' ๐—œ ๐—ท๐˜‚๐˜€๐˜ ๐—ฑ๐—ถ๐—ฑ ' |Ya...

By JJdrawsxii

117K 2.2K 3.5K

โœงห–*ยฐเฟ ----- A demon who was extinct years ago. Was brought back from history extinction by ๐—›๐—ฒ๐—ฟ. ๐—ฆ๐—ต๐—ฒ cre... More

Create a new life form
A family
New Hero was born
Under the weather
Multiplication Table
I prefer this one.
Racing a heartbeat
Captured at first sight
Something Different
open up
Companion and Beginning
Helping hand
Soul Connection
Spider Queen
Defeating the spider
Sleep Bug

Some heat

7.8K 122 112
By JJdrawsxii

This chapter will just be Red son x reader fluff spice it with a little bit jealousy, While MK, Sandy, and Mei doing a sleepover at her house. Wow, I'm started to simp over a dang plastic lego toy.


(Y/N) = Your Name

(F/C) = Favorite color

(F/R) = Favorite ramen

(F/C) = Favorite Coffee

\ Third Person POV/

MK and Mei along with Sandy hanging around the arcade, "Button smash all you want MK, You'll never beat my fury power" Said Mei. Calmly pressing buttons and moving the joystick around. "Up smash, Up smash!" Sandy helping the worker boy cheering him on. "I'm trying Sandy! I'M TRYING, I'M TRYING!" spamming all the controllers not wanted to be defeated. Mei lets out a victory laugh. "No one can defeat me!" she gets interrupted by a phone ringing in her jacket.

"Hoo, boy.." Looking at her screen to see her mother was calling, Pressing the call and started to have a chat with her. While she was talking to her mother on the phone, MK proceeds to cheat while she's not controlling the character. "Yes, mother." Once she was done calling, She lets out a sigh. Sandy comes to her feeling concern. "Hey, Are you ok there Mei?"

"Yeah, Yeah! Yeah, Heheh. It's just." Green tea glances back at her friend seeing him won the match. "My parents. They want me to house sit." Rubbing the back of her neck, "then that's a bad thing?" Confused the muscle guy having his cat in his shoulder. "No! Uh. Me and my parents.." Getting rudely interrupted by the colossal dork boy. "Did Mei say, Sleepover at her house?" Smiled in enthusiasm by the worker boy.

"What? No! My parents would want-" once again been cut off her sentence by him. "Sleepover!! I've always wanted to see inside Mei's secret dragon house full of secret dragon stuff" MK now feeling hyped up. "Come on, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please?" He pleaded to beg Mei to start a slumber party. Mei with not able to resist her brother figure. "Sleepover it is.."

"AWHHH YEAH!  This sleepover gonna be amazing! You know what, I'll bring my Monkey king DVD so we can have a marathon!" he started to blabber all being excited, Mei sigh that he wasn't letting her talk about her parents. She hugs her arm feeling not cheery she is. The three were being watched over the food empty stalls in the shadow, Bull clone with their straw hat in their heads spying them.

They move their hands to the left side, Revealing a hologram of Mei's family. Clicking the information of the dragon family, Showing more details popping out. And it showed the dragon blade. Transmitting the hologram picture of the blade below the surface, Now successfully receives by Lady iron fan. "The legendary dragon blade.." She whispers. "That blade is amongst the most powerful artifacts in history, I do love powerful things. Go, Bring it to me." ordered the bull clone to fetch the item.


The trio arrived at Mei's house, "AH! IT'S EVEN BETTER THAN I THOUGHT! Growing up here must have been great!" Monkie Kid looks around all so much-hyped. "Uh..heheh.Yeah, I guess." She said staring at the wall, Printed a golden dragon. "But, I don't know. When I was growing up I just wanted to be rough and tumble, Break stuff. Look at bugs, You know have fun! Just like normal girls' stuff. But when your house is pretty much a museum and you come from a long line of ancient noble dragons. That's kind of..frowned on."

Turning her head around noticed the two been looking, "Anyway, Onwards to the definitely not gonna be terrible, Sleepover!.." Soon as she said. The boys dipped rushing towards the entrance, She sighed. Sandy and MK reached in front of the entrance, Looking up to see a green dragon head. The laser came out of its eye and scanning them, And then initiating the deadly laser guns directly at them.

