. "All your walls stood tall, painted green, but you'll take 'em down, take 'em down, as you open up the door for me."

It was getting late, and Taylor was certain she wasn't going to get any more writing done that night, so she went off to sleep, dreaming of Joe.


The days moved on, Taylor and Joe wanting to spend more and more time together. Brooklyn and Jackson were loving it, enjoying the fact that they got to play together so much.

Taylor finished her song, which she was calling Everything Has Changed, and invited Joe over so she could play it for him, although she didn't tell him about the song in her text.

As Jackson and Brooklyn went to go play with Brooklyn's dollhouse, Taylor led Joe to the living room, where her guitar and notes of the lyrics were sitting.

"This may be a bit strange... I mentioned how I love songwriting and originally wanted to be a singer, but Brooklyn got in the way of that," Taylor said. Joe nodded. "I wrote you a song."

Joe's eyes widened. "Really?" he asked.

"Yeah. Just a little something I put together on some late nights, but I hope you like it," said Taylor. "Take a seat, and I'll play it."

"I can't wait to hear it. You have a beautiful voice and way with words," Joe told her.

Taylor couldn't help the pink blush that rose to her cheeks as she began to strum the guitar.

All I knew
This morning when I woke
Is I know something now
Know something now I didn't before
And all I've seen
Since eighteen hours ago
Is blue eyes and dimples and your smile
In the back of my mind making me feel like

I just wanna know you better, grow old together, hold you forever, I
I just wanna know you better, grow old together, hold you forever, I
I just wanna know you better, grow old together, hold you forever, I
I just wanna know you, know you, know you

'Cause all I know is we said "Hello"
And your eyes look like coming home
All I see is your dazzling haze
And everything has changed
All I know is you held the door
You'll be mine and I'll be yours
All I know since yesterday
Is everything has changed

All your walls
Stood tall, painted green
But you'll take 'em down, take 'em down
As you open up the door for me
And all I see
Is your lips in front of me
Stars on the ceiling, I can't help but feeling
That we're meant to be, and baby

I just wanna know you better, grow old together, hold you forever, I
I just wanna know you better, grow old together, hold you forever, I
I just wanna know you better, grow old together, hold you forever, I
I just wanna know you, know you, know you

'Cause all I know is we said "Hello"
And your eyes look like coming home
All I see is your dazzling haze
And everything has changed
All I know is you held the door
You'll be mine and I'll be yours
All I know since yesterday
Is everything has changed

Come back and tell me why
I'm feeling like I've missed you all this time
And meet me there tonight
And let me know that it's not all in my mind

I just wanna know you better, grow old together, hold you forever, I
I just wanna know you, know you, know you

'Cause all I know is we said "Hello"
And your eyes look like coming home
All I see is your dazzling haze
And everything has changed
All I know is you held the door
You'll be mine and I'll be yours
All I know since yesterday
Is everything has changed

All I know is we said "Hello"
So dust off your highest hopes
All I see are starry days
And everything has changed
All I know is a new found grace
All my days I'll know your face
All I know since yesterday
Is everything has changed

Taylor set the guitar aside, glancing timidly at Joe to see his reaction.

"That's really about me?" Joe asked softly.

Gulping, Taylor nodded, and then found hersef engulfed in a hug.

"That was the most beautiful thing anyone has done for me for a long time," said Joe, not having to speak very loudly as his head was right next to Taylor's.

"Really?" Taylor asked, feeling her nerves settle.

"Truly," Joe responded. "I'm so flattered that you'd choose to use your gift  to write something so magical about me," he said.

Taylor smiled, pulling back and looking into Joe's eyes. She needed to taste his lips again, feel them on her own. He noticed her hungrily eyeing his lips and smirked before moving forward, connecting their lips and allowing the sparks to fly.

Wordlessly, Taylor moved so she was straddling Joe, their lips never departing from the other, his hands on her waist making her feel things she hadn't felt for a long time.

"What are you doing?!"

The yell that came from the hallway startled them so much Taylor nearly fell backwards off of Joe's lap, but he caught her, making sure she wasn't about to break open her skull on the coffee table. Taylor climbed off of Joe, wiping her smudged lipstick.

"We were just... talking," said Joe, trying to clear the red lipstick from his face as well.

"It looked like you were eating each other's faces," Jackson said.

"Did you need something?" Taylor asked, wanting the focus to be off of her and Joe's make out session.

"We wanted a snack," Brooklyn said, glancing to the pantry.

"Yeah, go take whatever," Taylor said, too embarrassed to go help the kids get their food.

