This Won't End Well

By acevrb

30.3K 1.6K 6.1K

Gon just got dumped by his girlfriend of two years over text. Forget getting your heart broken- his just got... More

2: How To Make "Friends"- The Gon Method (not guaranteed to work)
3: How To Force Your Neighbor To Have Lunch With You
4: How To Shop For CouchesοΏΌ With Your Picky Neighbor
5: How To Build A Couch (while your neighbor hands you stuff)
6: How To Cure "Boredom"
7: How To Shop for Groceries- Gon Style (a.k.a, everything goes wrong)
8: How To Get Patched Up
9: How To Lose Your Appetite
10: How To Get The Power Back On
11: How To Break-Up Sibling Rivalry
12: How To Take Your Neighbor To Lunch
13: How To Chase Off a Harasser
14: How To Swim
15: How To Overthink Everything
16: How To See The Stars
17: How To (attempt to) Drive
18: How To Start World War III From The Comforts of Your Own Home
19: How To Get Patched Up pt.2
20: How To Call a Cease FireοΏΌ
21: How To SucceedοΏΌ When The Universe Has It Out For You
22: How To Make Pancakes At 3am
23: How To Conduct an InterrogationοΏΌ
24: How To Just Talk
25: How To Have a Impromptu Therapy Session
26: How To Have a First Date
27: How To Wake-Up Right (highly recommended)
28: How To Kick Someone When They're Down

1: How To Use Cherry Garcia Ice Cream and Avatar to Drown Out Your Emotions

2.8K 76 317
By acevrb

What the fuck.

What the actual fuck.

Those were the only thoughts that echoed in his head. His eyes darted across the screen, re-reading their conversation ten times over. Each time he did, more tears welled in his eyes, and his breathing became faster.

We need to talk

Sure- what's up babe?
Is something wrong


What is it?

This isn't working

What isn't?

Us. We aren't working
We need to breakup

What why??

Please, Gon
Don't make this harder
then it needs to be

Retz what happened?

What did I do wrong??



What the hell Retz?????
Read 10:27pm

His heart stopped around the twentieth time he read it. He could no longer put himself through the misery of reminding himself he just got dumped. Over text. After two years of dating.

He felt nauseous, his chest felt tight, and his stomach felt like someone had used it to show their kids how to tie their shoes. He hadn't been aware of it, but he was biting the inside of his cheek, and the skin finally broke, filling his mouth with the coppery taste of blood. Tears welled up in his eyes and blurred his vision to the point of all but blinding him. He shook his head back and forth to rid himself of the tears and the horrible feelings taking him over.

He didn't understand why. Did he do something wrong? Why was she leaving him on read? They were fine just a few days ago when they celebrated their two-year anniversary. What could have happened between then and now?

Their second anniversary had been perfect, like something out of a movie. Gon had rented out the planetarium for the evening, where they stayed up watching the stars and laughing all night. He had bought and previously set up a projector where they watched the movie they saw together on their first date, The Sun is Also a Star. He got their favorite food they had on their first date also, ramen, from this little mom and pop shop they loved. It was the ideal night. Or so he thought. He must have done something wrong- right? There was no other reasonable explanation why someone he thought loved him would leave him after two years via a pitiful text.

Gon collected himself and took a deep breath. He stood up from his bed, weak at the knees, and trudged towards the door. He took another breath, this one shallow and through his teeth, before forcing a smile on his face.

"This is fine. I'm fine. I. Am. Fine," He mumbled through his plastered on smile before reaching for the doorknob. The metal knob was cold in his clammy hands. He turned it and walked through the doorway and saw his two other roommates on the couch together.

There they were, intertwined on the couch as they always were. Leorio and Kurapika, Gon's roommates, had been dating for four years and didn't care in the slightest if they exhibited PDA around the apartment. Gon usually threw pillows or anything he could find at them when they were being too much, but tonight, he wanted to throw a bus at the sickening display of love. 

"Hey, guys," He said through semi-gritted teeth, which he disguised as a smile. Leorio tipped his head back in an attempt to look at Gon.

"Hey. We were just watching The Conjuring. Care to join?" He asked, moving his head back to its original position to see the gory and terrifying movie depicted on the screen. Gon liked horror movies alright, but his roommates loved them. He knew Kurapika liked to watch them alone, in the dark, close to midnight, and then he could sleep like a baby afterward. Needless to say, he was somewhat terrified of Kurapika.

"Haven't you guys already seen that movie?" He questioned, looking away from the movie when he assumed there would be a major jumpscare.

Leorio hummed in response. "Four times, and what about it?" He clarified, not seeing the problem with his repetitive taste in movies.

"I- anyways," Gon rolled his eyes and waltzed over to the freezer where he pulled out his most prized possession, Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia ice cream. He turned to get a spoon out of the drawer behind him and got a towel to wrap around the pint of ice cream. He'd already gotten his heart broken over text; he didn't need cold hands too.

He started to walk back to his room when he caught Kurapika's eye, causing him to sit up and look at Gon curiously. "Wait, Gon," He called out after him. Gon stopped in his tracks and turned around with a questioning look on his face. "Is that Cherry Garcia ice cream?" He asked, motioning towards the carton cradled in Gon's hands.