It was about to start shooting at them, Luckily, Mei runs at them pressing the code to shut it down. "Haha yeah, My parents are a bit serious about the old security thing." She spoke, The door opens for them. |' Welcome home Mei. '| A. I computer greeted her, "This is amazing!" exclaimed the Noodle boy, "Whoa, What is all this stuff?" Question the soft-hearted blue guy.

"You know gifts, Artifacts, Offerings. Yeah, it's just stuff that's been in my family for--" She gasped noticed how her friends started touching things and grabbing on to things. "Guys wait!" MK Started to poke things and touching it. "If I had all this stuff, I don't even know what I do. Sell it probably." Mk Throwing the gift away, And skedaddle away. "Yeah this stuff looks really great." Sandy lifts the statue, "It looks like a few good years maybe." a vase falling to the floor and breaks into pieces. "STOOOOP!" She shouted out loud enough for them to stop.

"Hands in pockets, Now!" MK places down the armor, While Sandy places down the statue. "Follow me" Being stress about how they keep on touching stuff and breaking it. "You guys are such menaces, You know that?" The three forgetting to close the door, As the bull clone stood there watching them quietly.


Meanwhile, the two demons have been hanging outside around the city. Red son is now spending time with (Y/N), as she goes on trading for mechanical parts. "(Y/N), You do know we can just go in a local shop or the mall for us to buy parts?" Red son walking beside the floating girl. "Yeah but, Trading is cheaper. Besides, I don't have enough money to buy it." She replied wearing a sling bag on her shoulder looking at the notepad. "Oh please, We can just steal it."

"Well pardon me, I don't do that. I'm not used to feeling to steal it, Besides maybe you can be more comfortable around humans." flipping the next page to see another trade list. "I guess, But. I just don't know how you're nice to the locals. Even some people did ruin our memories.." (Y/N) halts. Shoving her notes in the pocket. "I think they deserve their second chance, They just don't understand what we demons do. How we demons live here, There are always those people being harsh towards us demons and monsters. Not understand how we acted you know."

Placing her hand on Redson's hair, "Besides, Humans here have their own different opinions of how they act towards demons. Own dislikes or likes, It's how their ways." Red son glances up to her floating from above. "Wanna try to trade with the humans? Don't worry, They're nice once you start socializing them." She floats down to the ground, Extended her hands towards him. "If your feeling uncomfortable, Just hold my hand. That way it would settle down you're uneasiness." Red son took a hold of your hand. "You such a softie (Y/N), It also matches it with your outfit." He smiled, poked fun at (Y/N). "Well, I am already." She wears the clothes from yesterday she bought.

After a couple of minutes of trading with the citizens, Red son and (Y/N) continue on trading. "Well, to be honest, This seems nice?" Red son wasn't sure if he can trust the locals, After all his still learning to trust them. "Well it's pretty chill out here." Feeling the cool breeze passing by in the air, She shivers by the cold cloudy weather. Dealing with the coldness, Pulling on her hood— Oh..right she changed her outfit. The duo demons were buying mechanical parts for human to communicate with the possession of the body itself.

"Feeling cold?" He asked trailing his eyes on her, "Yeah I am, Feeling cold while I am wearing a sweater. And it's still cold." Rubbing her arms to try to make it warmer, The sweater she's wearing is not helping. It's a thin sweater. Redson sparks his hair into flames. His ponytail flaming hair dances around moving slightly towards (Y/N), No longer feeling cold by the flaming fire. She chuckled how Red son gets concerned about her feeling cold, Worried that she will get sickness by the low temperature.

"What If I burn marshmallow in your hair? Would that be alright for you? Or is it annoying to you when I do to cook food in your flaming hair?" Redson looks at her. "I don't think it would be annoying to me, I don't mind using my hair with something. If it's coming from you then I would allow it anytime you would use me." His flaming hair swaying left to right to keep (Y/N) warm, Like how a furry feline cat swaying their tails around. "Cool, Cause after this how about we just sit around the city? Just the two of us eating roasted marshmallow above the rooftops."

Redson wasn't sure if she meant it as a date, Or maybe just a friend hang out. Or maybe both? Well if she meant it as a date then. His hair would be a bigger flaming fire enough for (Y/N) sweat intensely by the heat, His insides would be thumped and sparks into joy. "Sounds lovely I'd love to do that with you." He smiled with warmth, Not sure if he's starting to feel emotions towards to (Y/N). Was he started to like her more? Maybe he did or not? It's confusing to him with what he felt on the inside.

