Belladonna Dust Daughter of H...

By turtleangel10

188K 4.1K 303

Hades daughter raised by my most favorite ship RadioDust from my favorite thing to watch on Youtube. Hazbin H... More

Welcome to Hell Belladonna Dust
Doctor Visit
Meeting the Others
My Godmother is the BOMB
First Night In New Room
Alastor's Nervous
The Wedding
Family Night
Halloween at the Hazbin Hotel
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Collecting Hearts
Loo Loo Land
Poker Night
Wake Up
Why Am I Out Of Hell?
Kinda Making New Friends
Mirror Mirror
Trip To Evie's Place
Evie and Uma
Radio Demon in Auradon
Search Begins
Walk into the Dragon's Lair
Mal Fucked Up
Bring Out the Spell Book
Annoyed Alastor
Belladonna and Hades
Hades Gets An Invite
Belladonna's Kidnapper
Turf War
Home Again
Belladonna Dust-Hades

Curse you Chad

3.4K 81 1
By turtleangel10

"OK! Hold up!" Angel yelled. "Just because you're a walking candle in leather doesn't mean you're MY daughter's dad."

"All the proof I needed was my ember." Hades said as he held it up. "It only works for me and my blood."

"If that is true then explain to me how Belladonna ended up being a sacrifice." Alastor glared.

"My ex-wife killed Belladonna's mother and took her." Hades explained.

"You knew this whole time?" Angel growled.

"I didn't want to say anything until I was completely sure."

"You're not honestly suggesting we just hand her over I hope." Alastor said.

"And you don't honestly think I'm ok with you taking her to hell." Hades snapped back. "For fourteen years I thought she was dead. You let her get taken, stabbed, and two broken legs. If you two wanna stay fine, but Hell is no place for a kid."

"We can't stay up here forever." Angel yelled. "We're demons, demons that use to be human, the only reason we managed to stay here long was because we live with Lucifer's daughter, if we stay a couple more days he'll come here and drag us back down."

"Then let her go." Hades demanded.

"We will not leave our child behind." Alastor said as the static in his eyes disappeared. "Unless she wishes."

"WHAT?! ALASTOR!" Angel screamed.

"He's right Angel, if she doesn't wish to come back then we shouldn't force her, she's not a demon and it is no place for her."


Alastor set his hand on his spouse's shoulder. "I know, I will miss her as well. Let's go find her."

Belladonna just came back to Auradon, though she doesn't know why, she doesn't know what to say to Hades or her family.

"Here's your homework Chad."

Belladonna looked over to see a girl give a boy with long blonde curls a backpack.

"So." The girl asked hopefully. "When are you free to go on a date?"

"You know what, I'm really busy, you know doing prince stuff. I'll call you." The boy Chad said winking.

"Ok call me." The girl agreed before walking away.

"I will." Chad said loudly waving before turning around and mumbled. "When you get a nose job."

Belladonna appeared in front of Chad with an unamused look.

"Whoa!" Chad jumped surprised. Blinded by Belladonna's beauty he grinned and chuckled. "Hey, I've heard there was a new girl in the castle, you're the mute right?"

Belladonna narrowed her eyes at him with her arms crossed.

"So I gotta say that you are definitely one of the most beautiful girls I've seen in a long time. There was Audrey but she locked me in the closet, so how would you like to have a ball with a prince?"

Belladonna's voice became stronger and more powerful sounding. "Once upon a time in a faraway land a young prince lived in a shining castle. Although he had everything his heart desired the prince was spoiled, selfish and unkind."

"Hey!" Chad gasped offended.

Belladonna's hair then flamed brightly. "She warned him not to be deceived by her appearances, for beauty is found within."

"Get away from me!" Chad tried to run but Belladonna appeared in front of him.

"She has seen that there was no love in his heart, and as punishment, she transformed him into a hideous beast." Belladonna concluded.

Chad's long locks then disappeared, his skin became red and his ears became long and pointed. He know looked like a demon with yellow eyes and tiny teeth in his mouth.

Chad's scream sounded like a roar as he ran away screaming for his mommy.

Belladonna turned to see almost everyone she's met in her time of Auradon and her parents.

"Belladonna." Ben gulped. "How did you do that?"

Belladonna shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know, I just quoted some words I found in a weird book."

Hades turned to Angel and Alastor who didn't look surprised. "How are you two so calm?"

Alastor laughed. "We're demons for crying out loud. We live in Hell."

Angel nodded agreeing. "The only time we're surprised is when something good actually happens to us." 

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