
By LazyLucario

190 6 0

Violet's been living in loneliness for the past three years being stuck with a broken heart with her daughter... More

Note(plz read)
Friends Forever
Can do
Road Trip
The Surprise
Back on the Road
Painful Reunion
Mother, Daughter Talk
Leaving so Soon?
Smoke and Sunrise
Down Comes a Raven
We're Just Friends
See you Soon
She Likes Girls
Hanging Out
Under the Stars
Staying Behind
Peculiar Scar
Real Relationship
Clem and Moo
Family Reunion
The Hootenanny
A Coyote's Wail
Cobra's Venom and a Wild Lynx
Sneaking Out
On the Trail
Most Wanted
For a Price
Not Without my Son
The Plan
Framed Memories
Don't Eat the Dinner
The Test
Runs in the Family
I Still Love You
No One's Leaving
Truth and Confessions
Old Demons
With you
The Date
Back from Hell
Eres mi Deseo

Your Place isn't Here

3 0 0
By LazyLucario

Something was very bright from over Violet's eyes, something she couldn't explain.

She squinted open a saw a clear vision of trees with lively green over her with the bright beam peaking from different little spaces from them. She sat up groaning then looked back noticing she wasn't lying in a bed but a bed of long fresh green grass that was sprinkled with various colored flowers. She the sounds of birds chirping, watching them fly with the butterflies in different directions.

Where am I . . .? She thought confusingly.

She blinked then gasped noticing that her stab wound was healed and her right eye wasn't permanently blind anymore. In fact, she could see clearly see again and felt her face to notice that she no had the leftover burned scars on her eyes.

She wondered thoughtfully was this all a dream, but for Violet, it felt like this was too real.

She got up looking at all the lively trees from the distance and the beautiful rays of light that shined down over her. As she took a few steps her body feel good again, maybe better than before, starting to explore this place she was put in.

When she walked through the grass she saw others up ahead having a conversation together. She quickly walked up to them curious if they knew anything about this place.

"Hey, do guys know where I am?" she asked tapping one of their shoulders, "I think I'm lost."

They turned to her with bright smiles and kinds eyes. The one that Violet tapped was a brunette with freckles on her chubby cheeks with bright blue eyes. The other was a man who had dirty blonde hair with a bony face structure with deep brown eyes.

"Lost you say?" the brunette asked still smiling.

Violet nodded, "Yeah . . . I was with a boy, dread head, tall, muscular, scar-faced, ring a bell?"

The brunette furrowed her brows in confusion, "Oh, I'm sorry, we haven't seen anyone around here that looks like that."

"But you can go look over to that crowd over there and see if the boy you're looking for fits your bill," the man told her.

Violet groaned, "Alright, thanks anyway."

"No problem," they called out as walked away from them.

When she went to the direction they pointed her to she found a few others talking to each other. She stepped leisurely through the crowd seeing if Moo was anywhere to be found. People greeted her happily wearing the same expressions the other two people had.

She didn't know why or how these people could be so happy in the middle of a forest where walkers could roam here any minute.

Now that she thought about it . . . she has yet to see any walkers come through there.

"What kind of place is this . . .?" she breathed looking around her.

When she came to an end of the crowd she shook her head in disappointment seeing no sign of Moo anywhere.

Did he . . . leave me . . .? The thought made her ill to her stomach at the thought.

She looked and saw two people isolated far distant from the crowd by a small pond. One of the figures stood beside the other who crouching beside the pond.

Violet decided to go up to them to see if they knew anything about seeing Moo. As she got close she stopped squinting at the crouched figure noticing that they were bigger than the other figure and had long fiery long red hair.

"Sophie?" she thought out loud knowing little others with the same hair.

Her arm reached out for her before the figure beside her noticed her and spoke up.


She stopped breathing heavily at the voice recognizing it as a voice she hasn't heard in a long time.

"Tenn . . .?" she breathed staring at the boy, "is it really you?"

He nodded smiling shyly, "I really missed you, Vi."

She got wrapping her arms around him tightly as he did the same with tears streaming down her cheek.

"I missed you too," she said softly.

Violet jumped at the touch of someone's hand squeezing her shoulder gently then turned to find the other person whom she'd missed the most.

This wasn't Sophie.

M-M-Minnie . . .?

She Violet a warm smile wiping her own tears then touched her cheek wiping some of hers with her thumb.