"Come on fire dork, We have got trading to do." (Y/N) holds his hand, His flaming hair goes bigger and started to sway near to sludge girl. "Woah there Red, Be careful I have a human in me to take care of." Letting go of his hands avoiding meter away from burning herself. " I'm so s-sorry (Y/N)!" his flaming hair died off quickly, Asking if she's alright. "I'm good, and I'm cold again." Redson goes to her, wrapping around (Y/N)'s arms hugging. She thought of it was cute by looking at him. "Let's continue.." Redson said as they both continue trading on with the citizens, It's more cute that it made (Y/N) chuckle was his flaming ponytail sways from side to side like a dog wagging.


"And this is the dragon claw chamber," Mei said touring her friends around her house, They walk past on by the dragon blade. "Woah whoa..hold up" He walked back to find a green sword on the dragon mixture with a gold statue. MK gasped. "NOW THIS THING IS COOL!" Him being himself poking the green shiny sword. "So, What's the dealio with this dealer yo?" He questioned Mei.

"That's the sword of my great, great, great times uh thousand great grandfather, The dragon of the west. Legend say that my grandfather imbued it with unimaginable power, So that our clan would always have the strength of the dragon to protect them. It's true power will only show itself to those deemed worthy, A true member of our clan who's proven themselves strong enough to protect our family from the forces of evil." She explained it to them, "Woah.." Both Sandy and MK said.

"But I'm not allowed to touch it, Hey! Anyone want to see the game room?" She suggested for them to get distracted away from the Dragon blade. Mei looks upon the printed picture of her family, She looks down thinking she wouldn't be like her ancestors. She walks away from where her friends went. What she didn't notice was a Bull clone looking at her from the ceiling.

Onto where Mei showed her friends where was the gaming room, Since the boys didn't know where it was. They step into the room full of games to play, Full of different types of arcade games been shown. MK caught his eyes first was the pinball machine, "A PINBALL MACHINE?!" He exclaims how happy he was, "I've always wanted to try one of these!" he hugged the pinball machine. "Yeah, Now this place is home" placing her arms behind her back. "All right, You two boot up the old TV! I will go get some s-n-n-nacks!" Runs out the room, "Don't break anything while I'm gone!"

"Pffff, DoN't BrEaK aNyThiNg wHiLe I'm GoNe. Ahah, yeah right" He mimicked Mei's voice. Once he touch the handle to play, It quickly tore off on his hands. His eyes go widen that he actually break it, "nooooo....!"

"Party! Board games! Snacks! Bull clone!" Mei exclaim running down the hallways carrying stuff she needs, realizing what she said in the last part. Walking backing at the statue where the dragon blade placed, To find a Bull clone attempting to pull out a sword. Bull clones looks at her having an awkward stare. "Wait a minute, Your a Bull clone!" The Bull clone took his arm off and throwing at her face. In his quick pace, he took his arm back and run off with the sword. "HEY GET BACK HERE!"

Bull clone turning directions sprinting fast as they can, Crashing through gifts and artifacts on their way trying to lose the lizard girl. Mei successfully catches the items not cause any damage to them, Bull clone uses its head to break down the wall and drives away with a motorcycle. Mei whistle call upon her motorcycle and chases the intruder down.


"Here you go, Mrs. Olivius." Softie demon handed the box to her, "Thank you so much! Never knew Redson here is a gentle demon like you." Purple-haired adult women said, She then handed the money to sludge girl. "Your welcome, He's just a kid who wanted to impress his father."

(Y/N) teased the mad scientist dork rubbing his head. Red son averted his eyes away, Crossing his arms. "Awh, Now that's cute of a little demon like him, wanted his father to notice his son!" Redson groans under his breath.

Redson grabbed her arm, dragging her away from the lady. "Bye you two!" Lady waved goodbye to them. Glancing her eyes down to Redson seemed to be embarrassed. "You know it's cute to see you flusterd." She flirted smiling.

Redson feel his cheeks getting warm, Not used how she flirts aroubd him. He knew she just teasing him around to see him all shy. "Alright one more trade to go and then we go head to store to buy marshmallows, Your gonna love when the night comes and the city lights up." Redson response with a hummed, Letting her dragging him around feeling her touch wrapped around his hand.

