The Lonely Prince(BWMN)Book 3...

By mary4561

797 7 1

Prince William of Denmark alway wanted to have someone to come home to at night. He has his eyes on one of hi... More

Author's Notes.
The Invitation
The First Date
Pain and Loss(chapter 4)
Do You Love Me?
Unbearable Pain
The Fight Part 2
The Fight Part 1
Our Child
The Duke
Contentment Sorta
Confession II
The Ex
A Heavy Heart

Happy At Last

15 0 0
By mary4561

William's POV

It makes me excited to see Eva genuinely excited about our baby. While she goes to get her iPad to shop with her mother when she get here. I put the chicken in the oven that the kitchen sent up including everything to go with the roast dinner. Luckily for me everything was already prep.

Eva and I were looking at cribs when the doorbell rang I watch as one of the staff goes to answer it. We can use any of the staff in the place because we're the most senior royals living in it. Some minor royals live here as well as us.

Jane walks into the living room dress in a lilac dress under a black cashmere coat which she gives to the butler. She hugs Eva and I then takes a seat opposite us. It's funny she's not a royal yet can command a room in a way that is amazing to watch.

The butler walk over to Eva, "Your royal highness would you like me to bring some drinks in?"

"Thank you Jerome", she turns to her mother. "Mum what would you like to drink?"

"Champagne please and my security men could do with something to eat and drink if you don't mind". Jerome looks at Eva and I to confirm he can do that. I nod at him to say yes he could feed them.

"I'll have a mango tango please".

"That sound lovely mum you know I love how you make it.  Jerome can we have a pitcher of that please".

"As you wish", Jerome replies and leaves.

Her mother laughs, "Jane what's so funny?" I ask.

"Nothing it's just still weird to hear my little girl referred to as HRH".

"It's still weird for me mum and technically you're a Duchess now not a royal one but a Duchess just the same".

She laughs, "I'm still trying to get use to my new title to be honest with you and the fact I'm now part of the landed gentry".

"Jane, Eva and I have some news and you will be the first person to know about it".

"What is it?"

"We're pregnant".

"Omg really how far along are you?" She hugs us.

"Just over two months", answers Eva.

"You guys kept that quiet".

"After everything that happened with the miscarriage we were waiting till I hit the three month mark first to tell people".

Jane walks over to Eva, "Oh honey lots of women go on to have healthy babies after a miscarriage".

"I'm still scared mum?"

"Every women is scare when they're pregnant darling and this pregnancy has been longer than your first".

I see Eva's expression change from fear to sadness to hope to joy. I was grateful for Jane she could get through to her in a way I never could about the baby.

"Have you guys thought of the room you're going to use for the baby yet?"

"There's a old nursery that my dad used when he was a baby we're going to redecorate it. There's a kitchen and rooms for the nanny to use. The playroom is massive do you want to see it?"

"Of course".

I take Eva's hand and we all walk to the nursery with her mother. "The baby has its own wing!"

"I suppose he/she does Jane".

We arrive at the nursery room door and I open it. We walk inside the room it was very big with an en-suite, walk in wardrobe and a corridor leading to a full kitchen, living room, playroom and another bedroom.

"Holy moly this is huge your baby is going to be spoiled".

I smile at Jane, "My son or daughter will only get what it's entitled to as a prince or princess. I'm sure a family as rich as yours had a similar setup for your children when they were growing up".

"I grew up with a nanny but this is another level. There was no kitchen in the nursery".

"That's because your parents have a chef's kitchen as well as the main one babe". Eva looks sheepish then smiles.

"You have to let me and your father pay for this place to be redone as a present for our grandchild".
Jane suddenly looks serious, "Your father and I won't be seeing you as often as we're now. Please let us leave something behind for our grandchild to remember us by".

I was touched by her words I look at Eva. She was crying, "Of course you can pay for it mum that's if William doesn't mind".

"I will be honoured to have this gift from you and your husband. We will try to see you guys as often as we can".

She takes my hand and squeezes it, "I'm realistic I know as time goes on we won't see you guys as much. I appreciate you saying that anyway".

I feel sad because the truth is she was right the crown always came first. I look at Eva and I could tell by her facial expression she was thinking the same thing.

"Why don't we go back into the living room the drinks should be ready by now. We can discuss colours and cribs".

"Yes we should get back", Eva look sadly at me as she speaks.

We walk back to the living room and Eva sits by me and Jane sits on the sofa opposite us. "I can't believe this time next year I'm going to have two grandchildren".

Jerome comes in with a tray and put it down on the coffee table", "Thank you we'll serve ourselves". He bows and leaves the room.

Jane continues speaking, "Both my daughter's are now married women with a child on the way".

Eva smiles at her mother , "I'm happy Faith got her happiness she does genuinely seem to like Giovanni and he does seem to like her".

Jane chuckles, "It's clear for all to see they love each other and thank god we know Giovanni is a good man. I never have to wonder if he will raise his hand to my baby girl. And he's rich so he doesn't need to marry her for her inheritance".

"Ironically he's the one who gave her an inheritance. Her princess title and the palace his family has own for centuries in Italy".

Eva start pouring the mango tango drink for all of us. We then each take a glass and drink some of the liquid. It really was delicious and refreshing.

"I was thinking maybe a neutral colour for the nursery what do you guys think?"

Both women look at each other then share a look, "What colours were you thinking for the nursery William?"

"I was thinking a nice light green colour maybe sage actually I saw this picture of a nursery in a magazine. I absolutely love let me go and get it and show you guys".

I leave and go to my study and get the design magazine from my desk and yes I secretly love looking at interior magazines. I think in another life I was an interior designer.

I walk back into the living room to see Eva and her mother huddled together on the sectional looking at her iPad.

I just observe them for a moment I'm so happy to see Eva excited about the baby. I know she's still going to counselling about the miscarriage and I've been to several sessions with her. Seeing her excited and wanting to make plans for the nursery fills me with joy. I was happy in two weeks we would be three months pregnant and can tell the world.

"Jane please wait till we've told the king about the baby before you tell the rest of the family".

She smiles at me, "Protocol I get it".

I open the magazine and show them the picture of the nursery I like. There was a white crib with a selection of animals drawn on the wall.

Eva takes the magazine from me and look at the two page spread.

"I love this how my goodness do you think we can get the designer who did this to do our baby's nursery?"

I laugh, "Darling you're a princess trust me she will jump at the chance to be working for royalty".

"I'll get in touch with her for you guys leave it with me".

"Thanks mum,"  I hear Eva say excitedly.

We spend an hour looking at baby items online and in magazines. We sit and have dinner and it was joyous and wonderful. I listen as Eva ask her mother about the family's business.

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