"It's been a while, hasn't, Vi?" she giggled softly.

Violet didn't know how to feel. She had missed the redhead so much but the other side also felt like she was glad she was gone. Though she may have been her first love she can't forget the things she's done to her.

Minerva frowned noticing that Violet stayed silent, "It's alright, you probably hate me, I hate myself too for everything I did to you."

"I don't hate you," Violet murmured looking down, "just disappointed."

"I understand," she said grabbing her hand to help her stand, "I was a complete asshole to you on that boat that night," she touched beside her eyes and sighed.

"She's really sorry, Vi," Tenn interrupted, "she's not the same anymore."

Minerva nodded stiffly, "Ever since I got here I now realized what a fucking idiot I was especially siding with the Delta."

Violet raised a brow, "Wait, where are we?"

Tenn smiled again, "It's the place where everyone gets to be a person again."

" . . . What are you talking about . . .?"

Minerva and Tenn looked at wash each other and frowned sadly. Minerva took Violet's hand then looked back at Tenn with a half-smirk.

"Do you mind if you can give me and Vi a minute?"

"Sure," he replied backing away from the two.

She turned to Violet with a soft and calm expression guiding her away from Tenn and the pond.

"C'mon, let's walk."

The two didn't go very far, they disappeared into the forest walking on a small pebbled trail.

Violet still didn't know where she was, everything was so bright and lively, she began to think maybe this was a dream.

A very vivid one at that.

They stopped at a location that was unfamiliar to Violet but assumed this was Minerva's favorite spot because of her taking a deep breath through her nose and exhaled with a heavy laugh.

The location consisted of a large rock with small bushes surrounding it and a little stream beside it.

Violet was confused about what made this spot so special to her.

"Do you remember this place, Vi?" she asked with a grin.

She furrowed her brows, "This is my first time being here."

Minerva shook her head and giggled, "Nope," she led Violet to the rock helping her sit down before Minerva sat gently beside her.

Her face had become more serious as she grabbed the blonde's hand and cupped the side of her cheek as she became lost in Violet's beautiful pale green eyes.

"This is the place where we told our feelings for each other."

Violet looked around the location not knowing what Minerva was talking about until . . . it hit her.

It was the beginning of spring, she was fifteen and Minerva was sixteen. Marlon had ordered them to go fishing that day, but when they got to the stream Minerva had other things in mind. They ditched their duty and Minerva and Violet spent their whole morning together outside the safe zone.

They laughed and played the whole time through until, by the afternoon, they stopped at this location they've never seen before. They thought it was too beautiful to pass by so they sat down on the same rock they were sitting on now and had a meaningful conversation with each other.

Minerva had admitted to her that she liked girls, as so did Violet. Violet didn't what to think of, she's had a crush on her ever since a year after she's been stuck at school, but even though Minerva said she liked girls she didn't mention that she ever liked her.

That wasn't until she kissed the blonde and told her she had felt something from being with Violet.

Violet remembered that embarrassing moment when she childishly admitted her feelings for Minerva. Of course, this made the redhead laugh then kissed the blonde again telling her she'll never leave her side staying close beside each other waiting for night to fall.

Not only this was the start of their relationship it was one of the best things that ever happened in Violet's life.

Violet snapped back into reality when Minerva went to grab her hands, leaned down pressing her forehead against Violet's, and sighed. Violet felt the blood rush to her cheeks forgetting how pretty Minerva was after these years.

And . . . a changed  . . .

"Vi, this place keeps our happiest memories," she smiled, "one of them being this place," she took Violet into her arms hugging her tightly resting her chin on her bed of hair, "it took me now to realize I've been a shitty girlfriend to you, I never wanted you to get hurt like that, it just hurts me to even remember that day. Now that we're together again I wanna start over, I really do, please, I've changed."

Violet blinked at that, she wanted to tell her that she was with Moo, but she saw that Moo was nowhere to be seen; maybe even abandoned her just like Minerva.

But then her heart dropped when she heard what Minerva said next.

"Violet, I love you."

Now she was stuck in limbo.

She was still surprised Minerva still had feelings for the blonde. Ever since she's left her Violet mourned her every day, even apologizing for the mistakes she probably made that contributed to her leaving her. Yes, she has forgiven her for all the bad things she's done to her, yes, she does still miss her first love all the time they've been apart.