Feeling his hands intertwined with hers, Of how cold her hand was. Using his power to make her hands warm, In this cloudy cold weather.
It's nice to hang out with his old childhood friend, Remembering the adventure of him and her when they were younger.

"Alright were here." Glancing up to see a barber shop, His flaming hair died out not to cause any fire alarm. Redson opens the door and let (Y/N) enter in first, And then followed by him. Sludge reaches to the counter ringing the bell, A women came in greeted them both. "Hello! How can I help you both?"

"I'm here to deliver this item." She said, "A delivery? I haven't order anything, So as my staffs." Said the girl with orange hair with confusion. "Ahh..I see, My apologies that I make you confuse to deliver here." Her blood rises to her cheek feeling embarrassed.

Redson dug into her sling bag, Checking out the trading list. "It says here 'meet me outside of the of the barber shop.' Check the list carefully next time." Then placing the trade list back to her bag. "A-again I'm so sorry for making you confuse ma'am.." The counter lady chuckles, "It's alright to make mistakes, We all do. I thought my memory isn't that good for me to remember what I have order. Also have a good day you two!" She waved goodbye to them as they left.

Redson patted her back with ease, A man with a brown darker cloak stand next to a lamp post. "Greetings Sir, Your the guy who deliver this item right?" She asked if checking sure of it. "Why yes, That would be me." He immediately comes closer to (Y/N). And that made the child in red go on feeling suspicious.

His eyes narrowed sharp at the strange man, She handed the box to him as the guy place his hands on top of hers. E-girl feels weirded out but decides to shrug it off, He started to have a conversation about 'How are you been doing?' And mix it with compliments of how she looks. Redson doesn't trust how the guy being weird to her, Of how he keeps on closer to her giving more compliments.

"Thank you?.. Anyways I have got to go, Bye." She floats away along with Redson next to her. He took one glimpse at the guy still staring at her creepy, His hair slowly ignites into fire of how he wanted wash that weird creepy stare off her. Redson doesn't trust people go on fully close to his best friend and striking up a flirt pick up line to (Y/N).


Back where MK destroyed the pinball machine, With Sandy helping him to fix it. "Uh, Maybe a little bit more of tape?" Sandy placing more sticky tape onto the pinball and instantly falls apart. "No, no.. I broke it, Part of being a hero is owning up to your mistakes." Sighed the porcupune hair. "Wish me luck."

Three of them including mo go went to search Mei and apologize, It made them a little lost considering how her house is huge. Turning around the corner and MK said, "so uh, Mei. You know that really cool pi–" To his shock that the hallway is a total wreck. "MEI?!" The vase falls down to the ground ended it break into pieces.

"MEI! What happen?!" Him the insecure caring friend. "MK! Someone tried to steal the dragon sword, I stopped them with this! The dragon sword!" Mei lifted her dragon blade up. "Whoa! The dragon sword! That's so awesome!" His eyes shines with stars. Big hearted guy make a cough telling him what happen about the machine.

"Mei, I'm really glad you stopped him but I have a confession to make. I accidentally.." Mei raise her brows. "Accidentally what?" Questioned him. "I accidentally....didn't know what was going on! Ahah! Wow that thing's amazing!" Welp there goes his honesty, Adios.

"Ehem." Them both flinch to see Mei's parents in the doorway. "Mom! Dad! Your back!" Her twirling her sword hiding behind her back. "We were on our way when we realized somebody forgot our luggage." Mei's father averted his eyes away from her lovely wife. "Uh Sandy, were you kind of expecting to mei's parents to be litterly two big scary dragons?"

Worker lad whispered to Sandy, "Um, No...?" He whisper back. "I-I can e-explain, Someone tried to steal the sword, I didn't let them.  a-and I used this!" Showing the dragon blade hasn't laid a scratch. "I'm sorry..."Mei kneels down and her hands raise up the sword. " We saw the whole thing." Her father spoke. "But, I couldn't just stand there and let them take it!"

"We know, And were so proud of you!" Both of the couple look at her with a proud smile. "What?" Mei feeling puzzled. "The dragon blade is the pride of our family heritage, It's power only shows Itself to those that embrace their history, Their family." Her father laughed, Mei's mother kneel down to her child. "We may not always see eye to eye, And um your friends are more unique than we expected."