Brooklyn and Jackson returned to Brooklyn's room a few minutes later, and Taylor turned back to Joe, both of their cheeks noticeably more red.

"That was close," Joe said slowly.

"Yeah..." Taylor agreed. "God, I can't believe my daughter saw me like that." She put her head in her hands, groaning.

"If it settles your nerves, my son saw me feeling you up," said Joe.

Taylor couldn't help but chuckle a bit, turning her head to the side so she could see Joe's face again.

"Look, Taylor," Joe began. "I can't put it as poetically as you did, but I feel the same way you described in the song. I care so much about you. And... I also really think it's time for you to pursue a music career again."

"I don't know," Taylor said carefully.

"Do you still want it?"

She sighed. "Of course I do. I've wanted it since I was just a little girl. But I just don't have the time anymore. I'm at work, and when I'm not, I'm spending time with Brooklyn. The only time I have to myself is at night, and by then I'm too drained to do much other than sleep."

"I could help you," Joe offered.

"What, write songs with me?"

Joe laughed. "No, I don't think I'll ever be as good at words as you are," he said. "I could watch Brooklyn, though. Jax would love to have her over even more, and you would have time to get writing done."

"I don't even have a record label anymore. That fell through when they found out I was pregnant."

"Then I'll help you get a record deal," Joe said. "I don't know the first thing about the music industry, but tell me whatever you need help with and I will do it."

"You'd do that for me?" Taylor asked, feeling her heart explode at his kindness.

"I believe in you, Taylor, and I believe in your music. The world needs you," said Joe.

Taylor smiled. "I love you," she whispered. She knew it was early in their relationship, and the second she said it she felt like taking it back, because what if he didn't feel the same way?

"I love you too," Joe responded.

Their kiss was much more gentle this time, both having learned from their past mistakes.


Life settled into a bit of a routine. Joe would pick up Brooklyn from school usually two days a week, so Taylor had some time to get songwriting done. She was in contact with record labels again, sending in demo CDs to whoever she could. On the weekends, whatever time she had left would be spent with Joe. And she soon realized something that scared her a little bit.

"I wanna talk to you," Taylor said to Joe as they sat in his kitchen while Brooklyn and Jackson were off in the living room, Brooklyn sewing and Jackson drawing because of the rain pouring outside.

Joe met her eyes, a bit of panic in his. "Did I do something wrong? Are we moving too quickly for you? I-"

"Calm down," Taylor told him gently, smirking as she placed a finger over his lips to silence him. "You're perfect, Joe. I think my own brain is moving too fast."

Joe cocked his head to the side, frowning slightly. "What do you mean?" he asked.

Taylor swallowed, terrified of what she was about to confess. "When I'm here, at your house... I never want to leave, Joe. I want to be here all the time. And it's so soon, I understand if you don't feel the same, but... I want to move in with you. I want to tell the kids about us. If that's alright with you..." Taylor added, afraid she would upset something so delicate.

To her relief, Joe smiled. "I'm so glad you said that, Taylor, because I've been thinking the same thing. My least favorite part of the day is when you have to leave, and I hate all this sneaking around the kids."

Taylor let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. She was so happy, and she leaned in and kissed Joe, relishing in the sweet taste of his lips. "You have no idea how relieved I am to hear that," she said, her eyes loving as she stood just inches away from Joe. "I want to move in as soon as possible."

"Move in this weekend," Joe suggested. "We could tell the kids today, and get them to help, and by the end of this weekend you could be totally moved in."

Taylor smiled even wider. "That sounds like a brilliant plan," she responded. "Let's tell them now, even."

"Are you ready for this?" asked Joe.

Taylor nodded. "More than ready," she said, taking his hand before the pair walked to the living room.

"Brooke, Jax," Joe said, and the kids looked up from their activities to see what he wanted. "Taylor and I wanted to talk to you two about something."

"Are we in trouble?" Jackson asked, putting the cap on his marker.

"No," Taylor told them, smiling lightly. She gently released Joe's hand and walked to sit on the couch, Joe doing the same thing but walking around from the opposite side.

"What is it, Mommy?" Brooklyn asked, walking over from where she was on the carpet to sit on a spot right in front of her mom.

"Well..." Joe began. "You may have noticed that Tay and I like to spend a lot of time together, and... and..."

Taylor, noticing that Joe was struggling with how to phrase things, gently stepped in. "You both know Cinderella's story, right?" she said.

"Of course, Mommy," said Brooklyn. She loved Cinderella.

"And how Cinderella meets Prince Charming, and they fall in love?"

Again, both kids nodded.