And yes, she still loved her too.

As she slowly went for a kiss on the redhead's lips she stopped thinking about Moo.

She thought about Moo was the one that pulled her out of the darkness. Her best friend to her significant other. He showed her how to laugh again, to know that everything isn't your fault, to care again, breathe again.

He even made her love again.

Moo loved her deeply, wanting his main priority to be her. She saw the things he's done for, the regret he felt when he hurt her that night, and his strong willingness to protect her.

She soon realized that now she was actually in love with Moo too and though she loved Minerva she loved her dearly.

She backed away looking down guiltily while Minerva furrowed her brows.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

Violet shook her head, "This, I can't do this, Minnie."

She cocked her head, "Why? I thought you wanted this."

"I thought I did too, but . . ." she hesitated not knowing how Minerva would feel about this, but it was the right thing to do, ". . . I . . . I found someone else."


"His name is Moo, he has his own problems like everyone else, but he's a really sweet guy. He cares about me, looks after me, loves me and . . . I love him too."

After first Violet saw Minerva looking away frowning sadly, the last thing she wanted her to be. She may have felt sorry for Minerva hearing about Violet's new love, but Violet also felt like a heavy weight just been lifted off of her.

Before Violet could apologize she raised a brow when Minerva started giggling out of no where. She got confused wondering where this sudden mood change came from as Minerva held her shoulders still giggling.

Does she think I'm joking?

"You don't think I know," she giggled wiping a few tears away.

Violet jerked away with wide eyes.

She knew?? How?!!

"I knew all along, and you're right, you two do look happy together."

"Then why did you tell me all those things and acted like you didn't know?" Violet gawked a bit harshly.

Minerva shrugged, "I didn't wanna tell you this, but I . . . was testing you."

"Testing me? What the hell are you even talking about?"

"Well it was to see if you haven't let me go yet," she sighed heavily, "and . . . you did."

Violet frowned, "I haven't let you go, Minnie."

"I know, you haven't let go of our memories, but you've let go of me as a piece of your puzzle; you've moved on," she touched her cheek, "you see, Vi? Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are part of your history, but not a part of your destiny," she sighed, "and one of those people was me."

Violet blinked slowly looking, "Then who is?"

The corners of Minerva's mouth lifted, "I think you already know, Vi."

"But . . . I think he left me, already."

Minerva chuckled again hopping off the rock, "You're very wrong."

Her brows snapped together, "What?"

"Just c'mon," she said pulling her down from the rock.

As their favorite spot disappeared walking through the thick bushes her mind still fuzzy about everything that's going on.

After minutes spent walking Minerva had led her back to the same pond, Violet found her and Tenn at. She saw Tenn sitting quietly beside the until his face brightened when he saw the two girls coming his way.

"Hey, Tenn," Minerva chirped sitting beside him along with Violet, "I gotta show Vi something."

"Is she . . . staying?"

Violet saw Minerva's smile strangely fade at that, "I don't know . . . but we're about to find out."

"Find out?" Violet repeated confusingly, "what do you mean?"

In response, Minerva nudged her a bit closer to the pond. Violet was becoming more confused by the second looking back at Minerva.

"Go ahead," she nodded her head towards the pond, "take a look."

"Why? What's so special about it?"

Minerva giggled, "You'll see."

Violet shrugged without further questions but still wondering why she wanted her to look at this pond.

As she looked at it all she could see was a very vivid reflection of herself but, other than that, nothing else special. She enjoyed looking at the clear calm waters though with it being so clear it almost looked like a double sky.

"I still don't see anything," Violet said with a bit of annoyance in her tone.

"Keep looking, it'll come."

Violet started to stare more intently into her own reflection assuming that was the way to see whatever Minerva wanted her to see.

Before she could say this was ridiculous her reflection started to distort making her jerk away from the sight. Minerva laughed nudging her back to the edge as Violet couldn't believe what was about to happen next.

Her reflection began to disappear starting to show her some kind of scene from of something. She couldn't recall what it was since it was so blurry but it didn't take long for everything to come together and see what the pond presented for her.

It was her in a room she didn't recognize with a bright light shining down her body. She saw that all her burnt scars and the patch were still on her face, but something alarmed her. She looked to be asleep as she was stuck to a breathing machine with a few nurses surrounding her, she's been stripped of her tank top wearing just her bra, and she hasn't moved a muscle while the nurses took notes and checked her.