Her eyes turns towards their direction, Sandy crouching down with mo. As MK playing with the cat, Wiggle his tail and pounces on MK's face falling back. "But you are a part of this family and it is part of you, We love you." Dragon mom said. "I love you too, Mom, Dad." Mei giving them both a warm loving hug. Soon then MK decides to join in as well, Her father looked at him with a questionable look.

"I'm sorry about the house though.." Glancing around the halls now ruined. "What's important is you are okay, Objects can be replaced." Still hugging her daughter. "Except my prized pinball machine, That is irreplaceable." Now that he mentions it, MK widen his eyes feeling scared that it is broken by him.  He left out the hugging session and will able to tell the truth.

"About your prize pinball machine Sir, I...accidentally break it. I'm deeply sorry.. I would do anything for it to fix the pinball machine again." His voice was softer how he would have these expectations what horrible things he would do. A lighting strike behind of her father looking at him, Letting out a frustrated sigh feeling his blood boil. "Tool box will be in the storage room, My daughter will take you there." Mei grabs MK by the collar and drags him away running.

"You there gentlemen, Would you please prepare us a cup of tea?" Sandy nodded placing his cat on his shoulder as the they head to the kitchen. For the father will cool his temper down.

Mei ask to her parents permission that Sandy, Mo and MK will be having a slumber party. They both agreed and telling their child the rules, Sandy pouring a cup of tea and handed to Mei's father. He took the cup and thanked him sipping his tea, Her mother complimented how Sandy's tea is delightful. Four of them enjoying drinking tea in the kitchen, while MK with his punishment will be fixing the pinball machine alone by himself. But he got a hang of it of the father gave him a instruction paper to guide him.

After tea time successfully to calm down the father by his broken pinball machine, Both of her parents pack their luggage and ready to leave. "They can visit here anytime, Unless they won't broke my prize possesson next time." Trailing his eyes at MK now feeling tired and messed up having confusion stress of fixing the machine. "I'm sure he won't, He learned his lesson."

"Well then, It's time for us to go. Take care of yourselves and goodbye!" Both of the married couple waving goodbye, "Bye mom, Bye dad! You too take care! Safe travels!" Watching her parents now in a far distance. Closing the front door, And locked sealed tight. "Now who's ready for a best slumber party ever?!" Exclaim the lighthearted green haired girl.


A minute of procrastinating and getting the two demons distracted, Redson keeping on check to (Y/N) always protective around her. Watching and chuckled to himself that she goes on excited looking at things she never seen, He loved the way how she acts a kid celebrating her first Christmas gift. It made him happy that she still has her inner child self deep down inside.

Mostly Redson explaining and touring her around in the city, Sure she knows how the human world works by watching the humans, but. There are more new things that she haven't learned or discover fully yet. "I like this dog, It looks soft to pet it." Looking through the window, Redson stands besides her now carrying the sling bag. "That's a Chow Chow." The dog looks at them wagging their tail.

"Chow chow? I thought dogs are name dog...breed?"Wondered the the cloak girl demon. "No- No, All dogs have different breeds and names. Cause of natural mutations and genes, Creating a new different kind of dog. Breed.." Struggling to explained. "Ah alright then." They then proceed to head to the convinience store.

Redson being a gentlemen open the door for her as they went in, (Y/N)'s eyes sparkle to see kinds of food her inner demon will devour. Redson keep her in control just only buy a bag of marshmallows, Follow everywhere she goes and decline what she has to buy. "Redson, Can I buy..this one?" She showed him a bag of hot spicy chips. "(Y/N) we only need to buy marshmallows, Not every food you have. Control your innerself, Who knows that human you possess is allergic of a food you eat."

Reminded her again, "Ah..right, Sorry I can't help myself. How about..we buy soft drinks? I have enough money to buy it." Her checking the wallet, "Sure, I'm feeling thirsty afterall." She smiled and float towards the fridge section, Picking a soft drink by the both of them. The slide door opens sideways making a 'dings' noise, Revealing the creepy man from trading earlier stepping inside.

(' Well this is getting strange how he manage to know where we are.') His hair sparks into fire for two seconds and then goes off. He then also realize (Y/N) left him in the food section. He quicken his pace searching for her, Not wanted to let the guy he didn't trust to get to her. He manage to found her looking for something, "Hey Red, Do we need sticks or just use our hands to burn marshmallows?" She asked him grabbing a bag of marshmallows.