"Well, Joe is sort of like my Prince Charming," Taylor said.

"Are you gonna get married?" Brooklyn gasped, looking excitedly between the two adults.

"Well, that's not in the plans right now, but maybe someday..." Taylor said awkwardly.

It was Joe's turn to rescue Taylor. "We're not getting married yet, but Brooklyn, you and your mum are going to come live here this weekend!"

Brooklyn stared quizzically at Joe. "Just for the weekend?" she asked.

"No, for... well, for hopefully the rest of our lives," Joe said. "Taylor and I, at least. You both will move out someday."

"We're gonna live here?" Brooklyn asked her

"Yeah, baby," said Taylor, smiling softly. "Are you excited?" She felt nervous that her daughter would be disappointed, wouldn't want to leave the only house she had ever known.

"Yeah!" Brooklyn said, to Taylor's delight.

"Good, cause I am too," Taylor said, standing up and hugging her daughter.


Life was amazing. Taylor couldn't imagine how it could get better. It had been a year since she and Brooklyn had moved in with Joe and Jackson, a decision that Taylor had known right away was the right one. She had also been signed to a record label, and her debut album was set to come out in just three months. The first single had performed better that Taylor could have expected, and she couldn't wait to see how the public reacted to the album as a whole.

When she arrived home on the afternoon of December 9, everything seemed just as it had been that morning. She turned her key in the lock, excited to see Brooklyn and Jackson again. But when she opened the door, neither child came running up to her as usual.

The house was unusually dark, the curtains drawn shut and the lights off.

"Brooke? Jax? Joe?" Taylor called, looking around the house and wondering where her family had gone. Cautiously, she hung her purse on the hook and walked to the living room.

Standing in the center of the living room, with all of the furniture pushed against the walls, was Joe, in a light blue button down and dark jeans. He looked as handsome as ever, and his eyes lit up when he saw Taylor's face.

"What's going on?" Taylor asked, a smile playing at her lips as she looked around the dark room.

"Come here," said Joe, his eyes shining like stars in the midnight sky.

Taylor walked towards him, feeling a hint of happy anticipation settle into her brain. She stopped right in front of Joe, looking into those gorgeous blue eyes.

Joe took Taylor's hands, staring into her soul. "Taylor, from the moment I saw you that morning in the classroom, dropping Brooke off, I knew you were something special. Little did I know just how enchanting of a woman you are. You are so courageous, talented, and  all around more than perfect. I pinch myself every day, wondering what I did to be able to call such an inspiring woman my girlfriend. And, if I'm lucky enough, maybe she'll allow me to call her more than that," Joe said. Taylor had tears swimming at the brim of her eyes, feeling herself overflowing with love for the man she was standing infront of.

"Taylor Alison Swift, will you marry me?" Joe sank to his knee, pulling out a box with the most stunning opal ring Taylor had ever laid eyes on.

"Yes, yes, of course!" Taylor exclaimed, allowing Joe just enough time to stand up and slip the ring on her finger before engulfing him in the tightest hug she had ever given anyone. "I love you so much, words can't even begin to describe."

"I love you too, love," said Joe, stroking her back. "There's one more little thing."

He walked to the side of the room, where he had a projector set up. He clicked it on and stars illuminated the walls just as they had at the school gym that one day, the classical music filling the room.

"Can we come in now?" came a call from the other room.

"Is it alright if the children join us?" Joe asked, smiling at Taylor.

"I couldn't think of a more spectacular way to spend the night," said Taylor, happy tears still spilling from her eyes.

"Come in, then!" Joe said, and Brooklyn and Jackson raced into the room.

"Did she say yes?" Jackson asked Joe enthusiastically.

"You better have said yes, Mommy," Brooklyn warned.

"I said yes," Taylor reassured the kids, showing her hand with the ring to them.

"Yay!" Brooklyn shouted, throwing her arms in the air.

"Wanna dance?" Taylor asked. "You and Jax can dance while Joe and I dance, and then we can switch it up. How does that sound?"

"Awesome!" said Brooklyn and Jackson together.

The blended family spent a while dancing before eventually making hot chocolates and sitting on the floor of the living room, the projector and music still going.

"To new beginnings," said Joe, holding up his mug for a toast.

"To new beginnings," Taylor replied, grinning at her new fiance. She couldn't think of anything more perfect than this.


okay, this is actually the last chapter of this. i have nothing more to add to this story. i hope none of y'all minded the lyrical changes to everything has changed too much. some were the original lyrics and some were stuff i came up with because it better fit the story. hopefully it isn't awful. i wish u all an amazingly day! <3

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