But the main person she focused on looking at was Moo.

She that he wore just his usual clothes but he wore rubber gloves, a face mask, and his dreads were tied up in a large bun. He was by her stab wound with him being the only one working on it using a scalpel to take out pieces that were foreign to her body that cause infection before cleaning it then took a gauze one of the nurses gave him starting to wrap it up.

She hung her head when she saw how intense his focus was on her. Half his face may have been covered but Violet could clearly see that he was in distress as tears ran down his cheek working his damnedest to save her.

He's . . . saving me . . .

"What the hell is this," she exasperated quietly touching the water.

"This pond shows you what you really want to see in the old world," Minerva explained, "it reads your thoughts on what or who you really want to see and gives you what you want."

And wanted to see Moo.

Violet couldn't believe this was even happening. First, it was the old location when the two first fell in love, and now it this magical pond that shows you things you wanna see. It was like this place was pulled from a fairytale.

Then her heart dropped when the pieces started to come together on what this place really was.

Happy, carefree people, no walkers insight, a bright and beautiful place, removal of every physical flaw, a spot that held your greatest memories, and a pond that lets you see people in the so-called "old world".

This wasn't any ordinary place at all.

She whipped her body around tightly grabbing Minerva's shoulders with a ghostly pale face.

"Minerva, am I dead?!!" she blurted shaking her shoulders.

She looked down and sighed, "No, but from the looks of it, you're barely hanging on."

Violet shook her head closing her eyes tightly with tears leaking through, "No, no, no! I can't die! My Blossom needs me and Moo needs me too!!"

"I know you do," Minerva tried to calm her by pulling her into her chest wrapping her around her stroking her hair gently, "but I know that boy will save you."

"How do you know that?" she sniffled.

"Because most doctors are bound to give and conclude that you're going to die or turn, but Moo has yet to give up on you. He does what others call the impossible while he has the strength to make it possible. You may be on thin ice right now but I also highly believe he will pull you through it."

She was right, Moo was stubborn like that; one of the reasons why she loved him.

Minutes later she pulled away holding her head as she started to feel strangely light headed. She took few steps away from the pond stumbling some then stopped before she could fall.

"What's wrong," Minerva asked in concern following behind her.

"I . . . I don't . . . know," her words were starting to slow down.

She became more and more dizzy falling to her knees trying so hard to focus on reality. But she ended almost falling over before Minerva could rush over to her catching her. Tenn also quickly ran to the two taking Violet's hand holding it as if it were a delicate feather.

"Do . . . do you know . . . what's . . ."

"Shh . . ." Minerva smiled silencing her, "I told you, Vi, you're gonna live."

Her breaths became heavy and the sight of Minerva and Tenn all started to become a blur.

"Look, you're going away now, but I have to tell you something before you do."

Violet slowly nodded no longer able to speak.

Minerva took a deep breath and sighed, "Ever since I got here I was so scared to find you or Sophie here, but when I found out you two were alive my heart was no longer heavy. When I first found out about that pond I used it to watch over you two every single day. When I found out about you and Moo I was first upset about the relationship, but now I'm upset for the things he's doing with you now I could've done when we were together."

She shakily touched her cheek making the redhead's eyes flood with tears.

"All those things I said back there, I wasn't lying, Vi. I really did want that but the thing I want more is your happiness," she pressed her forehead against the blonde's, "your place isn't here, Vi, not yet anyway, but its with Moo and your Blossom. I want you two to get married, start a family, and grow old together; just live happily together, something I've always wanted us to do even if the world's fucked right now. Can you promise me that, please?"

She saw Violet grin softly nodding stiffly.

Minerva then kissed her forehead placing her gently in the bright green bed of grass watching the blonde slowly desinigrate.

"I'll miss you, Vi," she heard Tenn's soft voice fade out.

She rested easily in the grass watching as the paradise faded away right before her eyes slowly turning into darkness.

Minerva never took her eyes off of her while she was disappearing. She held her hand tightly though the whole time as the tears kept streaming down her freckled cheeks.

"I love you, Violet," the last thing Violet heard from Minerva before she closed her eyes as the darkness started to cave in.

Minerva finally let go when Violet began to desintigrate right before her eyes until she was finally gone going back to Earth.

She was going to live.

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