"Sticks, We use sticks for safety." Not only he cares about (Y/N), but also the human it possesses. "It's nice of you to protect and caring the human." Giving him a soft warm smile, Redson can feel his blood rise to his cheeks and averted his eyes away. She chuckled holding his hands heading towards the counter, Redson was struggle to keep his flames down or else the fire alarm will happen.

Sludge E-girl floats down and waiting in the line with Flame boy, Some of the customers whispered eachothers ears of how the Demon Bull King's son is there with a girl. He ignored how people keep on talking about him, Leaning his head on (Y/N)'s arm for him to rest his head. Few people in the store 'Awww' The sight of Redson holding her hand, Making himself embarrassed.

The line starts move as (Y/N) grab a hold of red's arm struggled to walk. "Still don't know how to walk?" He whispered, "I did sprint once which i don't know how, but, I'm still struggle how to use this limbs." After a couple seconds of waiting, They reach to the desk counter. Redson places the bag of marshmallows and two soft drinks, The cashier dude scans the items and placing onto the bag.

When (Y/N) was about to hand him the money, A hand slap onto the counter startled the cloak girl. "Keep the change." The guy that trade with her glancing at her in a weird way, The cashier guy was confused and reaches his hand grabbing the money. She hasn't said a word and proceed for the cashier guy hand her the cellophane bag of marshmallows and soft drinks.

"Let me carry it for you Lady." The weird guy grabs the bag carrying it. Redson wasn't liking the weird man and holding (Y/N) close to him. She also feels the same way of Redson feels, "Okay.." The three went along outside the store.

"So Mrs. You come here often?" He asked her, who is feeling puzzled. "Just out here trading and hanging out with my best friend here." She replied floating, The guy doesn't seem to mind that she's a demon. "Are you from heaven?" The guy comes closer to her, "Uh..no? I'm not born in the clouds." Behind her was the demon fire son glaring at him.

"Cause your falling for me." He smirk winking at her, While she was trying to process what he meant. "I don't quite get that..?" Redson getting tired of how the guy keeps on flirting with her. Holding her hand tight not enough to hurt her, Walking away ignoring the guy catching up to them mostly staring at her.

"Hey are you available? do you wanna hang out in the bar with me? Do you live someone?" His hands extended towards (Y/N)'s back. Redson growls slapping his hands away. "Do you mind leaving us alone? Do you have SOMETHING TO DO ELSE? DO YOU MIND RESPECTING HER BOUNDERIES INSTEAD BEING SO WEIRD TO HER?" He stands in front of (Y/N). "Look Pal, I'm here asking her nicely to take her out. You can also hang with us too, If you want~.."

Redson feel his blood boil rising up, Letting a big sigh of frustration not wanted to cause a scene. "I'm sorry sir, I decline your offer. My plans are on Redson. I have no interest spending time on you." (Y/N) steps in now holding the bag, The guy look down to see the bag wasn't in his hands no more. "Look Pretty lady once again I'm asking you—"—————"ENOUGH!" His sudden outrage hair burst into bigger flames.


He goes towards him, Aggressively grabbing his collar closer inches to his face. "You don't deserve her of a lowlife trash peasent like YOU.." Letting go of his collar dropping him onto the cemented sidewalk, Going back to (Y/N) and using his power to teleport them both somewhere in the city.


He transported both of them above the rooftops, Redson goes on the edge and sat down. She floated to him and sat next to him, Placing down the bag thinking that isn't time for marshmallows. Just them sat on the edge on silence, Enjoying the cold breeze passing them. She doesn't know what to respond after that happen.

For now just keep her mouth shut, Letting him settle his temper down. She wasn't the best at making people feel better themselves, Such as cheering people up again. Watching cars driving by in the streets from above the roof, Glancing at the bag and then redson started to think to cancel their friend hang out. Maybe it was a bad time to plan this way, She never expected to happen.

But again, She's proud of him of how his able to protect her. Giving her the respects she needed, It really brings up the memories when they were little. Flair used to protect the small slime as always, Proving he deeply cared for her family and her. Showing kindness how he give them food for them to live. Showing politeness how he knows to understand her family, But yet again. What makes him happy again? How does he cheer her old friend up?

