Bruises ( Ariel Celeste Black)

By VBlack169

208K 4.2K 933

The world often forgets that Sirius Black had a daughter. A daughter not quite many knew about, and a daughte... More

Volume I
Chapter 1.0
Chapter 2.0
Chapter 3.0
Chapter 4.0
Volume 2
Chapter 1.1
Chapter 3.1
Chapter 4.1
Chapter 5.1
Volume 3
~New Cast ~
Chapter 1.2
Chapter 2.2
Chapter 3.2
Chapter 4.2
Chapter 5.2
Chapter 6.2
Chapter 7.2
Chapter 8.2
Chapter 9.2
Chapter 10.2
Chapter 11.2
Volume 4
Chapter 1.3
Chapter 2.3
Chapter 3.3
Chapter 4.3
Chapter 5.3
Chapter 6.3
Chapter 7.3
Chapter 8.3
Chapter 9.3
Chapter 10.3
Chapter 11.3
Chapter 12.3
Chapter 13.3

Chapter 2.1

6.6K 149 16
By VBlack169

" Dad , Harry took my book! " Exclaimed a seven year old Rosaline.

" Harry ,don't trouble your sister like that " James scolded his son lightly , making Harry pout and his sister stick his tongue out at him.

Lily just smiled lightly watching her family when there was a knock at the door of Potter cottage.

" I'll get it , love " James told Lily as he headed for the door .

" Padfoot, Moony , come in! " James said ushering his friends inside.

" Uncle Padfoot! " Harry exclaimed running towards his godfather.

" Moony! " Rose drawled the 'y' , smiling, as Remus picked her up .

" Why weren't you two here for dinner last night? " Lily asked accusingly to which both of the men gave sheepish smiles .

" Had a rough night at the work " Sirius said as he took a seat on the couch, handing both Rose and Harry a pack of toffees while Lily protested, saying that he was spoiling her kids. Sirius rolled his eyes at her.

" What about you ?" James asked Remus.

"Dad decided to drop in " Remus replied, shrugging.

The group took seats on the sofas near the fireplace, chatting and drinking tea.

Suddenly, the fireplace went green as Minerva McGonagall popped out off it.

James, who was sitting nearest to the fireplace, rolled out of his seat in shock and right at McGonagall's feet.

" Hello James! " McGonagall exclaimed loudly, grinning at James who smiled up at her cheekily. She seemed very excited which was very uncommon for the usually calm old Lady.

" Hello Minnie! " Rose, Harry and Sirius exclaimed at the same time as Remus rolled his eyes at their antics.

" Minerva, to what do I owe the pleasure ?" Lily asked as McGonagall sat at James' empty seat.

" Can't a teacher visit her old students? " Minerva asked , though before Anyone else can reply , she began -

" But today , I have a rather important matter to discuss " She said, suddenly going very serious as she signaled Lily to usher the kids out of the room. Lily, quickly nodded and ordered Harry and Rosaline to go to their rooms. Rosaline protested, but Harry grabbed his sister's hand and calmly tucked her out of the living room.

" So, Minerva? " Sirius asked uncomfortably for Minerva had been looking at him skeptically the whole time Lily ushered the kids into the room and took a seat. Minerva, breathed deeply and spoke.

" I am here with what I believe to be a rather happy, yet shocking news" Minerva began.

" I hope that you know how Hogwarts students are chosen? " Minerva asked around, making the others feel as if they were sitting in her class at Hogwarts.

" Yes  , we do . The enchanted quill and textbook that were developed by the founders of Hogwarts themselves , note down the name of a young witch or wizard the moment they show signs of magic . When the students are eligible to attend Hogwarts , letters are finally sent to them   " Lily answered in one breath , as if she was back at school, being the know-it-all . The others in the room stared at her. This had been one of the answers in their history of magic books , they all were shocked to see that she remembered the exact answer after so many years.

" Precisely. Ten points - Oh I'm sorry " McGonagall said , shaking her head .

" So, what about it , Minerva ? " Remus asked.

" Today morning, I was just signing the letters to send to the students who are to start at Hogwarts the following session . And I found a student's name in the list , a child we all believed to be dead  " Minerva said, slowly.

Realization dawned on Remus, James and Lily's faces while Sirius still sat there in confusion.

" So? " Sirius asked. Minerva smiled and replied - " Can't you guess what name it was? "

" No " is all she got in reply. She sighed heavily and looking Sirius dead straight in the eyes , she answered -

" The name was Ariel Celeste Black "


Edited on 25/01/22

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