"Yeah, why?"

Kurapika sat up further, untangling himself from Leorio, who looked offended that he would dare to stop cuddling him. "What happened?" Kurapika probed, looking at Gon with concern heavy in his eyes.

"What?" Gon annoyingly asked. All he wanted was to sit in his room and eat his ice cream, and Kurapika's sudden interrogation was stopping him from doing so.

"You only eat Cherry Garcia ice cream when you're upset. So, what happened?" Kurapika asked with a softer yet equally inquisitive tone. Leorio joined him by sitting up and looking at Gon, confused but attempting to follow Kurapika's line of reasoning.

"Nothing," Gon said, trying to make his voice sound positive and convincing but failing miserably. Kurapika looked at him with furrowed eyebrows and narrowed eyes that conveyed all sorts of hostile and threatening energy. Leorio still didn't understand what Kurapika was sensing, but he tried his best to look like he had somewhat of a clue. Gon looked between the two of them and let out a deep sigh. There was no way he was getting out of this without telling them the truth. "Okay, don't make a big deal out of it, but," They both raised their eyebrows and leaned forward. "Retz broke up with me," Gon mumbled under his breath, hardly loud enough for them to hear. But they did.

"WHAT??" They both shrieked. Gon looked at them both through his eyebrows and with his lips pursed into a scowl.

"Sorry... Uh, when did this happen?" Kurapika said, trying his best to maintain his composure. Leorio had brought his hands up to his hair and was pulling on the raven strands. He wasn't even trying to act calm.

"Like, about five minutes ago?" Gon droned before turning on his heel to retreat to his question-less room.

"Gon, get your ass back here!" Kurapika threatened, causing him to stop in his tracks immediately. He turned back around slowly, eyes wide and body tightened from Kurapika's sudden increase in volume and violent energy. "Now sit said ass on the couch," He pointed to the couch across from the one Kurapika and Leorio sat on. He slowly shuffled over to it before flopping down on the couch. Kurapika looked down at him and slowly nodded his head, seemingly satisfied with his obedience. "Okay. Now, tell us what happened."

Gon let out a sigh and leaned back onto the brown, dingy couch. "She just sent me a text saying it was over like five minutes ago. That's pretty much all that there is to say," He shrugged and let himself melt deeper into the couch.

"What? Just a text?" Kurapika furthered, leaning in.

"Yeah, see for yourselves," Gon said, pulling out his phone from his pocket and throwing it to Kurapika. He caught it between both his hands and scrolled through Retz and his most recent messages. Leorio sat up and peered over Kurapika's shoulder. He snatched the phone from Kurapika after reading it and threw his hands up in exasperation.

"What the hell? She can't just dump you over text after two years of dating!" He yelled, face going red. Kurapika turned towards him and grabbed the phone back, looking at Leorio with a vengeful glare that made him cower. Kurapika turned towards Gon again and handed him the phone, his murderous gaze gone.

Gon took his phone back and shoved it in his pocket before crossing his arms and falling back into the couch. "I'm pretty sure she just did," He mumbled under his breath. Kurapika and Leorio shared an uncomfortable look before Kurapika drew his attention back to Gon.

"Did anything happen? Anything during your anniversary date? Anything afterward?" He further interrogated.

Gon shook his head softly, letting it hang low. "No, nothing at all. I have no idea what it could have been," He trailed off, crossing his arms together tighter.

Kurapika hummed inquisitively. "Well, something has to have happened. There's no way she would dump you for no reason."

Gon scoffed and looked down at his lap. "I'm pretty sure she just did," He said again. Kurapika and Leorio shared another look. They had to stop setting themselves up for that response.

Kurapika cleared his throat and looked back at Gon. "Uh, well, what can we do to help you?" He looked at Gon with a soft expression, equal parts concern and sympathy.

Gon shook his head again. "Nothing. I'm fine," He said, leaning forward.

"Dude, you just got dumped. It's okay to not be fine," Leorio pitched in, also leaning forward to meet the stances of Gon and Kurapika. Gon gave him a soft smile, but everyone could tell the corners of his expression were heavy.

"No, I'm fine. Really. I'm already starting to get over her," Gon said, trying to add more of a chipper feeling to his tone.

"...It's been less than ten minutes, Gon. That's not how this works-" Kurapika started before he was cut off by Gon abruptly standing up, startling both Kurapika and Leorio.

"It's how it works for me. I'm gonna go eat ice cream and watch Avatar," He trotted off to his room, slipping behind the door and closing it before Kurapika or Leorio could stop him. They both let out sighs and leaned back onto the couch.

"His comfort show, his comfort food, and him insisting he's fine? Yeah... this isn't gonna end well, is it?" Leorio mumbled, shaking his head slowly.

Kurapika let out a heavy sigh. "Definitely not."

A/N: hey guys! This chapter is a little short, it's just to build up a little back story. The next chapter is gonna be longer and a lot more exciting :)

Wc: 1792

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