"Sorry about what happen earlier, I couldn't let those un trust mortals to just..you know." He worries what will happen if she did take the weird guy route, To him, Your still an innocent demon learning about the world. "It's alright, I forgive you. And it shows how you actually really cared about me to not trust with strangers." She answerd back to him. "It's because you have a soft spot on humans, And show them your kindness."

"Again like I said back in the other day, Their just like us trying to survive. Not wanted to die since their scared of how world can be cruel." Her swinging her legs. Gripping one of her sleeve feel anxious? "Are..you in a mood to have drink? I was asking you that I'm feeling that you dont want to or..I dont know not?" Flaire looks at her, "Pfffft, Sure of course." He thought of how (Y/N) been struggle and puzzled was cute.

Giving him a can of soda, Tooks it, Pops it open hearing the sizzle and took a sip. "Are you gonna drink too?" He asked her, "Nah, I want marchmellows." Her tearing the bag lid, Then Redson realized something. "Wait the sticks! Wait don't open yet, I'll be right back to get it." Soon as he teleports, (Y/N) stops him. "Relax, I got sticks right here." Pulling out sticks from her pocket.

"When you and the weird dude had an argument, I go went to nearby food stand to steal it. And got back where I was standing, No worries I turn invisible making the food stand guy confused seeing two sticks floating." She laughed. Redson sighed in relief sitting back down, Resting his arm on his knee. (Y/N) stabbing two marchmellows on a stick, Looked at Redson now ready.

His red hair turns into a blazing fire, (Y/N) raises her sticks closer to his fire. "Be careful not to burn of your hands." She replied with a hummed. Watching the marchmellow now getting slowly burned. "What does it feel like when a food getting cooked by your hair?" Twirl and roll the stick around, "I feel...Nothing?" Not feeling anything something above his flaming head.

Once the marchmallow is done, She started chewing the soft puffed taste. "Taste good?" Wanting to know what it taste like by his fire. "Taste good." Her munching on the suger melted marchmellow. Redson smiled continues to drink his soft drink, Glancing up the stars. "I like it here." He said liking the view and spending time with her peacefully. "Mhm, I used to come in this spot sometimes." Grabbing another marchmellows stabbing it with a stick.

"What do you do here..?" Him scoot inches closer to her, "Well..you know me. Watching the humans for me to learn. And mostly practicing to walk when nobody is around, I know I could practice in our room but. I like big spaces, and here." Her floating above heating up the marchmellows.

His hair flames goes off, Just in time her marshmallows done burning. She raised her brows feeling puzzled and eats both of the marchmellows. He walks a meter away glances her direction. "Float down." She does what he says, Floating down the cemented rooftops.
"Now try to walk towards me." Him placing his both hand in his back.

Looking down for to step on at a time, Her knees beginning to shaken how she try to take another step. Taking two steps forward as she stumbles back down, Landing on her butt. "How many times you practise here?" He asked. "About maybe two or three times, not often I showed up here." She stood up and tried again, And falling back down.

He chuckled the sight of how (Y/N) stumble back, "Look, It's hard for me to control these okay?" She stood attempting to walk to him. "I don't know, But it is cute to see you like that." He give her a soft smile. "Well your are more adorable to see you smile, It lits my heart on fire." She flirt and added in with a fire pun. His face went flushed and earning a crack of smile, Covering half of his face with his arms.

Whenever he tries to make her flusterd, His the only one in the end getting flusterd. Just like he shot a love bullet towards her, As she pull out a uno reverse card on him. His hair sparks into fire, "Now thats adorable to see your soft side." She chuckled teasing him around. "Y-yeah you see it, A-alright?" He stutterd been defeated by his best friend good at making him shy.

She stands up again, And slowly approaching to him. Taking one each step for her to stand, She then about to fall to the ground as Redson catches her back sweater. "Almost got the hang of it." Helping her to stand up. "Yep almost, Wanna go back and eat?" He nodded in response, Letting  her hug his arm for her to walk. Sat back down in the edge and continue on eating and drinking.

She then wondered what time it is, Checking at her phone to see 11:37 pm. She asked Redson if they wanted to go home or not. Redson shakes his head no, still wanna stay here longer. They both started having a conversion about their childhood, Remembering the time how they met. Enjoyable memories making the two laugh together, Remembering the time where they steal food together for them to just eat snacks. And it was a happy memory for them to enjoy.

"Hey (Y/N), Remember that one time. That..uhh.. Something goes like a tree we always play, And something that makes me have a tear on my eyes. And it was so beautiful to listen." Him trying right remember something, That makes him really happy. But his getting older and trouble to remember things. "Hmmm, Is it that one time you build a swing that we always used to hang out. And was it that I sing a Song?" Her sipping her drink.

"Yes! That's the one I was trying to say, I was hoping..if you wanna sing it again..?" Eating his marchmellow wanted to hear it agian. "Redson, I'm not sure if I can sing it. Heck that was a long time ago, Probably I'll be having a voice crack or something." Nervously sipping her soft drink, Avoiding his eyes staring at her waiting for her to start. Placing down the empty can and decided to sing it anyways. "Take your time to breath In and out." Redson patted her back.

I know we'll never grow old together.
'Cause you'll never grow old to me,
You're the red in my cheeks
And I'm scared 'cause that means
I'm a little bit soft.

So don't beat yourself up, Redson
It wasn't just the sun that I was hiding from.
We were messed up kids who taught ourselves how to live
  so scared that I'm not good enough.


Red son smiled glancing at her singing, scoot himself closer to her and resting his head on her shoulder. His hair turns into fire slowly turning big, Making her warm in this cold night.

I've always felt like a demon,
Long before I was born.
But only seen as a demon,
Let's just say I'm used to it.
And I grew tough 'cause love, it only hurt me back
But loving you's a good problem to have
And I'm used to that, but I could get used to this.
Oh I'm used to that, but I could get used to this.

I know we'll never grow old together.
'Cause you'll never grow old to me,
You're the red in my cheeks
And I love that it means
I'm a little bit soft.
You're the red in my cheeks,
And I love that it means
I'm a little bit soft.

Once she finished her song, when she used to sing when she was a sludge. Looking down at her shoulder to see Redson closing his eyes, As his flaming hair swaying behind her. Having a gentle smile on her face looking at the sleeping son of fire demon. Glancing up to see billions of stars above the sky, "Sleepy heegan.." She chuckled.

"You got that wrong, (Y/N)."She flinch to see flair opened his eyes sitting up. "It's been so long you called me that nickname.." Having a drop of tear falling down to his face. He eyes trail onto her hers. "I'm so glad that met you." He was touch by old memories he always love, Breathing in and out letting more tears down to his cheeks. He actually feel so happy right now and loved that (Y/N) always stay by his side.

"Heegan I'm so sorry that I make you cry- Please don't cry! Here let me wipe your tears." Using her fingers to wipe his tears away. "I'm alright, This is tears of joy. It's normal for me to cry like this, Of how much you make me so happy tonight." Redson smiled still having some tears in his eyes. "Really? Well that makes me happy too, I'm glad that your enjoying this, Heegan."

Redson place her hands down away from his cheeks, His fire went down back into his red hair. Pulling her arms closer side of his body, For him to finally do what he wanted to do in years.

Giving (Y/N) a kiss on the cheek.

He pulls back away still holding her arms, Then to her hands. They both face eachother for a couple of five seconds of silence, And then letting go of his feels. Redson let out a Huge fire burst out of his hair. "Heegan! That's a big one- hoo boy.." Looking  the huge fire in his hair, Causing her to sweat in it's human body. If anybody walking by this, They would thought the building was on fire.

"Alright, it's time for us to go. My parents must be worried about us long gone." He said standing up, offering his hands helping (Y/N) getting up. While his hair is still on fire, flaming huge. His hands interwine with hers, Using his power to teleport them both back his parents.

⛔Sorry for my grammar mistakes and my spelling, I know my grammer are not good and lack of  learning to write⛔

So was the Redson x reader chapter been going? Redson's hair is like the same with his moods. No worries reader settle him down when they got home.

The reader thought the kiss was like a friend loving thing? Example of how your mother kiss your on cheek, Showing your mother or your fathers loves you as their child.

Dang this chapter is done, Now I'm thinking making a book of possesive camp camp x male reader. No worries it's a yandere platonic love, their kids please, Not ready a romantic relationship in such a young age.
Just platonic possesive love.

Man my skills been improving, And it looks really nice :))

Heres some Baby pictures of Redson and the reader

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